The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 20 – Locket of Hope (Part 2)

Once inside the orphanage, Fran leads me through the place, as if I totally didn’t know where I was, which I didn’t mind you, while telling me all about the orphanage in a somewhat loud voice.

The reason? Well, to “prank” the kids. And probably anyone else.

We finished walking to the dinner room, the biggest place in all the first floor (which would be the base floor for anyone in my home.) all the while talking about the orphanage and about how I grew up doing things here and there. Still in a loud voice.

“And here are the kids. Sorry, you grab us at the lunch’s hour. So, I can’t present… or well, help you remember about the kids.”-She says with a somewhat apologetic face, while giving a glance to the dinner room where 12 kids are dinning, all from different ages, probably. “But *clap* I can keep talking to you while we tour the other floors, that way you may be able to remember something!”-She suddenly turns to look at me while clapping once as if having a great idea suddenly.

“Well, don’t worry, rather, I’m sorry, and thanks you for all of this… It was me who came at bad hour. I should probably have thought you were eating lunch… But it’s all just so confusing… So I just wanted to at least try-”

“Don’t worry! It’s not a problem for us!! Really!!!”-Right when she ends up saying, well, almost shouting that, the faces of the kids started to slowly go up one by one, turning to look at Fran and me. Their eyes suddenly turned bright.





Suddenly all the kids went up from their seats without finishing their soup and ran at me at full speed. I momentarily lost my calm and didn’t know how to act, so I just took a step back and put up my hands as if surrendering myself.

Right before the kids throwed themselves to me, Fran put herself between them and me. Crossing her arms and with a stern face.

“Hey! Stop you all! What do you think you’re all doing?”

“But it’s oppa!!!”

“Yes noona, we have to say hi to hyung!!!”

“Aunty. Don’t stop us!!!”-Said a little girl probably at the age of ten while frowning her face. Right before receiving a punch on the head by Fran, who seemingly didn’t like to be called an aunty.

“WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN AUNTY??? How many times do I have to tell you to call me unni? UNNI. Seriously Anne… You’re just such a tease… Calling this young maiden an aunty…”

“…What young maiden… You’re just an aunty… And even do your make-up like one…”-The girl whose name I assume is Anne murmurs, barely enough for only her to hear, or well, I did hear too. *chuckles* And can’t help it but chuckle.

“Ah! What’s so funny huh!?”- Fran turns quickly to me, probably faking being angry.

“Nothing, nothing, it’s just that it is pretty nice. Watching all of you being so good to each other… I would love to know if it was like this when I was living here, or whenever I came…”-I said, with a somber face right at the end.

“Huh…*sigh* Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll remember sooner or later.”-Just when Fran finished saying those words, every kid present turned their head up to me with a mix between a worried and a confused face.



“What happened?”

“Aunty!!! What are you talking about!!”

“Yeah noona, what happened to hyung??? What do you mean with remember…”


“Tell us!! Tell us!!!”

After the kids started making a ruckus, Fran just stared at them with a somewhat saddened face- {I’ll have to admit… You’re truly a great actress…}. After a while, and just when the kids started getting louder, she decided to speak, not before letting out a big sigh.

“You see kids… Cristopher here… Well, he had an accident while training on Cube… You know how I always tell you that place is a really hard place to be right? Well, it seems that while in one of the combat-training classes, he was strongly hit on the head, and that caused a severe amnesia. So, he doesn’t remember anything…”


“No… How? It…it’s that true oppa? You don’t remember us? You don’t remember me?? *sobs*-Said Anne while slowly coming to where I’m, still with a somewhat somber expression on my face.

“Yeah… I’m sorry… I really don’t…”-I said, while looking right at her eyes with an apologetic face.

*sobs*… Why? *sobs* Why does oppa had to go through all that… *sobs*… WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!”-She suddenly started crying while running to embrace my leg, making me flinch all of a sudden.

