The Knight of Fairy Tail

Snake Bitten



Hibiki:"I can't believe this."

Gray:"Man, they're way stronger than we thought."

Alice groans in pain and grits her teeth.

Racer:"What's the matter, Brain? You gonna cast the spell or what?"

Cobra:"Do you know her?"

Brain:"No doubt about it. That's Wendy. The Maiden of the sky."

Gray:"What? Maiden of the Sky?"


Wendy puts her back against the rock and crouches down.

Wendy:"What does that mean?"

Happy looks to her.

Happy:"I was gonna ask you."

Wendy begins to cry.

Brain:"To think we simply stumbled upon her here. We made quite a find, my friends."

Brain points his staff towards Wendy.

Brain:"Grab her!"

A purple magic circle appears on the end of the staff and a green hands flies out and grabs Wendy from behind the rock. Wendy screams as the green magic hand drags her back towards Brain.


They chase after Wendy.

Carla:"Unhand her now!"

Wendy:"Help me!"

Happy runs while holds a club.

Happy:"I'll save you as soon as I'm able to catch up!"

Natsu uses his elbows to prop himself up.

Natsu:"Striking while we're down? That isn't fair."

Hoteye:"All is fair in money and war. Oh, yeah."

Hoteye uses his magic and makes the ground liquid. Throwing everyone in different directions 


Carla holds her paw out.

Carla:"Grab my paw!"

Wendy grabs onto a paw, but it's Happy's paw.

Happy:"Whoa! OHH!"

Carla:"You got the wrong cat!"

Wendy screams and Happy yells out.


They both disappear.


Brain points his staff at the alliance and green magic flows to it.

Brain:"I have no use for the rest of you."

A purple magic circle appears at the end of the staff.

Brain:"Dark Rondo!"

Dark Magic fires off from the staff and it splits and heads towards the ground.

Alice tries to get up, but her right leg gives out from the snake bit and she falls to the ground and groans in pain.

Suddenly Jura appears and cast his magic.

Jura:"Iron Rock Wall!"

Pillars, made from rock, come out of the ground and protect the ground from Brain's magic.

Jura:"Just in the nick of time."

Sherry:"That was awesome!"

Gray chuckles

Eve:"You're the best wizard ever."

Hibiki:"I'll second that. We owe you one."

Lucy:"Yeah, we were almost goners. Thanks a million."

Natsu gets up.

Natsu:"Okay. Let's take them down."

He notices that the Oración Seis are gone.


Gray:"They're long gone by now."

Natsu:"Why'd we let them get away?"

Carla looks out into the distance.

Carla:"Oh, Wendy."

Ren:"They wiped the floor with us."

Eve:"Well, they're a lot stronger than we are. We never stood a chance against them."

Lyon:"The Oración Seis. What unbelievable power."

Hibiki:"And there are only six of them. Their magic is much stronger than the rumors suggested."

Sherry sees Christina in the distance. It's in ruins.

Sherry:"Just look at what they did to Christina."

Jura:"According to Angel, the woman who peers into minds, they know everything about our mission. We're lucky no lives were lost."

Lucy:"Wait a sec. What about all the people inside?"

Ren:"Don't worry, pretty lady."

Eve:"Christina's equipped with a remote control function, so there's no need for a pilot."

Hibiki:"We were gonna climb aboard once we found their base, but as you can see, we never made it that far."

Lucy:"Oh, good. That's a relief."

Lyon walks over to Jura.

Lyon:"Glad to see you made it out unscathed."

Jura:"Not quite. In fact, I barely made it out alive."

Lyon:"Hm? You're wounded?"

Jura:"Their power terrifies me. I hate to admit it, but if it weren't for Sir Ichiya's Painkiller Parfum, I would be in utter agony right now."

Ichiya:"Detestable Orasión Seis. Instead of bravely facing your foes, you decided to flee. Which means we win by default!"

Gray:"That's not how it works, you weirdo!"

