The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

38 – vs the Queen part 2

"Purgatory Dragon… Nuclear Breath!"

Dragon Slaying magic. The strongest magic at my disposal. I decided fire is the best choice for this fight. It has the highest damage and the shortest concentration time needed. As hard as it may be to believe, these types of spells do need focus.

Nuclear Breath was a fire blast that resembled a laser beam. This time the Queen didn't block it. She jumped and dodged it. Needless to say the blast made a large explosion and large boulders were sent flying in the sky.

She once again tried getting behind me, but this time at a bigger distance. She threw her chain at me, but I intercepted it with my staff. Her chain wrapped around my staff. My physical strength is still higher than hers, so I violently pulled her towards me. 


She was surprised that I overpowered her. Given the angle I drew her to me, her Full Counter shouldn't be usable. But the Queen was shrewd. She immediately released the chain.

"Water Torrent!"

A large water blast was headed towards me. It's purpose wasn't to damage me. I easily managed to brush it off. It was meant for the Queen to stop her momentum. She then once again poured lightning into her feet. In this moment, I can't say if she's slower than Nier, as fast or faster. All I can say is that her speed is tremendous. 

"Don't think it's over. Roooaaar!!"

With my roar I fired another Nuclear Breath at her. She didn't stop, though. Because I aimed higher, she crouched down as if bowing and managed to get close to me again. Words weren't needed in this fight. Her chains and my staff clashed creating powerful earth shattering shockwaves. A loud sound also rings out.



Tsk. It was me who was being pushed back now. Dam. Because she wasn't attacking me with a single chain I had no choice but to back down.

She follows on her attack, not giving me any breathing room. I swung Kaa and Laa just like I would with a sword. According to Shera, the metal in my staff is unbreakable. 


Blow after blow, staff and chain collide in a fury that are making the earth itself shake in fear. We even eventually ended up jumping from boulder to boulder. It seems she really wants to keep this a close quarters battle and doesn't want me using magic.


For a split second she was faster than me. She twisted her body in a limbo manner and fully plunged her leg into my stomach sending me flying.

"Icycle Storm!"

Various ice needles were generated and with great speed were heading towards me. Crap. She probably also has All Element Mastery. This sucks. I can't dodge that many.

"Tempest Dragon… Aero Tornado!"

I created a large tornado in front me. The gust of wind managed to deflect most stakes, and with the rest I managed to avoid them. 

"Don't think you got me. Holy Dragon… what the?"

"Never let your guard down."

Before I could cast my spell, a chain suddenly wrapped around my hands, tying them together. And various other chains wrapped around boulders. Crap! This is bad. The moment the Queen tugged on the chain, all the boulders converged on me, as if making a boulder coffin out of me. That's enough!

I blasted out of that situation with a powerful pillar of fire, fully surrounding my body. I poured more and more mana into my staff.

"Brace yourself! This will definitely hurt you, and it's impossible to dodge!"

"No. It's already over. All I needed was to distract you for a second."


I looked above my head and a magic formation was drawn in the air.


With those words a bright white electric energy attack was unleashed and… fully hit me."

Smoke covered the entire area. If this wasn't a mirror dimension, the entire forest would have been burned.

"Well. Do you wish to continue?"

When the smoke cleared, I was covered in bruises, lying down on my back. I wasn't that hurt, mainly because of my 70% damage reduction skill. It's the first time I ever felt the need to use it. Technically I still can go on… but the skill difference in us is big.

I'm not saying I can't win if I go all out… but I rather not do that. The Queen is someone that fought more battles than me and is a great tactician. Let's leave it at that.


"What's so funny?"

"This is the first time I lost a fight. I probably can still go on, but I don't like pain so I rather not push myself further. I never knew that losing would actually feel so refreshing. Shows I still have room to grow. This was fun… really fun. But, you win Miss Queen, hahaha!!"

"Hmph. It's only natural. However I feel that still had something up your slave."

"Well… I won't deny that. But I had too much fun to use 100% of my power, miss Queen."

"Edelweiss. Call me Edelweiss. Those that can hold their own against me have that privilege."

"Okay. Once again, I'm Ayaka. Nice to meet you, Edel-chan! Let's be good friends from now on." 

I got up and gave the Queen a nice ass slap. She jolted heavily at my words and my slap. Did I say something wrong? Also don't judge me. This is my way of greeting women. It's like a high five, but it's totally not out of the ordinary. I mean, come on, she's wearing a bikini, so that obviously is an invitation to slap the ass.

She started to sweat heavily and her face went all red. Maybe she's tired because of our fight and is embarrassed to show it? Or did she suddenly develop a fever or something?

"To call a Queen by such a name… and..."

"But, we're also going to be friends. Isn't that ok? Friends do close things like that."

Another jolt. Is it just my imagination or is her nose bleeding? I don't think I hit her that hard.

"An exception… YES! That's it! Because you showed such character, I will allow it. Consider it a great honor. This Queen shall allow you to address me as…. Edel-chan…"

"Fufu. Once again, thanks for having us aboard Edel-chan. I'll probably be dropping by your place often to have some girl fun."

"I… will allow it…"

Why does she look so weird? Yeah. I think she definitely caught a cold. In the meantime, the mirror dimension was cancelled. I went through a lot of trouble getting here. Finally my lazy life is going to start!!! 

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