The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 21 – Locket of Hope (Part 3)

Monster… That term people give to creatures completely different from humans, and that sometimes has harmful intentions towards humanity.

And I mean sometimes because there’re times when the monsters aren’t the villains of the stories. Sometimes, those who “fight for justice” are the ones that should be punished. But who am I to say who should be punished or who shouldn’t?

Being someone that has stood upon both sides of the spectrum, being called a hero and a monster, I’m not one to fight the first thing classified as a monster that steps in front of me.

{Thankfully, these guys here are indeed the kind of monsters I have no problems to kill.}-I thought while on the roof. Right then I receive a message on my smartwatch.

[Kim Hajin: The Djinn is already here. But it seems to be stronger than what I wrote in my novel.]

[Cristopher: Told you to better be prepared.]

[Kim Hajin: I am. Light bullet. It’s powerful against Djinns. I’ll upgrade its power with a bit of SP and use it in case something goes wrong.]

[Cristopher: Good luck then. I’m leaving. There’re some friends here to play.]

[Kim Hajin: You too. Good luck.]

Immediately after reading the last text from Hajin, I jump all the way over the fence. And fall in front of the pack of monsters that are running here.

{I don’t want to step in the garden after all. It’s pretty well cared for; I don’t want to damage it after all.}

Right in front of me, the pack of seven is quickly getting closer, a group of truly big black wolves with red stripes horizontally traveling their bodies. Their eyes are completely red, and their fangs are atrociously big. They’re big enough to eat a 6 years child in one bite, remembering me of Anne and Antonio.

“Guess the puppies came to play huh… Let’s play then!”-I said as I start reinforcing my arms with mana. My hands, the only part uncovered, start shining in whitish cyan color, as if I put on some kind of gloves, meaning that I’m focusing big amounts of mana to reinforce the outer part of my arms.

After that, I immediately start running while reinforcing my feet with mana toward the leader of the pack.

“Cut the head of the snake first.”-I said as I close in almost in an instant to the first wolf. Right when its eyes became round of surprise, I punch his throat from the downside, exploding his neck thanks to the high amounts of mana on my arm, and separating the head from the body.

“One down. 6 left.”-I murmur as all the other wolves run to surround me, 3 at each side. I once again rush towards another wolf at my left, this time sliding on the floor and kicking his hind left leg, stopping his run and making it fall on its front legs, right then I propel myself up with my right and grab its tail with my left, stopping right there and using the whole wolf as a mace to hit the one running behind it, and smashing both of them on the ground.


As if a small bomb detonated, the ground cracked all around the place of impact, and both wolves ended up completely bloodied and dead, probably without an intact bone inside.

The one running behind completely stopped and looked afraid at me. “Smart. But too late.” I rush again to the wolf in front and punch it on the snout, blowing up its head.

At this moment, the three wolves remaining all are turning away to escape. But sadly, I can’t let them. Reinforcing further my feet, until they should probably be glowing like my hands, I jump straight toward the first escaping wolf, doing a complete turn in the air and kicking down at it on the spine, basically cutting it in half.

I then stop on the floor, turn to the next one and rush toward it, blowing its head with a punch. Finally, the last one just stopped in its track, and slowly started whimpering while walking back.

“Sorry dude. But I’m not letting anyone go.”-I said before rushing to the last wolf, also blowing his head with a punch.

I thought about burning them all. But right now, I don’t want to grab too much attention, and if the fire suddenly appears, some heroes in the vicinities would come. Though, there’re some probably on the way.

{Better leave quickly.}

I search around looking for more monsters, but there’s no more around here, so I start running towards the direction of the museum, where more monsters should be.

On the way there I indeed find more monsters. A lot of beast types, wolves mostly, so I start killing them as soon as I saw them. One by one, I start leaving a trail of dead bodies in the city. Trying to kill first the monsters in the more packed streets, trying to save as many people as I can.

While doing so, I use my sense to evade any kind of hero that I could. Especially the intermediate to high-ranking ones. Don’t want anyone following me.

After a while, and killing without stop, I don’t sense that many monsters around, so I chose to go back to the orphanage as fast as I can. Killing any monster that I find, and evading any hero that pass by.

I finally make my way to the rooftop, and again, change my clothes.

