The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 – Black Crane Ship 3

Giuliano gasped.

“Arasha! When did you come!”

“A few days ago. I found this place after I left Vanessa, and I have been hiding in the cave these days.” The elf priest had his usual inorganic expression on his face, “The ‘Black Crane Boat’ allowed me to enter, but refused to obey Other orders, just because I don’t have the key. So I plan to wait for the person who holds the key to deliver it to the door. When the group of humans boarded the boat, I followed. They didn’t find me.”

“Those two guards outside…?”

“It’s still there. I managed to evade them, but I didn’t dare to attack.” Orasha looked around, “This ship…’Black Crane Ship’ seems to be able to monitor many places in the ship. As I moved in the corridor, I always feel like there are invisible eyes staring at me.”

“Stop talking nonsense, help us untie the rope first!”

Orrasha hesitated for a moment. He was never used to being ordered by others. After thinking for a while, he felt that it would be more beneficial to untie the rope, so he slowly untied Giuliano and Enzo.

No sooner had he been free than Giuliano jumped to his feet impatiently. “We must stop King Clement! He wants to destroy the Yords! He is mad!”

“Don’t get excited. The ship is in his hands, and there are his people outside. We have no chance of winning. We must find a way.”

“Is there any other way than to kill directly?” Giuliano asked angrily.

Enzo said: “Clement said he would let us witness the destruction of the city with our own eyes, so when he attacks, he will definitely ask his subordinates to take us back to that hall. We can do it at that time.”

“But we have no weapons…”

Their swords and all kinds of knives and daggers hidden in their clothes were confiscated by the guards.

“Arasha can help us get the weapons here.”

The elf nodded. “That’s no problem. After you kill Clement, I will be able to take control of the Dog Black Crane Ship. It knows me. … No, it may not be appropriate to say ‘recognize’. It knows my existence, It comes from the Kingdom of God on the planet, and was sent by the gods to meet us in Fagus, so it knows that I am the priest of the God of Light. If Clement hadn’t used the key first, it wouldn’t have obeyed his order at all! “

“I hope we can succeed,” Enzo said with a sullen face, “otherwise we will die, not just our death, but many deaths…” He took a deep breath, “We must succeed.”

Oraxia tilted her head and stared at Enzo with strange eyes.

“Antoine! Wake up! Antoine!”

“Hmm… let me sleep a little longer…just a minute…”

“Wake up! The solar eclipse is about to begin! Don’t you want to miss it!”

Antoine jumped up from the bed with a carp. “Of course not!” he yelled as he hurriedly put on his clothes and tried to get his boots on. Lexi folded her arms and stood by the bed, looking at him displeasedly. The sky hadn’t fully brightened yet, but the hotel was full of chaos, and the street was full of people. People got up early to watch the eclipse.

“Come on, Miss Constanzia has a good place on the roof, don’t keep people waiting!”

“I haven’t had breakfast yet!”

Lexi conjured a piece of bread out of nowhere and stuffed it roughly into Antoine’s mouth. “Let’s go while eating!” He pulled Antoine up and walked out the door. Antoine hastily tucked his shirt into his trousers, whining.

The assassination of the governor’s mansion, coupled with Muchania’s sudden declaration of war on the city-states of Yod, the entire city of Vanessa fell into an atmosphere of panic. Some people have fled the city-state with their families, but more people choose to stay. The flames of war have not yet reached this city on the east coast, so most people are uneasy, but not yet overwhelmed by fear. “Vanessa has never fallen for thousands of years. We have defeated many enemies, and we will definitely win this time.” – Some people even have such optimistic thoughts.

Boniwell’s body was found by the sea a few days later, and the council formed by the leaders of the city-state’s various guilds temporarily took over the city’s government affairs. Antoine was imprisoned by the city guard for a while because he fought with the National People’s Congress at the banquet. The city guard seemed to think that he was related to the assassination, but he was released soon after civil protests. Hundreds of guests at the scene testified against the sky that he was not one of the assassins, but had stepped forward to fight the assassins. Without him, God knows how many people the insane killer would have killed. How could the city guard imprison this hero indiscriminately? So An TuoWan was not only acquitted, but also received a heroic reception, and returned to the hotel where he was staying with honor among flowers and applause. (He was flattered that the innkeeper had greeted him with unprecedented warmth.) Only Antoine was guilty. He didn’t fight the assassins, he didn’t save the people, he just… played with Giuliano.

