The Knight of Fairy Tail

Enter the Oración Seis!

(Do you guys want Alice to fight Master Zero? And have more Lore for Alice. Or keep it cannon?)

Lucy:*Worried.* "One? If that's true. How crazy intense is this guy gonna be?"

Sudden everyone hears a child's scream and a thud, they look to the entrance of the mansion and see a blue haired child on the floor.


Jura turns around. Alice looks and a question mark appears above her head.

Wendy:"Uh. Ow." 

Wendy stands up and wipes dust off her skirt.

Wendy:"I've come from the Cait shelter guild. My name's Wendy Marvell. It's nice to meet all of you."

Gray/Lyon:"A girl?"

Lucy/Sherry:'She's a kid?'

Alice:'I like her hair.'

Ichya:"She's not handsome."

Erza:"Nor is she a man. Why should it matter?"




Jura looks back to the others.

Jura:"Now then, since all guilds are present, we can begin."

Gray:"He's no even fazed by this?!"

Wendy nervous shifts around.

Luon:"Obviously not."

Sherry:"What in the world is Cait Shelter thinking. Sending a little girl on this kind of mission? They must really be hurting for members if they sent her here on her own."

Alice:"I mean if she was sent by Cait Shelter, she must be good."

Suddenly a new voice appears.

Carla:"She isn't alone."

Everyone looks to the doorway and they see a small white Exceed walk in.

Carla is a small white Exceed with pink ears and brown eyes, resembling Happy's eyes but the key difference being their size, which are noticeably smaller. She also has a pair of whiskers on each side of her face. She wears a pink bow near the tip of her tail. Carla's usual top consists of a mustard yellow and bright red top with a pink bow tie, similar to the one on her tail. She wears a pink skirt with this top as well.

Carla walks over to Wendy.

Carla:"You shouldn't jump to conclusions, Gaudy Trollop."

Everyone gasps.

Alice:'Gaudy Trollop? Sounds like a type of candy.'


Gray:"What is this?"

Lyon:"A cat."

Natsu:"Whoa. She's just like happy."

Lucy:"She can talk too?"

Sherry:"What a stupid cat, I'm not Gaudy."

Lucy:"That's your Beef?!"


Wendy:"Oh, Carla. You followed me here?"

Carla:"Of course I did. You're far too young to be travelling unaccompanied, child."

Trimens:"Pretty Kitty."

Lucy:"You flirt with cats too?!"

Carla looks to the side and notices Happy. Happy becomes love struck and hearts appear in his eyes.

Happy:"Thumpity-thump, Thumpity thump, Thumpity-thump!"

Carla huffs and looks away. Happy shouts in shock, then he walks over to Lucy and hugs her leg.


Happy:"Lucy, I'll give you my fish, if you tell that vision I haven't been neutered yet."

Lucy:"Keep looking up my skirt and you will be."

Alice:"That's why I wear full body armor."

Lucy:"Quiet you!"

Lucy then gains a smirk.

Lucy:*To herself.* "It's about time the little guy gets a taste of his own medicine."

Lucy looks down to Happy as he murmurs excitedly. 

Lucy:"You love her!"

Happy:"That's my schtick copycat! And I don't look nearly as creepy as you do when I do it!"

Wendy speaks up.

Wendy:"Sorry. I'm probably not what you expected. I know I'm much smaller and younger than most of you. And I may not be much of a fighter, But I can use all kinds of support magic. So, please, Let me join the group. I'd be so embarrassed if you sent me home."



Carla:"You'll never gain their respect. If you can't show confidence, Child."

Wendy:"I'm sorry, Carla."

Carla:"I swear, you'll drive me to catnip."

Wendy:"I can't help it."

Carla sighs and Wendy crouches down to Carla.

Erza takes a step forward.

Erza:"Forgive me. I was caught off guard. But rest assured, No offense was meant. We're glad to have you aboard, Wendy."

Wendy exhales in happiness. 

