The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 17 – Traveling Club’s freshman’s orientation (Part 2)

Standing outside the infirmary’s door, I wait for Hajin to get out. {And here he comes.}

“Were you waiting for me or something?”-Asks him as he comes out of the infirmary.

“Of course. Weren’t we going to applicate for the clubs today?”

 “Oh… Right… I forgot…”-Said Hajin with an apologetic face.

“Don’t worry man. With that knock out the instructor gave you, I wouldn’t be too surprise if you didn’t even remember your name.”

“Tell me about it… All I saw was a coming punch to my face and then all went black. Thankfully, Cube’s medical care is so damn good. No black eye for me or something.”

“Haha, yeah, I was wondering where your black eye went.”

“Very funny… Now, let’s go to Hero Park… We need to get there and submit our applications.”-Said Hajin while starting to walk.

“Okay. And really, thanks for the laugh. I got a nice time watching you and the instructor fight. Especially when you almost bit off the instructor’s hair. I’m sure that would give you plenty of SP.”-I said while following him.

“Ha…ha… Well, maybe you’re right. *sigh* At least it is a nice way to gather some SP.”

“Yeah. You should try to do that next time too. The more SP you gather, the stronger you get. So start biting off every instructor’s hair.”

“No thanks. I don’t want any more punches to the face. And how went the spar with your girlfriend?”

“I didn’t spar with Olivia, and she’s not my girlfriend.”

“So, who did you spare with if it wasn’t your girlfriend?”

“Rachel. And for your info. No. I didn’t bite her hair off like a certain someone was trying with the instructor.”

“… Did you win?”

“Are you crazy? I’m not going to beat the rank 3 cadet in front of the class. Though, to be honest, I went a little overboard. She didn’t land a proper hit, and even if I also didn’t, I did some pretty flashy moves. Thankfully, you and the instructor interrupted our fight with your screams.”

“Glad I was of help.”

“You sure were.”

We finally made it to Hero Park. And just like yesterday, there were a lot of stands, with people and clubs all over the place. Thanks to classes coming to an end for the day, there was a lot of people here.

“It’s really weird to see all of this coming to life…”

“You mean the world you wrote about? Yeah, it must be a somewhat strange feeling, to see what you created come to life in a world of its own.”

“Sure… And to be honest… I don’t know if I should be glad, amused or even afraid…”

“Why you say so?”

“…Thinking that everything I wrote would happen in the next few years is not something I’m prepared for.”

“Well, you should start preparing then. You better do EVERYTHING it takes to survive in this world.”

“You say it as if I wouldn’t try.”

“Not so much like you wouldn’t try, but, are you mentally prepared? Some things may be more taxing that just writing about them or seeing them happen in front of you. Doing something and being a spectator are two completely different things. Don’t just become strong. Prepare your mind for what’s to come.”- I said while looking directly at his eyes.

“… I know… That’s why I increased my perseverance in the first place…”

“Perseverance? Haha know shit about it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, mine said it was 3 out of 10…”

“That’s… Just how?”

“Well, I assume there are a lot more factors that are involved in ‘Perseverance’ and not just your constancy or persistence to do something.”

“Well, sure, it is expressed in a general way, but… For it to be 3, that’s kind of low right?”

“Sure, but not that it bothers me or anything. After all, a number is just that. A number.”

“In this world I created, the difference in numbers is pretty much an important thing you know?”

“You may be right. Or not? Time would tell. And if you think so. You better start getting your numbers up.”

“I’m doing my best. Is not easy to go from zero to hero you know…”

“Your best may not be enough. Do the impossible for not regretting it later.”

“…You sure are asking too much of me.”

“But you better do it. Take it as an advice.”-I said while finally entering the place with the clubs. “Now. Let’s go to the Traveling club and Hunting club so you can pick up the application forms and I can deliver them.”


After delivering mine and Hajin’s application forms, I went to a bench to wait for him to applicate for the Academics’ club.

