The Journey That Changed A World.

78. A Fortunate Meeting.

As the man arrived he Spartan kicked Archer in the chest, sending him flying backward and crashing into a group of trees.

His limp body dropped to the ground, blood already pooling under him. He managed to lift his head in the direction of the slayers and saw them approaching.

One of the slayers cast another Blast at him again, he couldn't defend himself as it hit him.

The leader looked down with a smile as he raised his axe.

Archer watched with a manic smile as the man raised his axe and began to bring it down toward him.

He fixed his eyes on the axe, following its every movement until it was struck by a spell, knocking the axe to one side as it was an inch away.

As Archer's eyes scanned the chaotic scene, he saw a strikingly beautiful girl with light blue hair and light brown skin.

She was dressed in colorful robes, and her presence commanded attention and respect.

He couldn't help but be mesmerized by her stunning appearance and the bravery she displayed in saving him from harm.

Without hesitation, the girl stepped forward and fearlessly confronted the dragon slayers.

Her unwavering confidence and determination left Archer in awe.

"Why are you breaking my father's laws?" she demanded, her voice ringing out across the lake.

The slayers hesitated, taken aback by the girl's boldness.

But before they could reply, more dragon slayers slid down the sand, their weapons at the ready.

The girl stood her ground, her eyes flashing with determination.

"You will not harm this boy," she declared.

[Teuila's P.O.V]

10 minutes before Archer landed by the lake.

A carriage was racing down the dirt road heading towards Sunhaven City, three people were inside talking.

''So are you two looking forward to joining the academy?''

Triton nodded his head excitedly while Teuila sighed when they heard their aunt's question.

Her aunt looked at her and asked.

''What's wrong little Teuila?''

She looked at the woman who's always accompanying them, she may look dainty but she's the second most powerful mage after the Queen.

Teuila looked up at her before answering.

''I don't want to go to the academy, I want to go on adventures and level up like Mother did.''

The woman smiled when the girl spoke of her mother who has been very busy as of late.

''Well your father seems to be scheming up something, so when we return to the palace you should talk to him.''

She nodded at her with a smile.

''Thank you, Auntie Malia, I'll speak to him when we return.''

Three hundred royal Aquarian guards accompanied the three of them, they are the best-trained soldiers in the kingdom, sworn to guard the royal family.

As the carriage and horses neared a well-known lake, they suddenly heard a series of loud explosions.

The sound filled the air, causing the horses to rear up in fear and the passengers to grip the sides of the carriage tightly.

The royal guard commander, Tavita, approached the carriage and spoke to the three people.

"My prince and princess, stay inside. It sounds like a small battle is happening to the left of the road."

He then walked off and shouted at the soldiers who were on horses.

"Surround the royal carriage, make sure to protect the prince and princesses!"

Three hundred heavily armed men on large war horses surrounded the carriage and stood like immovable objects.

However, Teuila didn't listen and jumped out of the carriage, ignoring her aunt's screams.

She ran up to Tavita and asked him what was going on.

"Tavita, what's going on?" He looked down at the little princess before speaking.

"Princess, you shouldn't be out here. The battle is getting closer."


That's when she spotted a flying white object heading for the lake from the left side of the road. They saw Eight leather-clad warriors running after the object.

"A Dragon-kin boy! They are Dragon Slayers!"

Teuila gazed at the towering man with tanned skin, a bushy brown beard, and hair tied up in a topknot.

Narrowing her eyes at the man as she asked.

''How do you know it's a dragon-kin boy?, Father forbade the hunting of them in the kingdom.''

Tavita answered without looking at the stubborn girl.

''Years of training princess.''

Stepping back a dozen paces, she sprinted toward the soldiers before her with effortless grace.

Leaping over them, her movements were fluid and precise.

With a thud, she landed on the other side and sprinted towards the white object, leaping up a sand dune.

At the top, she saw a white-haired boy covered in blood, with an armored man holding an axe over him.

Quick as lightning, she fired a Jet Blast at the axe, knocking it off target.

She approached the boy and stood in front of him, causing the slayer to back off.

"Why are you breaking my father's laws?" she demanded, her voice ringing out across the lake.

"You will not harm this boy," Teuila declared, her voice unwavering, standing firm in front of the man who was staring at her.

She looked back and saw the boy's beautiful violet eyes before he passed out, noticing all the injuries on his body.

Narrowing her eyes as she saw his body slowly healing itself, she turned back to the slayer and stated.

"You will leave our lands and never return, or suffer the consequences of your actions."

The dragon slayers looked at the girl and started laughing as they moved toward her, but all she did was smile as one of them raised a bow in her direction.

That's when they all heard a loud voice. "Defend the princess!"

Teuila smiled as she started casting Deep Sea Blast at the leader, who was caught off guard, the spell pierced a hole right through his chest.

His body crumbled to the ground as she looked at another, but before she could do anything, a Water Blast struck another slayer, leaving only six left.

Looking around she spotted her brother on the hill smiling down at her.

The Aquarian soldiers rushed over the dune on their warhorses, slamming right into the remaining dragon slayers, finishing them off.

She walked over to the boy's body as Tavita approached her with a curious look on his face.

His clothes were shredded and torn in multiple places.

But all the cuts and broken bones were mending themselves. She heard the bones snap and saw the cuts close up.

Standing back up seeing her brother and aunt walking over while being guarded by the royal guard.

Malia marched up to Teuila and was about to lecture her, but she saw the boy's condition and rushed over to him.

Crouching down, she placed her hands on his back to cast a healing spell on him.

"Heal," she said.

A white light washed over the boy's body. The rest of the wounds healed themselves quickly.

Once he was healed, Malia cast Cleanse on him.

Teuila flipped him over once her aunt finished healing and cleaning the boy.

When she did, she was shocked.

"So handsome," she thought to herself.

He had two white horns on each side of his head, beautiful white scales running all over his body.

She stood up while speaking to herself.

''Where have I seen this before?''

Turning to her brother Triton, she asked.

''Dragon-kin don't have wings, do they?''

Her brother shook his head.

''They only have two horns?''

Triton nodded in response to the widening of her eyes as she thought to herself.

'Is he the white dragon I saw?'

Shaking her head, she signaled for the guards to carry the injured boy back to the carriage.

The three of them walked back together, and Triton voiced his confusion.

"Why are we bringing him along? He looks like a vagrant."

Malia stopped walking and turned to face Triton.

"He's just a young boy who's been chased by Dragon Slayers. As you saw, he's badly injured. We have to take him with us."

She looked back at the boy before resuming her walk, while Teuila simply stared at him with a perplexed expression.

The three entered the carriage as Tavita placed the boy down on a sofa.

The two women sat across from each other in the carriage, watching as the injured boy slept soundly on their sofa.

His body was twisted in a funny position, with one leg dangling off the edge and his arms flung out to the sides.

But what caught their attention the most were the four white horns that protruded from the sides of his head, glittering in the moonlight that shone through the window.

"He looks like a little devil," Teuila whispered to her aunt, trying to stifle a giggle.

Malia chuckled softly.

"He's just a boy, dear. And a very brave one at that."

She nodded, still eyeing the boy with fascination.

"Do you think he's really a dragon?"

Her aunt shrugged.

"Who knows? But one thing's for sure, he's not like anyone we've ever met before."

They both fell silent, content to watch the boy sleep peacefully.

The gentle swaying of the carriage and the soft rustling of the wind outside provided soothing background noise.

It wasn't long before her eyes grew heavy as she too drifted off to sleep, dreaming of dragons and adventures yet to come.

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