the legendary warrior with a system

there is no way back.

[Takuya's pov]

I was looking at the girl completely in a state of shock until I felt that someone grabbed my men and looked at Mr. Naga.

"Takuya, so that's what you were doing while we were worried about you ..."-said Mr. Naga while he squeezed him over my men.

"Ta-takuya has become a man, when he's just a high school student. How could you have done that Takuya?" Mrs. Sumi said words that don't go with her face of having lost something important… seriously.

"Takuya, my son became a man ..."-My mother covered half of her face surprised at her before fainting ... she is exaggerating.

"I ... I'm still a virgin" - why I am ashamed to say it.

In that two men dressed in work costumes arrived, I will call them mafia 1 and mafia 2. (I will not explain so much for these two character that will not appear anymore.)

"Sorry for the interruption ladies and gentlemen, could you join us?" - Mafioso 1 said while pouting at us... or is it his normal face?

"(Mafia ...)" - Seeing men with suits, the Michishio family placed a face that said what they were thinking.

"San's parents say ... that you would like to speak face to face with all of you" - Mafioso 1 spoke again as I looked a little trying to intimidate ... the Michishio family achieved it paralyzed while my mother was still fainted .

"I can certainly go, but how can I be sure if we go, they won't do anything to us?" - Ask while I got up, I am possibly not strong enough to fight them if they are really supernatural beings, but I have to act a bit.

"Takuya-San my parents want to talk to you and your mother ... please can you come with us?" -San spoke quickly while the final he spoke a little lower.

"...Okay, I'll go with you" - After seeing her for a few moments I decided it was better to go, I don't know if my mother and the Michishio family would end up being hurt.

"Well ... thanks" - San thanked, while I grabbed my mother and placed her on my back.

'Sorry mother, your son just got you into something you shouldn't even know about' - I thought as I sighed and kept walking.

"Wait why are they grabbing the michishio family?" I asked with a frown as he watched the men easily grab the paralyzed family with fear.

"The boss ordered us to bring them all"-gangster 2 answered while without stopping he grabbed Mr. Naga.

I frowned but didn't speak again and kept walking following the girl.

Unfortunately, since I just got the digi-spirit I can't use it for long, so it's out for a fight unless it's the last two escape attacks.

[Time after]

"You want us to jump from here..." - my body was trembling from the anger I had right now, apart from the fact that I come calmly, they are so cheeky as to tell a normal person to jump off a cliff.

"Takuya-san don't worry, when they enter the water we'll take care of it, don't worry none of them will die"-assured the girl after she tried to calm me down.

"..." - I stared at the two men who are almost about to throw the michishio family into the sea.

'If something happens I'll use the DigiVice being so close to the surface it would give me time to go out with my mother and the michishio family' - I thought before letting out a sigh and then nodding.

"This is the first time I've thrown myself off a cliff into the sea" - I said as I jumped into the sea.

"Eh takuya... TAKUYA WHAT ARE YOU DOING" - at the worst moment my mother decided to wake up.

"NO TIME, GET READY TO FALL"-I said as she forced her to get ready to enter the sea... I can hear the cries of the michishio family.

After falling into the sea while my mother was desperately moving... mother, I'm sorry.

Then I see that san and the men entered the sea and their legs turned into fish tails.

One of them came and grabbed my mother as she went down to the sea, while San was coming towards me he grabbed me and we began to go down to the sea.

'Seriously... there's no turning back' - I thought as I correctly thought about the stupid thing I just did.

[Time after]

Now we are in the seto residence and now I was sitting at the end of a room full of people.

The most important are the three people who are sitting in front of me, well there are two since Mr. Seto is looking at the fainted nagasumi along with 4 others.

'Oh he finally woke up... no, now he's pretending to pass out again' - I thought as I watched nagasumi open his eyes and be surprised by the men's faces and close them again and pretend to be passed out.

"Masa" - said the hedge chief to a man with an Afro.

"Sir" - said masa quickly as he stood in front of his boss

"CPR" - said chief seto as he pointed at nagasumi.

Masa quickly went and he started to do the CPR procedure... I know what the procedure is... but, nagasumi in the end you gave your first kiss to masa.

"OK, I'LL GET UP" - nagasumi realizing what was happening quickly yelled while he was stiff.

"COFH COFH, WHERE THE HELL ARE WE, ANYWAY MY FIRST KISS WAS WITH MASA-SAN..." - Nagasumi asked before looking at her parents.