Wendy:"Oh, wow, you're Erza, Right? I can't believe it's really you."

Carla:"You're not quite the monster I pictured."

Happy slides up next to Carla.

Happy:"Surely you've heard of Happy the Cat-Mander. Brace yourself, cause he's right here."

Carla huffs and turns away.

happy:"She loves me! This must be destiny!"

Lucy:"Destined to be rejected--- She's totally ignoring you."

Happy turns to Lucy.

Happy:"Naive comments like that prove you know nothing about women and their wild ways."

Lucy:"I really hate to break this to you But I'm a woman!"

Alice walks up next to Erza.

Wendy:"And you're Alice! I'm so excited to meet you."

Alice puts a hand on her cheek and shyly looks away.

Alice:"Being recognized like this-- it's kind of embarrassing." 

Erza deapans.

Ren:"That girl's gonna be gorgeous when she grows up."

Eve:"Doesn't look like Hibiki wants to wait."

Hibiki is next to Wendy and puts a hand on her back.

Hibiki:"Would you please come with me, Lovely Lady?"

Wendy:"Um, okay."

Lucy:"Bad touch!"


Ichya:"You sensed it too."

Alice walks over to them.

Ichya:"That girl's parfum is quite unique. She is no ordinary child."

Jura:"I sensed that about her right away. The magic she possesses is somehow different from our own. Like yours Miss Alice."

Alice looks to Wendy and Jura looks over to Erza.

Jura:"It seems Lady Erza has noticed her power as well."

Wendy is sitting on a couch with a table in front of her. Ren and Eve sit at either side of her. Carla is standing on the table. Eve sets a drink on the table.

Wendy:*Confused.* "What's happening?"

Eve:"We're pampering a princess."

Ren:"You're the cutest girl I've seen all day."

Hibiki comes over with some powder in his hand.

Hibiki:"Would you like to freshen up?"

Wendy gasps.

Wendy:"Please help me."

Carla:"Just what do you expect me to do?"

Wendy:"Chuckles nervously."


Gray:"Wow, thinking must be painful."

Natsu:"It's so weird. I feel like I've heard that little girl's name before, but I don't know where."


Natsu groans.

Gray:"Give it a rest. It hurts watching you."

Natsu turns to Gray and points to Wendy.

Natsu:"Hey, can you remember her for me?"

Gray:"Say what?!"

Natsu turns back and looks to Wendy.

Trimens:"Is there anything else we can do for you, Lovely Princess?"

Wendy giggles.

Natsu sighs and looks back to Gray.

Natsu:"So, you got anything yet?"

Gray:"Working on it."

Carla:"It's un-ladylike to smile at strange men, Wendy."

Wendy slightly panics.

Wendy:"But I was just being friendly!"


The Trimens get close to Wendy.

Hibiki:"Do you like your men brash or proper?"

Eve:"Brash, right?"

Ren:"You are just the cutest."

Ichya:"I told you three, they're here on business! Now clean this place up!"

The Trimens get up and takes the couch and table away.

Trimens:"Yes, dear master, Right away!"


Lucy:"Those pretty boys keep calling him different things."

Gray:"They may not be the brightest.But at least they're consistently inconsistent."

Alice:"At this rate, I'll end up knocking one of them out."

Ichya walks onto a small stage and lights shine on him.

Ichya:"Okay, now that all the involved parties are present. I think it's about time to get the mission briefing underway."

Ichaya does a few poses.

Lucy:"You're gonna brief us through interpretive dance?"

Ichya:"Our first order of business, is determining the location of the Oración Seis."

Happy is staring at Carla and he deeply sighs.

Ichya then shuffles off the stage and to the side.

Ichya:"Right after I make a letter of the alphabet."

Ichya shuffles off to the bathroom.

The Trimens start to clap.

Gray:"Great. If he's making the letter 'Poop,' I'm outta here."

Trimens:"We're rooting for you, teacher!"

