The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 140: The Queen’s Path

Zerifa appeared in the throne room, glaring at the phony that sat in her useless and good for nothing husband's throne. She knew that this was just Ragnath's stupid lap dog, and if he was just going run away, she would take what should have been hers in the first place.

"My Queen. What is it that you want?" Desmodeus disguised as King Ragnath asked, trying not to sound nervous, but the queen terrified him.

"Cut the shit, Desmodeus. I know that waste of skin puts you up to this, so give it up, or I will devour you on the spot. I just received word that he reached this human, and now you will act as my advisor, but you will just be following my orders. Do I make myself clear?" Zerifa asked as she walked forward, getting bigger with each step until she had to crouch to stand, towering over Desmodeus.

"Yes, my Queen," he nodded as his body melted back, but his black and purple face looked pale, knowing that she was much more powerful than him, and she turned back to normal size.

"Good. Now, get out of the throne. I have a job for you," Zerifa ordered, making Desmodeus shoot out of the seat. Once she was seated, and he was kneeling in front of her, the queen continued.

"I have someone tracking them, and the group with the runaway king and human are entering the Shattered Pass. I need you to tell the Ravens that they are to kill the group, but I want the king and the human brought back to me alive. I want to make sure I can eat them limb by limb."

Desmodeus gulped and nodded. "It shall be done!"

With that, he vanished into the floor, making Zerifa smirk and lean back into the throne. She had a few more cards up her sleeves, but she wanted to be ready for anything.

The queen knew that the boy was a monster, but she was going to do everything in her power to destroy him and that king. The Shattered Pass was a death trap that she created herself from an alchemical accident that killed over 30 demons, and sealed their hearts within Shatterite. It was the result of using dangerous dark magic to use a demon's own body as a furnace to melt the demon heart from within, creating a substance that can make other demon hearts fragile. Not only that, but because of a special alchemical code she wrote on each body, she had been able to steal and devour the sparks of the demons.

Ragnath had found out, and in a fit of rage, he destroyed her secret lab, but it caused a chain reaction, and a massive explosion. This spread the liquefied demon hearts all over the pass and turned all the rock into an extremely fragile pink glass. The shards can cut through anything from diamonds to obsidian like it was flesh. The part that she enjoyed the most was that if enough was broken, the shards would form into the shadows of the demon's sparks that Zerifa had devoured.

These shadows were extremely dangerous because they are born of darkness, and it takes a lot to kill them, but if you didn't, they would absorb the body of the victim and grow in power and size. There were even rumors that there was a giant demon living in the mountains that absorbed a thousand demons, but Zerifa knew that couldn't be true. There was no way one shadow could grow that big.

The queen smiled as she thought about the bed whores that were with the human and the garbage king that were going to die. It was nothing more than either of them deserved. In fact, Zerifa would have the Raven bring back their mangled bodies so that she could eat them in front of the human, one joint at a time until it drove him insane.

Zerfia still remembers what it was like before this life of unending hunger, but this life had been much easier than her last, and she had no plans on going back. She had not been a human, but a Tigaila, a proud race of spacefaring feline humanoids that were known for their aggressiveness and violence while conquering and devouring any race they found. A brutal race that was an enemy to all, but to Zerifa, it was home, and her way of life, or it had been.

When she was twelve, and still in training, reports spread across the Catunus Galaxy of planets vanishing. Most hadn't taken any of it seriously, but word of a strange game started to spread. Twenty years later, Zerifa found herself trapped in a game world and locked in a fight with impossible foes like nothing her race had ever fought. In the end, her people lost, and were forced into slavery and the Faction wars.

Faction Wars are fought by the armies of the Supreme ones Slaves, after being digitally transferred from the Hyper chambers the bodies are stored in. No one was allowed to leave the coffins except to be digitally transferred onto a world with up to 15 other Supreme Ones army. The last faction standing wins that planet and 10% of all the slaves on it, but if the last faction has less than 20% of their remaining force, the game continues to the next planet.

The only good thing about the game was that they are never allowed to fight on the same planet more than once. At least, that is how it was supposed to be. After she was defeated for the second time, Zerifa's body was returned to the hyper chamber, but when she woke up, she was in another Faction War.

After 10,000 wars, the average mind would crumble, and the spark would be released by death to return to the cycle. This in turn would create new beings for the Supreme Ones to enslave in an eternal cycle of pain and suffering. When this was explained to her, Zerifa finally cracked, and her spark was released.

After ten cycles of rebirth, fragments of her past had started to bleed into her 11th cycle, and she did everything in her power for the next five cycles to fight back against the Supreme Ones. No matter what she did, or how hard she had tried, nothing had worked other than gaining the attention of the Great Ones.

These were mythical beings that made Supreme Ones seem like unruly children playing games, but nothing was known about them besides their seeming unlimited power. Something that Zerifa got to experience first hand as she was forced to watch her planet that was now empty, but full of her past and history, be pushed into the solar system's sun by an invisible force. This was later confirmed to be nothing more than one of the Great Ones making a simple pushing gesture with their ten fingered hand.

Zerifa was not given the choice to be released back into the cycle, and she was forced to be reborn into a world of eternal hunger. One where she had to fight and kill for the rest of eternity to survive. She was lucky enough to have been born with intelligence that was not normal for demons, and she was able to devour enough lesser demons to survive. This had resulted in her being a rare queen, but this had also caused her to be hated by the other demons.

Trickery, cruelty, lies, it didn't matter to Zerifa, she used everyone in her path like stepping stones, and now she had finally reached the top of the world. From this point, she could devour as many demons as she wanted and use whatever methods she chose to get infinitely stronger. Zerifa would rule this world forever, and she would make the best of the horrible had the universe had dealt her, but she would not let this human ruin that.

He had to die, and she would do whatever it took to make that happen.

As she thought about all of this, Desmodeus returned from the shadows with three demons wearing black cloaks with purple Ravens on the front.

"We are here, my Queen. We are at your disposal," the demon said, bowing to Zerifa.

"Good. You are to enter the Shattered Pass. The king and the human should be there already, and I want you to bring them back to me alive. Kill the other three, and do not engage unless provoked. The last thing I need is one of you getting killed and leaving a corpse behind for that human to devour," Zerifa ordered, and the three nodded.

"It shall be done, my Queen!" they all said in unison, and then vanished into the shadows.

Zerifa leaned back into her throne, and smiled. Nothing was going to go wrong with this plan. It was hers, after all.

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