The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 139: Ragna Regalias

"I would say I am sorry, but I am not," Bane replied with a smile. "Let's just say that I was reborn a bit stronger than most, and the life I lived before made me even stronger. I may look like a human, but I really don't think I can be considered one anymore. I have sprinted past human limits a while back, and I still have countless lifetimes worth of training left."

"Your goal?"

Bane paused, but then shrugged. "I guess it doesn't matter. You must hate the fuckers more than me, since they put you here, but I plan on killing the Supreme One that is trying to take control of the world I came from."

This time, it was Angar's turn to go silent. Just how long had it been since he had heard mention of one of those beings? Since his sentencing?

200,000 years ago, Ragna Regalias stood in a massive chamber that was filled with the most elite of elite Supreme Ones. Directly in front of him stood Daigatz, his world's ruler, the Supreme One.

"We can't keep doing this Ragna, your defiance is becoming tiresome. No matter how many times, you always find back to your world, and you are at the head of every rebellion," Daigatz explained, reading off a sheet of paper in his hands. "The Great Ones have decided that you shall be imprisoned, and you shall not be able to return to the cycle of death and rebirth. Your spark shall be imprisoned in the demon world for eternity with no chance of release.

"Imprison me if you want, but it will change nothing. I might have eternity to rot, but know this! Your days are numbered! Someone will rise one day, and when that happens, this farce you all play at will be dissolved. All of you evil bastards will face justice!" Ragna spat, but Daigatz just laughed.

"You think so? Do you have any idea just how long we have been in power? Your silly world didn't even exist! We are the reason for your existence, meaning that we own you. You are all our toys and we can play or break them how we want. You are just an unruly creation that is defective," Daigatz laughed, and Ranga's spark was forced into a Suganite Prism Sphere.

It had been so long ago, but the Demon Emperor would never forget that moment.

"Which one are you after?" Angar asked, and Bane glanced at him.


Angar's face screwed up. "She has finished her training already? The twin?"

"Hmm? You know about them?" Bane asked, now more interested.

"I know of them. Guardian and Onyx, but the latter was imprisoned just before me. I watched him leave the room just before I was sentenced by Diagatz," Agnar said, and Bane stopped.

"Wait, you know Diagatz?" He asked, and Agnar mirrored his surprise.

"You do as well?! That son of a bitch was the leader of my world!" Angar spat, but Bane burst out laughing. "What?"

Bane couldn't stop laughing, and was nearly brought to tears before he could get a hold of himself.

"Sorry, this is just too funny!" Bane laughed, but then Bane split into two, but the other half of him had his arms crossed and was staring intently at Angar.

"You were there?"

Angar stepped back in confusion. "Wait, what is going on?!"

The copy of Bane shook his head, and then transformed into his actual body and red robe. The body of the Supreme One, Onyx.

"HOLY SHIT!" Angar shouted, stumbling back to fall on his ass. "Is that really you? You look the same as you did that day! Onyx!"

"Not a very demon-like thing to say, but yes, it is I. This must mean that you are the infamous Undying Rebel Captain, Ragna Regalias?" Onyx asked, and Angar's face drained of color.

"You know about me? Even in your prison?"

"Of course. I am not bound to my prison as much as you would think. I see all and know all," Onyx explained, and then turned to Bane. "I would like to make a deal with you."

"A deal?" Bane asked, and Onyx nodded.

"In exchange for your assistance, I will grant you anything you wish."

"Oh? You got me interested, keep going," Bane waved, and Onyx turned back to Angar, but spoke directly into his head.

'I know that you are the Emperor, but I won't ruin your fun. I enjoy watching the boy squirm, so do what you will. What is important is that you die, and are reborn in the world Bane is in. Bane will make you a body in the future, and you will continue your fight. Bane will need a man like you in the future. No, we all will need a man like you,' Onyx explained, and Angar nodded.

'Anything for you, my Lord. This is clearly fate at work, and I have many debts that require collection. Something I can't do while stuck in this hellhole. Is this to be your champion?'

'Bane will be much more than that, but I want you to observe him the entire time with your human mind. Whatever is left of it," Onyx instructed and Angar nodded with a bow.

"Your wish is my command!" Angar laughed, and Onyx went to turn back to Bane, but two demon women were instantly in his face.

"You're the one he was talking to the entire time?" Nia asked.

"Not as good looking as the master, but not bad. Why don't you stay with us?" Elexis asked, but then both women winced and shrunk back as they saw the dark look in Onyx's eyes.

"Do not talk to me, ants," Onyx growled, and then vanished into a smoke that absorbed into Bane's body.

Both of the women seemed scared, but then they looked at each other and nodded.

"Makes sense, a normal personality couldn't put up with Bane," Nia nodded.

"Very true. I actually expected him to be meaner, if I am being honest. A bit of a disappointment," Elexis sighed, and picked up the rope to the sled. "I am starting to get cold, so maybe we can start moving again?"

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