Lucy:"Pick a title, would you?!"

Alice feels something watching here and she looks around, but spots nothing.

A little while later

Ichya returns and he's back on the stage."

Ichya:"Much better. Now, please, pay close attention. To the north lies the worth woodsea, where the ancients once sealed a powerful force. A magic called Nirvana!"

Ichya winks.

Gray:"Those poses are getting really old."


Alice:"Sounds a little familiar."

Lyon:"Never heard of it before."

Sherry looks to Jura.

Sherry:"Do you know what it is?"

Jura:"No, I do not."

Happy walks over to Carla while holding a fish.

Happy:"This conversation's boring, huh? Wanna nom on my Mackerel?"

Carla looks away.

Carla:"Heavens no!"

Ren:"We don't know much about this magic. Other than its name. And that it is destructive in nature."

Eve:"And that the Oración Seis wants it badly."

Natsu:"Destruction magic..."

Lucy:"Okay, bad feeling confirmed."

Alice:"This is bad."

Hibiki:"We assume that's why they traveled to the worth woodsea. They're desperate to get their hands on such a powerful magic."

Ichya:"To prevent that from happening..."

Ichya/Trimens:"We must destroy the Oración Seis!"

They all do a pose and Alice face palms.

Lucy:"I'm so over the posing."

Gray:"I think they're starting to grow on me."

Ren:"We may have the advantage in numbers. But remember..."

Eve:"We cannot underestimate them."

Hibiki:"They're incredibly strong. We may well be in over our heads."

Hibiki snaps and a consul screen and keyboard appears next to him; he begins to type away on the keyboard.

Jura:"That's archive."

Lyon:"Don't believe I've seen it in use before."

Alice:"I've always wanted to see this magic in action."

Sherry:"And it does what exactly?"

Multiple screens pop up in front of the group. They all have a picture of a member from the Oración Seis. 

Hibiki:"Storing information, such as these photographs of our enemy. Don't ask how we got 'em. First up is the Snake Wizard."



Natsu:"Beady eyes and a mischievous smirk. He looks like trouble to me."

Gray/Lyon:"Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."

Alice:"I don't like, Snakes." *She shivers.*

Hibikia:"Next is a wizard who, judging from his name, likely uses speed magic."

Hibiki:"Meet Racer

Hibiki:"Meet Racer."

Gray:"I don't know what it is, but I don't like the looks of this guy."

Lyon:"I don't either."

Hibiki:"Then there's a wizard who's willing to wipe out an entire military unit, if the price is right."

Hibiki:"'Divine Eyes' Hoteye

Hibiki:"'Divine Eyes' Hoteye."

Sherry:"The guys kills for money?"

Jura:"Turns my stomach."


Hibikia:"She's gorgeous, But just as vicious."

Hibiki:"This is Angel

Hibiki:"This is Angel."

Lucy:"She's the beautiful but deadly type, huh? Is this chick for real?"

Alice looks away.

Alice:'Look away and think of Millianna!'

Hibiki:"The next member is such a mystery, all we know is his name--"

Hibiki:"The next member is such a mystery, all we know is his name--"


Erza:"That's an odd name. Does it correlate to his power?"

Hibiki:"Finally, the commander of Oración Seis."



Alice looks at all the pictures.

Hibiki:"There you have it. Alone they can wipe out entire guilds.  And together, they're unstoppable."

the screens disappear. 

Hibiki:"We have 13 to their six, but that's our only advantage."

Lucy raises her hand while shaking, Wendy is also scared and shaking.

Lucy:"Question-- Can I volunteer to stay behind and not die today?"

Wendy:"I don't wanna die either, so may I please go home?"

Carla:"You may now! We have a job to do, child."

happy:"Since they didn't count us, you wanna get out of here. And find some trash cans to raid?"

Carla huffs and looks away.

Ichya:"Curb your fear, my friends. There is more to our operation than mortal combat. With your help, perhaps we can find the enemy's stronghold."