By the way. While coming to the bench, I saw the Boobs’ Appreciation’s club being disbanded… Seems like it really was a fake club, or a joke, who knows… But man… There go the dreams of a lot of young guys.

“Why do you look like your whole world crumbled up?”-Asked Hajin, getting here after finally finishing his application to the Academics’ club.

“You wouldn’t understand man. Today is a sad day for all male cadets*sigh*

“…Sure, whatever you say.”

“So? Ready?”

“Yeah, I've finished delivering my application form. But I’m still not getting past the bad eyes some seniors gave me.”

“You’re the 934th rank, and a gunner even… They surely are thinking something along the lines of ‘What’s a trash doing here?’.”

“Did you have to say it that way?”

“It’s not me who’s thinking it. It’s the clubs' members.”

“They at least didn’t say it out loud.”

“You sure have time to be here exchanging words with me?”

“Why you say so?”

“Because it’s better for you to be training instead of being here talking.”

*sigh*… You’re right… I should probably get going.”

“Yeah, and remember. Training it’s the best way to keep your own mind from going into dark places.”

“What are you saying all of a sudden?”

“You’ll understand later.”

“Ok. Whatever you say. I’ll be leaving then. See you tomorrow.”

“Sure. Have a great training.”- I said to Hajin who’s slowly getting away from me.

{Well, I guess it’s time for me to go back to my room}-I thought while standing up and going back to the dorms.

Late night, at 23:00, I was standing right in front of the door to the training center.

“Well. Let’s just hope it all goes the way I want it.”-I said while putting up my smartwatch to open the door.

[Rank 915, Cristopher D. Lamas, Confirmed]

I close my eyes and go through the door.


There she was. Sitting on a bench while looking straight at me.

“You’re getting here later and later each time.”- Said a glaring Olivia.

“Who do you think is at fault for that?”

“Dunno, nor I care. But why weren’t you here when you were supposed to train me?”- She said while standing up and coming my way.

“…huh? I suppose you’re wrong about something. I’m not supposed to train you. I told you how, and you do it. I don’t have anything else to do with you. And after all, you’re supposed to stop bothering me.”

“Yeah, whatever you say, and what the fuck was that on the sparing session today?”

“Do you hear whatever people say to you? Because it seems you just ignore it all. And what about the sparing session?”-I asked, annoyed with her one-side talk.

“You didn’t want to spar with me! And chose that princess instead.”

“I told you I didn’t want to spar with you. And that it wouldn’t do any good to you either to spar with me.”

“Yeah yeah, something about being faster and a swordman while I’m a sharpshooter. But still. You should have sparred with me. And why didn’t you beat her up? I know you can go faster than what you went in the spar. You didn’t wanted to hurt her or something like that?”

*SIGH…* Look. I don’t intend to show up. I don’t even care about my rank. So, the least I want right now is to be beating the ranked 3rd cadet in front of the class.”

“Well! But what? It was nice to fight almost to a tie with her? While being ranked 915th? That’s stupid. It would be better to fight me while I’m ranked 400th.”

“…”. She’s right. It was stupid to fight to a tie with Rachel if I didn’t want to stand out. Though being honest, the fight didn’t truly end. “Whatever. And you’re 400th? You’re really low on the ranks. With how you speak, I thought you would be at least in the 200.”

“That’s why I want to be faster and stronger! And you’re going to help me.”

“No. I won’t. So, you better get going to the gravity chamber to train. And do it as I said. That’s the fastest way you have to train your speed.”

“…”-She glares at me.

“Those angry eyes won’t have any effect on me. So shuu… Go train.”-I said while gesturing her to leave with my hands.

“You better be here after I go out.”-She said, finally turning away and going to the gravity chamber.

“Of course I’ll be here. You barely hold it for 8 minutes in there.”

She suddenly put her hand up. Just to show me her middle finger before walking in the gravity chamber.

