The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 48: Hang Over.

Haru woke to the freezing cold blowing against his skin. He slowly opened his eyes. He looked down and saw he was no longer under the blankets and then over to Suyin who had stolen them whilst he slept. "You little..." He thought and then pulled them back over him. He covered himself up and then felt a tug from the other side.

She had woke up and was trying to cover herself also. "Hey, it's cold let me have some too." She complained. "You're cold? Then come closer. I will warm you up pretty quickly."

"Is that a promise?" She rolled over and smiled at him. "Yes, it is." Haru lifted the blanket and grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her toward him. She giggled a little bit as he began to kiss her neck. He carried on kissing her for a few minutes before pulling her up on top of him. Suyin screamed a little bit and then laughed. She smiled as she looked down at him.

She leaned over and kissed him in return when suddenly the door flew open. "Haru... Your mother sent me to tell you to get up." Jake walked into the room holding his head. Suyin gasped as she saw him.

"You pick the worst times don't you?" Haru looked over to him from underneath Suyin. "Uh, Are you? Sorry I will tell her your busy!" Jake began to panic and ran out slamming the door behind him.

"Well, that was a little awkward..." Haru said whilst helping Suyin down to the floor. "We should probably go down now, shouldn't we? What if someone else comes up next?" Suyin began to put on her spare change of clothes. "Yeah, your right. We are lucky that was Jake. My mom probably would have killed us both." Suyin laughed again as she finished putting on her clothes.

"I'm serious. You saw how she acted yesterday when I was drinking. She would literally kill me." Haru began to get up and ger dressed too. "I swear she is crazy." Just as he finished the door slowly creaked open.

"Who is crazy?"

"Oh, Hey mom. I was just talking about one of our friends. She is quite crazy. I heard she once jumped off a bridge because somebody told her too." Haru began explaining to his mom but she had a furious look in her eyes.

"Is that right? That's quite a crazy friend you have. I wonder do you know this friend he is talking about Suyin?" Krista shot her death stare to Suyin. She jumped as she felt a chill go down her spine. "Uh, Yeah... She is just super crazy..." She said nervously.

"Okay. Breakfast is ready. You two better hurry up or it will go cold." Krista's mood changed drastically. As she walked away and closed the door on her way out.

"You are right. She would have killed us both!" Suyin said and hugged Haru. "How can someone be so scary?" She buried her head into his chest.

"Oh, She has always been like that. I guess I'm used to it. She was even like this when I was a baby." He said quietly. They both then made their way down into the kitchen. Jake was sat down at the table and stared awkwardly at Haru as he sat down across from him.

"What's that look for?" Haru sat down and began to eat. Suyin sat next to him and looked at Jake with embarrassment. "Well you know, When I came in you were..."

"Yeah, Stop there. We weren't doing what you think." Haru told him. "B-but it looked to me like you were." He whispered. "Well, it wasn't what it looked like. I think your eyes might need testing. Maybe you are still drunk?" They both laughed.

"I wish that was the case. I wouldn't feel this bad If I was still drunk." Jake again held his head as the headache from last night's drinking kicked in. It was probably amplified by the fact that he headbutted the table before passing out. Haru laughed at him

Although he couldn't get drunk from normal alcohol he didn't wish that he could either. He never thought about it before but now he could drink all he wanted even if it was to show off in front of people and he wouldn't have any side effects. And to add to that the higher his cultivation was the more resistant he would become to toxic things. He could probably eat raw chicken without getting salmonella. Not that he wanted to but he couldn't actually think of another use for it. Unless someone tried to use chemical weapons against him but there wasn't a high chance of that happening.

He looked back at Jake. "Why don't you feel like this? You drank way more than me." He complained.

"Because I have immunity to toxins. You know this already. Are you sure you didn't hit your head too hard?" Haru mocked him. "Hit my head too hard? Did I hit my head? Everything from last night seems all fuzzy." He asked confused.

"So you definitely don't remember saying you feel like a princess?" Haru and Suyin both laughed at him. "I said I'm a princess? What?" Luke and Krista both walked into the kitchen from outside. Luke was out playing with Xue and she went out to call him to eat.

"You can be a princess if you want to. I'm not gonna judge you." Luke said as he sat down next to Jake. "Oh, you already started eating without us?" Krista asked.

"Well yeah, you told us to get it before it went cold. I assumed you meant for us to eat right away." Krista just shook her head and sat down.

Haru finished his food and walked upstairs and Packed Suyin's clothes from the night before into her bag and came back downstairs to see her stood at the door. "And where do you think you too are going?" Krista yelled out from the kitchen.

"I'm taking Suyin home. There is no need to worry I will be back soon." Haru called out as he opened the front door. "Take Jake with you. I don't him getting lonely while you are gone." She shouted back.

"Mys Kitagawa, There is really no need. I can wait."

"No, You are going. That is the end of it."

"Hurry up if you are coming," Haru shouted to jake who had just finished eating. He ran down the hallway and almost slid across the floor as he reached the He put on his shoes and quickly closed the door behind him before Xue could chase him down the corridor.

They all got into the car. Haru was in the middle with Suyin on the left of him and Jake to the right. They began to talk as the car sped off toward the main road.

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