Ren:"Yeah, you heard the man. We've looked everywhere, but have had no luck."

Another screen pops up with an image of the forest.

Eve:"Here's the deal: They've gotta have a temporary base in the Worth Woodsea."

Ichya:"And once we've located it, our plan is to gather the Oración Seis inside."

Gray:"How do we do that?"

Natsu:"We beat 'em up and drag their butts there!"

Lucy:"He's a little too excited about this."

Erza:"What's the next part of the plan?"

Ichya points up to the sky.

Ichya:"Then we'll give them a one-way ticket to oblivion! Courtesy of Christina, the Majestic Pride of the Blue Pegasus guild."


Alice:*Slightly excited.* "Wow, the magic bomber?"

Sherry:"I've heard about the magic bomber, but I thought it was just a myth."

Lucy:"Whoa! Is that necessary? There's only six of 'em."

Jura's face turns serious. 

Jura:"That's the type of enemy we face."

Lucy:"Sir, yes, sir!"

Jura:"Remember: Under no circumstance should you ever engage the enemy in solo combat. Our best bet is to separate them, then devote two or three wizards to each fight."

Everyone grunts in agreement. 

Both Lucy and Wendy siver in panic.

Lucy:"Oh! This is a total nightmare!"

Wendy:"I can't take the pressure."

Carla:"Would you two stop acting like children?" *She points to Alice.* "Do you see Alice being scared?"

They look to Alice and she has her eyes closed.

Alice:'How much will this adventure cost me?'

Natsu catches his fist on fire and slams it into his palm.

Natsu:"Let's go! I'm all fired up!"

Natsu busts down the mansion doors and runs out.

Natsu:"Time to hunt me some demons. Ready or not, here I come!"

The others run to the door.

Lucy:"Where do you think you're going?!"

Erza:"Always acting without a thought in his head."

Alice:"I'm gonna give him a talk when were done with this mission."

Lucy:"Some days I wonder about his mental health."

Gray:"What do you guys wanna bet he didn't even hear the plan?"

Happy:"I'll bet five fish he didn't."

Alice sighs and sweat drops.

Ren rubs the back of his head.

Ren:"Overkill much?"

Eve:"Yeah, no kidding."

Hibiki:"Just great. We're gonna have to fix it."

Erza:"Enough gawking. Move."

Alice and Erza begin to run.

Gray:"Guess we're playing catch-up with that dork."

Lucy anime cries.

Lucy:"Aww! Do we have to?"

Lucy and Gray run after Erza and Alice.

Alice:"Double time it!"

Gray:"Quite Crying!"

Lyon:"Their energy's as infectious as I remember. ready, Sherry?"


Lyon and Sherry run after the others.

Jura:"Wait, Stay together."

The Trimens run through the forest.

Eve:"So we're hunting demons?"


Hibiki:"And an Angel too."

Wendy is still panicking. 

Carla:"Pull yourself together, child!"

happy:"Have no fear! 'Cause the cat-mander's here!"

Carla grabs Wendy's hands and they chase after the others.

Carla:"You'll be the death of me."

Wendy:"Sorry, Carla."

Happy is left all alone.

Happy:"Wait for me!"

He sprouts his wings and flies after them.

Happy:"You need a man to protect you!"

After some running Natsu's team catches up with him.

Natsu sees the forest up ahead.

Natsu:"There it is."

Gray:"Wait up, numbskull!"

Natsu:"Yeah, in your dreams."

Natsu:"That's an order! You can't rush into this one alone."

Natsu:"What's the matter? Are you afraid I might actually show you up this time?"

Erza:"Say what?!"

Alice:"You better what you mouth, Natsu!"

Erza glares at Natsu.

Erza:"Stop moving your feet right now!"

Natsu:"I was just kidding around!"

Natsu accidentally runs off the side of the cliff and falls down into the forest below.


The group looks down to the forest below and Alice runs her temples.