“… Fuck, what’s with her and that temper. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had no friends. Wait. She did spar with some other girl today. Guess there’s someone crazy enough to be friends with her…*sigh* better be as far away from them as I can.”

While talking to myself, I go to the treadmill to do some warm-up. I guess it’s time I seriously start training.

With that said, I start the treadmill at 150 Km/h while on max difficulty and without time, so I can run as much as my body allows it. Though to be honest. I could probably run like this for a while.

{I guess that at this point. Using this training equipment wouldn’t help me at all, I thought it would be better than this. Isn’t this supposed to be for superhumans? I need to find a better way to train. Maybe testing the Gravity Chamber? It should be useful.}-I think as I start the music app in the smartwatch.

I’ve been running like this for at least ten minutes. Getting the speed up to 200 Km/h, which is the maximum speed allowed to the machine. And to be honest. It at least gets up to this much. I should probably use some weights if I want to increase my speed further with this machine, and that is bringing into account if it can support the weight.

By the way, Olivia went out of the Gravity room after 4 minutes of training. I don’t know if that thing has a configuration or some kind of levels because I didn’t use it myself. But in case it does, I’m kind of curious in what level is she training.

As I expected, she ended up dead tired. She barely went out of the chamber, only to drop on the first bench she found. I don’t know if she’s alive or not. But I still have like 5 more minutes to go, so I’ll find out after that. Hope she’s not death, or it will be my fault.

After thinking about it, the song changes.


{OHHHH!! This one is good. Let’s go!}-I think as I focus on my running.


I unconsciously start letting off my mana around me thanks to my emotion. A clear whitish cyan mana surrounds me, keeping a close membrane around me with fumes made of evaporating mana all over my body, all of this while I close my eyes and just run to the rhythm of the music. Senseless to anything but the music.



Just when I slightly open my eyes I accidently peek at my hands and see that they’re surrounded in mana. And that makes me go back to my senses before it’s too late. My mana goes back inside me, and the fumes disappear all at once.

{*sigh…* That was close… Almost made an accident. Better stop now.}-I think while slowly stopping the treadmill and getting out of it.

I grab the towel and dry myself from the sweat while drinking some water. And it happened just when I finished drinking water. I happen to look at a tired Olivia sitting on the bench. Looking at me with a surprised face.

{Fuck… Didn’t she pass out? What’s she doing sitting there all of a sudden.}

“Weren’t you passed out from the training?”

“…I was…”

“Then? You looked death, why aren’t you resting a little more?”

“I felt mana vibrations close to me… And woke up thinking it was something dangerous…”

“You’re in Cube. There’s nothing dangerous here. You should keep sleeping.”-I lied.

“I can’t sleep profoundly anywhere but home… That’s why… Anyways… What was that?”

“What was what?”

“… Don’t think I didn’t see it. All that mana surrounding you… And it was also like you were fuming mana…”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You were probably seeing things. After all, you were really tired.”

“Don’t fuck with me. I know what I saw. That was not a normal amount of mana for a cadet.”

“You sure like to believe your own truth huh…”

“…I’m not crazy. I know what I saw.”

“You sure? Because I pretty much think you’re crazy as fuck.”

“But I’m not. So speak. What was all that?”

“Your imagination. That was.”

“…Fuck… Why won’t you-”

“How was the training?”-I said, interrupting her.

“… It was fine…”-She said, adverting her eyes.

“Really? I saw how you could barely walk out of there and sit on the bench.”


“No words huh? It’s rare to see you so calm. You should keep training like that.”

“…Shut up…”

“Sure. I’m leaving.”



“Can you… train me?”

“And there you go again… I already told you how to become faster.”

“Not only that… I mean… With everything. Can you help me become stronger?”

“…”- I stare at her blankly.


“And there you go again with your haste. I’ve already told you, that you shouldn’t hurry too much and train at your own pace. It won’t burden your body that much then.”

“Please!”-She repeated, this time while bowing down.


“I know you’re strong. I know you’re just hiding it. So please! Train me!”

