The Messenger of Death

Chapter 344: triggered al iii

['People that aren't Midas seed holders are here too!'] Alex exclaimed.

['As I thought. From the moment Mr. Guardian let Argus and that lady come with us, I suspected that it was going to be something of this nature.'] Xander chipped in.

['What exactly does this mean for us,?'] Lex wondered.

"So you've come, the boy from the Claus clan?" A familiar arrogant voice reached Al's ears, his ears raised a bit and a sneer appeared on his face.

['Now this bastard I wouldn't mind taking my anger out on.'] Al mentioned.

"Isn't it the so-called chosen ones," Al looked at the Midas seed carrier that had a crystal-like mallet resting on his shoulders. He had been trying to avoid Al's sight since Al arrived here. "And you, you are still a pretentious pompous prick of a Prince. Don't talk to me like you know me, son." Al started, startling most of the people here.

They All knew who the person Al was speaking to, his status, and his origins. Even the other Princes and Princesses here wouldn't dare to disrespect who Al just disrespected openly.

The Prince snorted and released the oppressive might of his bloodline, the mighty suppression of a phoenix. He wanted to try intimidating Al again. "What else should I expect from a peasant-looking bastard like you?"

The bloodline suppression coming from this Prince sent everyone to their knees, and it was against their will. Even the monsters around had to place their heads on the ground as a sign of respect. They didn't need to know which Primordial beast the Prince's bloodline stemmed from, all they knew, by instinct, is that it is a bloodline that surpassed their being.

Sakura's body trembled, and so did Argus. The two of them tried to struggle out of the suppression with their cultivation, but their attempts were to no avail. The reason why the Prince's bloodline suppression was so exaggerated is not only because of the stage his bloodline has reached but also because of his cultivation. His cultivation paired with his bloodline suppression made it harder for those with high cultivation to resist his suppression.

However, the only person that remained standing, unaffected by the Prince's bloodline suppression was Al. Although it was different because the Prince's cultivation, was above Al's by a mile, however, Al had faced worse auras so he didn't flinch because of this.

Al only rolled his eyes at the prince. "We've been here before," He uttered in a bored tone and released the oppressive might of his Dragon flame bloodline.

To everyone present, gravity was against them the moment the Prince released his bloodline suppression. But the moment Al released his bloodline suppression too, the pressure on them multiplied. They weren't even kneeling anymore, they had been pressed to the stomachs and were sinking inside the beach sand slowly.

Even the monsters here were not sparred from the oppressive bloodline suppressions.

The Prince frowned at what he was feeling. 'When and how did this Claus clan member increase his bloodline stage so fast? The last time we met on the Ordain Plain realm, his bloodline stage was just at the first rank of the Blood Awakening stage, how did he get to the third rank in a few months!?'

"Now I am certain that your bloodline is also from a Supreme Primordial beast. Tell me, how did an ugly bastard from the Claus clan like you receive such bloodline? No wonder your clan is doing all that they can stop the rumor going on about a non-seed carrier receiving a Midas petal."

"Ugly bastard? Bastard I am, but ugly? Your sisters will probably like to fuck me, every girl here will do the same if we meet in a different place, and if you were a girl too… you would like to fuck me. That's just how ugly I am.' Al replied with a spiteful smirk.

"You vile bastard!" The Prince uttered in anger. His eyebrows slowly lit on fire and so did his hair.

Seeing that the Prince had activated his bloodline ability, Al did that same, imitating the Prince's way of using his bloodline ability. Al also made his eyebrow light on fire and did the same to his hair. Al's smirk did nothing but get wider.

He had a talent for spiting people and he took utmost joy in doing that. What Al didn't know is that his utilization of his bloodline ability, imitating the way the Prince used his flames – had an extra effect on him. His pupils changed from being round to slits and his senses heightened beyond his imagination.

The realization of this stunned him. ['Could it be that we have been using our abilities the wrong way all these while? Instead of just letting it burst out, we are meant to let it ease out of our body gently.'] Al mentioned, his mood improved due to the realization. What he didn't know is that this phenomenon was caused by the meridian sitting in the middle of his eyebrows and on top of his head.

['Ah, then maybe I can-'] Alex started but was rudely interrupted by Al.

['Who in the hell was talking to you? I was speaking to myself.']

['Too soon?'] Alex asked.

['Yeah, too soon.'] Xander and Lex said at the same time. They were all waiting for Al's mood to improve before speaking to him about what they did to offend him…

The Prince was infuriated by Al's disrespect. "Why don't we finish the fight that we didn't have the chance to start the last time we met."

"Wow… for a prick. This must be the first proper words I have heard you say, pretentious Prince." Al replied.

"That's enough." Mr. Guardian's calm voice echoed and destroyed the oppressive suppressions that rendered everyone here helpless.

Mr. Guardian's voice forcefully deactivated the abilities that Al and the Prince had activated, returning them to their natural states.

Many people pushed their heads out of the sand and spat a mouth full of beach sand. Their backs were soaked with sweat and hairs disheveled.

They all looked at the Prince and Al like they were monsters.

Some of them still struggled to breathe as sand had gotten into the nostrils.

Argus and Sakura retained their freedom and unconsciously put distance between themselves and Al. They that were standing closest to him felt the most of the suppression that came from Al. It has instilled fear into their minds and hearts.

'This is why Natalia refused to let the Headmaster take this boy away from her, she knew about this. She knew!' If Argus was aware that Alexander had a Class-1 bloodline, he would have dragged him out of the barrier and given him his freedom.

He was well aware of what such class of bloodline meant, royalty, one that was above many. 'If anything happens to him, will his family come after us in the academy? I have to protect him even if it costs me my life.' Argus decided.

'How did I get entangled in the mess of so many people with powerful origins!? Master warned me not to draw attention to myself, and now I'm being forced to protect this… Prince!' Sakura referred to Al as Prince, knowing that his bloodline earned him royalty in the 3 Plain realms.

Al had the attention of everyone. It was normal for that kind of oppressive might to be exuded from the Prince, his bloodline was well known and respected in the 3 Plain realms. But what came from Al was equally as strong as the suppression that came from the Prince.

That meant two things to them, the first is that the Claus clan has gained the support of a secretive powerhouse, the second being the scariest, a bloodline that can truly threaten the power structure of the Celestial plain realm exists in the 3 Plain realms.

All that remains was to let Al grow, and if he pleases, he would be able to stand his ground against the Emperor of the Celestial Plain realm…

"Thank your lucky stars that the Guardian came to your rescue, once again."

"Fortunately for you, I don't have lucky stars, or else I would have already redesigned your fucked up face for you."

"Before the commencement of the search for the Midas petal, there are a few important things that everyone here is meant to know." Mr. Guardian started, catching everyone's attention.

"Firstly, only the 45 Midas seed carriers will be able to obtain the Midas petal… with the exception of one non-seed carrier, and that person is clear to everyone here."

Al smirked and looked at the Prince, not wanting to pass up the chance to infuriate him some more.

"That's unfair!" Some of the non-seed carriers complained.

"I know that it is unfair, that's why I altered the rule a bit and allowed some of the people that came to try their luck and obtain the Midas petal to enter here, but I will not let you take the petal if you are not a seed carrier or the exception.

It is unfair to those who have wished and hoped to get their hands on the Midas petal, that is why I will make it fair. While you won't be able to obtain the Midas petal, you might be fortunate enough to get something not so far off from it."

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