The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 109

Chapter 109 – Black Crane Ship 2

Facing the nine poisoned feather arrows, Enzo and Giuliano reluctantly handed over their weapons. The opponents didn’t dare to be careless. Two royal guards put away their bows and arrows and took away the weapons of the surrender. The others kept pointing at them with bows and arrows until they were tied up.

King Clement strode towards the round platform, looking up in amazement at the phantom suspended in mid-air. “Who are you?” he asked in Old Imperial (pronounced more than Giuliano’s standard).

Phantom’s answer was exactly the same as before: “I am the ‘Black Crane Boat’.”

“So the ancient book is right! The ‘Black Crane Boat’ is indeed a living flying ship!”

He took off the ring on his hand: “This is the key that can control you?”

Phantom said calmly: “Please put the key into the slot accurately.”

The young king snorted, and slowly lowered the ring into the groove as if walking on eggshells. The moment he let go, dazzling lights lit up in the hall, colorful colors suddenly appeared on the bare walls around, and many bright numbers, symbols, and lines flashed and disappeared quickly. King Clement swallowed a mouthful of saliva, obviously frightened by the sudden change, but he forced himself to remain calm and asked Phantom, “Am I your master now?”

Phantom’s tone was still as calm as water: “Searching the database… Failed to synchronize… Your information was not found, do you want to add a new identity entry?”

The king was startled: “What do you mean? I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

“I haven’t retrieved your identity information from the ship’s database, I can’t connect to the Internet, and the synchronization failed. Would you like to add your identity data to the ship’s database?”

Clement was confused, but he couldn’t show his timidity, otherwise it would damage the majestic image of the king, so he had no choice but to answer bravely: “Okay, just do it, if you think it’s necessary…”

“Updating database. Please wait.”

Of course the king did not want to wait long. He is the king, and others have always been waiting for him, and there is no reason for it to be the other way around. “‘Black Crane Boat’, I order you to take off.”

“Insufficient energy, unable to start the engine. There are still three hours, twenty-seven minutes and nine seconds until the ‘interstellar energy peak’.”

Clement thumped the round table angrily. His personal bodyguard came to him and whispered to the lord: “Your Majesty, don’t forget that the ‘Black Crane Boat’ must draw energy from the strange celestial phenomenon that a solar eclipse and a comet appear at the same time. When the sun rises tomorrow, there will be a solar eclipse You have been waiting for so long for the moment to happen, why worry about this moment?”

Clement felt that what he said was reasonable, so he no longer blamed the spaceship. His attention shifted from the phantom to the two uninvited guests.

“Almost forgot, I still have two uninvited guests.” He touched his smooth chin, and walked towards Enzo and Giuliano with great interest. The latter two were being detained by the royal guards, kneeling in the corner of the hall. The king bent down before Enzo and studied his face carefully, as if trying to find gold in it.

“You, look familiar.” Finally, the king concluded, “Have I seen you? Are you some lesser knight whose name I can’t remember?”

“Uh, sorry, I’m a Yoder, respect Your Majesty.” Enzo replied as politely as possible.

“Oh, Yords! Who sent you? Hean Suveta?”

Enzo and Giuliano looked at each other. Of course they were not sent by Suweita, but at this time they might as well throw the scapegoat at that General Zanodia, who is also the future consul. Enzo could not lie openly, but could only use ambiguous language to deal with Clement.

“Since you know what you know, why bother to ask.”

“It really is that guy.” Clement sneered, “Not only did he see through my military plan, but he even knew how to send someone to capture the boat of the black crane’. He is really an enemy that should not be underestimated. But his good luck is That’s it, when the ‘Black Crane Boat’ takes off, no one in this world will be my opponent! As for you two little thieves…”

The king drew out the long sword from the guard’s waist, and pressed the blade against Enzo’s throat. Giuliano almost shouted the word “forgive me”, Enzo smiled arrogantly, and said in a deep voice: “Clement, you may have captured the ‘Black Crane Ship’, but you will definitely not be able to conquer the city-states of Yoder! General An Suweita uses his troops like a god, and the city-states have already known about your tricks, as long as everyone is united and united, what can a mere flying ship do?”

Clement laughed back in anger!

“Oh? How dare you underestimate the power of the ‘Black Crane Boat’? Well, I’ll spare your life first.”

