the legendary warrior with a system

lottery tickets and a cute girl… just like her.

[takuya's point of view]

"Mmm... where am I?... the last thing I remember was that I was drowning" - I woke up while sitting up I looked sideways and I'm on a rock.

"Seriously...was it a mermaid?" I asked myself as he picked me up and stretched my body a bit.

"(Sigh) I'm feeling that I just got into something that will be annoying in the long run" - I sighed looking to the side thinking about how dark my future will be.

"Hmmm" - I noticed that the system has several notifications for me.

[Mission System: Gathering the Digi-Spirits of the 10 Legendary Warriors has officially started. you've received a lottery ticket. The lottery ticket has been saved to inventory.]

[System: Hidden quest completed: Transform into a digimon for the first time: Agunimon. you've received a lottery ticket. the lottery ticket has been saved in the inventory.]

"For now let's use the lottery tickets before going back to Grandma Michishio's house" - I said as I prepared to use the tickets.

"System uses the first lottery ticket I got" - I said while the same screen with the roulette from eight years ago appeared in front of me.

Like the previous one, it is divided into 6.

The wheel began to spin and I looked away for obvious reasons.

After a few seconds the system notified me that the roulette had stopped... he turned his eyes towards her and what I see that I win leaves me in shock.

[Congratulations you have received [full contact karate]... do you want to pass it on to his memory?... [yes or no].]

'...' - After getting out of the shock I said "Yes" and then I got a headache from the information I just received.

"Wow" - is the only thing that came out of my mouth after full contact karate was finished flashing into my mind.

I can't even compare the karate technique I use with this one.

"Well what can I say... he comes from a world of martial arts that is one of the strongest, at least having learned karate will help me master full contact karate faster" - I said as I got into position.

"I think I can only do the first movement of the dance of the four gods" - I said as I took a deep breath and flexed my muscles concentrating all my strength in my right fist.

"1st Posture: Basaltic Fist" - I said while throwing the punch with all my might.

'...' - the moment the movement ended, a tiny, almost invisible gust of wind shot gently forward.

"ARGHHHH..." - I grabbed my arm because of the pain I was feeling after making the attack.

" arm isn't strong enough to do it" - I said as I gritted my teeth and grabbed my forearm in pain.

[15 minutes later]

"It's ok... I'm a little better now but my arm hurts as much as if I had spent a full workout with it" - I said as I got up and prepared to use the next lottery ticket.

"System uses the second lottery ticket" - I said while just like before the system screen appeared in front of me.

The roulette began to spin as I looked away.

[Congratulations you have received [red aura(k project)]... do you want to integrate it?... [yes or no].]

'...' - I stared at the screen while trying to remember the anime.

'Mmm it's that anime where there are 7 kings and the protagonist is supposed to be the silver king... isn't it?' - I said confused since it was a long time ago that I saw it and I had only seen 2 chapters.

'Yes' - I thought as the system screen disappeared and I began to feel my body begin to burn.

"ARGHH... how I forgot that the integration with some new power could make my body ache" - I said through clenched teeth as I felt my body burning... just like in my death.

[5 minutes later]

"..." - I was left with a blank look as the pain disappeared and I felt several new things that I could do.

Raising my left hand, I look at it as a red aura begins to appear.

"Come to think of it, it's ironic to get a power that makes me the red king, when people already called me that" - over the years I have a reputation for people calling me red king, I don't know why the king thing, but I do know about the red, I usually always wear a red shirt since I got the DigiVice I decided that this would be the color that represents me.

"..." - I observe the aura while trying to manipulate it but it's impossible, it just moves with an uncontrollable flame.

"We better go back" - I said as I turned off the aura and got up again.

"Okay, let's go... even though I don't know why he walked, he's going to Grandma Michishio's house" - I was going to turn around to leave but I remembered that I don't know where I am... I'm lost.

"TAKUYA SO HERE YOU WERE" - I heard nagasumi scream, so he turned around and I see nagasumi and Mr. naga walking towards me.

"Where were you takuya we have been looking everywhere for you?" Mr. Naga asked as he sighed tiredly.