Ichiya turns to Gray.

Ichya:"Look, pal, we may be battered,  but we are not beaten."

Ichya holds up a vial that corked.

Ichiya:"Here, take a whiff. And let my painkiller Parfum ease your discomfort."

Ichiya flicks the cork off and mist spreads into the air.

Sherry:"Wow. What a lovely scent."

Lucy:"And it works. My pain is just fading away."

Lucy looks over to Ichya and he's doing some poses.


Lucy:"If only he could cast the spell without the bizarre posing."

Hibiki:"Way to go, chief."

Trimens:"Go chief!"

Lucy:"They called him something different again."

Gray:"I bet they're doing it just to annoy us."

Natsu:"What do we do now? How dare those punks run off with Wendy and Happy. This sucks!"

Natsu gets up and begins to run off.

Natsu:"I got to go find them!"

Lucy:"Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

Natsu gasps and falls to the ground. Carla is holding an end of his scarf.

Carla:"You mustn't be reckless. You need to calm down and think this through."

Gray:"Those wings."

Lucy:"Was she hiding them?"

Hibiki:"You can fly?"

Eve:"That's so cool!"

Carla turns around.

Carla:"You've never seen Aera Magic before? Well in that case, I suppose it's only natural that you would find it surprising."

Natsu:"You're trying to copy Happy, aren't you?"

A tic mark appears on Carla's head.

Carla:"As if, dimwit!"

Lucy:"Now Now, we can have two flying cats."

Carla:"Though I am concerned about Wendy and that Tomcat, this is not a foe to be taken lightly. We cannot face them again until we've come up with a plan of attack."

Jura:"I wholeheartedly agree, Lady Carla. The enemy is far stronger than we anticipated."


Carla looks to the side.

Carla:"But first..."

Off to the side Erza is standing near a tree and she's holding her right arm in pain. And a few feet away from Erza is Alice, she's laying on her side holding her right thigh in pain.  Alice's claws are gone.

Purple poison can be seens slowly spreading from the places they were bit.

The group goes over to them.

Lucy:"Are you two okay? What's the matter."

Erza gasps in pain and Alice grunts in pain.

Lucy:"I'm no doctor, but it looks like the venom from their snake bites is spreading. "

Eve:"Master Ichiya--"

Ichiya:"I got this, men. I know what you need, My honey. A little pain killer parfum!"

Ichiya uncorks another vial.

Ichiya:"Aroma Increase!"

Alice and Erza groan in pain.

Lucy:"Since when are pain killers an antidote for snake venom?"

Hibiki:"His Parfum does more than ease pain. It also has a cleansing effect that'll halep their bodies expel any toxins."

Eve:"Oh, yeah."

The venom continues to spread and Erza and Alice both grunt.

Gray:"Erza, Alice, are you two alright?"

Natsu:"It seems like they're in even more pain now."

Ichiya:"Huh? You think so?"

Both Alice and Erza scream as the venom continues to spread. Ichiya blushes.

Ichiya:"Oh, man."

Hibiki:"What's wrong?"

Eve:"I don't know. His pain killer parfum has never failed before."

Natsu:"Erza, Alice, Hang in there."

Lucy:"What'll we do?"

Erza:"I'm sorry. Lucy."


Erza grabs Lucy's belt.

Erza:"I need to borrow your belt!"

Erza takes Lucy's bel and she yelps.

Lucy:"Wait a minute!"

Lucy's skirt falls and she screams. The Trimens laugh.

Alice blinks a few times a a trickle of blood falls from her nose.

Lucy holds her skirt up and kicks the trimens away.

Lucy:"Look away!"

Erza uses Lucy's belt as a tourniquet on her right arm.

Lucy:"Just what are you gonna do with that?"

Erza:"It's harsh, but it's the only way I can keep fighting."

Erza throws her sword into the ground nearby and she puts a cloth in her mouth while holding her right arm out.

Erza:"Somebody cut it off."

