The Knight of Fairy Tail

Alice Vs. Laxus

All the girls return to normal.

Juvia:"Oh my, what happened to us?"

Levy:"I can't remember."

Alice grows slightly depressed.

Alice:"Why can't anything ever be normal with this guild."

Natsu, Makarov, Gajeel and Happy run up to the stage.


Natsu:"They're all back to normal!


Happy flies into Lucy's chest and cries.

Lucy:"Uh, Happy."

Makarov Looks  back to the announcement rune board.

Makarov:"'Erza versus Evergreen. The winner is Erza.' Well, Laxus! You're all out of hostages, boy. Can't continue with your game now, can you?"

Alice growls.

Alice:"I should have known."

Makarov then explains some things to the group. Everyone changes back into their regular clothes; Alice is in her armor.

Lucy:"He called it the Battle of Fairy Tail?"

Cana:"Laxus outdid himself this time."

Makarov:"At any rate, it's over now. I played along with his foolish game because your were in danger, but I won't indulge him anymore."

Mira:"Master, we can't let him get away with hurting out friends."

Bisca:"Yeah, she's right. If we don't teach Laxus a lesson, then he'll never learn."

Alice:"I'll make him learn." *Alice cracks her knuckles.*

Makarov:"Oh, don't worry. I'm gonna give that boy a punishment he'll never forget. He should know better. You can mess with me, but you can't mess with my guild!"

Natsu puts a hand up.

Natsu:"Hey now, hold on a sec. I dunno about taking hostages, but I don't see any harm in finding out who's the strongest. I think we should keep the battle going.

Alice facepalms and everyone else groans.

Natsu:"In the end, I bet her was just trying to have a little fun for the festival. Give him a break."

Alice:*Sweat drops.* 'Is he a fool or just stupid. Wait... I think he's both.'

Natsu puts his fist in his palm and laughs.

Natsu:"HA HA! So, in other words, what are we waiting for? We got enough people here! Let's start brawling! C'mon! Round 2, right now!"


Makarov:*Angry.* "Don't even think about it, you nincompoop!"

Natsu punches the air in front of Lucy.

Natsu:"Aw, c'mon! I gotta do somethin' with all this pent-up energy I've got!"

Lucy:"Give it a rest. You're always looking for new excuses to pick a fight."

Cana:"If you need to blow off steam that bad, I'm always ready to rumble."

Bisca:"Don't encourage him, girl."

Natsu goes up to Alice.

natsu:"Fight me, Alice! You're the strongest one here right now and I wanna see if I can finally beat you."

Alice just stares at Natsu.


Happy:"Ya know, I don't think it's nice to beat up on girls, especially when they're your friends."

Alice:"Try to be like Happy, Natsu."

Natsu:"A girl, a guy, friend, enemy. Who cares?"

Happy:"Hey! Keep this up and I'm gonna fight you!"

Natsu then run tos Lucy and she runs away with Natsu chasing her.

Natsu:"C'mon, Lucy, let's see what you're made of!"

Lucy:"Nuh-uh, no way!"

The girls, minues Lucy and Alice and Juvia, laugh.

Juvia is over by Gajeel.

Juvia:"Why such a serious expression?"

Gajeel:"It's nothin'."

Juvia:"This guild is rather fun, isn't it?"

Gajeel:"It ain't boring, at least."

Suddenly the runes at the entry door to the guild turn red and start to float forward.

Mira:"What's going on?"

Natsu:"That's weird."

Alice:"I don't like this."

Cana:"Don't tell me he's up to something else."

Bisca"You're gonna have to fight us this time."

The runes form into a giant skull.

Laxus:"Can you hear me, old man? The rest of you better listen up too."

Natsu:"What do you want?"

Laxus:"Looks like one of the rules has gone out the window. That's fine, I'll just add a new one. In other words, since I would hate to end the battle of Fairy Tail early, I've decided to activate the thunder palace."

Alice gasps in shock.

Makarov:"Are you out of your mind, Laxus?"

Laxus:"You have one hour and 10 minutes. If you think you can win, you'd better get moving, unless you're ready to hand the guild over to me now, Master."