This time, the monsters that came were not that powerful, so the control of damage was really easy, after all, it was just the first event. I also didn’t need to use anything much. Reinforced punches and kicks were enough. After changing my shoes. I put on the backpack and jump again. This time to the path leading to the main entrance, making my way inside of the building. I look around but don’t find anyone.

Thinking about it, I don’t know where the basement they went is.

I keep walking inside, but right at that moment, I sense that Fran is coming this way. So, I just wait in the middle of the reception hall.

“Are you okay!?”-Asks Fran when she sees me. Running towards me.

“Yeah! I’m all right. Don’t worry.”-I said reassuring her. “How’s everyone?”

“They’re good… Thankfully no monster came here… Wait… Is that blood on your hands?”- She says, looking at my hands.

“Ah… Yes… Sorry, I did have to repel some monsters that came here.”

“Oh… You’re not hurt, right? Let me check you!”-She suddenly starts looking all around me, checking for any injuries I may have.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m not hurt at all. This blood is from the monsters… But, don’t go outside, there’re bodies there… And don’t let the kids peek outside, I didn’t have a weapon, so the fight was a little messy…”- I said stepping back to stop her.

“…”-She suddenly stays quiet and just looks at my eyes.


“So… This ‘prank’ of yours? How much do you’ll keep pretending?”

“Huh? Well… I don’t see the need to keep pranking the kids, so we can tell them that it was all just a jo-”

“Stop. Don’t lie anymore.”-She suddenly says, putting a hand up while interrupting me. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice? I’ve been taking care of you, for a long time. So, I know you pretty well. And I know that you’re not merely pranking the kids. You truly don’t remember.”


“Stop. Let me talk.”-She once again interrupts me. “I don’t know what happened, nor why you don’t remember us, or this place. But I already told you, don’t you remember? We’ll always support you, and be proud of you. Doesn’t matter what happens. So, you don’t need to lie or look for excuses, just talk to us. And we’ll help you. Even if it means helping you remember everything you forgot.”-She finally says, while beaming that beautiful and motherly smile of hers.

“… Since when you knew I didn’t remember?”-I ask, this time truly apologetic, not because of not remembering, but because of lying before, and for lying once again after this, probably.

“Since yesterday.”

“That fast?”

“Of course. Do you think I wouldn’t notice it? I told you. I took care of you. I’ve known you since you were a little baby. And you were always a weird kid, sharp, but also clumsy.”-She says while pointing at my chest. “But, I’ll give you some points. After all, you were sharp enough to play around for a bit, though, not enough to notice I already knew you were lying.”

“Then… Why did you let me do as I pleased? You could put the kids in danger. After all, not remembering anything is almost like being totally different.”

“Because I also noticed from the start that even without your memories, you’re not as different as you think. Inside, you keep being the kid that loved to help those that cared for him. Besides, what would a bunch of kids and caretakers from an old and basically broken orphanage be of benefit to you, a cadet from Cube? Even if you were to have a different personality, that intellect of yours surely wouldn’t go anywhere. I’ll bet on it.”

I feel the smartwatch on my wrist vibrate a few times, but I ignore it.

“You… *sigh…* Thanks… And sorry. This time, for real.”-I said, honestly surprised with her. {I guess you can find people like these everywhere, even if small in numbers. Truly amazing. You sure were well cared for. David.}

“Hahaha, no problem. Really. It’s good if you can be at ease now… And, well, I would be glad if you could tell me what happened… I don’t think it has anything to do with someone beating you.”-She asks this time with a really curious, but also worried, face.

{What should I say? After all this… It would really be bad for me not to say anything… But… It’s not like I can say that I’m not the one I used to be… Or that the guy that they took care of is off to somewhere else, being replaced by me. Hell, they don’t even know the name David Ross anymore… He basically disappeared from this world while being replaced by me… This wouldn’t happen if I at least got the memories from him… Fuck…}

“I…”-I started speaking.

“Don’t worry. If it’s something that you can’t, or don’t want to say, just don’t say it. Remember. We’re going to support no matter what.”-She quickly interrupts me, probably noticing my troubled mind.

“I’m truly sorry… I honestly don’t know. I don’t know what happened. Or why I forgot my memories. It was all of a sudden. I woke up one day, the day of the graduation ceremony from the Agent Military Academy, and then I didn’t remember anything. Where I was, or what I was doing there. Only my name, and a few things about myself. But nothing from my past here… Or well, even from the Agent Military Academy.”

