The Legendary Fool : A Deckbuilding LITRPG

57: Theatre of Stone (1)

Aleph’s words reverberated in Tom’s mind as the luminescent seal blocking their path to the Theater of Stone shattered at her gentle touch, the ground beneath him trembling in anticipation as the heavy stone door began to fold inwards on its own. A chain reaction had been initiated and from this point in time, the possibility of retreat was sealed.

“Take a few moments to assess the situation. I will lead the charge, follow my lead.”

Tom’s breath quickened, his gaze trained upon the gradually revealing doorway with an almost devout focus.

“Assume the worst case scenario. If you choose to engage, try for an instant kill. Do not allow yourself to be trapped in a prolonged fight.”

Tom didn’t miss the looming shadow creeping up in the corner of his gaze as the doorway opened up enough to give him a glimpse at what lay beyond. Seconds seemed to stretch on for minutes as its mass was pulled backwards inch by excruciating inch, before it finally gave him a good view of the sight he had been so desperately yearning for.

Tom’s eyes widened in surprise. He had known that the Abyss Demons, characterized by their stocky, muscular builds and sharp, raking claws had the ability to manipulate stone, but while the dockets they had procured from the information brokers spoke of their tendency to create small-scale defensive parapets in groups, nothing in there had indicated that they were capable of building the single, unified stone fortress that was now unfurling before his eyes.

Thankfully, the fortress was still limited by the dimensions of the Theatre of Stone, allowing it a single storey and a height of fifteen feet. Battlements lined the perimeter of the roof fashioned from thick, smooth stone, the triangular merlons pointed towards the sky while Tom finally caught sight of a pair of abyssal blood-red eyes peeking out from behind one of the embrasures.

Confused grunts and shocked yelps were exchanged as the Abyss Demons noticed the open doorway, but a single, commanding utterance seemed to quell the disorder in their ranks.

“Stay back!” Aleph screamed out as she began her charge, much to Tom’s surprise.

He instinctively obeyed, able to discern the gravity in Aleph’s words as she shot forward. His gaze flickered from her charging form to the dozen or so Abyss Demons nestled behind the crenellations.

Horror spread across Tom’s features as he realized that they were holding skull-sized stones in their hands, stones that they sent hurtling towards Aleph merely moments after as a vivid red aura began to ensconce their physical bodies.

Phantasmal Skill [Lithokinetic Touch] allowed Abyss Demons to manipulate rock and stone as long as they maintained physical contact, their long, raking claws allowing them to dig and reshape it into both defensive structures and weapons while [Stoneform Aura] increased both their physical endurance and strength for as long as they could maintain it.

Tom winced as he saw a dozen or so stones launched at Aleph in quick succession, the air whistling as they hurtled towards her at speeds that would more than likely seriously injure Tom if even a single one connected.

He watched as Aleph dazzlingly weaved through the barrage of rocks hurled at her, her movement hallmarked by effortless pivots and elusive sidesteps. But even Aleph’s superior Proprioception stat wasn’t enough to evade every single stone cast at her.

Tom watched as a skull-sized rock smashed against her armored abdomen, sending both chips of stone and fragments of crystal flying in the air. Aleph herself was sent skidding back half a dozen meters, the sheer momentum behind the throw too much for her frame to contain.

Thankfully her crystalline armor turned out to be as durable as Tom thought, the damage to it likely already repaired as Aleph resumed her charge with renewed intensity.

Tom didn’t understand the intention behind Aleph’s dogged charge until only a few meters separated her from the stone fortress; her momentum only increasing as she extended the point of her crystal-lattice rapier forward.

“Oh,” Tom couldn’t help but mutter as the point of Aleph’s rapier crashed against the stone fortress and sliced through effortlessly before the bulk of her crystal armor landed against it.

A person-sized hole was forcibly punched through the fortress’ exterior and the next thing Tom knew, giant crystals started jutting out from the inside of the fortress and started destabilizing its base.

It was safe to say that at this moment, all attention was on Aleph.

Unlike Aleph, Tom didn’t have reinforced crystal armor shielding him. It was likely also the reason why she had told him to stay back— the Abyss Demons had far surpassed their expectations and he had sinking suspicion as to why.

Nevertheless, there were certain factors in play that Aleph was not aware of. Factors that Tom would have to reveal if he were to carry out his ambitious strategy, but that was more a given from the moment he had decided to partner up with the vengeful former Noble.

Tom withdrew his [Netherstride Dagger] from it’s newly acquired sheath. The muted whispers began lightly influencing him, but thanks to [The Fool’s] assistance Tom found himself being able to resist its remaining corruption with his own willpower.

Taking a long, deep breath he focused his gaze and then activated [Phantom Walk].

He traced wisps of ethereal violet capering around him to their source, not entirely surprised to find his feet enveloped by a luminescent veil of violet flames that burned silently. Tom felt no eviscerating pain clawing at his limbs, but instead a springy lightness that made his own body feel weightless.

The ground naturally clung to his feet, except when he expressed a desire to move. Instinctively, Tom knew that he could replicate the Bladeswalker’s movement style if he tried to.

Gritting his teeth, Tom took a step forward.

His gaze directed towards the battlements, Tom stepped into the Theatre of Stone just as a loud, ear-splitting crack rang out. The carefully crafted stone fortress now had a large fracture running down its center, the sound of crumbling rocks pattering out as its two halves began to fold inwards.

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