Laxus laughs the the runes start to disappear. Makarov is pissed.

Makarov:"This game has gone on for long enough, boy! I won't let you drag innocent people into this!"

Makarov then hunches over and grips his clothes above his heart.

Cana:"Master, no!"

natsu:"Is he hurt?"

Lucy:"What's going on?"


Makarov falls to the floor.

Mira:"Oh, no! I'll go get his medicine!"

Mira runs off and Bisca and Alice crouch down to Makarov.

Bisca:"Master, can you hear us?"

Levy walks over.

Levy:"Hang in there, Master. It'll be okay!"

Natsu:"What's he mean by 'Thunder Palace'?

Makarov groans and Shadows cover Alice's eyes. Mira runs down the stairs with Makarov's medicine in her hands.

Natsu:"Come on, Gramps."

Mira:*Points outside.* "Hey, look outside, you guys!"

Everyone, except Mira,  goes out to a landing and they look up to the sky and see the Thunder Palace.

Everyone, except Mira,  goes out to a landing and they look up to the sky and see the Thunder Palace

Natsu:"What in the heck are those?"

Levy:"They look like lighting lacrimae to me."

Cana:"That means Laxus did this."

Alice:"This is bad."

Lucy:"They're floating all over the town."

Cana:"They may not look that dangerous, but they're overflowing with lighting magic. This could get ugly. Let's just hope he doesn't set them off."

Juvia:"Could this be the 'Thunder Palace' he was referring to?"

Alice:"Yes, and it's surrounding Magnolia."

Lucy points to the Thunder Palace.

Lucy:"If those things are full of lightning, what'll happen if he activates them?"

Cana:"Everything within it will be burned to a crisp."

Bisca:"I won't let that happen! Requip Sniper Rifle!"

Bisca requips and a sniper rifle appears in her hands. She then aims at one of the lighting lacrimae.

Bisca:"Target locked on! Stiner shot!"

Bisca shoots one of the lacrimae and it explodes.

Lucy:"Nice shot!"


Cana:"Lucky we got a sniper."

Alice:"It can't be that easy."

Bisca:"Now all I gotta do is take out the rest."

Suddenly lighting comes down and starts to shock Bisca - she screams in pain.



Happy:"What happened?"


After a few seconds Bisca stops being shocked and she falls to the floor.

Natsu:"Why did she get zapped by that thing?"

Levt crouches down to Bisca and holds her up.

Levy:"C'mon, Bisca! Wake up!"

Lucy:"I don't get it. How'd that happen?"

Cana:"It must be body link magic."

Lucy:"Huh? What's that?"

Cana:"It's a type of spell that's been cast on the lacrima. If you destroy one of them, then the magic energy used in your attack will be reflected back at you. In other words, if we try to get rid of them, we'll be risking our lives in the process."

Levy looks to them.

Levy:"What should we do? Those things could wipe out the whole town!"

Alice:"We gotta take down Laxus, fast."

Lucy:"Okay, in the meantime, I'll help the citizens evacuate."

Lucy runs off and Happy flies after her.

Happy:"I'm comin' with you!"

Cana:"Bixlow and Fried are still out there. Be careful, you two!"

Cana looks to Natsu and Alice then she runs off. Juvia follows after her.

Alice:*Grit her teeth.* 'I want to go out there, but if I get caught in one of Fried's traps it could be bad. Erza's probably nearing exhaustion if she fought Evergreen. One of us needs to be in top shape to fight Laxus.'

Alice glares up at the Thunder Palace.

Natsu:"This is all fun and games at first, but now you've crossed the line!"

Natsu runs and jumps over the railing.


Natsu hits the barrier. Then he starts to push on it.

Natsu:"You coward!"*He growls.* "If you wanna be master so bad, then why don't ya come here and fight gramps for it yourself?"

Natsu slams his head on the barrier.

Natsu:"When I get outta here, you're gonna pay for this!"

Natsu slams his head on the barrier and pushes harder. Levy stands up.

Levy:"Stop! Just calm down."

Alice:"You're giving me a headache from just watching you." 

Natsu punches at the barrier.

