The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

39 – Decisions… decisions

In the Noela Kingdom, a parade was organized in Kaguya's honor. Let's put it this way. When Kaguya managed to get back in camp everyone was shocked. They actually believed that Kaguya was the one that destroyed Urkbezl fortress and the demon general.

When Kaguya gave the report to the king, he insisted she take the credit. Nobody would believe that a random loli would appear and just sweep everything. The king himself was also doubting that story. As to avoid people thinking that the hero has gone crazy, the king enforced the victory on Kaguya.

Needless to say Amalthea's hero, Kouga Takeru, was also shocked. How did she achieve victory? She's weaker than him. This would actually make his retreat look like an act of cowardness. Princess Serena was also perplexed, but she also advised Takeru not to start an argument. Ruining the alliance at this point is a bad idea.

Serena's endgame is that Takeru manages to take control over the Amalthea Empire, with her ruling it from behind the shadows. Politician is just another word for liar. She pulled as many strings as she could so the image of her hero wouldn't be affected. Instead, she decided to continue working on ways to accelerate Takeru's growth further.

Kaguya on the other hand had a different word in mind. Lina's voice echoed in her ears. Even when the king congratulated her, he said "keep up the good work. Once the Demon King is gone, I am sure you will be able to obtain the path back to your own home." She felt it was forced.

The king offered Kaguya as many days of rest as she deemed fit. After all, her party was killed. Finding new people won't be an easy task, especially since she grew attached to her party. The process can take weeks. But to get her mind away from her loss, the king offered Kaguya a reward. Anything she wanted.

Kaguya has asked for full access to the royal library. Since the king thought that she desired knowledge to become stronger, he didn't see an issue and granted that request. However, having full access now, Kaguya started her own investigation.

"So… that fox was right. There's really no way… for me to go back home."

Reading through various books, legends of the Gods and history, the harsh truth hit her. 

"What am I going to do now?"

Kaguya lost all motivation. The kingdom lied to her. She didn't feel like fighting in this absurd war any longer. But of course, she couldn't outright tell that to the king, as that may cause great harm to her.

"For now, I gotta play pretend. And think about what I want to do. What's my purpose in this world?"


"Okay Rena. Here comes a long one. Fetch!"

"Woof woof!"

In case you didn't figure it out, right now I was playing fetch with Rena. After the whole ordeal with Edel-chan, we were finally allowed to move in here. The first thing when the battle ended, all my girls ran crazy towards me. They were all worried since I was a mess. But eventually I calmed them down, and we managed to continue preparations for the new house.

Of course, we were allocated a place to build the house. And although I could have used magic to do it… Lina and Shera didn't want to hear a peep out of me. They said I need rest and they'll handle building the house. Shera was really hyped just to work with a hammer again. And Nier had to bring various construction materials back and forth. And it's obvious I wanted a tree house. Come on. It's everyone's dream to live in a tree house at some point.

So, there wasn't anything I could do right now, so I modeled a small frisbee and played fetch with Rena. She's so cute. To be honest I wasn't sure if this will work, but it seems she really likes to chase that thing around. You can never go wrong playing with your dog.

"What an interesting game."

"Oh. Hey Tiki. You want to play with us too?"

"Well, it does look fun. And I'm sure the children would also have fun chasing that strange disc. But right now, I can't. In fact, I came to get you. Now that you sort of recovered, Her Majesty wishes to speak to you in private."

Edel-chan? I wonder what she wants. Well, in situations like this I can only go and hear her out. So I left Rena to play by herself. It was actually funny. She would throw the frisbee herself and then immediately chase it. Is this self fetch? Regardless, I once again went to Edel-chan's tree stump house. This time she let me in to talk inside. It was really cozy inside.

"So, what's up, Edel-chan?"

"I just want to ask you a few questions, now that you are one of my subjects. You are a child, a warbeast with power that rivals my own. If it weren't for the owls I would be extremely suspicious about you. Still, indulge me in my curiosity. Are you perhaps from Kwan Kwan?"

This again?

"Ok, can someone tell me what the hell is up with this Kwan Kwan? Look, I suffer from amnesia. Up to a certain point, I can't remember anything about my past. I don't know anything about Kwan Kwan. Granny wolf did mention it too, but is there something really that special about it?"

"Kwan Kwan is a real place. Similar to the owl sanctuary, it is a safe place. Unlike the owl sanctuary, the reason it is rumored to be safe is because reaching it is impossible. It has tremendous security measures. 

Getting there is like a maze with deadly traps. One wrong step and you die. Without anyone that knows where the traps are placed, Kwan Kwan is impossible to reach. But I guess the most meaningful rumor is that it holds a way to communicate with the Gods themselves. 

I don't know if that's true or not. But your clothes match the description of Kwan Kwan's style. And that might also explain your absurd power. If you came in contact with a God or Goddess…"

"Hold up, Edel-chan. Like I said, I have no memories of my past. And to be honest, I don't care. If I originally had a home, why didn't anyone come looking for me? I don't even know if I had a family. I don't know the type of person I was, but I do know the type of person I am now.

A loli in search of the laziest lifestyle possible. A world without work and only joy!"

"Fufu. I suppose you are an amusing one. Very well. I shall not press further."

"Thanks, Edel-chan. By the way, there's something I always wanted to do. Since my home will still take time to be ready, can I spend the night with you? Like a sleepover!"

Another jolt ran through Edel-chan's body. It's like she has goosebumps.

"You… also mean… sharing a bed?"

"Well, duh. It's a sleepover after all. We'll have a girls' night. Like true friends."

"I… I… will allow it…"

Sweet. Maybe I can make her be less stingy. And let's be honest, nothing makes the body loosen up more than sex. I wonder what a queen tastes like? Fufu, guess I'll find out as soon as I manage to make her drop her guard.

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