Everyone gasps and Alice sits up while holding her thigh. 


Gray:"At least give us time to find an antidote."

Erza:"I don't have time."

Lyon:"Very well."

Lyon grabs Erza's sword and pulls it out of the ground.

Lyon:"I will do it."

Sherry:"How kind of you."

Gray goes over to Lyon.

Lyon:"Put down the sword."

Ezra:"Do it!"

Alice:"No, don't!"

Alice grunts and grits her teeth in pain.

Lucy:"Um, Lyon. Are you seriously gonna do it?"

Lyon:"We can't lose one of our strongest when we're facing such a powerful foe."

Lyon readies the sword.

Lucy:"Yeah, but--"

Sherry:"Oh, come on. I can't believe we got stuck with you wimpy fairies. Quit whining. Your friends are gonna die if we don't do something to help them."

Lucy gets in Sherry's face.

Lucy:"Your friend's gonna die if he doesn't put down that sword."

Sherry:"Why is that? This is just his way of showing love."

Erza:"Just hurry up and cut it off! Before the venom spreads to the rest of my body!"


Alice grunts as the venom spreads more.

Gray:"Put the sword down!"

Hibiki:"Don't do it. You want to be known as the guy who maimed Erza?"

Eve:"You don't have to do this. Stop. We'll find a cure."

Eve moves forward but Jura holds his arm out and stops him.

Jura:"We have no right to interfere with her wishes."

Lyon raises the sword.


Lyon brings the sword down, but Gray holds his hand out and stops the sword with his ice.

Everyone gasps and Alice sighs in relief. 

Lyon:"Her arm is more important to you than her life? Where are your priorities?"

Gray:"This'll affect her for the rest of her life. So we can't jump the gun. There's got to be another way we can save her."

Lyon:"You're just as spineless as ever. Figures."

Gray:"I really thought you had changed, but you're just as shady as ever."

Erza gasps and she falls to the ground, knocked out.


Lucy:"Oh, no."

Lucy runs over to Erza. Alice's vision starts to blur and she falls over.


Alice holds her hand out to Erza.


Alice's vision goes dark.

Eve:"This is bag guys! We've got to find a way to stop the venom from spreading or they'll die."

Carla:"We need Wendy. She could save your friends."

Everyone looks to her.

Carla:"This is no time for us to be bickering amongst ourselves. We  need to work together to come up with a plan to rescue Wendy. And I suppose that Tomcat too."

Eve:"Wait a sec. You're saying that little girl has some kind of anti-venom magic?"


Carla:"Not just anti-venom. She can cure fevers, relieve pain, and heal wounds."

Ichiya:"Um, excuse me."

Ichiya slides over.

Ichiya:"I feel as though my role in the group is being threatened, and I find that rather unsettling."

Sherry:"That's crazy. Everyone knows healing spells are lost magic. There's no way the kid could use them."

Lucy:"Do these powers have anything to do with that whole 'Maiden of the Sky' thing?"

Carla:"Yes it does. You see, that little girl is the sky dragon slayer. She's Wendy, The Sky Dragon."

Everyone gasps.

Natsu:"She's a dragon slayer too?!"

Carla:"I'll give you all the details later. Although to be honest, there's really not much more you need to know."

Everyone looks back to Erza and Alice, they're are both taking labored breaths.

Carla:"Wendy is the only wizard capable of saving your friends. We need her right now. Unfortunately, the Orcaión Seis feel they need her too for some unknown reason."

Lyon:"In that case.."

Hibiki:"There's only one thing for us to do."

Eve:"We're gonna have to rescue Wendy."

Gray:"We'll do it for Erza and Alice's sake."

Lucy:"And Happy's too."

Natsu:"Okay! Are you with me!"

Natsu throws his fist up into the air.




Alice:"It's over here!"

A child Alice walks out from a group of trees while dragging a Child Erza behind her. Amayori is sitting on Alice's head.

Alice lets go of Erza's hand and runs a little forward.