*sigh…*You’re so damn troublesome.”

“I know! But please train me!”

“What do I get from doing it?”


“See. There’s nothing I win for training you.”

“I’ll do whatever you say. It doesn’t matter what it is.”-She looks right into my eyes, with those coffee eyes of her completely determined.

“…You’ll put yourself at my mercy just to gain power?”


“Isn’t that the same as becoming a Djinn?”


“Stop. There’s nothing you have that I want.”

“But… I thought that… you know… you could use me…”

“…And then you go and say you’re not crazy with that serious face…”

“But! Aren’t guys interested in girls? You know… In their body…”

“You know no shame huh? Yes. Guys are interested in girls’ bodies. But that doesn’t mean we are some kind of hungry beasts that’ll jump on every female we see that throw themselves to us… My answer keeps being no.”

“…I won’t stop bothering you if you don’t train me.”

“You know I can easily kill you right?”

“… Please! I need to become stronger.”

*sigh…*What did I do to deserve this…”-I said while facepalming…

“You mean having a beautiful young woman asking you to be her personal trainer every night?”

“…You’re goddamn insane…”

“So. Are you going to train me?”

“I’ve told you for like a hundred times that no. I won’t.”

“Why are you so stubborn!!!???”



“Don’t ‘tch’ me. I’m not training you. End of the question.”

“I’m going to tell everyone about how you’re hiding your power!”

“So now you are blackmailing me… Sorry. But no one would trust what you say. I’m rank 915, remember? Even you were surprised while you couldn’t keep up my pace.”

“…”-She just stares at me with a bemused face.

“You didn’t really think that blackmailing me with that would work right? I hope you’re not that stupid.”

“…No… Of course not…”-She answers while adverting her eyes.

“…Yeah, whatever. I’m leaving.”-I said, getting really tired about all this, and turning to the door to leave this place.

“Wait!”-She screams while rushing at me and grabbing my arm.

“…”-I stare at her hand, and then at her face. “Could you release my arm?”

“Not. Unless you accept to train me.”

*sigh…* Just drop it. I’m not doing it.”


“Because I don’t want to. It’s a hassle.”

“I need to become stronger.”

“Then do it by yourself.”

“I don’t advance. I’ve tried and tried. But it doesn’t matter how hard I train I can’t become stronger.”

“Then what does make you believe that if I train you, you’ll be able to become stronger?”

“Because you’re strong. And you should know a secret or two about how to get stronger.”

“Why don’t you just ask someone else? Like Kim Suho. He’s first in the ranks after all.”

“Why would he help me in the first place?”

“And what makes you think that I would?”

“… I don’t know. But you already helped me before.”

“That was just me giving an advice. Nothing else.”

“… But…”

“I said no.”-I interrupted her while forcefully pulling my arm off her hand.

“…”-She just stay there. Staring at the floor with a saddened face.

“No puppy eyes would make me change my mind.”


“Seriously. You…”

“C’mon!!! Just train me!!! It’s not like I'm asking for money.”

“You’re right. Money would be easier. Training you? That’s a hassle.”

“What do I need to do for you to train me? How can I make you change your mind.”

{This is going nowhere…}

“For fuck’s sake. Okay. Listen. If you can increase your speed until you can keep running at 90 Km/h for at least 20 minutes. I’ll reconsider.”

“OK!!! You’ll see. I’ll do it.”

“Fine. Whatever. You have a month. I don’t want to know anything about you in that one month.”

“You won’t see me again in a month. I promise.”

{Why does it seem like she’s lying through her teeth? Well, whatever, I’ll have a month to rest.}

“Sure. Hope it’s true. I’m leaving.”-I said, while finally going back to my room.

“See you!!!”-She screams at my back. Making me feel the chills.

{C’mon… I’ll surely have a month of rest. Please… Whoever is up there.}

Well, I sure had to edit this chapter, a lot of mistakes and typos were made. I think it's at least decent now.

Also, the song is Faster, by Within Temptation.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.