The Journey That Changed A World.

79. On The Road.

Archer began to wake up, slowly opening his eyes while taking in the colorful ceiling above him, which he had never seen before.

Turning his head towards the window, he saw that it was still nighttime.

Blinking, he looked to his left and spotted two women and a boy who appeared slightly older than him.

The two women were sleeping, while the boy was reading.

Sitting up, Archer felt his body ache. Startled by the movement, the boy turned to him and asked, "You're awake?"

Archer looked at him and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine now, but my body still aches."

The boy narrowed his eyes and questioned him further.

"Who are you? You're clearly not from the Southlands. Maybe you're from one of the empires up north?"

Shaking his head, Archer replied, "Well, I come from the Land of Plenty, or at least that's what a trader called it."

"Why are you in the Southlands?"

He recounted his story until they found him, and the boy's eyes began to sparkle with interest.

Seeing the older boy's expression, Archer sighed and said.

"Ask me anything you want."

The boy started to think and quickly asked, ''What is the land of plenty like?''

Archer delved deep into his memories and began to recall details.

''The Land of Plenty is a vast expanse of land, brimming with lush fields, verdant grasslands, and large forests. There is one large empire called the Avalon Empire and loads of other kingdoms, each with its unique culture, and traditions. The Land of Plenty is very beautiful in my opinion''

Noticing that the boy was intently listening, Archer turned to him and introduced himself.

"I'm Archer. And you?" he asked.

The boy smiled at him before answering.

"I'm Triton, the third prince of the Aquarian Kingdom."

Archer nodded as he studied Triton, noting his dark blue hair and green eyes, which were different from his sister's light blue hair and ocean-blue eyes.

Archer examined the two women, one of whom appeared to be in her thirties with golden blonde hair, and the other was the young girl who had saved him.

'They must be related,' he thought to himself.

As he gazed at the girl, he became instantly mesmerized by her beauty.

He watched her as she slept, captivated by her peaceful and serene expression.

Her light brown skin glowed in the soft moonlight, her hair was tied back in a light blue ponytail, and her cute button nose. He was amazed by her tranquil appearance.

Archer also noticed the blue leather armor and weapons nearby and realized that the girl was a warrior.

Triton caught him watching his sister as she slept and scowled.

"Stop looking at her like that!" he barked.

Archer tore his gaze away from the sleeping girl and started staring out of the window.

As he gazed out, he watched the desert gradually transform into grassland with scattered trees and marveled at the beauty of nature's changing landscape, feeling a sense of wonder and excitement.

The carriage traveled further, Archer noticed a large wooden bridge in the distance spanning across a wide river.

His curiosity was piqued, and he leaned forward to get a better view, his eyes widening in amazement.

Triton spoke up from behind him.

"Why are you acting like a country bumpkin?"

Turning his head to the older boy with a deadpan look on his face, Archer asked.

"Why can't I enjoy the scenery while we travel to wherever you're taking me?"

Triton rolled his eyes and replied, "Our destination is the port city of Sunhaven. We should arrive there tonight."

"Okay,'' Archer said as he pulled out some chocolate pastries to eat.

This caught Triton's attention, "What are you eating?" he asked.

"Food," He replied, before going back to eating.

After a while, he noticed Triton still looking at him.

Pulling out another pastry, Archer offered it to Triton, who looked at it before grabbing it with a nod.

As soon as he took a bite, strange noises began to emanate from his mouth, much to Archer's annoyance.

Taking out another pastry, Archer threw it at Triton's head.

"Stop making weird noises, Mr. Prince," he stated while laughing.

The pastry slid down Triton's face, causing him to freeze before turning his head towards Archer with a shocked look.

Silence took over the carriage, interrupted only by the snores of the two women.

Archer's laughter then broke the silence, but it woke up the other two who sat up, rubbing their eyes.

"Triton, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. And you, boy, what's your name?" asked the woman.

The sound of Archer's laughter ceased abruptly, and he turned his attention to the woman who spoke first. In response to her inquiry, he introduced himself simply, "I'm Archer."

She smiled and introduced herself and the girl.

"I'm Malia, and this beautiful girl is Teuila, the fifth princess of Aquaria."

The woman looked at Archer, taking in his appearance.

Malia noticed that he looked a bit disheveled and tired.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Archer nodded, but she could tell that he was still a bit tired from whatever had happened to him.

"Don't worry, we'll take you to Sunhaven. It's a safe place where you can rest and recover."

She said reassuringly, examining him more closely for any injuries or signs of distress.

Satisfied that he was okay, she smiled at him warmly.

Her concern for him made him feel strange.

Larka never smiled or showed him affection, so when this random woman was fussing over him, it threw him off.

Teuila's sweet-sounding voice was filled with curiosity as she asked, "Why are you so pale?"

As Archer heard her, he turned his head and saw a pair of ocean-blue eyes staring back at him.

He replied with a hint of amusement in his voice, "I don't know, I was born like this."

The two of them looked at each other before she huffed and looked away, which he found cute. He turned his gaze toward the older woman and asked, "Why are you heading to Sunhaven?"

Malia smiled before replying, "I'm meeting the King's brother who has just arrived from his journey to Avidia."

Archer's curiosity was piqued, and he asked, "Where's Avidia?"

Malia's eyes sparkled as she answered.

"It's south of Verdantia. The land is a diverse and vast expanse, with stretches of barren desert that seem to go on forever.

Grassland deserts are dotted with hardy shrubs and cacti, and the occasional oasis provides a respite from the harsh conditions. Rivers cut through the landscape, providing water to the scattered settlements that cling to their banks.

The mountains rise up in jagged peaks, their snow-capped summits a stark contrast to the arid plains below. Forests and woodlands provide a welcome relief from the relentless sun, with their cool shade and lush foliage teeming with life.

But despite the beauty and abundance of the land, it is a place of constant conflict. The many kingdoms that call it home are at war with each other, each vying for control of the territory and its resources.''

She finished her long explanation as Archer found the information useful and filed it away for later use.

''Thank you, I must be honest and admit I don't know much about the world outside of Pluoria.''

Smiling as she got up and excused herself, she walked towards the front of the carriage and entered a hidden door.

The carriage went quiet as Triton went back to reading and Teuila was just staring at him with a strange look on her face.

Archer fell back to sleep as he was really comfortable. His mind was consumed by a vivid and terrifying dream.

He found himself wandering through a vast and barren desert, the scorching sun beating down on his skin and the sand burning his feet with each step.

Calling out for someone, but there was no response.

Panic gripped him as he realized he was stranded in a desolate landscape with no food, water, or shelter.

He stumbled forward, his vision blurred by the heat haze, desperately searching for any sign of his beloved companion.

As he trudged on, his body weakening with each passing moment, he caught a glimpse of something in the distance.

It was a figure swaying in the heat waves, and he knew in his heart that it was Ella.

He broke into a run, his heart pounding with fear and hope, but the figure seemed to recede further and further away from him.

He called out her name, but his voice was weak and hoarse, and he knew he was losing her.

Just as he thought all hope was lost, he crossed a dune and suddenly woke up. He looked around, rubbing his eyes in confusion.

There was no one in the carriage, and it wasn't moving. Archer stood up and shook his head to clear his thoughts, stepping out into the bright sun.

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