Amayori throws her wings out and roars.

Alice holds her hands out to a house that is in the middle of construction. Nearby is a tent.

Erza:"What is it?"

Alice:"It's my house."

Alice puts her hands on her hips and puffs her chest out in pride.

Alice:"I'm building it with my own two hands."

Erza:"That's cool. Why did you bring me out here?"

Alice grabs Amayori off her head and sets the wyvern on the ground. Amayori runs off after a leaf that's being blown by the wind.

Alice:"Well, it's my special spot and no one in the guild knows about it. Well, except the Grandpa Makarov. So I thought I'd show my sister my secret spot."

Erza looks around. A breeze blows the tops of the trees.

Erza:"It's pretty quiet out here."

Alice twirls around in excitement.

Alice:"I know, it's perfect. The guild is so noisy and full of people. I like to have some peace and quiet sometimes."

Alice then runs over to Erza and grabs her hand.

Alice:"Also there's a perfect spot for Amayori to sleep when she grows up."

Alice drags Erza over to a tree that has a giant hole at the base of the tree.

Alice drags Erza over to a tree that has a giant hole at the base of the tree

Alice:"I haven't really been inside the tree."

Alice and Erza stop at the entrance of the tree. Alice runs inside and looks around.

Alice:"This is perfect for Amayori."

Erza walks inside and looks around.

Erza:"This tree is old."

Suddenly Alice screams in pain and Erza quickly turns around and sees Alice on her knees, cradling her right hand.

Erza runs over to Alice and sees a green snake slither away from them.

Erza:"Are you okay?"

Alice grunts as she uncovers her hand. Two lightly bleeding bite hards are on top of her hand.

Alice:"Yeah." *Alice grunts as she stands up.* "Just a snake bite."

Erza:"You probably should go see Porlyusica and make sure you weren't poisoned."

Alice shakes her head and walks out of the tree, Erza follows her.

Alice:"I'm fine. I'm just gonna go lay down for a bit."

Alice goes over to the tent and opens it.


Amayori flies out of the forest and lands next to Alice.

Alice:"See you later, Erza."

Alice goes inside the tent and Amayori waddles in after her. 

Erza looks at the tent with slightly worried expression, then she turns around and heads back to the guild.

-------Present Day.

Alice and erza are both laying next to each other. Taking labored breaths. Lucy is kneeling down next to the two of them as Hibiki stands nearby. Plue is pushing on Erza's leg.

Lucy looks to the poison on both Erza and Alice.

Lucy:"It's bad. Come on, guys, please hurry."

Plue murmurs.

Hibiki:"You know that's not gonna help, right?"

Lucy looks to Hibiki.

Hibiki:"Instead of sitting around worrying, why don't we try to lend them a hand?"

Lucy:"And how are we gonna do that?"

Hibiki uses his archive magic and a consul pops up in front of him and he starts to tap away at a keyboard.

Hibiki:"I know we don't really consider ourselves a team since our coalition was kind of thrown together, but we need to start thinking that way if we want to defeat the Oración Seis."

Lucy:"Archive magic. That's the name for what you're working with now, isn't it?"

Hibiki:"That's right. It sure comes in handy whenever I need to keep tabs on people. You're not gonna go join the other's Lucy?"

Lucy looks back to Alice and Erza.

Lucy:"No, I need to stay with Erza and Alice. I can't leave them. It's not like I'd be any help anyway. I'm obviously the weakest fighter in the group."

Hibiki:"You're just being modest. I've heard rumors of your strength. There was the time you beat up 19 vulcans that stood 10 feet tall. And then there was Fairy Tail's battle against Phantom. I heard you knocked out their infamous Master Jose with your bare hands. And the time in acalypha when you single-handedly took on a dark guild that had over a thousand members."

Lucy:"That's stretching the truth."


Lucy gets up and walks over to Hibiki.

Lucy:"So, Hibiki, how come you're not going to join the others?"