Now as long as he appears in public, people who don’t know the truth will always come forward to praise him, ask him to shake hands or hug him, and even ask him for sword skills. He almost couldn’t help telling the truth several times, but was subtly stopped by Leixi.

“Are you trying to cause panic?” the bard said seriously. “Now is the time of war. The people need heroes and a spiritual support. How can you let them down?”

“But I’m not a hero at all.” Antoine was very guilty, “They have expectations of me, and I can’t lie to them.”

“You are a hero, Antoine, you just didn’t realize it yourself. You rescued many hostages from the ‘robbers’ on Chevernon Hill, and you saved General Suveta at the masquerade in Zanodia. , and also challenged the notorious pirates, and won the victory with one enemy and three. One day, people will make these deeds into songs and sing them around. Even if there is no assassination of the Governor’s Mansion, you can still be worthy of the title of ‘hero’ .”

“But you know that’s not true!” Antoine exclaimed, “Those so-called ‘heroic deeds’…every time someone helped me, and I didn’t do anything at all!”

“You don’t want to be a hero?” the bard asked.

Antoine was speechless. Of course he wanted to be a hero. This has been his dream since childhood. Both of his parents died since he was a child, and he was adopted by a teacher who happened to pass by the village at that time. Later, the teacher lived there and gradually integrated into the life of the villagers. He likes to listen to the teacher tell the legends of heroes: Omaran who strives hard to govern, Darion who rose from the reckless, and many righteous knights, knights with swords, green forest heroes who rob the rich and give to the poor, and those who punish evil and promote good. Hero… How can a teenager not wish to be a hero? Now Antoine is indeed called a “hero” by people, but such a “hero” is a bit different from what he originally imagined. It was as if someone pushed him to the cusp and made him have to be a hero.

He didn’t know if this was what he wanted.

“Antoine! Here, here!”

The roof was packed with people. All the hotel guests seem to be here. The boss is very good at doing business, he arranged tables and chairs in advance, and charged according to the location. The easternmost table is taken by Constantia. She and Lady Theodora ate breakfast in the howling morning breeze while they waited for the sunrise. On the table were two sheets of jet-black glass. Antoine and Lexi join them.

Some nearby guests noticed Antoine, and someone shouted: “Look! It’s the young hero who fought against the Reticent!” Antoine blushed and wanted to get under the table.

“Antoine, sooner or later you have to get used to being famous.” Constanzia leaned on the table with her elbows and teased Antoine.

Antoine shyly grabs the plate to hide his face. Theodora glanced at the student and said, “Okay, you still have the nerve to laugh at Antoine, I just heard someone nicknamed you ‘Flame Bringer’.”

The story of Constanzia subduing the assassin with the secret method of fire at the banquet was regarded as an anecdote, and soon spread throughout the streets and alleys of Vanessa. I don’t know who dug up the story of the Zanodian Masquerade. So Constanzia became famous together with Antoine as a “female magician who is good at the secret method of fire”.

“Pfft hahahaha, Flame Bringer! I think it suits Miss Constanzia!” Antoine threw down the plate and pounded the table laughing wildly.

Constantia turned her head away, ignoring Antoine. She is still angry until now, because neither Antoine nor Theodora has told her about the grievances between Giuliano and Boniwell. It seems that she is the only one who is kept in the dark. inside.

“Okay, don’t mention that, aren’t we here to see the solar eclipse?”

Lei Xi picked up the black crystal glass on the table and covered his eyes, “According to the calculations of astronomers, this solar eclipse will happen exactly at sunrise, so it is called the ‘second sunrise’. Besides, there are Accompanied by a comet, it is really a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle!”

Theodora said: “The same celestial phenomenon happened when the ancient tribes left the land of Fagus. If the records in ancient books are true, then the flying ship ‘Black Crane Boat’ can only fly when the comet and solar eclipse occur at the same time. Take off, that is to say, if there is still a ‘Black Crane Boat’ in the world, it will be able to absorb enough energy to fly.”

