The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 18 – Traveling’s club freshman orientation (Part 3)

I woke up on Saturday, Thursday and Friday were normal days, classes in the morning and free time in the afternoon. The last two days Olivia had been calm, that was the only surprise. While I didn’t go to the training center on Thursday, I did go yesterday, only to confirm that she wouldn’t bother me.

When I got there, it was honestly a surprise. She was there, on the floor, widespread, like she was totally dead. But sadly, she wasn’t. The Crazy Girl was still alive, just tired. Really tired. Seems like this time she didn’t make it to the bench before falling on the floor.

Also, on Thursday, Hajin and I received a text from the Traveling club, which would have a travel tomorrow for a freshman’s orientation of sorts. While Hajin also had to go to an Academic’s club orientation yesterday. Hope it all went well. Well, it probably was the same as in the novel, I haven’t meddled too much with him or Yoo Yeonha, at least not enough to change how he approach her.

With all that say. I was currently laying widespread on the comfy couch. With a sprite on one hand, a bag of chips on my stomach and the other hand going from and to the bag and my mouth, while I was thoughtlessly looking to the ceiling.

{So… Tomorrow huh…}

Tomorrow was the day I was going to meet my first Djinn. Well, that is only if choose to go to the museum. Honestly, I don’t want to. Not for being afraid. But because it is also an important point for Hajin and Chae Nayun, even with Kim Suho.

And really, there would be other monsters outside, with hundreds of people hurt and some deaths even. I would much more helping outside than inside.

Of course, that is if you consider this as a real world, and not just a novel’s world. Which is my case. Again, I’ve seen a lot to finally stop thinking as this just as fiction come to life. Though Hajin probably thinks differently for the moments.

{Well, I’ll see tomorrow how all of it goes. After all, I don’t even know who my partner would be. Also. If I plan to help, I should be as secretive as possible. And that’s when you come in}-I think as I put the sprite in the table and reach for a mask that’s also on the table right on top of my laptop.

The design is pretty simple, really, it looks kind of like a demonic skull with horns, but only the upper face and the cheeks.

I liked the design, and it covered almost all of my face, excepting the mouth. It was of a dark red color, almost blackish, with white lines decorating under and between the eyes, all the way up to a sun’s contour on the middle of the two horns, where the forehead is.

Looking at it, I started thinking about how and where would I change my clothes. After all. I planned on going with my cadet uniform, so later my normal clothes won’t attract any attention.

If I were in my normal state, I could simply use some equipment magic. But I did let him restrict the number of magics I could use. I mean… I could somehow bypass this limitation while using some fire or lighting attribute magic to “arm” myself. It’s not like there isn’t anything.

But it would be a stretch, and I would need to prepare a lot for just a one-use magic trick. Also, my cadet uniform would be totally destroyed in the process thanks to either the fire or the lighting, as it isn’t putting armor over it, but completely replacing it.

“What a pain in the ass… Well, in the worst case, I just need to drop whoever is with me and leave somewhere I can change without anyone looking. Fuck. Superman had it easier with spandex. He just had to use it down his clothes and wear everything else off to ‘transform’.”

While thinking about how to change my clothes, I receive a text in my smartwatch.

{Hmmm? Who is it?}

I glance at the smartwatch, and see that it is Hajin who texted me.

[Kim Hajin: Hey, are you ready for tomorrow?]

[Cristopher: I’m on it, what about you?]

[Kim Hajin: Same. Well, almost, I don’t really know what to prepare. I’m just taking my cadet uniform and a cross bag with my gun…]

[Cristopher: Dude… That’s like going naked for you… At least prepare something in case you have to fight the Djinn.]

[Kim Hajin: Why would I do that? Let Kim Suho and Chae Nayun do the fight.]

[Cristopher: See. This is what I meant. DO THE IMPOSSIBLE, not just the best, or what you consider best…]

[Kim Hajin: I can’t win against a Djinn, I’m not strong enough.]

[Cristopher: But you have a powerful authority called Setting Intervention, can’t you make something with that? At least just in case something goes wrong.]

[Kim Hajin: Well… I could… I’ll see what occurs to me. You’re going to the museum?]

[Cristopher: Nah, I’ll leave that place to you. If what you told me is true, a lot of monsters would be outside and in the vicinities of the museum, right?]

[Kim Hajin: Right. What with it?]

[Cristopher: I’ll help outside. With the monsters I mean.]

[Kim Hajin: Are you going to fight?]

[Cristopher: Precisely. I’ll try to keep the injuries at minimum, and also prevent as many deaths as I can.]

[Kim Hajin: Aren’t you afraid of people discovering you? You said you wanted to keep a low profile.]

