The Messenger of Death

Chapter 343: triggered al ii


Al was triggered and switched with Alex, against his will.

['What the fucking hell Alex!? Can't you control your fucking heat after seeing a nice ass!?'] Al cursed out, displeased that he was forced to switch with Alex at the moment. He didn't want to talk to any of them.

['I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.'] Alex apologized sincerely. ['We can switch back immediately.'] He added, but Al ignored him.

Making it obvious that he wanted to be in control now.

A frown quickly replaced the rosy color that was developing on Al's face. For him, something like this was easy to do. Al looked at the cause of his predicament. "It's a girl," Al muttered with certainty.

His comment didn't escape this person's ears. "I am not a girl." The person replied with an offended yet feminine tone.

"I know a girl when I see and hear one, if you are delusional I am not blind or deaf," Al replied, not caring about this person's feelings.

This stranger with the pink hair released an aura, one stronger than Argus's own. It was on par with the aura of a cultivator in the Spirit Awakening realm.

Al frowned at this, but he didn't flinch back nor was he afraid of this person. Argus, however, was alarmed by the aura coming from this person.

'The aura is similar to that of the Headmaster. Was there always someone this young and as strong as the Headmaster on the Lower plain realm?' He thought.

"Calm yourselves down." The calm, oppressive voice of Mr. Guardian reached the ears of the three of them, reminding them of his presence.

"One of the two is familiar with you, Alexander?"

"Yes, the old man," Al answered as respectfully as he could.

'This crazy kid just called me an old man to my face.' Argus thought but dismissed the thought quickly and it was replaced with a more important thought. 'This powerful man called Alexander his friend, is this the reason why he came to this island, because of his friend. Is the powerful individual the cause of the abnormalities on the island?' Many questions without definite answers filled Argus's mind.

"I have a task for the two of you, and although one of you is above the age allowed to participate, I can still let it slide because you won't be participating per se, you will be assisting and protecting Alexander." Mr. Guardian disclosed.

'Huh? Who is Alexander?' The individual with the pink hair wondered and looked between Argus and Al.

Al frowned when he heard this. He had been paying to everything that had been happening since they stepped foot on this island, even though he refused to speak out. Al couldn't understand why he had to have protectors when going to search for the petal.

"They would slow me down." Al quickly said, not liking the idea of having people he didn't trust, following him around.

Argus arched a brow at Al. 'This kid thinks someone of my capability will slow him down. I'm starting to get fed up with his attitude again. I might just dump him here and head back to the academy.' He ended with a silent snort.

The individual with an identity crisis only eyed Al for the insult, belittling him.

It then hit Al that this person looked somewhat familiar, but he couldn't place his hand on how exactly the familiarity came about. He shrugged the thought away and focused on what was important now.

"I don't want any trouble, I was just passing by and I noticed these two… gentlemen."

Al was tempted to insult this stranger and knew that it was just the pent-up frustration he was feeling for the alternate personalities in his head. He resisted the urge to spite this stranger.

"You arrived from the Ordain plain realm a few weeks ago and you have been stuck on this island because of the rule imposed on this region, you couldn't fly off the island. You even lead a few people to the loophole on the Excepto between this plain realm and the Ordain plain realm, am I correct?" Mr. Guardian revealed.

The stranger trembled a bit in fear. 'I have been on this island for a while now, unaware that I was being watched by this person. Why now? I have more important things to do on this Plain realm.' The stranger thought.

"And for the one that is familiar with Alexander, you have been watching over him for a while, not intervening when he was faced with danger."

Argus nodded his head slowly. 'How did he know?' He wondered.

"I will reward the two of you fairly if you go with Alexander, the reward will help you solve a problem or two that you might or will face."

"What type of reward?" The stranger asked doubting Mr. Guardian's words.

"Go with him, protect Alexander and find out." Mr. Guardian replied.

Argus bowed and placed his fist in his palm. "I was already given the task of protecting Alexander, and I will continue to do so, getting rewarded for it… I will grateful for that."

Al snorted at what Argus said, he was about to speak out when Mr. Guardian beat him to it.

"Alexander, if not for the promise that I made with you, I would have stopped you from competing for this Midas petal. You have made me twist the rules drastically.

"Wait, what!?" Argus and the stranger chorused in surprise.

'I thought there was a limited number of Midas seed carriers? I counted the ones that arrived here and they were complete, most of those that weren't seed carriers left and some disappeared alongside the Midas seed carriers." The stranger thought.

"Are you the one that guards the Midas petal?" The stranger asked respectfully.


'I tried to deceive everyone here, what if the Guardian sees this as disrespect?'

"Forgive me for my disrespect." The stranger bowed. "My name is Sakura… and the reason for trying to hide my identity is…" She began thinking of how to explain her reason.

"Don't worry about it, there's no harm done."

"Thank you, Guardian."

['Al, are you angry at us?'] Lex asked.

['This is not the time to talk about this.'] Al hinted, using the situation that he was in to dodge that question. ['That pretentious pompous prick of a Prince must have already arrived here.'] He sneered.

"It's time you joined the rest of the competitors." Mr. Guardian stated and a black hole appeared in front of the 3 of them.

The chills that ran down Argus's and Sakura's backs were petrifying. They couldn't move in front of the black hole that suddenly appeared.

'What realm of cultivation do you need to achieve to be able to do this? Even Master cannot imitate something of this magnitude. Tearing the void is completely different from this… th-this is the void.' Sakura thought in reverence and fear of Mr. Guardian's power.

Al was the only one that wasn't petrified in shock at the sight of this, although he was amazed by it, he didn't feel threatened or scared. He had a certain level of trust for Mr. Guardian, almost comparable to the one he had for Nana.

He stepped forward and walked into the black hole, not caring about the two unwanted people that were petrified in their positions.

When Argus and Sakura saw Al walk into the black hole, they felt embarrassed by their reactions. Someone weaker than them calmly walked into the black hole while they were too scared to move. This wasn't their fault, it was a natural instinct for some humans to be petrified in the face of an oppressive might, be it cultivators or mortals – It wasn't easy for either to overcome this human nature.

Argus forced himself to go after Al, slowly walking into the black hole with half faith that he would be alright.

'What's the point of dwindling and doubting this senior's words? If he wanted to end my life, I wouldn't even be able to put up a fight.' Sakura shook her head and followed after Al and Argus, taking steady steps into the black hole.

As soon as she step in, Sakura couldn't tell her left from right or vice versa. Her sense of direction was greatly affected by the power within the black hole. She knew that her body was been stretched beyond its limits, but she didn't feel any pain.

This phenomenon only lasted for a few seconds before a bright light blinded Sakura and she found herself on the beach of the island that she was just on, confused by the place she was currently on. The mountains that were on the mountain looked bigger.

There were terrifying monsters littered in the sky and around the beach, growling and eyeing the people around. They looked as if they wanted to feast on the people here, but they didn't dare to do anything. These monsters were the ones that Argus saw from afar and said that they weren't indigenes of the island.

Sakura then noticed that there were over 200 people here, and the Midas seed carriers were also here. The Midas seed carriers all exuded a unique type of aura, one that carried dominance in it, making the people around feel unsettled by their auras.

It only took Sakura a minute to notice that they were the center of attention, herself, Argus, and Al.

"So you've come?" A voice that Al found annoying asked. The aura that came from the person that spoke was oppressing both Argus and Sakura as it was the bloodline oppression coming from a Class-1 Primordial bloodline holder…

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