Gray:"Well, he stopped moving his feet."

Alice:"We've barely started the mission and he's already giving me a headache."

Erza:"If he's not dead, I'll kill him."

Sherry:"I see he hasn't changed at all."

Lyon:"To think, I once crossed fists with that fool. It's kind of embarrassing now."

Sherry:"it's another form of love."

Gray:"Yeah, not quite."

Alice:"Let's get down there."


After a little wall of scaling a big cliff.

Erza:"Something's not right here."

Gray:"No kidding. it's like the deeper we go into it, the spookier it gets."

Alice shivers and she hugs herself.

Erza:"Are you okay?"

Alice:"I am, it's just..."

Erza:"Just what?"

Alice:"There's a dark feeling in this forest and... I like it. I'm just slightly confused is all."

Erza:"Well, stay vigilant."

Alice nods.

After some running they've caught up to Natsu.

Natsu:"You've finally caught up."

Gray:"You're one sturdy freak, you know that?"

A shadow covers them and Natsu stops and he looks up to see Christina.


Gray runs into Natsu and they both fall to the ground. They both get up and butt heads together.

Natsu:"So we're pulling cheap shots now, are we?!"

Gray:"If I wanted a piece of you, I'd take you head-on."

Erza separates them.




Lyon:"I see it."


Erza:"That's the magic bomber-- Christina."

Natsu:"I want one!"

Alice tenses up.


Gray:"It definitely lives up to the hype."

Wendy, Lucy, Happy and Carla catch up to them and look up to Christina.


Lucy:"That's so cool."

Happy:"Horses can fly too?"

Carla:"Please refrain from opening your mouth again."

The Trimens catch up.

Erza:"Alright, let's split up and start searching for their temporary base."

Natsu:"I'm flying the bomber thing!"

Alice freaks out.

Alice:"Please, no!"

Suddenly something explodes on Christina and it starts to fall to the ground.

Everyone gasps.

Hibiki:"What's wrong with Christina?"

More explosives go off on Christina.

Wendy:"Oh, no!"

Alice:"What's happening!"

Christina crashes into the forest and it explodes. Alice shields her eyes from the bright light.

Lyon:"This doesn't bode well."

The explosion causes a pillar of smoke to ascend. 

Natsu sniffs the air.


Gray:"I know. We've got company. Everyone stay frosty."

Wendy hides behind large rock that's nearby.

Wendy:"I can't do this."

Carla:"Don't hide!"

Alice cracks her knuckles.

Six figures walks people walk out from the smoke.

Lucy:"Yeah, it's gotta be them. The Oración Sies."

The two groups stare at each other.

Brain:"Lowly maggots swarming together."

Angel:"I'm afraid short-stuff isn't going to make it to the party."

Gemini:"And neither is that big, Bald Wizard Saint. We took 'em down!"

Lyon:"They're defeated?"


Alice:"If they can take down Jura..."

Cobra:"There's terror in their voices. I can hear it."

Racer:"The quicker we wrap this up, the better. I'll run you over so fast, It'll make your head spin."

Hoteye:"Money determines strength in this world. Oh, yeah! If you save but a penny today, it shall become a vast fortune in the future. Furthermore--"

Cobra/Racer:"Enough with the preaching, Hoteye."

Midnight snores.

Lucy:"Is it sad that I'm terrified of the snoring guy?"

Erza:"I have to admit, I didn't expect you to show yourselves."

natsu cracks his knuckles.


Gray:"You bet."

Cobra chuckles.

Cobra:"Want an invitation?"

Both Gray and Natsu lunge forward towards Cobra.

Natsu/Gray:"You being here is enough for us!"

Brain:"Take them."

Racer:"Yes, sir."

Racer zooms behind the two and kicks them to the ground.


Lucy/Lucy?:"Natsu, Gray!"

The Lucy's look to each other.

Lucy? pulls out her whip and begins to whip Lucy.