[Cristopher: Don’t worry. I have a plan. I’ll use a mask and change my cadet uniform.]

[Kim Hajin: … What are you? Some kind of superhero who has to changes to a secret identity or something?]

[Cristopher: Shut up dude. I’m not risking it. And you shouldn’t either, try to find some way in which you can fight the damned Djinn tomorrow just in case.]

[Kim Hajin: Fine, fine, I’ll see what I can do.]

[Cristopher: You better do it. Or we’ll have to talk seriously.]

[Kim Hajin: What are you? My mom?]

[Cristopher: Won’t be as lenient as your mother probably would. Also, I have more experience in this kind of things.]

[Kim Hajin: ???]

[Cristopher: What?]

[Kim Hajin: What do you mean with more experience?]

[Cristopher: Look. It doesn’t matter. Just know that I’ve been through a lot of weird shit, and when I tell you that you need to prepare your ass for anything going south, you fucking do it. ‘Kay?]

[Kim Hajin: Fine, fine. Hope you tell me your story some time.]

[Cristopher: Maybe I will. Depends on how I’m feeling about it. See you. I need to prepare some stuff for tomorrow.]

[Kim Hajin: Ok. See you tomorrow.]

After finishing my conversation with Hajin, I sit up on the coach, put the mask again on the table and turn on the laptop.

“First thing I tell him is to prepare, and last thing he does is to actually do it… Fuck man. That was his problem in the novel, he never prepared shit and just went thoughtless. At least if he had some power, it would be understandable, but depending only on luck… Shit, I would be death long ago. Not that it would be a bad thing, but for fuck’s sake, it’s not that hard to prepare for something you already know will happen.”

After I see the laptop home screen, I look for my interface. Specifically, at where my name is.

{… It seems it has to do something with my intervention in this world.}

               1. Cristopher D. Lamas [Affinity 6%]


*Variable Stats: [Strength 9][Stamina 9][Speed 9][Perception 20][Vitality 15][Magic power 20]

*Invariable Stats: [Intelligence – ???][Perseverance – 3/10][Luck – ???][Charm – 5/10]

*Special Stats: [Natural Energy 20] [Draconic Energy 20] [Spirit Fire ???]


I’ve been here for a while, and my affinity has only increased 1%. It does seem to do with how I interact with this world. But I still don’t know if it has something to do with the entire world, or just the main plot of the novel.

“Well… I guess I’ll find later. But what I’m curious about is what does it changes? I mean, Hajin’s SP let him use Setting Intervention. But what about this Affinity? What is it for?”

Realistically, it should be used for something right? And the way it is expressed, it should probably unlock something.

Well, I’ll have to wait to see. At least until 10% I don’t think it will do something. Maybe even until 15% or 20%. Fuck. And it just has increased 1% in all this time. I’ll have to wait for forever for it to get to something.

Right then, my smartwatch vibrated again.

[Traveling club announcement – There will be a short trip on Sunday to serve as freshman orientation]

“Yes, yes, I know. But thanks for the reminder. Well, I guess I should do something with my life other than being widespread on a coach eating chips at 14:00. Let’s leave everything ready for tomorrow.”-I said while closing the laptop and standing up from the couch to look for the backpack. But before that, I stare at the laptop.

“It always felt weird while reading. But now I know why Hajin could use this laptop everywhere, anytime. It doesn’t need to be charged. I guess it’s not a physical object per se, but more of a spiritual thing connected to me? That should explain why only he can see his laptop.”

The laptop it’s a truly mysterious thing. While I remember it being the exact same laptop that I had when I awakened. It has a completely different SO. Also, I don’t need to charge it. It never runs out of battery. And while I haven’t taken it out to test it, it’s probable that no one but me can see it. Just like Hajin’s laptop that can be seen only by him.

“Oh well, differently from Hajin. I don’t really need it. So I’ll just have to make sure to take it with me when I leave this place. Who knows what it would be useful for?”-With that said, I move to where my backpack is.

I grab it. And start looking for the clothes I would change into tomorrow. First of all is a black, fitted, closed neck top shirt with long sleeves. Then is a pair of black denim pants with a somewhat soft cloth for easy movement. I’ll also take a black hooded long coat, with silver designs on the sleeves, and somewhat gothic looking. Finally, I’ll put on some black boats.

Yes. I know. I’m going all black. When I was an adolescent, I used to be somewhat of a metalhead, and while my music tastes expanded, not changed, while growing, the love for dark colors, and black, stayed. Also, black is easy to combine with everything. Even black itself. So that’s mostly my colors. Along with some others like dark red, blue, dark blue, grey, and so on.