He turned and walked towards the round platform, “‘Black Crane Boat’, tell me, is there any room on the boat that can be used as a prison cell?”

“You can use cabin E-225. I’ll show you the way.”

“Both of you, take them to the cell and keep them safe. When the ‘Black Crane Boat’ takes off, I want him to see with his own eyes how his beloved city was destroyed!”

The guards of the royal family picked up Enzo and Giuliano and walked to the “elevator” according to the phantom’s instructions. King Clement pressed his hands on the round table, his gaze hovering over the glowing wall.

“‘Black Crane Boat’, what do these pictures and numbers on the wall mean?”

“That is the necessary parameter for the ship to sail. What you see now is the current temperature, humidity, wind speed and air pressure.”

“What do you mean? Do I have to remember this?”

“You don’t have to remember. I steer the ship, you just give the order.”

“Very good! Let me ask you, what weapons are on board? It is said that the artillery of the ‘Black Crane Boat’ is so powerful that it can wipe out thousands of troops with one blow. Is it true?”

“Cannon? Do you mean the ship’s cation cannon?”

“So it’s called that? It doesn’t matter! Tell me, is it really that powerful?”

“The ship-mounted cation cannon is the ship’s most powerful long-range bombardment weapon, and it has huge lethality, but I’m not sure what you mean by ‘killing thousands of troops with one blow’.”

“Forget it, the rumors are somewhat exaggerated, and you will know after the test after takeoff.”

“Understood. I will record the ‘weapon test’ in the schedule and remind you after takeoff.”

Enzo and Giuliano were escorted by two royal guards, and they took a small movable room to a platform on the lower floor. The phantom voice was everywhere, reminding them how to get to cabin E-225. The ship was indeed alive. Giuliano felt his stomach churning at the thought that they might be inside some unknown lifeform. Eight passages are connected to the lower platform, and a letter is written above each passage. They walked into the passage marked “E”. There were many metal doors on the left and right sides, and each door was numbered.

They found door number 225 under the command of Phantom. It slid open on both sides like the glass doors of an “elevator,” and the room behind it was empty, without furniture, let alone windows. The walls are made of some kind of soft material, even if they wanted to hit the wall to kill themselves, they couldn’t do it. The guards threw the two of them into the room.

“Hey! At least untie the rope!” cried Giuliano.

The guards ignored him. The door closed silently.

Giuliano lay on the ground, and Enzo looked at each other.

“You’ve got wire up your sleeve, haven’t you?” Giuliano asked hopelessly.

“It’s hidden, but… it’s slower to cut.”

“‘Black Crane’s Boat’ said that there are still more than three hours before take-off, so it’s too late!”

“Seeing how confident you are, I’m relieved.”

Enzo frowned, trying to cut the rope with the hidden wire. The wire is small and blunt, and I don’t know when it will take a year to cut the rope. Perhaps before he succeeded, the “Black Crane Boat” took off.

“Sorry, Giuliano, I’m afraid we’re really doomed this time. If we knew this, we shouldn’t have brought you here, and you’ve been hurt…”

“Don’t be silly!” Giuliano arched in Enzo’s direction, “I came with you voluntarily! I only have two wishes, one is revenge, and the other is to be with you! The previous wish has been fulfilled Alright, the last one…” He paused, and a bitter taste suddenly surged in his heart, “If Clement wants to kill us, let him do it, I’m not afraid of death, as long as I can be with you…”

He pressed Enzo’s forehead and whispered, “Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me alone.”

“I will not.”

“Don’t give up hope either! The Enzo I know is not someone who would give up easily!”

Enzo smiled with difficulty. Giuliano understood that he was mostly enjoying the pain. He himself also felt that this time there was probably no return. Not only will he die, but he must also witness the tragedy of the destruction of his hometown before he dies. But when he thought of Enzo by his side, he felt a little relieved.

“Giuliano, actually…” Enzo hesitated to speak, “Actually, there is something I haven’t told you. I originally planned to take this secret into the grave, but now that I’m dying, I don’t feel comfortable telling it.”

“I’ll keep it secret,” Giuliano said seriously.

“Actually, I met King Clement. He probably doesn’t remember, because he was a baby then.”