She narrowed her eyes and looked towards the whitening sky in the east: “Thousands of years ago, on the same morning, thousands of black ships soared into the sky at the same time, flying among the stars, what a spectacular sight it must have been! “

Antoine bowed his head again in shame. He didn’t tell the other three people about the adventure at sea, so they didn’t know that there was indeed a “black crane boat” in the world. Because it failed to set sail thousands of years ago, it has been sleeping until today. The key to the “Black Crane Boat” was taken away by that nasty Marco, and I don’t know if Aurasha can get it back smoothly. If he succeeds, will he fly that ship into the sky?

And Giuliano and Enzo. He was very worried about the two friends. They fell into the hole with Bonniewell. Boniwell’s body was eventually found, but the pair were nowhere to be found, and their whereabouts remain unknown to this day.

The east gradually brightened, and the light dispelled the cold fog of the night. Due to the occlusion of the terrain and buildings, they could not see the magnificent scene of a red sun erupting, but they could still bathe in the warm morning light. Someone exclaimed. The brightening sky suddenly darkened, and the stars returned to the sky, as if entering the night in an instant. Light receded to the east, night took over the world again, and the comet in the sky shone like a cruel rift. Not long after, the east could not see any sunlight at all, and the sky and the earth were all in darkness, just like midnight.

The hotel waiter hurriedly lit the lights for the guests. Antoine looked far and wide, and found that every house was lit up. If he hadn’t witnessed the sunrise with his own eyes just now, he would have thought it was late at night. The spectators who watched the solar eclipse murmured among themselves, marveling at the spectacle, and some timid ones began to murmur prayers, imploring the solar eclipse to pass quickly, and the gods to return the light to the world sooner.

The complete “night” lasted only a few minutes, and the eastern sky lit up again.

“It’s really like the second sunrise!” Antoine was filled with emotion.

The sun has returned to the world. The night is fading, and the day is coming. People turned off the lights and waited for the dawn to shine on the earth. Wonders belong to wonders, and ordinary people still have to live. After daybreak, the citizens lived their daily lives day after day. Some of the bored guests went back to their rooms, while the rest planned to wait for the sky to fully light up.

“Mom! What’s that!”

A girl watching the eclipse with her parents tugged at her mother’s skirt.

Antoine turned his head when he heard the sound. The girl points in the opposite direction of the sun. A small black shadow appeared in the western sky, which was gradually dyed light blue.

“It’s a bird.” Mother said impatiently.

“What a big bird…”

Antoine stood up involuntarily. The black shadow was only small at first, and it really looked like a soaring seabird, but it quickly became bigger, from a small black spot to the size of a bean, the size of a flying insect, the size of a glass bead… and then everyone Realize that their vision is playing tricks on them. That is not a small bird that is very close, but a huge monster that is located very far away! Since it is impossible to tell how big it is, it is also difficult to estimate the distance between it and the Vanessa city-state. We can only know from its rapidly growing figure that it is approaching at an incredible speed!

“What is that!” the man with good eyesight screamed first.

It wasn’t a seabird or a flying insect, but an unimaginably huge black object, shaped like a shuttle, covered with an unknown pitch-black metal, and the smooth surface reflected the golden light of dawn. Now not only people with good eyesight, but also people who are not blind can see that weird black object flying towards Vanessa at a high speed. Surprised citizens rushed to tell each other on the street. In a short time, countless people rushed to the street to watch the approaching giant. Even the solar eclipse did not attract so many eyes.

“It’s the ‘Black Crane Boat’!” Theodora couldn’t believe it, “It’s unmistakable! That’s the ‘Black Crane Boat’!”

Antoine’s mind was in a mess. Well, although that thing doesn’t look like a boat, let’s assume that it is the legendary “Black Crane Boat”. The solar eclipse happened, and the “Black Crane Boat” took off, which is nothing special, but why did it fly towards Vanessa? Is Oraxia on it? Did he get the key back? If he doesn’t succeed, then the one who controls the “Black Crane Boat” now is—

A black object hovered over Vanessa, casting a shadow on the city. A length of black circular tube protruded from its bottom, aiming at the direction of the Governor’s Mansion. With a “buzz”, a dazzling white light burst out from the black circular tube, turning into a straight line and hitting the governor’s mansion. The elegant building collapsed immediately, and the flames spread in the blink of an eye!

Death came to Vanessa.

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