Natsu:"I can't calm down!"

Levy:"We're not gonna get outta here that way."

Natsu kicks at the barrier and Alice sighs.

Natsu:"This sucks! Stupid invisible walls are everywhere!"

Levy:"It's an enchantment."

Gajeel:"Yeah, thanks, we already knew that."

Levy:"Well, since it's a kind of script magic, I think I might be able to break the spell."

Gajeel:"Oh, yeah?"

Alice:"Right, it is a type of script magic."

Natsu looks back to Levy.

Natsu:"Can you do that? Really?"

Levy smiles.

Levy:"Of course. And when I do, you guys will be free to go track down Laxus."

Everyone heads down stairs and Levy starts to decipher the runes. 

Alice is sitting at the bar with her hands cross and chin on top of them. Alice has her eyes closed and she's thinking.

Alice:'Laxus is stronger than me, no doubting that. But I do have that armor which could give me a slight advantage but it won't be enough.'

Alice's eyes snap open.

Alice:'Wait a minute.'


Alice is holding a few lacrima.

Alice:"World call: Transfer magical energy, right and left to self."

The magical energy from the lacrimas seep into Alice. Alice grunts as blue markings appear around her body. Two blue arrow shape markings, pointing down, appear below her eyes.

Natsu roars and Alice yells and they start to consume more magical energy.

Both Alice and Natsu slam their fists into the ground and the force travels through the ground and towards Jellal. He jumps away from the attack.

Natsu pukes up some magical spit and he grabs his throat in pain. Alice grits her teeth and grunts and shakes in pain. The blood that's dripping from her wounds now is slightly blue.


Alice looks to her hands.

Alice:'I could try and absorbing his lighting.'

Alice then clenches her hands.

Alice:'But there's not guarantee it'll work. I'm surprised it worked back then.'

Alice rubs her right hand.

Alice:'And if it were to work, it'll be extremely painful.'

Alice then angrly slams her right fist into the bar top.

Alice:'But I'll take anything I can get. Even if it means getting a little dirty doing it.'

Alice feels a hand on her shoulder and Alice and sees Levy, she has a determined smile on her face.

Alice:"You did it?"

Levy nods and Alice chuckles.

Alice stands up and hugs Levy.

Alice:"Thank you."

Levy hugs Alice back.

Levy:"Please go and stop Laxus."

Alice and Levy stop hugging and Alice walks past Levy and Alice looks pissed.

Alice:"I'll be sure to stop him."

Alice walks out of the guild hall and she starts to run.

Alice:"I'm coming for you, Laxus, and when I find you. We're gonna have a little chat."







Alice is running through the streets and she puts a hand up to her guild mark and grits her teeth.

Alice:'Something bad happened!'

Alice looks up to the sky.

Alice:"Where are you Laxus!"

Alice runs past a few civilians and they look to her.

Civilian:"Hey, Alice, What's going on?"

Alice keeps running and she yells.

Alice:"Please, stay calm and continue with your day."

Alice waves to them.

Alice:"Please have a good day!"

Alice keeps running and a wind blows and Alice's eyes widen and she stops running and looks off in a direction. she puts a hand up to her guild mark.

Alice:"Mira? What's going on?"

Alice closes her eyes and a wind blows through the streets.

Alcie:"Your anger... I can feel it from here."

Alice takes a step in Mira's direction but stops.

Alice:"I can't I have my own mission."

Alice turns around and continues to run.




Alice hears a loud explosion and she looks off towards Kardia Cathedral.

Alice:"There you are!"

Alice notices that it's on the other side of town.

Alice:*Depressed.* "And it's on the other side of town." *She sighs.*

Alice starts to run towards the Cathedral.




Laxus's heavenly Halberd is heading straight towards Natsu and right before it hits him something falls in front of Natsu and causes an explosion.


The smoke clears and it shows Alice in a new armor and holding a new sword.

The smoke clears and it shows Alice in a new armor and holding a new sword

Alice is holding her right arm up and Lighting is swirling around her and she looks to be in pain

Alice is holding her right arm up and Lighting is swirling around her and she looks to be in pain. Two yellow arrow shaped markings appear under her eyes. Alice grits her teeth and she glares at Laxus.