“Huh?” Giuliano exclaimed, “Wait, have you seen King Clement as a baby?! Are you…”

“My biological father was a high-ranking Muchanian nobleman, and my mother was a priestess who served the God of Truth and Deception. They married in secret, and only a few cronies knew of my mother’s existence. Priests could not marry in theory. If you want to get married, you have to return to secular life first, and you have to sacrifice your firstborn son to the gods. My mother gave up the priesthood for my father. When I was nine years old, she decided to let me study theology, so I took I went to Vanessa, intending to let the priests there educate me. And my father… In Muchania, the belief in ancient gods is a taboo, he is more and more worried about his future, and he is afraid that the identity of his mother will affect his status , so he hired an assassin—a Vanessa mute—to kill my mother and me. He was only half successful, and my mother died at his hands, and I…”

Giuliano was chilled all over. “So he became your mentor?”

Enzo closed his eyes with a pained look on his face. That memory was something he had never wanted to touch, like an old scar that would bleed when touched. But he was willing to share his secret with Giuliano before he died. He wanted no more secrets between them, they could share everything, so he had to take the first step.

“I was raised by my own mother-killing enemy. When I had enough strength, I officially challenged him. In the end I won. I wanted to kill him, but he was just a tool at the mercy of others. I really It should be my father who hates me, and the teacher has been kind to me in nurturing me, so I drove him out of Vanessa and ordered him not to step into Yoder for the rest of his life…”

On that rainy night, the boy cut off the man’s thumb with a long sword. The rain washed the man’s weak body, diluting the blood that kept gushing out.

“Get out! Get out of Vanessa, get out of this city! From now on, you are not allowed to set foot in the city-states of Yord! If I hear about you, you will lose more than one finger!”

The man held his bleeding wound and stood up unsteadily. The fire in his eyes had died out, and now they were like a faint, deep well, but he was smiling.

He is actually laughing!

“What are you laughing at?” asked the boy with the sword.

“You have finally embarked on this path, Enzo,” said the man. “Your mother wanted you to become a priest, and although you did not become a priest, you became a servant of the God of Truth and Falsehood. You fled How many times have you been, and how many times have you been caught by me? You refused to become the Silent One, but in the end you took this path. This is the arrangement of the gods, Enzo, and you will never escape.”

“Get out!”

The man staggered back: “I’m leaving now. Take my mask, it’s yours now. My hiding place, my wealth, everything about me is yours. Goodbye, apprentice. No, I should say goodbye.”

The boy glared at him like a night owl.

“Wait!” He called the man.

“Changed your mind?” the man smiled sarcastically.

The boy threw the sword in his hand at the man’s feet. “You gave me this sword at the beginning.” He said coldly, “You asked me to name it, and you said that I would have more affection with it. So I named it after my mother— It was also my sister’s name. Now I give it back to you.”

The man picked up the long sword. His dominant hand could no longer hold the sword, so he could only hold the hilt tremblingly with the other hand, using the sword as a crutch to support his body.

“I will have my own sword, I don’t need yours! Take your scrap metal and get lost!”

“I also thought about returning to my home country, but then I gave up that idea. Once I reveal my identity, it will only attract more killers. Let them think I am dead. I have nothing to do with them. As for My father… I heard that he died of a serious disease later, and I was really unhappy with the retribution.”

“Enzo…” Giuliano opened his mouth in vain like a stranded fish, but couldn’t say a word. He always felt that Enzo was not like the kind of killer who wandered around the streets and hid in the dark. His natural noble demeanor, his appearance that is not very similar to that of the Yoders, his seemingly melancholy temperament, and the bleeding heart hidden under the gorgeous clothes…It turns out that he also had a painful past, and every person who lives in this world Every step is more difficult than others.

“The gods led me to this place and arranged this encounter. There must be a meaning, but I don’t know if this means my end, or…”

He stopped inexplicably.

Giuliano was startled: “What, what’s wrong?”

“Who’s there?”

With a sigh like a breeze, a black mist gushed out from under the closed door. Thinking that Clement had changed his mind and wanted to gas them, Giuliano immediately held his breath. The black mist entered the room, but instead of spreading, it condensed into a ball. Giuliano’s cheeks flushed from holding back, and finally gave up holding his breath with a “poof”.

The black mist suddenly dissipated, and the elf Aurasha appeared in the room.

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