The Knight of Fairy Tail

Finally a Break

Team Natsu is taking down a group of bandits in a castle. Alice punches a guy in the face and he's sent flying into a wall. Fragrant Olive attached to her left hip

Natsu:"Man, these guys don't put up much of a fight."

Alice kicks a bar stool into another bandit.

Gray:"So who did you losers steal from? Old ladies and little kids?"

Alice:"They are very weak."

A guy tries to hit Alice from behind put she throws her fist up and hits the guy in the face and he falls to the ground.

Bandit:"Don't act like this is over. You'll be sorry. Just you wait."

Bandit:"Yeah, Lord Devon is gonna make you pay."

Happy:"We beat up that jerk a long time ago."

Erza comes down some stairs.

Erza:"I'm all finished upstairs."

Lucy gives Erza a thumbs up.

Lucy:"Sweet. Nice work, Erza!"

A guy tries to get up and run away but something big lands in front of him. He looks up and sees Amayori. She roars at him and he screams like a little girl and turns around and runs straight into Alice.

Alice just flicks him on the head and he falls to the ground.

Alice:"Seems like you haven't learned you lesson."

Alice rubs her foot on the bandit.

Taurus:"Please Teach me a lesson too, mistresses."

Lucy closes his gate.

Lucy:"And a way you go. Bye!"

All the bandits around the room are groaning. 



The group is now outside the castle. Alice is patting Amayori on the head.

Erza:"Well, that was a waste. I was hoping they might be a challenge."

Natsu:"Oh, I wanna fight some more!"

Gray:"I know how you feel, but save it for the next job."

Natsu looks to Alice.

Natsu:"Alice take me on one of your Council missions. I always hear you fight a bunch on those missions."


Natsu:"Awww, why not!"

Alice:"I'm on those mission because of you half the time!"

Amayori laughs.

Happy holds up a gem he found.

Happy:"Check out this gem I got. Pretty cool, don't you think?"

Lucy panics.

Lucy:"Stealing from thieves is still stealing!"

Happy looks to the side.

Happy:"Hey, isn't that Loke over there?"

Every turns and sees Loke a little ways from them and they all head over to him.

Loke:"What's up, guys?"

Natsu:"Just beating bad guys and being awesome."

Gray:"Same old, same old."

Lucy walks up and Loke freaks out.

Lucy:"I'm glad we ran into you. Thanks so much for--"

Loke interrupts Lucy.

Loke:"Sorry, but I better hit the road. So long!"

Loke runs away.

Lucy:"What is that guy's problem?"

Gray:"I don't know what you did, but you really freak him out."

Natsu:"Yeah, he avoids you like the plague."

Alice:"That just Lucy being Lucy."


Lucy:"What's that supposed to mean!"

Alice just shrugs her shoulders.

Lucy:"Well, it's not my fault he's crazy!"

The group heads over to a cliff and looks at the castle. 

Gray:"Guess we might as well head home."

Lucy:"I dunno. I was thinking since we finished our job early for once, what do you say we stop by a spa and take it easy?"

Alice eyes glow with stars.



Lucy goes tense. 

Lucy:"Yes, ma'am?"

Erza:"I think that's a fine idea."

Lucy sighs in relief; So do Natsu and Gray.

Alice looks to Amayori.

Alice:"Head home, I'll see you soon."

Amayori roars and she flies away.




The group arrives at Hosenka Village and they head to a spa house. The girls go to the girls Spa and the boys to to theirs.

Lucy:"I don't get it? Why is Loke so afraid of me?"

Erza and Alice stand up behind Lucy.

Erza:"Nice moon tonight."

Lucy turns around and sees Alice and Erza still in their armor. Their armor sparkles in the moonlight.

Alice:"The bath's nice too."

Lucy:"You're both bathing in your armor!"

Erza:"I'm more relaxed with it on."

Alice:"I feel much more safe wearing it."

Lucy:"Really? Doesn't it feel kind of weird?"

Erza:"Now, that you mention it, it does. I may need to reconsider my definition of relaxation."

lucy:"Yeah, I don't think taking it easy is either of your strong points."

Erza requips and now she's naked.

Lucy:"Wow! You look just as awesome without your armor!"

