The Legendary Monster Layer!

13 – (R-18) Honeybees

In the brief moment before the gap was closed, and the fight began, Ari took in Claire’s appearance.

She was shorter than Ari by a few inches, and had a bust that looked cuppable, but without much extra. Black-and-yellow hair cascaded down to her shoulders, patterned like the stripes of a bumble bee. It was wavy, and a bit messy. From the top of her head, two antennae protruded, twitching in intimidation as Ari advanced on her. She had hesitant, honey-gold eyes, and she didn’t seem to know what to do with her hands.

And between her legs—quickly stiffening, which had Claire shifting around, visibly uncomfortable that she was raising mast in front of several girls—was a pale rod of flesh, growing impressively large, even considering its not-small starting size. 

Ari was still coming to terms with that. Claire’s … extra equipment. She’d been very briefly apprehensive, but that had been wiped away after a moment’s consideration. Her preference was for girls, so she’d never thought she would be messing around with … with a cock, but she liked what she saw. Claire had all the soft curves Ari liked. Just some extra stuff, too.

And then Ari was within arm’s distance. To her side, she was vaguely aware of Lori pushing Grace by the shoulders and collapsing her into the grass, just like she had for Ari their first fight, but Ari didn’t take that approach. Instead, she put her hands on Claire’s hips and smiled down at the hesitant-looking bee girl, whose antennae twitched in intimidation.

“Hi,” Ari murmured. “I like your hair.” She was distinctly aware of a hot thing poking into her stomach. It made her already-hammering heart start galloping.

“What?” Claire asked, blinking up at her.

Ari had just been listening to her instincts—to what she wanted to do—but the words were effective at making her opponent freeze up. She’d expected Ari to do what Lori had.

“I’m Ari.” Lori hadn’t known how to use [Inspect] their first meeting, so she assumed Claire wouldn’t either. She had to give her name the old fashioned way. “And your eyes, too. They’re so pretty. I just wanted to let you know you’re gorgeous.”

Claire blinked rapidly, then scrambled for a response. “You, um, I-I like yours too. Your eyes, I mean.” She cleared her throat, shooting a worried glance Lori and Grace’s way. Who were … well, quickly getting to the thick of things. And grappling for who got to be on top. “But aren’t we supposed to be fighting?”

Ari’s hands slid down from Claire's waist to her hips, then lower. She cupped two soft ass cheeks, then tugged Claire forward. It caused her now rock-hard cock to slide up Ari, pressed between the two of them. “We are,” Ari teased. “Just not like them. And you haven’t started fighting back.”

Maybe Ari shouldn’t have poked fun at her, because shockingly fast, determination replaced the hesitance in Claire’s eyes. “Right. You’re invading on Royal Hive territory. I won’t let you get away with that, no matter how pretty you are.”

“You’ll teach me a lesson?” Ari couldn’t help herself … the teasing kept coming.

“Yes,” Claire said with a serious nod. Her hands went to Ari’s shirt and worked away at the buttons. They didn’t shake, or fumble, however intimidated she’d been a few moments ago.

“Not if I teach you one first,” Ari said, grinning. Her hands let go of the bee-girl’s ass, and quested out for something else. Something between Claire’s legs.

Her hands wrapped around eight to nine inches of hard, pulsing monstergirl cock. The heat seared through her, as if the contact had been electrified. Claire had a similar reaction—she shivered, violently, though determinedly kept working away at undressing Ari.

“Wow,” Ari breathed, stroking up and down Claire’s length. “You’re really packing, huh?” There was something intoxicating about the way Claire’s lower body squirmed with each pump of her hands, and the squeaks that Ari wrenched from Claire’s lips with the twisting of her wrist, the squeeze of her grip. 

“I-I won’t let you win. The Hive is relying on me.” She growled in frustration, her disrobing of Ari apparently taking too long. In a move that surprised her almost as much as Ari, she yanked on the cloth in either direction, and the fabric tore with ease, buttons popping and flinging into the grass. 

“My shirt!”

Claire blinked, and seemed briefly apologetic—before shaking her head clear. “Sorry. But, um, I needed to get it off.” Another yank, and the fabric ripped further, coming off in tatters, and leaving Ari’s torso bare except for her bra.

Huh. Maybe this is why I shouldn’t start with clothes on. It bought her some extra time, but was the cost to replace her outfit after every fight worth it?

“Okay, okay,” Ari laughed. “I won’t stop you. Take them off the normal way.” Her hands went behind her back, ceasing their attack of Claire’s lower half, and she unhooked her bra and tossed it to the side. “We’ll start on even footing.”

Claire blushed at Ari’s bared breasts, and she seemingly couldn’t decide whether to look or not. Either way, she eagerly helped slip off the rest of Ari’s clothes. Without Ari pumping away at her cock, and even aiding the bee-girl in the efforts, she had Ari naked in short order.

A loud moan wrenched both their attentions to the side. The noise had come from Grace. Lori had her head between the bee-girl’s legs, and she was thrusting her tongue around. There was a bit of a struggle going on, with Grace rolling around and trying to force Lori away.

Wow. They’re really going at it. She and Claire were taking things so slow, in comparison.

Ari stumbled, then fell flat on her butt. Claire had taken advantage of the distraction and pushed her to the floor. Her timidity was fleeing by the second—her effusive claims that she would ‘defend the Hive’ were something she was taking seriously.

Good, Ari thought, a smile creeping onto her lips. The real fight starts.


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