Hibiki:"What kind of man would I be if I left you ladies alone?"

Lucy smiles.

Lucy:"Thanks. Guess you're not so bad after all. You're definitely a lot nicer than 'Sorcerer Weekly' made you out to be."

Hibiki:"Good to know. Thanks to archive, I can keep track of the others. And I can make them aware of our current position too. That way once they've rescued Wendy and Happy, They'll be able to locate us, and save Erza and Alice."

Lucy:"Oh, wow. You've got all the bases covered, don't you?"

Hibiki looks to Lucy.

Hibiki:"Well, you can thank Master Ichiya. I'm just doing what I was taught."

Hibiki looks back to the consul and Lucy chuckles.

Hibiki:"Here we go. I found Natsu's group."


A child Alice is sitting at a table in the guild hall.

Natsu lands behind her and he gets up.

Natsu:"What was that for pervert!"

Gray walks up to him.

Gray:"You made me spill my drink!"

The two butt heads.

Natsu:"Well, maybe you shouldn't have been in my way."

Alice:"Can you two be quiet!"

Natsu/Gray:"Shut up- AHHH!" *The two look to Alice and freak out.*

Alice has a purple hue across her face.

Alice:"What?! Do I have something on my face?!"

Alice gets right up in their faces and glare at them. Natsu and Gray shake their heads.

Natsu/Gray:"No ma'am!"

Alice backs away and huffs.

Mira walks over.

Mira:"What's wrong with your face? It's uglier than usual."

Alice growls.

Alice:"My face is fine. Unlike yours."

Mira and Alice butt heads together.

Mira:"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Alice:"It means you wear to much eye liner."

Mira:"Why you!"

They are both bonked on the head by Erza.

Natsu and Gray sweat drop.

Erza:"That's enough you too."

Mira grumbles and walks away.

Erza:"I really think you should go see Porlyusica."

Alice shakes her head.

Alice:"I'm completely fine. Watch."

Alice turns to Gray and Natsu and they both get scared. Alice holds her hand out to them and a small ball of red flies from her hand and hits them both in the face. 

Natsu and Gray fall to the ground and run their heads. Alice turns back to Erza.

Alice:"See! Completely fine."

Erza:"Still, you should go see Porlyusica."

Alice:"I'm fine. I'm not gonna let a little poison stop me! I'm stronger than it."

Alice walks to the door of the guild.

Alice:"To prove it, I got a job that requires me to take out a group of bandits. I'm gonna take them all out and rub my success in your face!"

Alice kicks the door open and walks out of the guild.

------ Present Day

Lucy is kneel down to Erza and Alice.

Lucy:"Poor thing."

The venom spreads more on Erza's arm and Alice's thigh.

Lucy:"They're getting worse. The poison is starting to spread lie crazy."

Lucy looks to Hibiki.

Lucy:"Has anybody been able to track down Wendy yet?"

Hibiki:"I have no clue. I can't get through to anybody."

Lucy:"Why? What's the matter?"

Hibiki:"I don't know what's going on. But I promise you, we're gonna save Erza and Alice."

Lucy:"I hope you're right."

Lucy lokos back to Erza and Alice.

Lucy:"Please just hold on."


Child Alice is walking down a dirt road using Fragrant Olive as a cane. Alice groans and takes a few deep breaths and she looks to her right hand; it's completely purple.

Alice:"I'm stronger than some mesley poison."

Alice lowers her hand and takes a step forward and falls over onto the ground.

Alice:"No, must keep moving."

Alice reaches her hand out and she then passes out.

Someone's shadow covers Alice.

------ Present Day

Hibiki just contacted Natsu and sent their location to him.

Hibiki:"Please, hurry."

Hibiki looks to Erza and Alice. The poison has spread to Erza's entire arm. And with Alice the poison has spread to her entire leg.

Hibiki:"I'm afraid that we don't have the luxury of time right now."

Lucy looks to Hibiki.

Lucy:"Hey, I don't understand how Natsu suddenly knew exactly where to go."