Erza:"Is that so! Then perhaps I should walk around the guild like this."


Alice:"I think not."

Erza:"That was a joke."


Erza turns to Alice; she's still wearing her armor.

Erza:"Come on ALice, the water's fine."

Alice looks hestient and then sighs after a few seconds. A golden glow covers Alice and she requips her armor away and sh'es now naked.


Erza:"I know right."

Alice blushes and sits down in the water.



After the bath.

Natsu is wearing some panajams and he's holding a couple of pillows.

Natsu:"Let's get this party started!"

Happy jumps up holding a pillow.


Gray props himself up.

Gray:"Oh, come on. I'm trying to sleep here. Why don't you take your party outside?"

Natsu:"It's a sleep over! You know what that means, right? You gotta bust out your pillow fu, or are you too scared?"

Gray:"Of you? Yeah, right."

Alice, Erza and Lucy enter the room. Alice is wearing ehr armor again. Erza and Alice both have pillows under their arms.

Erza:"My arsenal is equipped with only the most powerful pillows."

Lucy:"Most powerful?"

Alice:"This doesn't seem relaxing."

Natsu:"What ever Erza, You're going down!"

Gray:"Grow up, you guys."

Natsu throws a pillow at Erza but she jumps away and it hits Gray in the face.

Gray gets angry and he stands up.

Gray:"You're in for it now!"

Gray looks down and notices a bunch of pillows.

Gray:"Oh, would you look at all these pillows?"

Gray picks up a pillow and throws it and it hits Natsu in the face.

Alice is off to the side watching all of this.

Gray:"You're next, Erza!"

Gray throws the pillow at Erza and she catches it.

Erza:"Not too shabby."

Lucy laughs and she rolls up her sleeves.

Lucy:"Ok, I guess I'll join in too."

Three pillows fly at her and they hit her out of the room.


Gray, Natsu, Happy, and Erza all yell and throw Pillows at each other. Alice is off to the side and she sweat drops.

Alice:"This is getting out of hand. Guys, I think you should-"

Alice is hit in the face with three pillows and she falls to the ground with swirls in her eyes. Smoke rises from her face.

Alice:"Points made."

Alice's head falls back and she passes out.



The next day at the Fairy Tail guild.

Natsu and Gray are butting head and growling at each other.

Elfman:"What's with the two of them?"

Mira:"Evidently, they both were hurt during a pillow fight after their last job."

Elfman:"If they're that banged up, then those pillows must have been full of bricks."

Gray:"It was just a pillow fight. What were you getting so worked up about?"

Natsu:"'Cause I give everything 100%!"

Gray:"Oh, like when you 100% lost?"

Natsu:"I was awesome! You're the one who lost!"

Gray and Natsu look to Lucy.

Gray/Natsu:"Lucy, I won the pillow fight, right?"

Lucy turns around and gives them an Erza and Alice like glare.

Lucy:"Put a sock in it."

Both Gray and Natsu freak out.

Natsu/Gray:"We're sorry. We'll be quiet now."

Mira:"Wow. I thought only Erza and Alice were the only ones who could keep those two in check."

Elfman:"She's a real man."

Natsu and Gray walk away, despondent.

Happy walks up to Lucy.

Happy:"What's wrong? You seem like you're in a bad mood."

Lucy:"Deal with it. I'm always like this."

Lucy eats a spoonful of her stew.

Happy:"You still mad at me about that Plue thing?"

Lucy:"You've gotta be kidding me. You think I'm petty enough to get hung up on some prank?"

Lucy sighs.

Lucy:"Look, I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now."

Happy:"Hey, you can always talk to me!"

Lucy:"I'll pass. Thanks anyway, though."



Alice is back home and she's in the bath. She's covered in bubbles ands he lowers herself more into the bath.

Alice:'It's been weeks since I've been able to truly relax.'

Alice buts a hand on her guild mark.

Alice:'But I feel like somethings wrong.'

Alice closes her eyes.

Alice:'It's problem.'

Alice falls asleep.



The next morning everyone is gathered around Loke.

Natsu:"You're a celestial spirit?"

Happy:"No way, really?"

Loke rubs the back of his head.

Loke:"Sorry I didn't tell you before."

