The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

13 – Ayaka’s rage

"Good morning, Ayaka! Did you sleep well?"

"Morning Lina. Yeah, thanks for asking. I don't know why, but last night felt really good. It's like I had the deepest sleep in like… forever. Although the wake up was a bit… tricky."

When I say tricky, I mean I woke up and found my face sandwiched between Shera's huge tits. Honestly for a second I thought I would choke to death, but because of my small size, air flowed between her 2 mountains and I was able to breathe. But, GOD, where they soft.

"Anyway, what about you, Lina?"

"It was warm because of the cows. I didn't have any issues. The bed was a bit of a downgrade compared to ours, but it was still pleasant. What about miss Shera?"

"She already started working on the katana. I left because… let's just say I got dizzy watching her."

Honestly, she was basically wearing just an apron. And while pounding the metal… I never knew boobs could jiggle like that. So I had to leave. It's dangerous to stay near her in that scenario.

For most of the day we waited outside. We made small talk with the minotaurs that were passing by. They really are nice bunch. I would occasionally doodle in the ground to avoid boredom. Shera said she needs a day to finish the katana for Lina. I didn't want us to leave that spot just in case she needs something from Lina. 

My staff was an exception. But it seems today, enchantments on a weapon can also be done by the blacksmith. Since we might need Lina to synchronize her to the sword or anything, it's better to be safe. I have no clue how the process goes, so for now, we'll just wait. Or… that was the plan at least.


A loud explosion could be heard and the earth shook. Both me an Lina got up and took a glance. We could see that a part of the town was damaged. Something happened. Minotaurs were running all over the place. Some were grabbing their armors and weapons. Is something attacking the city?

We soon got our answer. Above the gorge, a holographic picture of a skeleton wearing a hood and wrapped in a dark robe was seen.

"Listen carefully, you filthy beasts. What you experienced earlier was the might of my army."

In the same holographic image, a large amount of demons wearing black armor could be seen. Their numbers are great.

"You have the great honor of serving under us. I, Zobek, have determined that this location presents a great importance for the demons. Not only does it have an abundance in resources, because of its layout, it would make a key military stronghold. But fret not. If you submit to me, your lives will be spared. You will become our slaves and work for us like the livestock you are! If you oppose us, we will kill everyone. The choice is yours. You have 30 minutes to decide! Slavery or death, bwahahaha!!"

The image then faded away. The minotaurs started to panic. I could see various people going back in forth between shops. They were carrying weapons and were trying to distribute them. So, they don't plan on going down without a fight.

"Ayaka, if the minotaurs and that army collide, then…"

"Yeah. The minotaurs will all be slaughtered."

Those guys have superior numbers. Not to mention minotaurs can't use magic. They're just cows with brute strength. Even so, they won't be able to win this. They should just evacuate. I would help them out but… it has nothing to do with me. If I try engaging them, it might spell disaster for my lazy life. While having those thoughts a minotaur passed by us and barged into Shera's forge.

"Oi! Listen up. We need every hands we can get! Hurry up and give us whatever you got lying around!"

"Eeh!? I can't do that you know. These pieces are only for show. They aren't finished."

"Are you kidding!? They are quality grade already!"

"No no. They aren't good enough. My standards are strict. It would hurt my pride if you used these."

"At least prepare for battle!!"

"Eeh!? But I can't stop midway on this. If I leave now, this sword will be ruined!"

"Are you even able to grasp the severity of the situation? We're all going to die if each of us doesn't do our part. That's Zobek out there! He's known for killing without mercy. Do you just want to end up like the village he destroyed before coming here?"

Goosebumps ran all across my body the moment I heard that one. A bad feeling enveloped me. Why was I so tense? I quickly went inside and tried to get his attention. But he ignored me. So I forcefully pushed him down as if handling a plushie toy meant for wrestling.

"When someone is talking to you, you need to reply nicely. Now I will repeat myself. What's this about a destroyed village?"

"Sorry. This army managed to sneak upon us. We were totally unprepared for this."

How the fuck can you sneak an army like that!? And that doesn't answer my question.

"The only way they could have come here is from west. Passing through any of the large cities would have immediately exposed them. The only way I can think of is that they used the Snake Tail's road."

Snake Tail's road… can't be…

"Eeh!? Ayaka where are you…"

"Don't follow me Lina. Whatever happens stay here. That's an order."


A fiendish monster made entirely of purple crystals was standing next to Zobek. 

"What do you think they'll chose, Aniki?"

"Hmph. As if I care. One way or the other, we win. But they might treasure their lives. Look over there! They're sending someone out. They probably want to surrender."

"Hahaha! What a joke for an emissary. We didn't ask for a sacrifice. Why would they send a little runt for that?"

"I have no clue, but let's humor our guest and hear her out."

"Hey! You guys! The minotaurs here said that you destroyed a village on your way here! Is that true? What was the name of that village?"

"Huh!? Is that brat mocking us or something? Something is wrong with her brain."

"Now now, little brother, instigating despair is what makes things fun. Watch and learn."

The skeleton guy amplified his voice using magic.

"You heard right. Concealing this army is no easy feat. And of course, that limits the routes we can take. We did have to murder a rather strange village. It was surrounded by a weird barrier."

A knot suddenly formed in my heart.

"Kekeke. But my body is made entirely of anti-magic crystals. Magic has no effect on me. So slicing that that barrier was easy."

Both of them started to laugh like maniacs.

"Did we hit a soft spot? You had someone you knew there? Come to think of it that village was supposed to be protected by a deity. You should have seen the faces of all the people…"

The more I listened, the more I lowered my head and my ears became floppy.

"There was no such thing as salvation. They were an obstruction that had to be dealt with. A particular girl was annoying. She constantly screamed for the guardian to come. What was the word she said? "Save me Ayaya" or something like that. She had a pretty face too, but eventually, my men shut her eyes for good. Such foolish people! You should feel lucky to…"

*Tear drops*

"What's this? Are you gonna cry? Was she your friend? Hahaha! Can't help it missy. But you can still save yourself and those cows. Submit and your lives shall be…"



"Her name. Was Emilia-chan. There's no doubt. You guys… destroyed an innocent village. My… Poena village…"

"We're demons after all. We long for destruction. Why should we care? This conversation is getting tiresome. Do you surrender?"

I clenched my fist so hard that small blood drops fell on the ground. My fear came true. My home… my friends… my village… were destroyed because of me. Why didn't I listen to Lina and stayed behind? All this for a weapon? It's because I put too much faith in the barrier?

I got careless. I assumed that nobody could undo my magic. It's all my fault… they're all dead… because of me. It's all my fault!!


"Aniki, I think she lost her mind. Let's just kill her already!"

"Hey… bastards. You said demons desire destruction, right?"

"Yeah. So what?"

"Very well. Then… I shall grant it to you. I will destroy each and everyone of you…"

Everyone started laughing and mocking me. But I was too enraged. I couldn't stand to look at them. Beings like this… don't deserve to live.

"Kaa… Laa… release all limiters. I reached my boiling point. I'm disappointed in myself. But I can't stand these creatures anymore. I will use… the full extent of my powers.

Limit Break!"

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