The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

12 – The legendary blacksmith revealed

It was getting late. When we came out of the dungeon it was close to sunset. Lina went ahead a few steps and wanted to check the blacksmith forge. I guess she's excited. Meanwhile I stayed a bit behind and made small talk with Shera. After you get used to her, it's not that bad. I kinda get her carefree personality, but you should really consider the place and time for it.

"Ayaka. Bad news. It's still closed."

"Ara? Are you two looking for a place to stay for the night? You're more than welcome. Just hang on a second. I'll get the door."

Shera pulled out a key and casually walked by Lina and… opened the blacksmith forge.

"Wait! Hold up for just a minute!! You're the legendary blacksmith!?"

"Legendary? I wouldn't call myself legendary. But I do make various good stuff. And yes, I am a blacksmith, and this is my forge. Didn't I mention this before?"

"You most certainly didn't!!" (X2)

"Eh he!"


Genshin impact joke. You can Google it or watch it on YouTube if you haven't heard of it.

"Anyway, why don't you come in? You must be tired."

For now I tried calming myself down. For now me and Lina went in. From the entrance it looked like your typical weapon shop. We then were led to another room that looked like a living room. We both sat down and soon afterwards, Shera came back with 2 large wooden mugs. 


"Mhm. It's just what cute girls like you need to grow healthy and strong. Don't be shy. It's very fresh."

For a second my eyes were drawn to her huge boobs when she said the word fresh. But soon after I was brought back to reality when I heard a moo coming from outside. Seems like Shera actually keeps a few cows here too. I'm starting to sweat a lot here.

"Anyway, why didn't you tell us you were the famous blacksmith?"

"Well, you didn't ask."

"There's one more thing that's bothering me. You see my staff over here? Kaa and Laa can talk telepathically with me. I'm afraid to ask, but they keep repeating a word in my head. And they aren't talking about me. That word is: mother."

"Hahaha. Well I understand your confusion. Let's see… now that I look better at it… yeah, I guess that's appropriate actually. After all, I'm the one that made that staff."


My shock couldn't be greater.

Lina slammed the table and instantly got up. 

"Wait. Does that mean you know Ayaka?"

"Ara, ara! Of course not. Haven't I made that clear in our previous discussion in the dungeon? It's the first time I met her. And don't get me wrong. I only made the staff, you know. The magic it contains was added later. I can't even remember who ordered it or what happened to that person. So I can't say what happened or how it ended in Ayaka's possession. But I would recognize it anywhere. After all, I think it took me 3 weeks to fully forge it."

Ugh… my head is spinning. I don't know what to believe anymore. But I decided to abandon the idea of researching my past. So let's try getting back to my original goal.

"Hey, Shera, can you craft a weapon for Lina? That's the reason we went in the dungeon to begin with. We want you to make a katana!"

"Katana? What's that?"

I started describing it and even doodled a small sketch.

"Oh, I see. This is very similar to the traditional blade of the Izuma island. These materials can be used to make something like that and it should give the blade enough durability, so you won't have to worry about breaking it. So, yeah. I'll do it."

Lina then poked me and whispered something in my ear. I immediately went pale and my ears went all floppy.

"What's the matter?"

"I was so excited, but Lina is right. I… can't pay you."

"I'll still do it, you know."


"Mhm. Think of it as thanks for helping me get the materials I wanted. Something like that shouldn't take me more than a day anyway."

"You're the best, Shera!"

"Ara, ara. If you praise me that much you're going to make me blush. For now let's leave that for tomorrow. It's getting late. Anyway, do you guys have a place to sleep?"

"We don't."

"Well, if you don't mind I could lend you my barn. It has a comfy bed in the loft and cows will keep you warm."

"Unacceptable! I wouldn't mind sleeping there, but I can't accept Ayaka to sleep like that!"

"Umm… Lina, I don't mind if it's just for a night."

"No. That's not acceptable. You must maintain your dignity."

"Well then… if miss Lina agrees to spend the night in the barn, Ayaka, you could sleep with me in my bed then. I mean you are tiny, so you shouldn't take much space."

"It's settled then!"

Since when is my opinion getting ignored here?


~Shera's point of view~

Aww! She's just adorable. She fell asleep so fast. I don't know if she's tired or anything, but she really looks peaceful. Miss Lina probably is also asleep by now. The straws used for the bed in the barn are among the best, so I am sure she'll have a comfy sleep.


Hmm? Is she mumbling in her sleep? So cute. It couldn't hurt to comfort her a little. So I started to gently stroke her head. She's so tiny. It's hard to believe that she displayed such tremendous power. Just were exactly does she come from?


Eeh? More sleep talking? She also got closer and placed her head on my breasts. Is she lonely?

"Mama… don't leave me…"

Just what happened to this girl? Did her parents abandon her? I read that children are drawn to their mothers chest. It's to be close to the heartbeat. And provide warmth.

"There there. I'm not going anywhere."

I whispered softly. Fufu. I guess I can be her mother, just for tonight. Who could say no to such an adorable girl? Still, I am surprised that the staff I made is now in her possession. If I recall, a male human was the one that asked me to make it. And if given the stories, it was then taken to an elf wizard that enchanted it. From there… I haven't heard anything from it again.

This child… she may be strong. Even the strongest. But, she's also fragile at the same time. Her emotions are unstable. I'm very good at judging character. But she's similar to us minotaurs. She's easygoing. But I feel she also lacks common sense. I guess there are many different people out there. I'll miss her once she leaves. I know I shouldn't get too attached to her. But she's just so cute. Oh well. I'll let her cling to my breasts for now. Sweet dreams, sugar! Mommy Shera will watch over you.

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