The Legendary Monster Layer!

12 – The Hive’s Defenders

As a low level zone, the Forest of the Golden Lake was fairly well mapped. Not perfectly, because monstrous zones were shifting, their layouts ephemeral by fault of the mana suffusing the air,  but much better than most. Her destination was one of the safer, more profitable hunting sub-zones: The Hive.

Or rather, the outskirts. Too close, and the Giant Honeybee Drones would swarm. But the ones who explored the outskirts had great drop tables, and came in groups of one to three. Their honeycombs, their antennae and various body parts, and a whole bunch of other stuff that fetched good prices—for a low rank adventurer. At least according to local information, which she had no reason to mistrust.

Though, common sense told her the truly profitable methods of adventuring were kept jealous secrets, or at least hoarded within local guilds. As nobody of importance, with no shattering skill or connections to speak of, Ari’s only option had been the Goldshields. Which, while not a horrible guild, were known even to someone as uninformed as Ari to mostly care about squeezing as much gold from their members as possible … as perhaps fitting to the name. But exploitative guild beat no guild, most people agreed.

They’d ventured off the trail. Lori walked with a natural prowl, eyes flickering around the forest and scrutinizing their surroundings for potential threats. Ari did the same, if with less dramatics. It should be any second now. The Hive was definitely nearby, and roaming worker bees should be all over this territory. Just a matter of time.

The buzzing announced their arrival. Lori turned and crouched, two daggers in her hands almost faster than Ari could track. But that wasn’t how they’d be handling this encounter. 

Ari raised her hand and activated the foundational skill to her class—[Transform].

In a puff of white smoke that quickly cleared, the two hulking bee-monsters zipping through the air collapsed in a pile of limbs, transformed into their monster girl equivalents and skidding across the grass.

One for each of us, Ari thought, grinning. How convenient.


Claire - Lv. 2

Honeybee Defender

{Stimulation: 0/17}

{Pleasure: 0/100}

Constitution: F

Skill: F

Charm: F+


Her stats are almost as high as mine. And a high charm rating. Since charm was the ‘magic’ stat equivalent, that meant she must have some kind of magical ability to help her in the ‘fight’? Ari didn’t know what form that would take.

And she would’ve thought about it, if her brain didn’t stall.

Is that … ?

The two bee-girls had been zipping through the air, and their sudden transformation had sent them tumbling through the grass. They each sat up, rubbing their their elbows and other bumped places, and looking around in confusion.

But that wasn’t what caught Ari’s attention, however cute the antennaed, bee-winged girls were in their disorientation.

Between both their legs were …

Well. Something she wouldn’t normally expect to find between a girl’s legs. Though not erect, a male piece of equipment was clearly visible, and large—not that Ari really had an idea of what ‘big’ was, considering her preferences … and lack of experience. 

“Ow,” Claire said, rubbing her head as she pushed herself to her feet. “What … what the heck happened?”

“Why are we … ?” the other bee-girl asked.


Grace - Lv. 2

Honeybee Defender

{Stimulation: 0/19}

{Pleasure: 0/100}

Constitution: F+

Skill: F+

Charm: F-


Low charm, high constitution and skill. If Ari had to guess, that meant Grace would be more focused on a ‘mundane’ sort of winning … in the same way a ‘Fighter’ class might only worry about winning by pounding their opponent into submission.

What a way to phrase it. But a fair comparison. Grace had even more equipment between her legs than Claire.

Like had happened with Lori, the two bee-girl’s eyes widened as they found out—however it happened—about the nature of Ari’s class, and what this newest fight of theirs would look like. “Wait. Is that? Really? We’re going to—?”

“I’ll take the one on the right,” Lori said. She stalked forward, tucking her daggers back into her belt. 

Rein it in, Ari. Be a professional. Like Lori. How come her first familiar—was that an appropriate word to use?—was able to treat this with more professionalism than her?

Ari would keep herself in check this time. She had a lot to figure out: the {Pleasure} bar, to name the biggest. She spurred herself to motion, following after Lori, who was advancing on their targets.

“Hmph,” Grace said, having stood, now. She crossed her arms as they approached. “It doesn’t matter how we fight—but you’ve encroached on Royal Hive territory, and so you will pay.”

“Y-Yeah,” Claire said. “You’ll, uh, regret this!”

Well, it was obvious enough which of the two bee-girls found this arrangement more embarrassing. Ari supposed she should count herself lucky she’d been paired up against the more timid one. 

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