"Nagasumi finally awake, we're at san-chan's house" - said mr.naga trembling as he looked at nagasumi.

"A house of mermaids" - mrs.sumi continued while my mother was silently looking at me...she hasn't spoken to me since she woke up after we got to this house...and I don't blame her.

"I am the father of san, the leader of setogumi, the setouchi fish union... seto gozaburo" - the gozaburo leader introduced himself.

He has very short black to deep brown hair; he has a cross-shaped scar on the left side of his face, his skin color is quite dark, he wears a split mustache and goatee; His attire consists of a grayish/greenish colored kimono and an obi of the same shades but darker.

"And I am his wife... seto ren" - the wife of gozaburo and mother of san introduced herself.

Ren has short dark blue-black hair, her eyes are brown, her skin is softer and whiter than her daughter's.

"There isn't a great reason to invite them here…" - she began to speak as she paused for a moment to continue speaking later.

"I heard that my daughter saved the takuya boy from drowning" - she said as she looked at us.

"And that?" - Mr. Naga asked confused.

"So if mermaids exist..." - nagasumi said as he looked at them all.

I simply remained silent waiting for him to finish speaking.

"According to the laws of the sirens, the humans involved who know our identity" - he continued while he paused a moment to give an air of suspense.

"They will be executed" (both of them)

"They will become bubbles in the ocean and disappear from this world"

"And that, which is a sad story huh?" - He finished saying as tears came out of his eyes.

'Certainly it's a very strict rule...' - I thought as he saw what this gozaburo leader was going to do.

My mother and the michishio family were open-mouthed in shock at what they just heard.

"WHY DOES MY DAUGHTER HAVE TO DIE FOR SAVING YOU?" - gozaburo exploded as he shouted and grabbed his sword as he tried to unsheathe it, but his wife grabbed him before he could do it.

"Honey" - said the wife as she placed her hand on her shoulder.


'I can't trust him, he can explode at any moment and attack me to kill me, luckily he isn't really trying just because his wife and daughter are detaining him' - I thought as I evaluated them...Gozaburo wants to kill me, ren I don't know what he wants but at least he doesn't want to kill me and san doesn't seem to want to kill me either.

'For now I'll keep quiet while they finish their drama' - I said as I waited with a ready hand in case I have to use the DigiVice quickly.

"IF YOU DO THAT I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY I SAVED HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE" - san yelled as he stood up and looked at his father with a slightly annoyed look.


"BUT SAN... WE SIRENS" - Gozaburo tried to talk to convince her but San didn't let him.


"STOP HALFWAY I DON'T LIKE IT.... THEN YOU CAN STEAM ME, FRY ME. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT" - she finished as she threw herself on the floor waiting for me to kill her... seriously, even grateful, it seems a bit stupid.

"SAN, DAD IS BEGGING YOU PLEASE LET ME KILL THAT BASTARD" - gozaburo was trying to convince san but.

"NO" - she was determined.

'What should I do...' - I wondered as I watched Mrs. Ren sit in front of me.

"She can be a good girl, but she can also be very stubborn" - he said while pointing at her.

"So, takuya-kun? I thought of a way to solve this. Without the two of them having to be sacrificed" - she first she spoke asking if she could call me that and I nodded, then she told me she had an idea.

If I'm not mistaken, it must be the same one that san went with to ask... it has to be anime logic.

"Takuya-kun... will you marry san?" - she asked as she stiffened me a little at this logic, but before she could speak.

"WHAT" - the michishio family shouted surprised by the proposal made by

My mother was going to try to say something but Mrs.sumi stopped her... why did she do it?

"If you know her identity, if you become one of us, nothing would happen" - seeing that she stared at me with no intention of speaking, she continued. I understand she is trying to help san while indirectly-directly, she is helping me.

"If they get married everything will be fine"- gozaburo said as he stood up and took the sword from him... I got serious ready the DigiVice to use it at any moment.

"Otherwise I will execute all humans who know our identity"

"People knew like you, they should understand right?, takuya's mother, mr and mrs"

"Now the four know our identity" - he said threateningly as he took out a part of the edge of the sword... I frown annoyed because he is threatening my mother and the michishio family.

My mother was trembling as the michishio family gathered trembling looking at the people who had unfriendly faces.

"IT'S OKAY... ENOUGH OF BEING THREATENING MY MOTHER AND THE MICHISHIO FAMILY" - she yelled as she got me up with my body trembling from the anger I had.