“YOU HAVE TO *sobs* REMEMBER *sobs* ME!!!!! WAAAAHHHHH!!!!! YOU CAN’T *sobs* FORGET ME!!!!!”-She kept crying while trying to speak, between sobbing.

Right then, all the younger kids start to cry, while the older ones, probably from 12 to 14 all are clenching their fist and silently sobbing, as if trying to not to cry in front of me.

“Ok, ok, I know it’s hard, but he’s here so he can try to recover his memories, right??”-Suddenly intervenes Fran while looking at me, expecting and answer.

*sobs* It’s… it’s that true? *sobs* Are you going to remember us again?”-Asked Anne again.

{Nice way to lead this. You sure are a natural Fran!!!}

“Yes. It probably won’t be easy… But I’ll try… I don’t want to lose all those precious memories I made here. And you all can help me. So, what you say? Are you going to help me?”-I said as I get down on one knee, staying at eye level with Anne and sweeping her tears away.

“YES! I’m going to help you oppa!!”-She screams with a determined face while putting a punch up.

“Yes hyung!!! We’re all going to help you recover your memories, and then go a beat the guy who make you lose them!!!”-Said an energetic kid with fire in his eyes. Man… he sure is emotional…

“Well, well, but first. All of you. Go and finish your soup. Then we can go and talk with Cristopher, so you can tell him all the stories that we have here of him. Okay?”-Said Fran, suddenly interrupting the kids and sending them to the dinner tables again.

“Now, let’s us go to the reception room, so we can drink some coffee while the kids finish their lunch.”-Said Fran while grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the dinning room to the reception room.

Once we got there, she leads me to a wasted coach and sits me there. “Wait for a little bit, I’m going to prepare the coffee. Nothing like a recently made coffee, right?”-She said while smiling before turning away to what I assume is the kitchen.

{Well, it all started good. If this keeps going on. Then things will go great. I’ll have some help with David’s past, and won’t have to worry about future misunderstandings. But… Now that I think about it… Hajin was also part of an orphanage. But he is barely contacted by it. Well, guess things weren’t the same there as here. After all, we probably don’t come from the same one.}

“Did you wait too much?”-While I was thinking, Fran came through the kitchen’s door with a tray with two cups of coffee on it.

“Sorry, we just have some instant coffee right now, is that okay with you?”-She says, looking straight at my eyes while putting the tray on a small table in front of the coach.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, and thanks…”

“Well, so, how’s your day? What brings you here right now? I mean, we met yesterday, but for you to come this soon… I thought you would take your time, with class and stuff. Is something wrong back on Cube?”-She says while bringing a chair and sitting in front of me at the other side of the table.

“No, nothing’s wrong.”-I said, while keeping my sense up at max range in case the kids finished dinning and come running here. “It’s just that I had club activities. It’s a traveling club, so the orientation was coming here to Seoul for a while. Though, I’ll probably be going a bit early, I have to be at 6:00 P.M in the portal station if I don’t want some admonition.”-I said before taking a sip of coffee. Bitter. She probably used too much coffee, or maybe not enough sugar; well, I know how hard it can be sometimes to have sugar when you’re in poverty.

“Mmmm… What luck huh? Well, I’m glad you could come here today, the kids always love it when you come.”

“Haha, yeah… They are really hyperactive…”

“The sure are, especially Antonio and Anne.”-She says, while sipping at her coffee and looking at me.

Antonio must be the little guy screaming hyung all the time… He was really hyperactive, even among the other kids. Though not as much as Anne. Right as I was thinking that, I listen a lot of steps hurrying over here, and soon can feel them close.

“Seems like they are here. Would you mind keeping the prank a little more?”-I say after glancing at the corridor that connects to the dining room.

She looks at me for a little before answering in a really happy voice. “Sure! It’s fun after all hahaha.”.

{What was that glancing for?}

“So… Tell me, do you remember something else while being here? I mean, you passed a lot of time reading either here or in the classroom upstairs. Not too close to the other kids.”-She says, with a slightly loud voice. Enough for the kids to listen.