"Sorry, something happened..." - I said as I looked away... I don't know how to avoid telling you that I almost drowned and ended up being saved by a mermaid... even though I really don't want to say the last part.

"Don't tell me... you almost drowned in the sea?" - Nagasumi seeing my expressions could not help asking.

"..." - I remained silent while avoiding the look.

"Who would have thought that the cold red king almost drowned in the sea?" - sometimes nagasumi's smile makes me really annoyed.

"Is that true takuya?" Mr Naga asked as he walked towards me worried.

"(Sigh) yes... although now I don't remember how I saved myself from almost drowning" - I nodded while sighing trying to avoid saying that I was saved by a mermaid... so even if I say it I don't think they will believe me.

"Mmmm maybe... a mermaid saved you?" - Mr Naga began to think before asking.

"..." - I stiffened but it passed quickly at least they didn't see it because nagasumi caught their attention.

"Mermaids are there mermaids here in setouchi?" Nagasumi asked his father as we all began to walk towards Grandma Michishio's house.

"It's an old legend that has passed through generations, it says that there are mermaids here at the bottom of the sea"-he said as he walked until he stopped to see nagasumi's face.

"Seriously at your age do you still believe in those things?" -he asked while he looked at nagasumi who had a look on his face that seemed to believe him.

I was silent as we walked back to grandma's house michishio was thinking how to learn to control the red aura.

'(sighed) more training' - I sighed faintly thinking about all the training I have to do.

[Time after]

"Are you alright takuya?... don't you feel bad or does something hurt?" - Many would think that it is my mother who speaks with concern, but no, it is Mrs. Sumi speaking with concern as she checks my body, while I try not to show signs of pain when she touches my right arm.

"Are you okay Takuya? What happened to you? Are you supposed to have been learning to swim since you found out we were coming here?" - This time my mother did ask as she separated me from Mrs. Sumi's touches... I don't know what wounds I wanted to find touching my abs so much.

"Honey..." - Mr Naga said when he saw his wife doing that and then he looked at her belly... seriously, what's wrong with this family.

"I'm fine, only that before leaving home I had overexerted myself in my training and ended up with a sore lower part of my body, that's the best answer I can come up with since I hardly remember what happened" - I said while he was telling a lie.

"So takuya-kun saved you from a mermaid?" - grandma michishio asked me as she was seating me next to her…almost made me fall over from the sudden question.

"Oh mom, you can't really believe in that legend" - Mrs. sumi sighed while she looked at grandma michishio.

"In setouchi especially in this area, legends of mermaids have been passed down from a very distant past" - granny michishio ignored her as she continued speaking.

"If the legend is true…" she spoke as she stopped, giving suspense to all of us who were listening to her.

"If takuya-kun was really saved by a mermaid, this will turn into something big and out of our control"-she finished speaking to turn to see me.

"(Sigh) I don't know if a real mermaid saved me, but when I was fainting I think I saw a figure" - I began to tell what I saw, it's not like they believed what I was going to say.

"It was a girl with long colored hair like the style of the mermaids" - I began to speak what came to my mind.

"Good evening" - someone spoke from the door but I was going to keep talking.

"What is this? We have a visitor at this time of night" - Grandma Michishio said surprised.

"She was a pretty girl... yes, like her..."-I kept talking until she turned her eyes towards the door and I saw the girl I kept talking until I realized.

We all stared at the girl surprised and waiting for her to speak but the next thing she said she left us all in shock.

"PLEASE MARRY ME"-she yelled as she left us petrified by her words.

"I understand that this takes you by surprise, but…" she continued as she looked up at us.

"I WOULD LIKE TAKUYA-SAN TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENED TODAY" - he shouted again as he again left us in shock at what he said to me more so why.

'I became a man without realizing it?' - I asked myself a silly question while looking at the girl who was waiting for me to speak.


about the red aura, this was also chosen based on the digi-spirit with which he completed the hidden mission.

agunimon = red aura that can manipulate heat and flames.

I had thought of that before so I was undecided whether to go for the gold or red aura.

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