I didn’t lie. I really don’t know how I got here or what happened. Neither the reason I replaced David Ross and subsequently forgot his memories, hell, I only knew my name and about myself, Cristopher, before coming here, to this world.

“I see…”-She suddenly keeps quiet while staring at the floor.

She suddenly turns her head up, fully smiling. “It’s okay, I believe you this time. Though, I’m not so sure I can always notice when you lie, I’m pretty confident in my detective skills when it comes to you and, well, all the other kids I cared for.”

“Thanks for trusting in me… And… Well, if I discover something about what happened to me… You’ll be the first one to know. I promise you that.”-I say with a determined face. {And I won’t back down in that promise. At least if I have the chance to…}

“Haha, sure, it’s okay, don’t worry. But what are you going to do? Without memories and all that?”

“You and the kids say so yourself. I’m going to create new memories. With you guys, in Cube, and probably, in all the adventures that will come next. Right? I should go forward. Not staying trapped in the past, and look at the present.”

“Great!! That’s what I wanted to hear!! No lamenting on what’s spilled, but working hard for what remains!!!”-She says while smiling, in that exalted but happy way of hers. She’s indeed a really bubbly person.

“Hahaha, I can get used to that personality of yours.”

“What do you mean!? I’ve been always like this. Just that you don’t remember.”

“I know, I know, it’s just something fresh to see. Back on Cube, I didn’t have the best experience with girls.”

“Oh!!?? Is that something about a girlfriend!!??? Look at you!!!! Courting some girl on your first weeks at Cube!!! Seems like losing your memories really helped you out in some ways.”

“She’s not my girlfriend, and I’m not courting her. She’s just some crazy girl that doesn’t stop bothering me. Asking me to train her and whatnot.”

“…”-She stops, and looks at me blankly.


“Well, that’s truly a surprise. I know you’re not ugly or anything, maybe even handsome. But with that weird hair of yours? I never thought a girl would look for you on her own.”

“Hey. I have a lot to say about that. But. No. She’s not interested in me. She’s just crazy about getting stronger and shit and wants me to train her. That’s all there is to it.”

“Sure, sure, whatever you say. But, and it’s just my opinion, you know, you should probably try it, who knows when another girl crazy enough to look at your way will appear.”

*sigh…* It was too good to be true… But okay, I’ll consider it.” {Hell will freeze before I consider going out with that girl.}

“Okay!!! But remember. Don’t forget about me just because you have a sweet little girlfriend at your side, understood!!!???”

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget you again. I swear upon that.”- I said.

“Ohhhhh what? Maybe you’re in love with me??? Sorry kid, you’re too young. Though, I’m flattered.”-Only to immediately regret it later… *sigh…*

{I don’t know what I’m going to do with the girls around me. The count just went to 2, and I’m already tired of it… At least with this one I don’t have a choice, but I still need to get off the other one.}

“Oh right!! I will call the kids. Maybe you and them could play a little more before you have to go?”-She says with a wistful face.

“Yeah, sure will. I still have some time until I have to go back.”-I answer with a smile.

“Perfect!!! I’ll look for them, and everyone else right now!! Wait for us here!!!”-She says while leaving somewhere inside the building.

“Well, that… wasn’t so bad… Oh right. My smartwatch.”-I suddenly remember that my smartwatch vibrated.

[Kim Hajin: Everything’s done here.]

[Kim Hajin: Chae Nayun was hurt, but thankfully I could save her in time with the light bullet I prepared. And Kim Suho did the rest.]

[Kim Hajin: What about you? How was it on your side?]

[Kim Hajin: Meet me at the portal station as soon as you can. We have some problems…]

{Seems like everything went exactly as in the Novel’s Extra… Now Hajin should be aware of the existence of the co-author… Which means that he would be more proactive.}

[Cristopher: Sure. I’ll be there in an hour or so.]

[Kim Hajin: Why so late?]

[Cristopher: Have a thing to do. Don’t worry. Just wait for me there.]

[Kim Hajin: Sure. I’ll wait.]

Right when I finished reading Hajin’s text. Fran came back with everyone else.

After that, nothing much happened, we just talked some more, listened to the stories about the kids and the orphanage. Neither Fran nor I said anything about what we were talking about before.

If there's any problem with how I described the fights, please let me know. I'm still learning and any criticism is accepted! Thanks for reading, and hope you like it!

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