“... Haha… sorry, not so much… But! I do seem to feel the place really familiar. Maybe soon I’ll remember something…”-I said with an apologetic face while the kids enter the reception hall.

“… So it’s true… You don’t really remember anything, do you? Hyung? *sob*-says the kid I think is Antonio. He is short, probably because he’s not that old. White skin, but not that much. So, he’s either from Europe or the South of America, maybe Argentina or Chile.

*sob**sob*…Why? *sob* -Asked the sobbing Anne.

“Don’t worry kids, I’m sure he’ll slowly start remembering if he keeps chatting with you a little. So why don’t we go to the play room so you all can tell him how was every time he came here?”-Suddenly said Fran while standing up and gesturing to all of us to go up the stairs.

“Right!!! Let’s go hyung!!! If we tell you about all of those times you were here, you’ll surely remember!!”

“Right! Right! Let’s go!!! Come on!!!”-Said Anne while hastily taking my hands and pulling me from the couch to the stairs.

“…hahaha…”-I laugh somewhat bashfully while scratching my head with my right hand

And all this time, Fran is looking at me with a small smile.

“What?”-I ask her

“Nothing. Just that I missed seeing all of this. I’m sure everyone else would think the same.”

“You mean the rest of the personnel?”

“Yup! Now, let’s go. Don’t keep the kids wating. After all, you don’t have that much time, right?”

“Yeah… yeah… I know. And thanks again. I really hope I can remember.”-I said to her, as serious and wishful as I can be.

“You sure will, I’m sure about it.”-She said with the same serious and wishful face. {Damn woman. You sure know how to act. You should be an actress instead of a nurse.}

After going up the stairs to the third floor, I was leaded into what they call the play room. That’s just a big room with entertaining books and toys, and also some tables and chairs all over the place.

As soon as we got here, Fran arranged the chairs so we could sit in a circle facing each other.

Once we all sat down, Fran stayed out of the circle.

“Why don’t each one of you introduce yourself? That way, you could help him remember starting from your name. Right? Cristopher?”-Suddenly asks Fran while glancing around and finally staring at me.

“…Right… That would be truly helpful… Sorry guys, for you to have to do this for me…”-I said after glancing at her and then looking around the place with an apologetic smile.

“Don’t worry oppa!!! There’s nothing wrong!!!”

“Yeah Cristopher-oppa. Don’t worry about it, we’ll gladly do it.”-Said one of the older girls in the room.

“That’s right hyung!!! You’ll see. You’ll be remembering everything in no time!”

“… And even if you don’t… we still can make more memories, right, hyung?”-Asked a somewhat shy kid, one of the older guys.

“Yes! Everybody is right! Even if he can’t remember, we sure can make new memories together, right? Cristopher?”-Suddenly intervened Fran.

{What’s with you asking me like that? Oh well, it still works for me.}

“Yeah, you’re right. It doesn’t matter if I don’t remember. We can always make new memories together.”- I answered with a determined face. {After all. I have a duty to help you out guys. Even if it’s just as a payment.}

Great!*clap*”-Said Fran while clapping. “Now if you excuse me. I still have to clean the entrance path! So I’ll leave you guys here to chat! I’ll be here once I finish, okay!?”

“““““OK!!!”””””-Answered all the kids.

“LEAVE ALREADY AUNTY!!! SHUU!!!”-Well, almost… Anne kicks out Fran with a gesture of her hands while calling her Aunty.

“…I’ll let you be for the moment. But just wait until Cristopher goes back to the academy.”-Said a serious Fran while sternly looking at Anne just before turning away and leaving the play room.

*Prrrrffff*-Anne just sticks her tongue out to Fran while making a weird sound. This kid… She sure is fun to have around.

“Well, oppa, should we start introducing ourselves?”-Asked what I assume is the oldest girl.

“Yeah… Thanks, and again, sorry.”