Well, let’s go for a round trip to Seoul. I probably should look around the place I’ll be going tomorrow. The National Weapons Museum was it? Oh well, I’ll find it on the way.

I took a shower and changed into some comfy clothes, some black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and an opened black hoodie, with white and black running shoes.

Right after that, I took the bus into Cube’s Portal Station, that swiftly takes me to Seoul, to Yongsan Station.

{…Okay, let’s look for the location on the map.}-I thought while looking my smartwatch for the map’s app, looking for the National Weapons Museum.

{Found it.}-I quickly find it on the app, and make my way there. Taking the public transport that would take me there.

Once I see the National Weapons Museum, I look around for any place I could change myself, or possible places where real ugly accidents could take place thanks to the big commotion created by the monsters.

{Mmmm… Looking around there’s a lot of space. Perfect for monsters to run amuck. Also, there’re some buildings around. Their alleys should make for great changing places.}-I think while walking on the vicinities of the Museum. Touring some streets that could become a really fucked up place in case of a monster attack.


That was until someone called my name.

“It’s really you! I knew there wouldn’t be someone else crazy enough to imitate that hair color of yours.”

“Mmm?”-I turned around to see some woman with a nurse attire. I was truly confused. Who was this?

“Don’t remember me? Come on!!! it hasn’t been that long. We haven’t seen each other for what? 2 years at most? And I was the one who changed your diapers… Poor me. Been forgotten as soon as he makes something great for his future, if that’s a child I raised, now I can understand why my love life is so boorish.”-It seems my confusion was pretty obvious, because she instantly recognizes I didn’t know her, or at least, thought I forgot about her and joked about it.

{Shit. Someone from David’s past. And probably for the orphanage he was in. Didn’t know it was this close. Or wait, maybe the orphanage is not close? Maybe she’s just going around this place. Need to pull a fast one here.}

“Mmm… Sorry Fran, I was just a little confused, I was trying to find a place and was pretty much lost, also didn’t knew I would someone known right here.”-I said, trying to convince her somewhat. Looking at the small ID Card that hangs on her neck, she seems to be called ‘Fran E. Bellarose’ from Locket of Hope, probably the name of the orphanage I was in. {Right now, I couldn’t be more thankful that my eyes keep having perfect vision. Even if limited.}

She’s gorgeous, with a slightly mature look on an oval thin face. With long legs and a body that’s more on the slim side, just with a little more butt and probably 1,67 when it comes to height, taller than France’s average height for a woman.

Her hair is short, red, almost shoulder-length, and really glossy, smooth and even. Her eyes are of a green olive color, really beautiful to look at. All in all, she’s like a model. And if what she said is true, she’s not under 20. Maybe around 40? Probably 30-somehting. But damn.

She doesn’t look like it at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if she told me she’s 27. Only her slightly mature look is what makes me believe she’s older than 20. And that’s with the way she made her make up. Probable she’s the kind of girl that prefers to have a mature charm? I don’t have a clue how someone like her can have a boorish love life.

“So… you do remember me huh? And here I thought that now that you became a Cadet on Cube you would forget about us at the orphanage. I’m glad you didn’t.”

“No… I didn’t forget about my time in the Locket of Hope… It’s just that I’ve been pretty busy lately. Almost no time for going out of that island.”

“Hahaha, don’t worry, I’m just joking with you. I can understand. It sure isn’t easy to be a cadet in the most famous training center for heroes. So, tell me, how are you? How are your classes? I hope you’re really doing good there. You are kind of a weird kid. Even since you were a little child. But not in the bad way, mind you.”-She said, flustering at the end thinking that I would misunderstand.

“Hahaha, don’t worry. I know what you mean. And I never was one to think that being weird is a bad thing.”-I quickly answer her to calm her down.

“Haha, you’re totally right! Whenever the other kids told you about how weird you were, you would only answer something like ‘And how’s that bad’”-She answered, trying to imitate a little child voice. “So, now that you’re all grown up and a great cadet in Cube. You sure are putting our orphanage name’s high up, right?”- She says, with a somewhat happy but exalted face.

{You’re putting me in a difficult spot righ here…}-I thought with what I’m sure is a really great embarrassed face…

“Well… To be honest…”

“Huh… Sorry… Didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. It probably is a really hard place, right? I mean, with all those geniuses from all around the world…”-She quickly interrupted me, as if noticing my embarrassment, with an apologetic face.

“Yeah… Honestly, it is. There’s just so many strong cadets, that it has been really hard to stand out. But! Don’t worry about me. I’m still doing good, and am doing my best to train and all. Really, all in all, it’s not that bad. And I’m not dispirited. Thank you for worrying.”-I answered, trying to lift the mood a little bit.