"AH DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS? YOU ARE MARRYING MY DAUGHTER, ARE YOU NOT SATISFIED?" - he said as veins popped out of his face from the anger that was growing in him.

"I don't have problems with your daughter, I have problems with you who are constantly threatening us" - I said while I was also starting to get annoyed... I put my hand in my pocket while the DigiVice appeared in my hand.

"SILENCE WORM, I THINK OF THE SACRIFICE OF MY SAN AND STILL YOU BOTHER ME" - he said as he drew his sword and began to run towards me.

"I WILL NEVER GIVE MY DAUGHTER'S HAND TO A MAN AS USELESS AS YOU" - gozaburo yelled as I ran to look for a place to use the DigiVice.

"DARLING, DON'T WASTE A WOMAN'S DETERMINATION" - Mrs. Ren said as she fell on him stopping him.

"MASA, DON'T LET IT GO" - I heard gozaburo scream as I kept running but before I could find a place to use the DigiVice I had to stop to avoid the knife that launched masa.

"You should lose your life once and for all, give up and die" - said masa while she had her hand outstretched to throw the knife.

I grabbed the knife as a red aura covered it making the blade of the knife start to get hot.

"OF COURSE I WILL NOT GET KILLED, I WILL DEFEND MYSELF UNTIL THE END, BECAUSE I CANNOT DIE" - I said as the red aura began to cover my body and I got into position with the knife in my right hand.

"What..." - everyone was surprised at the red aura coming out of my body.

"YOUR BRAT YOU ARE NOT A NORMAL HUMAN, WHO ARE YOU AND HOW CAN YOU DO THAT?" - yelled gozaburo while he looked at me annoyed separating his wife from him.

"WHAT DOES IT MATTER WHO I AM AND WHAT I CAN DO, THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS THAT I AM NOT GOING TO LET THEM KILL ME, MY MOTHER OR ANY MEMBER OF THE MICHISHIO FAMILY" - I yelled annoyed as I pressed the knife preparing myself to go out and attack at any time.

"WAIT YOU CAN'T FIGHT" - san appeared in front of me with his arms outstretched to try and stop us.

"BUT San, he also wants to fight..." - Gozaburo tried to speak but San stopped him.

"SILENCE since you got here you've been threatening them, dad I understand that you want to protect me, but it's my decision to want to save him I'm not going to let you kill anyone" - san said while he looked at his father firmly.

"..." - I stared at the san sword while I thought if I should accept this marriage thing.

"San..." - Gozaburo trying to speak is new but this time I speak.

"Tell me san, if I really accept the marriage, they won't try to kill my mother or the michishio family?" - Ask to rectify, it doesn't matter if they try to kill me I can or I think I can protect myself, but they really can't.

"Yes, if you accept..." - she answered a little embarrassed.

"Before accepting tell me, knowing the rules of the sirens why did you decide to save me?" - I asked him, ignoring gozaburo that he is trying to free himself from's hold.

"Abandoning people in danger would be an embarrassment to the mermaids of setouchi"

"If you write "Chivalry" it reads as "mermaid", that's why I saved you" - he said with the most serious face possible.... well I'll follow the logic of the anime then. (Japanese is too confusing...well all languages are in their own way)

"That's absurd, but acceptable, everyone has a reason that guides them to do things" - I agreed, the reason why I almost died is to find the digi-spirit, if I hadn't been trying to find it, this wouldn't have happened... possibly Seeing his personality, I wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened again.

"Okay... please allow me to marry your daughter, father" - I said as I knelt down.

Everyone was surprised by what I said, san's father had a face of wanting to kill me even more, while smiled.

I looked at san waiting for her to give something, since she had to accept.

"Okay dad, this is how it is" - she answered embarrassed as he turned his face with a blush on her.

"My daughter... my daughter, she will never marry you" - she said as she threw the sword at me with a speed that almost hit me.

"..." - I stared at him grabbing the sword also just in case.

"Honey, are you serious? Just let our daughter go" - said Mrs. Ren as she stopped her husband.

"NO, I WILL NOT LET MY DAUGHTER MARRY A WORM LIKE HIM" - she kept screaming as she tried to get out of his wife's grasp.

'So... now I'm the husband of a mermaid...' - I thought as she avoided another object that Gozaburo threw.

'When I find out how strong you are, I'll hit you even if you're my father-in-law' - I thought as I retracted my red aura.

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