“Haha, don’t worry too much, we’re glad to help.”

“THEN I’LL START!!!!”-Shouted Anne while putting her hand up and jumping repeatedly on the chair as if saying ‘Me! Me! Me! Choose me!’.

“Well… Sure, go ahead.”-I nod to her and gesture for her to start.

“Well… My name is Anne Paige!! I’m 6 years old! And I really like to dance!”­-She’s small, brown curly hair past the shoulders, with a small round face and brown eyes. Her nose is really small, like a button.

“Anne, you don’t need to say what you like, it’s enough to say your name and age, you know?”-Said the same girl I assume is the oldest one here.

“But he has to know!!!! That way he can come and see me dance!!!”

“Why would hyung do that? You don’t dance too well…”-Said who I think is Antonio.

“SHUT UP ANTONIO! I’m a great dancer!!! You’ll see. I’ll become famous someday.”-Shouted Anne while pointing her finger at Antonio.

“Ok, ok, calm down everyone. Let’s keep with the self-introductions. I’m Laura Marino, I’m 14 years old, almost 15… And I’m the oldest of the girls here.”-Said the girl I thought was the oldest, and I was right. She’s slim, with long legs, and blond long hair, almost to the hips, smooth and glossy. Her face is oval, with a delicate and defined nose and small ears.

“Well, I follow, I’m Josh Miller, the oldest of the guys, I’m 14 years old too.”-Said one guy who I’ve barely hear speaking. He looks at me with a somewhat proud face. He’s tall, taller than any other guy I’ve seen at his age, probably 1,74, with brown skin, and short hair, he has a rough face, and while he is thin, he seems to have some muscle, though not that much. Either from slightly working out or by helping with the heavy shores on the orphanage.

“I’M NEXT! I’m Antonio Guzmán, 6 years old!! And I’m going to become a hero in the future!! I’ve also been training with the sword. Just like you!!”- Said the other energetic kid of the bunch. He’s probably the same size as Anne, he has short blond hair with blue eyes, and do have some muscle, so he does train a little. He has a somewhat baby face.

“HA! What hero!!?? You probably don’t have a suited gift for it!! And all you do is play with a broom’s stick all day!! That’s not training with a sword.”-Said Anne, apparently in retribution for being criticized last time.

“YOU’LL SEE!!! YOU FAKE DANCER!!!”-Said Antonio while standing up and pointing at Anne.

“Wh-what!!! WHO’S A FAKE DANCER!!!??? YOU WANNABE HERO!!!”- Anne also stands up to point at Antonio.

{They remember me of my sister and me…}

“Ok, ok, everyone please calm down. It’s not time to fight. Everyone has things they want to do, and you all should support yourselves. Not being against each other, ok? Anne? Antonio?”- I said, while looking at both kids, gesturing with my hands for them to calm down.

“Ok…”-Said Antonio while hanging his head down.

“*Hmp!*-Anne only hmped, and turned her face to the other side while crossing her arms. She sure does have a temper at her young age. She resembles a lot to my little sister in that regard.

*sigh*… Well, can you continue?”

“I-I’m next…”-Said the shy kid. “I’m G-Gabriel Sanchez… I-I’m 10 years o-old.”-He said, while stuttering. He was small, probably 1,40? With wavy dark brown hair, long for a little guy, it fell to his neck, with long bangs that almost covered his blue eyes. He was thin, probably didn’t make too much physical activity.

“Why are you always so shy!!??”-Suddenly asked Anne.

“…”-Gabriel merely looked down. {This won’t do.}

“Anne. Stop. It’s not a problem to be shy. Everyone has things they’re bad and things they’re good at.”-I say, this time looking at her sternly.

“B-but!! He needs to be confident! He can’t be all shy, even less around you oppa!!”

“Stop. Really. It’s not a problem. And you shouldn’t be forcing him. There will come the time he’ll find the confidence by himself. But let him go at his own pace.”

