The Knight of Fairy Tail

The Tower of Heaven

Alice is sitting on a chair at the beach. She's wearing her armor and she had sunglasses on.

Alice:"This is the life."

Alice grabs a drink from her left and sips on it.

Gray:"Give me back my bathing suit!"

Natsu:"No way, man!"

Lucy:"I don't think Happy like being used as a cover-up."

Alice looks over and lowers her sunglasses and sees Natsu holding Gray's swim shorts. Gray is using Happy to cover is private area. Alice pushes her sunglasses up and she sits back.

Alice:"Such children."



Later that evening Alice is sitting on her balcony.

Alice:"What a great day."

Alice closes her eyes and falls asleep.


A female voice is heard.

????????:"You'll help me achieve my goal, Alice Synthesis Thirty."

Then soft laughter is heard.


Alice shoots her  eyes open and looks around confused.

Alice:'What was that?'

Alice gets up and stretches and she hears her door open. Alice looks over and sees Erza, in a dress.

Erza:"Alice, let's head down stairs the others are already down there."


Alice heads to the door and is about to walk out when Erza stops her.

Erza:"You're not going out wearing that."


Erza:"Just one night, okay."

Alice sighs and requips into a dress.

Alice sighs and requips into a dress


Erza:"You look beautiful." 

Alice blushes and walks past Erza.

Alice:"Let's just head down stairs."




Alice is sitting at a bar and she's drinking some wine.

Alice:"So peaceful."

Alice hears Natsu yelling in the background. Alice gains a tick mark on her head.

Alice:"Now it's not so peaceful."

Alice downs her wine and orders another.

Alice:"Damn it Natsu."

There is someone in a black cloak a little ways behind Alice. Then the figure takes out a kitchen knife dagger Chinese. The figure smiles and walks towards Alice.

The bartender sets a glass of wine on the bar counter.

Alice puts a hand on her guild mark.

Alice:'Somethings doesn't feel right.'

Suddenly the lights turn off and a gun shoot is heard and Alice quickly stands up. She goes to reach for her sword but stops.

Alice:'Damn it! I shouldn't have left Fragrant Olive at home!'

The figure runs at Alice and she quickly turns around and the figure slices at Alice and the bar is completely destroyed and Alice is nowhere to be seen.



Simmon:"We got what we came for. Let's go home."

Simmon is holding an unconscious Erza. The person in the black cloak is standing next to Simmon.

Sho:"Sure she's OK?"

Wally"She's just taking a nap."

Lucy is tied up and laying on the floor.

Lucy:"Hold it! Just where do you jerks think you're taking her? I hope you know you're not gonna get away with this? I hope you know you're not gonna get away with this! Natsu, Gray and Alice are gonna find you. And when they do, they're gonna make you pay!"

Wally:"Sorry, Toots, but those geeks are gonna be licking pavement for a while. You get me?"


Simmon:"Those two were nothing but talk."


Figure:"And little old Alice isn't going to be getting up anytime soon."

Lucy:"But that's impossible! You mean they're-"

Wally:"Yeah, sleeping the Big Sleep."


 Millianna uses Magic to tighten Lucy's restraints.

Millianna:"Meow. In about another five minutes, you're gonna be all twisted up, just like a yummy little pretzel."

Wally walks over to Millianna.

Wally:"Hey, Millianna, I scored a little something for you."


Wally uses Magic and Happy appears in Wally's hands. Millianna gets excited.

Millianna:"A kitty of my very own!"

Millianna grabs Happy and throws him up in the air then cathces him.

Millianna:"He's such a little cutie-wooty."


Simmon:"That's enough. Calm down and tie Erza up."

Figure:"Yeah, can we leave already. I have a payment to get."

Wally:"Alright, doll. Time to get to work."


Sho:"Sister, I can't believe you're finally coming home to the Tower of Heaven."

A tear falls from Sho's eye.

Sho:"I know Jellal will be happy to see you."

Then they starts to leave.

Lucy:"Where are you taking her? Come back!"

They disappear in a magic spell.

Lucy:"She's gone."

Lucy struggles against her restraints and she rolls around on the floor.

Lucy:"I swear I'm gonna get out of this thing somehow!"

Lucy stops moving and struggles a little more and her gate keys fall to the floor.


Lucy moves and grabs her gate keys.

Lucy:"Here we go. Open, key of the Giant crab, Cancer!"

Nothing happens.

Lucy:"Uh, ok, Cancer, come on. Fine, what about Taurus? Loke? Please, help! Why can't I use my keys? Is it because of this rope?"

Something pokes Lucy in the back.

Lucy:"Ow, what the?"

Lucy looks down and sees the guy wearing the mascot suit (INside the card) Holding a knife.

Mascot:"Oops, sorry about that."

Lucy:"Hey, was that you that poked me?"

Mascot:"Yeah, I just happened to have this letter opener in my pocket and I thought I might be able to use it to cut my way out of this thing. But I guess I accidentally got you."

Then another person stuck in a card speaks.