Lucy:"Why am I whipping myself?! What's going on?!"

Lucy sobs.

Lyon and Sherry run forward.



Hoteye:"I see you! Oh, yeah!"

Suddenly the ground below Lyon and Sherry turns into clay like and they sink into it.

Hoteye:"Forget love; all you need is money."

Hoteye uses his magic to make the ground liquid like.

Hoteye:"Money's all you need."

Lyon:"What is this stuff? Quicksand?"

Sherry:"How dare he say love is less important?"

They begin to sink down into the ground.

Sherry holds her hand out.

Sherry:"Grab my hand, love!"

Trimens run forward.

Hibiki:"I'll take care of Angel."

Eve:"Hey, no dibs!"

Ren:"What do you mean by 'take care'?"

Racer speeds over to them and kicks Ren to the ground.


Racer speeds over to Eve and kicks hima way.

Hibiki:"Eve, you okay?"

Racer speeds over to Hibiki and kicks him to the ground.

Racer:"If you're slow, you'll be eating my dust."


Alice:"On it!"

Both Erza and Alice jump into the air.


Cobra:"That's impressive."

Erza requips into her heaven wheel armor. Alice requips into her speed armor.


An orange cat paw rope is wrapped around her waist. Alice's sword is gone in favor for claws.

Erza:"Dance, my sword! Pierce and rend!"

Erza launches her swords at Cobra and he dodges them all. He then moves to the side as Alice flies past him with her claws out in front of her.

Alice lands on all fours a little ways away from Cobra.

Erza:"No... He dodged them all. And Alice's attack. Can he read our attacks?"

Alice runs on all fours over to Cobra and she lunges at him. He dodges to the side and Alice lands on the ground and slides.

Erza lands behind Cobra.

Cobra:"It's no use. I can hear your next move, Fairy Knight, Titania."

Cobra kicks Erza in the gut and she flies through the air and lands next to Alice.

Cobra:"You both look confused. Having trouble figuring it out? I told you, I hear everything."

Alice growls and the metal on her legs clicks and she runs forward and tries to slash at Cobra with her claws but he just back pedals, dodging them. 

Cobra:"You're afraid."

Alice growls and tries to kick Cobra.

Cobra:"But what is it?"

A memory plays in Alice's head.

A child Alice is holding her hand as she's kneeling on the ground. Child Erza is next to her freaking out. Child Alice watches as a snake slithers in the grass away from the two.

Cobra:"I see now, you're afraid of Snakes."

Alice lunges at Cobra and he side steps and kicks her in the stomach and she flies away. Erza lunges at Cobra and begins to slash at him.

Alice lands on the ground and she takes a few deep breaths.

Suddenly she hears Erza scream in pain and he pupils shrink and she looks up to see Erza being bitten by Cubellios.


Racer appears behind Alice.

Racer:"Pay attention!"

Racer kicks Alice in the back and she flies forward in the air and she sees Cobra smirking at her and he points at her.

Cubellios flies towards Alice and she panics and tries to change her trajectory but the snake bits her in the thigh and throws her on the ground next to Erza. 

Alice grits her teeth in pain.

Cobra:"You both may be fast, but that won't save you from Cubellios' poison. Enjoy writhing in agony till death claims you."

Everyone is out of action.

Brain:"How pathetic. Prepare for oblivion's embrace."

Brain holds his staff out and a purple magic circle appears and green magic seeps out of the ground and into the magic circle.

Sherry:"what is this? it feels dark..."

Alice:'What is this feeling of comfort?'

Hibiki:"I can't move anymore."

Ren:"Me neither.

Brain holds his staff up.

Brain:"Dark Rondo!"

Brain notices Wendy hiding behind a rock and his eyes widen. Wendy whimpers.

Brain stops his magic.

Racer:"What's the matter, Brain?"

Cobra:"Are you gonna cast that thing or what?"



Alice shakiley looks up and glares at Brain. Then she falls back to the ground.



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