“Then that’s great! You know we’ll be here for you whenever you need us. We may not have too much, but we at least can give you a place to crash for a little and have some chocolate milkshake.” Seems like we shared something else apart from the name David. “But I’m not offering you any alcohol young man!”- She goes back to that bubbly personality of hers that probably shouldn’t mix at all with her real age, but still doesn’t seem to be out of place, somehow.

{Seems like you were liked, David.}

“Hahaha, thanks, really. You too. Don’t be afraid to contact me if you ever need something. I may not be one of the top rankers, but I’m not completely useless either.”-I answered, while giving her the contact info to my Cube’s smartwatch. {It may not be much. But at least, I’ll pay back to those that took care of you, dude.}

“Hahaha, I’ll take you upon that! And don’t forget to pass by the orphanage. The kids would love to see you sometimes. They really miss you. Some of them are even trying to get into the Agent Military Academy. Just like you did.”-She said while throwing a beaming motherly smile that would melt your frozen heart in a difficult day.

“Sure. I’ll try to find the time.”-I said, with a smile of my own.

“Please do! Or I won’t stop calling you all day until you come.”

“Don’t worry. I will.”

“Great! Now I’ll leave. I have to take these things to the orphanage. We’re doing soup tomorrow. And you know how it is. Cheaper to use condiments than ingredients like meat or chicken when it comes to feed a lot of mouths…”-She says with a somewhat saddened face. “But! That’s for us to worry. You keep worrying about your grades at Cube! And always remember. We’re proud of you. Doesn’t matter what. See you!”-She said while moving her arm around, and going somewhere through one of the streets.

{I’ll have to look where this ‘Locket of Hope’ is…}- While thinking about the strange event that just happened, I noted that it’s almost 17:00, which means I should probably start going back to Cube.

*sigh…*It’s almost always in worlds like these where you can find some of the worst stories.”- I murmur to myself as I walk away. Back to Cube.

Once I was back on my room, I made some coffee and something to eat while sitting on the couch and turning on the TV to see what shows are on air right now.

“Mmm… Guess not that different from my own world, just with a lot more reality shows, all with a somewhat superhuman focus.”- I thought after watching for 15 minutes, opting for turning off the TV. After all. I never was one to watch too much TV.

I let myself fall widespread on the couch, dropping the remote on the floor and putting one foot in the coach’s armrest and the other on the floor.

“Should I help them out? I mean… They’re pretty close to the event’s place… There could be some collateral damage.”

Another thing I did while getting to my room, was look for Locket of Hope’s location. And I was right at first. She indeed was close to there. It is really close to the National Weapons Museum. Which means that monsters would be close to there.

And for what I saw, there’s barely any protection for those kids. The orphanage is total trash. And I’m not saying it out of bad intentions. Its walls are old, almost falling. Only a rusted fence separating the garden and the streets. The garden is well taken care of. That’s the only thing I could give positive points.

The place is also not that big. A somewhat 400m2, with a 7 floors’ building in the middle, covering almost half of that terrain. Considering that it shelters kids and personnel equally, with dormitories, spaces to teach, and a place to eat, it is really small.

Any monster could basically destroy it easily given the chance…

“Huh… What a dilemma… But… I’ll feel burdened if I don’t help them out. I don’t know if heroes here can be trusted. Fuck that. There’re a lot of political shit going behind the scenes. Of course, I can trust them. Not a real surprise at all. *sigh…*

Taking that into account. I guess I now know what I’ll be doing tomorrow. I’ll take the freshman orientation as an opportunity to go there.

{But what will I do with names and stuff? It’s not like I remember anything from there. Today I was barely lucky for Fran to be carrying the ID card from the orphanage. I guess personnel can be identified with their IDs, but what about kids or other people that may recognize me…}-I keep thinking while looking at the ceiling, without real motivation to do anything else.

“Wait. I could make a little play… Fake that I forgot after a real hard training sent me to the infirmary and made me wake up with amnesia. It would work on the kids. And I’ll could probably make it pass by as a joke for the time I didn’t see them. Mmmm… If nothing comes to mind, I’ll go with that.”-Finishing saying that, I stood up, went to change and then jumped on the bed.

Today I wasn’t going to train. The last thing I want is for Crazy Girl to forget that she’s not supposed to talk to me for a month.

{Tomorrow is the first great event in the novel… It still seems like a lie. But, well, it hasn’t been so bad. All in all, I’m having some fun exploring new places and things.}-With that last though, I went off to dreamland.

Today's chapter was long. Really long. Hope it isn't any bother to read. It is mostly dialogue and some background building. Any criticism will be well received. Thanks for reading!

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