The Legendary Fool : A Deckbuilding LITRPG

56: Netherstride Dagger

Tom took a deep breath.

Before him lay a solitary doorway hewn out of the same stone that comprised the tunnel’s passageway, barring one difference— a glowing symbol had been engraved into the door’s surface, instinctively drawing Tom’s gaze.

It was Aleph’s sigh that pierced through the fog of solitude blanketing the now empty tunnels, besides the deep purple blood drenching its walls and floor.

“I was hoping to deal with it in the first two Phases, but I suppose that’s not going to be possible,” Aleph muttered aloud, her expression one of clear displeasure as she examined the arcane geometries that overlapped and interweaved with each other to create a single, coherent symbol.

“The probability of the encounter was always filed under conflicting accounts,” Tom solemnly replied, though his expression remained calm as he turned his gaze to Aleph.

“I know, but it’s still annoying,” Aleph retorted, her expression one of focus as she turned to meet Tom’s gaze. “Shardweave Regalia requires me to utilize multiple Glyphs in tandem, that’s why I didn’t use it up until now. But… now that it’s come to this, I suppose I have little choice in the matter.”

Tom caught onto the fluctuations in the air as crystals began to bloom outwards from singular points in space, their boundaries rapidly blurring as they unfolded outwards. Although his Deck Cards had the ability to convert [Soul Power] into various elemental energies, the scale and spontaneity with which Aleph materialized the crystals was clearly beyond their rarity.

Compared to their first encounter, Aleph constructed the crystal breastplate, leggings and skirt that comprised the Shardweave Regalia with precision, allowing Tom to observe the seamless manner in which dozens of crystals interlocked with each other, molding perfectly to Aleph’s form.

He watched as Aleph outstretched her hand, weaving a crystal lattice that formed the rapier she was so skilled at utilizing.

“Are you ready?” She inquired, her voice carrying a slight echo as she spoke from behind a crystal visor; her tone unmistakably carrying the same frenzied fighting spirit Tom had experienced in their first duel. “Once we step into the Theater of Stone, there will be no retreat until we clear this sector.”

“Give me a moment,” Tom requested as he turned his gaze towards the system’s screen. A few moments later, he reached out into his inventory, pulling out a triangular dagger that boasted two sharp, linear edges, its wide hilt a composite blend of wood and leather. Then, Tom pulled out a [Corrupted Gem], causing Aleph’s gaze to immediately zero in on him.

[Netherstride Dagger , Common+

Requirements: Physical 12, Proprioception 19, Mental 25.

Description: This weapon does not belong to the world of Artezia, and thus its parameters cannot be accurately judged. The Divine System has assessed that this weapon will not influence the faculties of someone that has reached past the second threshold in the Mental Stat.

This weapons’ parameters exceed the Common Tier but do not yet reach the Uncommon tier. Nether Skill is inactive. Please insert a Corrupted Gem to utilize Nether Skill: Phantom Walk.

Phantom Walk, Common +

Utilize the charge of the Corrupted Gem to mimic the natural movement style of the Bladeswalker.

Please consult an Artificer for more information]

“You can’t possibly be thinking of using that cursed dagger,” Aleph protested loudly, clearly baffled by Tom’s actions.

Tom hadn’t forgotten that Aleph wore contact lenses that allowed her to see the statuses of people below her level. Did that privilege extend to items as well, was the question floating in his mind.

“Well, I have you here for a reason. Knock it out of my hands if I seem like I can’t bear it, please?” Tom offered Aleph a wry smile, only to be met with a clearly disapproving expression.

“Fine,” She reluctantly agreed.

Nodding at her, Tom took a deep breath before he turned his gaze to the reward he had gotten for slaying one of the Bladeswalkers.

In one swift motion, he deposited the Corrupted Gem in a socket that had been carved into the hilt for that very purpose.

The next few moments were a complete blur for Tom.

[Warning: Dual Wielding one Nether Blade and one Netherstride Dagger has a multiplicative effect upon the psyche. Estimated Recommended Mental Stat: 52]

Tom’s expression rapidly paled as an arcane, overlapping litany was chanted directly within his consciousness. As the unintelligible words flitted past him, Tom realized that to his horror, although he had no way to decipher their meanings, the intent imbued within the ancient tongue was something that he could instinctively sense. Intent that invoked strong emotions within him, resonating with his experiences and sufferings— it spoke of immortality, an undying body. Promised unfiltered violence to all those that had brought harm to him. Spoke of desire, to warp the will of the world and reshape it in his own image. All this and more could be his if he just gave-

[The Fool has detected a foreign mental influence upon your soul.]

[The Fool has partially eliminated the foreign mental influence (82.65%).]

[Phantom Walk Charges- 5/5 available]

Tom let out a gasp as he re-entered the world of the living, finally escaping the fugue-like state he had entered as he was being barraged by desires and emotions with fragments of memories jumbled in.

“I-I’m fine,” He stuttered out just in time, stopping Aleph’s rapier mid-swing.

“You don’t look fine,” Aleph retorted, her expression clearly a little shaken as she gazed at Tom’s visage.

His face was as pale as the full moon, seemingly drained of all vitality. Blood dribbled down his nose and his face seemed haggard, as if he had gone without sleep for a few days.

Tom raised his left hand and wiped away the blood dribbling down his nose, before meeting Aleph’s gaze.

“Well now I know why you’re so afraid of these weapons. The murmuring is annoying,” Tom casually muttered, barely eking out a faint smile in a show of self-control.

“Murmuring?” Aleph blinked, astonishment flickering in her gaze while her expression more than conveyed the surprise she felt.

“Do you have a belt and some sort of sheath that can contain this thing?” Tom asked her, casually flicking the blade into a reverse grip.

Though it was still unsettling to hear faint arcane whispers, it was a far cry to the previous experience. That juxtaposition almost made it look…puny in comparison.

Eyes cautious, Aleph still chose to comply with his request, tossing a leather belt and a ridiculously oversized sheath at him.

Puzzled, Tom caught the two items.

“That sheath will mold itself to your blade’s outline,” Aleph explained.

“Rune?” Tom instinctively blurted out.

“You have been paying attention, I see.”

Shrugging, Tom took a few minutes to fit the belt before affixing the still-comically large sheath onto his waist. A little doubtful, he allowed the dagger to fall inside it’s cavernous maw, only to have the animal hide constrict around it and rapidly shrink, until the sheathe had adopted a perfect outline.

“There. Ta-da,” Tom offered a neat curtsy, having taken a few glances at Aleph’s books on Noble Etiquette when she wasn’t around. He was also greatly relieved, because the murmurings faded the moment he let go of the dagger.

Aleph rolled her eyes in response, before answering the playful taunt Tom had directed her way, “Although I have no idea how you managed it, since you willingly parted from the dagger I suppose you haven’t gone insane.”

Before he could gloat, Aleph added, “Though it’s nice to know that you have limits.”

He winced at that.

“Take an hour to rest, it’s not going to make much of a difference,” Aleph commanded.

Tom wanted to protest but thinking back on how weak he had felt merely a few moments ago, he relented, “Fine.”

Phase Three- The Theatre of Stone awaited their challenge.

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