Natsu:"Ah-Hah! So that must be why it felt so weird whenever we switched bodies, huh?"

Loke:"Yeah, I guess so."

Alice blinks in surprise.

Alice:"I missed so much last night."

Gray:"Gotta say, I'm surprised I never caught on to you."

Natsu:"How come you're not a cow, or a horse, or a crab? You're just a dude."

Loke:"Virgo has a human form too. It's not like we're all animals."

Natsu:"You say that but I've seen her turn into a gorilla!"

Loke:"She's not really a gorilla."

Lucy:"Loke here is actually a lion spirit."


Happy:"A lion's like a grown-up cat, right?"

Loke:"Yep, you got it."

Lucy:"Don't lie to him!"

Happy climbs onto Loke's shoulder and drools on him.


Happy:"You're the coolest spirit ever."

Gray:"Shouldn't you be resting up back in the celestial world right now?"

Loke:"I'm doing a lot better than I was. I just wanted to come say hi. Well, that and I couldn't wait to see Lucy again."

Lucy slightly blushes. 

Happy:"He loves you."

Lucy:"Shut it, cat, or you're gonna get hurt."

Loke then grabs Lucy, princess style and carries her away.

Loke:"Excuse us. We need to have a little chat about our future together."

Lucy:"What are you doing? Put me down!"

Natsu:"Aw man, I wish I had a celestial spirit."

Happy:"What kind of thing would it be?"

Natsu:"A dragon, duh! 'Cause then I could practice my magic on it!"


Lucy:"You don't summon spirits just to practice your magic on 'em!"

Loke:"That's right. You summon 'em when you need some loving."

Alice:"This is getting weird!" 

Lucy:"I think you'd better go back now."

Lucy holds up Loke's gate key.

Lucy:"You've gotta be careful 'cause you're not up to full strength yet."

Loke then grabs something from his pocket.

Loke:"I got you something."

Loke holds out five tickets.

Loke:"Here you go."

Lucy:"What are those?"

Lucy grabs the tickets and looks at them.

Loke:"They're tickets to this awesome beach resort. You did so much for me, it's the least I could do."

Everyone:"The beach?"

Alice gains stars in her eyes as she grabs her ticket.

Alice:"A vacation!"

Gray:"I've never even been to a place like that before.

Lucy, Natsu and Happy start to "Dance"

Loke:"I already gave Erza her ticket. I hope you guys have a good time."

Alice hugs her ticket to her chest and she dances around.

Alice:"Vacation! Vacation!"

Alice then realises what she's doing and she stops and clears her throat.

Alice:"You guys saw nothing."

Erza:"Come on, chop-chop. No lollygagging."

Everyone looks to Erza and she's already packed for the trip.

Erza:"Now, hurry, or I'll leave you behind."

Gray/Lucy:"So much stuff!"

Natsu:"All right, I'm ready to go right now. Bring on the beach!"

Happy:"Yeah, let's go!"

Gray:"I still need to pack."

Alice:"Me too!"

Gray:"Natsu, just hold your horses, will you?"

Alice:"I've been waiting for a vacation for so long! I'm gonna soak up so much sun!"

Alice giggles like a little girl.

Natsu:"Wow, you sound like a girl!"

Alice gains a tick mark and she punches the top of Natsu's head.

Alice:"I am a girl!"

Erza walks over to Lucy.

Erza:"Are you packed yet? We're about ready to leave."

Lucy:"You know something? I was thinking. If I was ever in his situation, and I had accidentally caused somebody here to get hurt or worse, I'd be just as torn up about it as he was. But I wouldn't hold on to the guilt, 'cause I know my friends would be there for me."

The others walk up.

Lucy:"If I ever needed to talk, there's always someone here at Fairy Tail. We're really lucky, you know?"

Erza:"Couldn't have said it better myself."

Lucy looks to the others and smiles.

Natsu:"Come on! What's the hold-up? Let's get going!"


Alice:"I still need to pack!"

Gray:"I can't wait to get to the beach and soak up some rays."

Erza:"Me too. Whan an unexpected treat this'll be."

Alice:"And Finally it'll be something normal for once."

Erza:"Now let's have some fun."

Everyone:"Aye, sir!"



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