The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 47: Birthday Celebration Part 2

They briefly talked until the waiter came back with their drinks. He handed them out and then put the bottle of vodka in the middle of the table with the three glasses surrounding it. Haru grabbed them quickly so his mom didn't have a chance to go back on her word.

He began to pour it into the glasses one by one. Finishing by filling his glass up to the top. He only put a splash or two in the other glasses and handed one to Jake and one to Suyin. Jake looked at his glass and compared it to Haru's.

He grabbed the bottle and filled it up to the top. He looked at Haru and smiled "Oh? You want to do this?" Haru said as they both slowly counted down from three.

"Three, Two, One." They said together as they both threw their heads back and emptied the glass down their throats. Suyin was a bit delayed. She pinched her nose as she finished her glass and then pulled a funny face as she coughed.

"Just so you know I'm not going to help either of you get home if you can't walk," Krista told them both. She was disappointed that she had let them both do this to themselves. "It's fine I will." Luke whispered across to them."

"You most certainly will not. They are both adults they can do it themselves." Krista said smugly. Suyin felt a little dizzy from her first drink. She rested her head on Haru's shoulder. "Remind me to never drink again I hate how it makes me feel. It's your fault. You big idiot." She said with her cheeks slightly red.

Luke smiled at his son. Without saying a word Haru understood him. He was proud of his son. And Happy that he had found himself a girlfriend. He had never shown much interest in anything romantic when he was growing up. He acted like a robot. His only reason for living was practicing magic. It was cute when he was an infant. But as he grew older his obsession with magic seemed kind of sad.

He was finally seeing his son grow as a person. His mind was now on other things than magic. It was unfortunate that he had lost the ability to use magic it but maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Luke sat thinking about all the things he wished he could say to his son but he didn't want to look too feminine like a mother would look praising her son for getting first place in a test.

Haru smiled back in confirmation that he understood. He put his left arm around Suyin as they waited for the water to come back. Jake started to look a bit wobbly. Haru reached over and poured himself another drink.

"You won't beat me so easily!" Jake said whilst snatching the bottle and pouring more into his glass. Haru laughed as he looked at Jake. His cheeks had also become red and his words were kind of slurred.

"Okay, We will stop for now. Let's get something to eat first. You look like a zombie." Jake hung his head down as Haru finished. "Fine..." He said with a hiccup.

He was totally gone at this point. He needed to sober up before they carried on drinking. A few minutes went by before the waiter came back to the table. "Are you ready to order now?" He asked and then looked at Jake who was one hundred and ten percent drunk.

They all picked out their choice of food. Jake stumbled over his words as he ordered a plate full of fried chicken. "And you sir?" The waiter asked Haru.

"Ah, We will take the grilled platter. It was described as Fish, steak, and chicken grilled to perfection with a side of roasted vegetables and a selection of dipping sauces. "Haru wasn't too hungry and Suyin was probably feeling too tired to eat so he decided to get something they could share between them.

"Is that everything?" He asked. "Yeah, that's it thanks," Zen replied. The waiter walked off with his list and passed it off to the chef. It wasn't long before it arrived at their table and they began to eat. Suyin perked up a bit after smelling all the food in front of her. By the time they had finished Jake and Suyin had both sobered up a little bit.

Haru picked up his glass of vodka that he had left on the table through out eating his meal and began to drink it. He drank it like it was water and withing a few seconds his glass was empty again. Jake looked at him and saw it as a challenge so he drank his as fast as he could so he could compete with him.

"Okay, that's enough boys. You are going to drink yourselves to death!" Krista shouted at them angrily. "Not yet!" Jake shouted as he reached for the bottle. Haru quickly grabbed it and drank the remainder of the bottle in one gulp. There was still half a bottle left but he had just finished it in less than two seconds.

"Haru! What did I just say!?" She shouted again. "Why did I even agree to it? I knew something like this would happen. I should have just stuck with my first decision." She shook her head and then looked at Luke. "Don't you have something o say about this?"

"Oh Yeah, Um, Don't drink so much It will destroy your kidneys." He said whilst shoveling the last spoonful of his dessert into his mouth. "That's not what I meant," Krista complained. Luke just shrugged his shoulder and paid no attention to it.

Zen chuckled tp himself. "You know I missed your constant complaining Krista. It reminds me of when dad would drink and you would always shout at him."

"You still remember that? You were probably about eight right? I'm surprised. It feels like it never happened it was that long ago. I hope he is doing okay where ever he is." Krista was still optimistic that he was still alive. They had never found his body and it had already been twenty years since he had gone missing so it was the only thing she could grab onto to convince herself he was still alive.

"Yeah, I had a great childhood until mom married that guy." Zen sighed. "You and Andrew both left me alone in a house with mom and that guy. I kind of hated you both but when I saw how he treated you both I understood why you did leave. I know it's kind of sad but I'm glad mom died when she did so I could get that guy out of my life. Any earlier then He would have been considered my legal guardian and would have inherited everything we owned."

"Yeah, I would be mad if all of dad's hard work was given to a man like him. I think I probably would have killed him myself." Krista said quietly. Luke grabbed her hand. "Not before I would have." He said and smiled at her.

"Gross, get a room!" Jake shouted as he fell and hit his head off the table. "Ouch. That felt, Hmm?" He said as his eyes slowly started to close. The alcohol had affected him once again. "We should probably get going before this one causes any trouble for us," Zen said as he put his jacket back up. Everyone began to stand up as the waiter walked back over holding a card scanner.

"Here." Zen held his card over until there was a beep. They all then made their way outside and waited for the driver to pick them up. It wasn't a long wait as he drove up in the same black limo. Haru had his arm around Jake to stop him from falling over as they walked toward the door Zen was holding open.

"I can walk all by my self!" Jake insisted as he stumbled. His ankle rolled as he stepped down off the curb but Haru caught him just in time. "I gotcha." He laughed as he caught Jake and helped him into the car.

They all got into the back as Jake made a fuss from the inside. "A limo? I feel like a princess." He said and the awkwardly stared at everyone who had begun to laugh. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, not at all," Haru assured him as the car made it's way back toward Zen's house. They arrived and Haru was on babysitting Duty as he helped Jake to a guest bedroom and lay him down. "The bathroom is next door. Don't piss the bed." He said as he left the room and switched off the light.

He walked back out to the living room. "Oh, Haru Suyin said she was going to lie down because she felt tired," Zen told Haru as he passed him in the hallway.

"Thanks for telling me I will head up soon too." He walked into the living room where his parents were sat down. Krista was holding Saki who was sleeping. "She was awake for so long today. I bet she was exhausted." Krista said to Luke who was leaning back against the couch with his eyes closed.

"I just came to say goodnight to you both. I'm kind of tired. You will be here in the morning right?" Haru asked. "Yeah, Did we not tell you? We will be here all week. Goodnight sweetie" She blew him a kiss. He ignored her and made his way up to his room.

Suyin was already asleep in his bed. Haru got undressed and then lay down next to her. "You were kind of quiet today. I hope it wasn't too much for you. Goodnight." He kissed her on the cheek before falling asleep.

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