Laxus:*Laughs.* "Look who decided to join the fight."

Alice:*To Natsu.* "Are you okay?"


Alice:"Let me finish this for you."


Alice:"Natsu!" *Alice turns to him and smiles.* "I'll buy you some food after this, Okay?"

Natsu huffs.

Natsu:"You better bet him."

Alice brings her shaking right hand in front of her face and she clenches her fist and lighting travels around her hand. The arrows under her eyes flash and static flicks out of them.

Alice:"I don't plan on losing."

Alice walks towards Laxus.

Laxus:"You think you can beat me!"

Alice smirks.

Alice:"I know I can beat you, that attack just now. I've faced far worse from natsu."

Laxus growls and roars and he lunches at Alice.

Laxus:"Lighting Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Laxus right fist is engulfed in lighting and he throws a punch at Alice and Alice cathces the fist and Laxus smirks and starts to shocked her but his smirk disappears as Alice starts to absorb his lighting.

Alice grits her teeth and screams as the yellow marks under her eyes glow bright.

Alice:"World Call: Transfer Luminous element, from self to left item!"

Lighting travels around Alice and it goes into her sword.

Alice:"Have a taste of your own magic!"

Alice kicks Laxus in the stomach hard and he's is sent flying back. Then she kicks herself off the ground and flies at Laxus.

Alice:"You'll pay for the pain you've caused all of us."

Alice swings her blade and hits Laxus into the sky. Laxus turns himself towards Alice as he's flying up. Alice launches herself towards Laxus.

Laxus:"Lightning Dragon's Roar!"

Laxus generats lighting in his mouth and releases it at Alice.

Alice grits her teeth.

Alice:'This is going to be painful.'

Alice having no way to dodge the attack puts her sword in front of her and Laxus's attack hit her and sends her crashing down onto the roof of the Cathedral; smokes and dust goes everywhere.

Laxus lands on the ground and he chuckles.

Laxus:"Is that everything you got."

A bright golden glow shines through the smoke and Alice burst out of the smoke and she has lighting traveling around her legs and the marks under her eyes are glowing brightly.

Alice:"I'm not even close to being done!"

Alice pulls her fist back and punches Laxus in the jaw and he slides back a few feet. Laxus growls.

Laxus:"Lighting Dragon's Iron Hammer!"

Laxus gather a large quantity of lightning in his fist and then punches the ground, the attack travels towards Alice and she jumps into the air and avoids it.

Alice lands on the ground and she kicks off towards Laxus leaving lighting in her wake. Laxus throws a punch at her but she ducks under it and hits Laxus in the stomach with the hilt of her sword and she does a spin and back kicks Laxus into the ground.

Alice goes to stab Laxus but he rolls out of the way and tries to sweep Alice's legs. Alice jumps over his leg and does a backflip kick into Laxus's jaw and sends him into the air.

Alice:"Time to end this."

Alice gathers Lighting around her body and she jumps into the air and kicks Laxus in the stomach and then in the face. Laxus tries to punch her but she grabs his fist and throws Laxus into the ground. 

Laxus lands and he tries to get back up but Alice puts her ;eg out while falling and lands on Laxus's stomach and he roars in pain.

Laxus kicks Alice in the stomach and she goes flying towards the edge of the roof and she stabs her sword into the ground. 

Laxus:"Lightning Dragon-"

Alice appears out of nowhere and kicks Laxus in the side and then Punches him in the face. Then a massive amount of white and red lighting engulfs her fist and she yells.

Alice:"Thermal Ice Lighting Dragon Fist!"

Alice punches Laxus in the face and he goes flying up in the air and lands a ways from Alice.

Laux is beaten.

Alice puts his fist up in the sky and yells at the top of her lungs.





In a dark room we see a female figure with long silver hair. She's looking into a Lacrima. The figure gives a light laugh.

????????:"You're getting strong Alice, just like I wanted you to. I'll be able to start my plan soon if all goes according to my plan. Lord Zeref will be pleased with how you will turn out."

She gives another laugh.



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