Man:"Oh, I'll try that too."

Woman:"Maybe we can get out."

Lucy:"Even though his knife's inside the card, I could feel it."

Lucy gets right up to the mascot guy's card.


Lucy:"Sir, I don't know, I may be wrong about this, but I get the feeling objects inside your cards might be able to break through them."

Mascot:"You think so? When I do this, does it look to you like the knife is poking out at all?"

Lucy:"No, it looks flat, but if I felt it, then that means it has to have some kind of effect on what's inside."

Lucy rolls over so the rope is touching the card.

Lucy:"Do me a favor. I need you to try and cut through this rope with it, OK?"

Mascot:"I'll give it a shot."

People start to cheer as the mascot guy tries to cut Lucy's ropes. The ropes start to tighten.

Lucy:"Please, hurry!"

Mascot:"I'm trying lady! Don't push me!"

lucy:"Sorry, but this hurts!"

The Mascot was able to cut Lucy's ropes and she sits up.

Lucy:"Oh, you did it!"

Lucy turns around and grabs the Mascot guys card.

Lucy:"Thanks a lot. I owe you one."

Mascot:"You're welcome. You think you could help us out now?"

Lucy kisses the guys card. She then gets up and runs off.

Lucy:"I gotta run, but I promise I'll come back to help!"

Lucy finds gray and he's knocked out. Juvia is also knocked out nearby.

Lucy:"What happened? Oh no!"

She runs over to Gray

Lucy:"Snap out of it, Gray. Talk to me!"

Lucy puts a hand on Gray's shoulder.

Lucy:"He's cold."

Lucy shakes Gray and he turns to Ice and shatters; Lucy screams and she tries to put him back together.

Lucy:"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. You're gonna be OK. I'll fix you up in no time. I swear!"

lucy buts Gray somewhat back together. Then he falls apart.

Juvia:"There's no need to panic."

Lucy looks to the side and sees Juvia.

Lucy:"I remember you." *She grabs her keys.* "You're with the Element 4."

Gray:"Lucy, wait."

Juvia moves and shows that Gray was "Inside her"

Gray:"She's not our enemy anymore."

Juvia:"Yes, that's right. I pulled my precious Gray inside of me to ensure his safety."

Lucy:"Is it just me, or does that seem really weird?

Juvia:"Are you jealous he was inside of me and not you?"

Lucy:*Sweat drops.* "Uh, not really, no."

Gray and Juvia get off the floor and Gray takes off his tie.

Gray:"This dude cast a darkness spell," *He starts to unbutton his shirt.* "so I created an ice decoy to distract him until I could figure out my plan of attack."

Juvia:"I wanted to keep the real Gray safe from harm, so I pulled him inside of my water lock until I was sire the danger had passed."

Gray takes his shirt off.

Gray:"Yeah, and I couldn't do anything from in there. Thanks to you, the creep got away."


Gray looks to Lucy.

Gray:"Now what? Do you know where everyone else is?"

Lucy:"No, I don't. It's bad. They took Erza and Happy!"

Natsu screams and breathes fire from his mouth.

Lucy/Gray:"Is that?"

Natsu:*Raspy.* "The nerve of that guy." 

Smoke is coming out from his mouth.

The others run up to him.


Gray:"What happened to you?"

Natsu gains tick marks.

Natsu:"Hey, what kind of jerk shoots people in the mouth? Huh? I mean, someone could get really hurt!"

Natsu:"Uh, I think that'd kill anyone who wasn't a weirdo like you."

Juvia:"I would have to agree."

Natsu:"Wait where's Alice."

Lucy freaks out.

Lucy:"I forgot about her!"

Gray:"Alice! Where are you?"

Some rubble not too far away from them shakes.


Natsu runs over to the rubble and he leans over it.

Natsu:"Alice are you-"

A fist burst through the rubble and hits Natsu in the face. Natsu flies back a few meters and lands on the ground.

Natsu sits up and yells.

Natsu:"What was that for!"

Alice digs herself out of the rubble and she stands up.

Lucy:"AHH, you're bleeding!"

Alice looks down and sees a large cut in her dress and it stained red. Alice  slides her fingers across the red stain and tastes it.

Gray:"What are you doing?"

Alice:"It's wine."

The others sigh in relief.

Alice grabs her dress and looks at it.

Alice:"This was my favorite dress."

Alice then glows gold and after a few seconds she requips into her armor. Alice looks around.

Alice:"Where's Erza?"

Lucy:"They took her!"

Natsu:"I bet it was the blockhead!"

Natsu runs off.

Natsu:"He's not getting away with this!"

Gray:"Follow him."

Lucy:"Wait, does he even know where he's going?"

Gray:"Natsu has a nose for pray that'd put wild animals to shame."

The others follow Natsu.




The group is now on a boat and Alice is at the front staring off into the distance. Alice's hands curled into fists and she grits her teeth in anger.

Alice:'I'm sorry Erza that I wasn't there for you. I'm coming Sister.'


1501 words

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