The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 46: Birthday Celebration Part 1.

Haru and Jake stood outside and caught up on what each other had been doing all the time they had been apart. Jake used magic to fix the hole in the yard and thy both went back inside.

"Hahaha, Are you serious? Haru said that?" Krista laughed as the door opened immediately going silent as Haru walked in. "I said what?" Haru asked confused. Suyin looked at Haru. She was sat on the couch next to Krista and was holding Saki. "Oh, I was just telling your mom about the first time we met each other. When we were sat in class and you asked if I had a boyfriend." She giggled to herself.

Luke silently gave Haru a thumbs up from across the room. This is a headache. Haru thought as he was getting slightly frustrated with the situation. It wasn't like he didn't appreciate his mom and dad coming but he was just fed up with them already. He couldn't wait to get rid of them.

"Are you guys ready?" Zen came into the room wearing a black tuxedo. "Ready?" Krista asked. "Yeah, I said I would take everyone out for dinner tonight. You have a formal set of clothes right?"

"I do. But I don't think Luke and Jake do?"

"That's fine Luke should fit into some of my clothes. Haru do you still have that suit you got last year?" Zen asked.

"The one that was too small? Yeah, it should be somewhere in my closet. Jake can wear that." He said as he ran off upstairs and began to search through his clothes. It was hung up at the back of the closet. He reached for it pushing the rest of his clothes out of the way.

"Here it is," Haru said turning around to Jake who had already made his way upstairs. "Are you sure it's okay for me to wear your clothes?" Jake asked hesitantly feeling a little uncomfortable.

"It's fine. You can keep them. I got them last year but they didn't fit. My it was too tight around the chest so I just hung them up again. It's a good thing I kept them." He explained.

Although Haru and Jake were the same age. Jake was a little shorter at five foot ten inches but the biggest difference was in their builds. Jake was athletic but his training in the army was more about cardio to be able to march long distances. He was thin but still had a bit of muscle on him.

Haru on the other hand was six foot two inches and had a broad chest and shoulders. He looked thin in clothes but when he wasn't wearing a shirt his body was riddled with muscles that he didn't even know he had. It had come from his body returning to origin. His muscles had grown and his body formed the most perfect form for his age. It carried on changing depending on his age keeping its self in the best condition possible. Although now he was eighteen and finally matured his body would never change.

He kind of dreaded the fact that people will age around him but he could also learn to control the laws of time later on so he could grant people immortality. According to Lao, Li Jun's original body was almost at the stage of becoming a true god fifty thousand years ago. If he was still alive then who knows how strong he would be.

He looked up to him. The more stories he heard of the upper realms the more it motivated him to cultivate. although he was still far away from seeing them. But he had to move one step at a time. He wasn't far from being able to see what is inside the floating mansion in his soul.

Both Jake and Haru finished getting dressed and headed back downstairs. "You both look so adorable. You should dress like this more often." Krista said as she ran over and pinched both Haru and Jake's cheeks.

"Mom stop it already."

"Mrs. Kitagawa please stop it kind of hurts."

They both complained. Suyin stood back still holding Saki and laughed. Saki looked up at her and copied her laughing. "Aww, She's so cute. I can't wait until I have a baby." Suyin said but then gasped and looked over to Haru embarrassed by her mindless comment.

"Oh, You say that now because you can just hand her back to me. Imagine living with her. All the crying, the feeding, the diapers. It is exhausting. Trust me. Don't have kids whilst you're still young. I had Haru when I was twenty six and I feel like I lost my youth after that." Krista complained and put her arm around Suyin.

"Then are we all ready now?" Krista asked guiding everyone to the door. Zen was already outside. There was now a limo waiting for everyone. "Ugh, What's with the limo? Couldn't you have gotten something less flashy?" Haru asked.

"Well, There seven of us. How do you expect everyone to fit in a normal car?" Zen then opened the door. "Okay, If you are all set to go. Then hurry up and get in already. We don't have all day you know?" He said rushing. He looked down at his watch.

"We should be fine. I hope." From all the time Haru had spent living with his uncle, he learned one thing. Zen really cares about time. If he says he will be there at a certain time he will be there an hour early to make sure nothing goes wrong.

They all got into the car as quickly as they could to make sure it would stop Zen's complaining about them being too slow. Zen was the last person to enter before he shouted at the driver to hurry up.

"Fine as you wish." He said with a smile like he was used to Zen demanding him to go faster. The car sped up. Not enough to break any speed limits but he began passing cars on both sides as the made it along the main road toward the restaurant.

Krista held onto Saki tightly. "Can you tell him to slow down a little? There is still a baby in here." Krist asked Zen.

"We don't have time! We might be late!" Zen said in response.

"Fine then don't expect me to save you if we crash," Krista whispered quietly to herself.

The car pulled up outside the restaurant and they were shown to their seats by a waiter.

They all sat around a table in a private section of the restaurant that Zen had previously booked. It was quiet and no one else was around. It must have cost quite a lot of money to make all the other tables nearby clear out and have a table set up for just them. Haru thought about the costs.

He felt a little guilty about it. He didn't think his birthday deserved so much celebration that you would need to rent an area but then he remembered Zen's identity in the area. He was a local celebrity so of course, he would need to have his own private place so he wasn't bothered whilst trying to eat with them. Not to mention everyone else they would have trouble if people knew they were associated with the famous Mr. Hao.

"Can I get you some drinks first?" The waiter asked them. Everyone looked down at their menus and decided on what they would get.

Krista got a fruit juice for saki and ordered a glass of soda for her and Luke. Zen ordered a glass of bourbon, Suyin also ordered a soda after getting a disapproving look from Krista as she browsed through the alcohol section.

Jake first looked at Haru and smiled and then to Krista before finally ordering. "I will have a shot of vodka." Krista looked over and shook her head. She wanted to say something but it wasn't like she could punish someone else's child.

"Actually make that a bottle of vodka and three glasses," Haru said with a huge grin as he looked over at his mom. Jake, Luke, and Zen began to laugh as rage grew on Krita's face. Suyin looked over deciding to keep quiet to not get involved.

The waiter wrote everything down exactly as he heard it, crossing the single shot of vodka from his list. "I don't believe you," Krista said with nothing but disappointment in her voice. She wasn't even angry anymore.

"Mom, I am the legal age to drink, I want to celebrate my birthday properly with the people I love. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Come on he has a good point. remember your eighteenth birthday in the army? I remember hearing about it from an old colleague." Luke tried to persuade her.

"I guess it's not so bad if you put it like that..." She hesitantly accepted it.

"Yes!!!" Jake and Haru both shouted in celebration.

"That doesn't mean you can drink it all! You have to limit yourself." Krista shouted back.

"Fine whatever," Haru muttered quietly.

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