Hibiki:"I sent him our location using archive's information compression magic. It packages the information so that it can be transmitted and shared with others much faster than it could be verbally."

Lucy:"I had no idea that was even possible."

Hibiki:"Magically converting and transmitting data like this is a fairly new concept. So I wouldn't expect you to know."

Lucy:"Wow, that's really impressive."

Lucy looks to Erza and Alice.

Lucy:"Did you two hear that? Wendy's gonna be here soon. Just hold out a little bit longer, okay? You both can do it. I may not be much of a fighter, but I'll stay here to protect you two. Promise."

Hibiki looks to Lucy and Smiles, Lucy notices this.

Lucy:"Um, what the heck are you smiling at? Don't you have some work to do?"

Hibiki:"Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. It's just nice to see some light in the darkness."


Child Alice is laying in a bed at the Fairy Tail infirmary; she's passed out. Porlyusica is standing next to Alice.

Porlyusica:"Darn kid."

Porlyusica hits a Alice on the head.

Porlyusica:"Stop being so Arrogant!"

Then a voice speaks up from the doorway.

Makarov:"Was that necessary."

Porlyusica turns and sees Makarov standing in the doorway.

Porlyusica:"You need to teach this child to act with more humility."

Makarov walks over to Alice and looks at her.

Makarov:"She's been like that ever since I found her in that alleyway."

Porlyusica huffs.

Porlyusica:"She better change her attitude."

Makarov:"I'll get to that."

Porlyusica leaves the room and Makarov sighs and sits in a chair next to the bed.

Alice moans and she opens her eyes and looks around. She spots Makarov.


Makarov:"I'm glad your okay."

Alice:"What happened?"

Makarov:"Porlyusica found you passed out on the road."

Alice gets depressed.

Alice:"The poison was stronger than me."

Makarov sweat drops.

Suddenly the door slams open and Gray/Erza/Mira walk in.


They run over to Alice.

Gray:"We were so worried."

Mira:"As if!"

Erza:"Mira was worried."

Mira crosses her arms and looks away.

Alice:"I told you guys I'm stronger than Poison."

Everyone sweat drops and Alice looks around.

Alice:"Where's Natsu?"

Everyone points to the other side of the bed and Alice turns to see Natsu standing next to her bed with a snake costume on.

Natsu:*Throws his arms up.* "Boo!"

Alice screams.

Alice:"Kill it!"

Alice holds her hand out towards Natsu and five light form on her finger tips.


Alice fires off the lights and they hit Natsu in the face and he goes flying across the room and out a window.

Gray laughs.

Alice:"I hate snakes!"

------ Present Day.

Alice slowly comes too and she hears Carla shriek.

Carla:"Erza has gone missing."

Lucy gasps and Carla gains a tic mark.

Carla:"I swear, where are her manners? She didn't even thank Wendy for saving her life."

Happy:"Uh-oh, do you think she might have heard us mention Jellal's name?"


Alice sits up.


Alice grabs her head and rubs it.

Sudden;y Hibiki uses his magic to knock Wendy out.


Carla:"What do you think you're doing, striking a girl?"

Hibiki:"We gotta go, I'll explain on the way!"

Hibiki runs over to Wendy and puts her on his back.

Carla:"You better."

Alice gets up and shakes her head.

Lucy:"You coming with us, Alice?"

Alice requips back into her regular armor and Fragrant Olive is on her hip.

Alice:"I'm going after Erza from a different route."

Lucy nods.

Lucy:"Be careful!"

Alice stretches her arms.

Alice:"You, too."

The others run off into the forest while Alice grabs her head and rubs it and looks to the pillar of light in the sky.

Alice:'This dark magic is giving me a headache. But why does it feel good?' *Alice glares out to the pillar of light.*

Alice grits her teeth and rubs her head and takes a deep breath. She looks out into the forest.

Alice:"I'm coming Erza."

Alice runs into the forest.



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