“Ok…”-Finally she quiet down, looking at the floor with a somewhat saddened face.

“No puppy eyes.”-I unconsciously said as her eyes remembered me of Olivia’s own darker ones.


{Look at her!!! She sure has learned a few weird things huh… I’m sorry for the poor bastard that will have to tolerate her.}-I feel chills run up my back as I remember that I have my own problem to take care of back in Cube.

*SIGH…Well, let’s continue, can we?”

After that, one by one each of the kids presented themselves, until all of the 12 kids presented themselves. What was weird is that all of their names were from outside Korea. Which means each one of them is probably a foreigner, or comes from some foreigner.

Once everyone presented themselves, they started telling me about the times I’ve come here to play, or so they say.

It seems David constantly came here whenever he had chance to help in the orphanage. Mostly doing the heavy chores with Josh, or teaching a move or two to Antonio just to keep the little one entertained before he started pranking people.

He also helped to cook, or told stories about his time in the Agent Military Academy to the kids.

He also read a lot to the girls, mostly about princess stories or heroines, so they could feel identified.

In the case of the truly energetic one, Anne, he had to see her practice her dancing moves, while helping her improve showing her videos with his smartphone.

All in all, he seemed like the kind older brother type.

I once asked about if there are others my age, but it seems not. Most of them leaved at 16 years old. It seems the orphanage can keep too many people, and once they understood that they tried to look for a job, or something. Little by little, each one of the guys my age, males and females, started leaving, while finding a job and a place to stay.

Some of them do come back once in a while, but not that frequently, as some of them decided to try their luck in other places away from Seoul; some even left the country to try their luck in a more tranquil place.

While we have been talking about this and that, Fran finally decided to enter, as she has been standing outside the door, out of sight, but not out of my sight.

She grabbed a chair and sat beside me, also talking with all of us, and telling stories from when I, or well, David, was a kid. It seems he was of the silent type, he barely spoke to kids his age, reading most of the time or trying to help Fran and the other nurses and caretakers of the place.

She also said something about how I was some weird kid that was pretty sharp sometimes but clumsy at others.

All in all, I could gather a lot of info about David Ross’s past. And right when the clock ticked 1:35 P.M, and alarm started sounding all around the building.


“What’s happening???”

“Aunty!!! What’s that!!!”

All the kids started to make a ruckus asking what was that sound about. Fran and I stood up.

“Calm down kids, that’s the alarm for monster. Some of them may have appeared close to here. Just keep the calm, and lets all go down to the basement.”-Fran said as she slowly led all the kids to the basement with the help of two nurses that hastily came looking for her.

“Cristopher? Where are you going?”-Asked Fran when she saw me moving to one of the windows with my backpack in tow. All the kids turned to look at me, even the two nurses.

“I’ll take a look around and make sure no monsters come her. You all go somewhere safe. And don’t dare to leave that place.”-I said while sternly looking at Fran, the two nurses that got here, and the kids.

Right after that, I opened the window and jump out of the room, grabbing the top of the window and propelling myself up. One excellent and really useful thing I learned in all my years going from one world to another, was how to use mana for adhering myself to the walls. And that’s what I did.

I started running up the wall all the way to the roof. Once there, I took out the clothes from the backpack and quickly changed myself. While it was a hassle, I could finish changing my clothes in around a minute. Once ready. I kept my cadet uniform in the backpack, wore the mask I had prepared and putted up my hood.

“Time to see what these monsters are made off.”

I start walking to the border of the roof, looking all around me, to the monster wreaking havoc.

{They sure have guts. Coming here of all the places. Well, that way I won’t have to look for them myself.}-I thought, looking at the monsters that are running straight to the orphanage. It's not like I have really deep feelings for this place. But at least, I won't turn my back to where people have been kind to me.

And that's when the eyes behind my mask suddenly turns reptilian, with a dark red color iris around a totally abysmal black pupil.

Another long one before the fight. Hope you like it!

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