The Other Side: A Second Chance

Chapter 50: Magic and Dolls

I placed my hands on the last of the injured. A young, human boy, probably just sixteen years old. His leg and upper arm were mangled by Rusivite artillery fire that had rained down on the camp just days before mine and Isa’s arrival. It was amazing that the boy was still alive; his face alone, with a sharp and constant grimace, displayed his continuous fight for survival. Yet as I uttered the incantation for rejuvenation, the flow of magic mended his wounds. That fight for survival gradually faded, and the boy drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Around me stood the doctors, nurses, Alexander, Celana, and her clerics. All of them were wide-eyed and smiling, as everyone in the hospital was now healed. A process that Celana stated would cost them dozens of valuable material components and scrolls. All of which was done for free with my magic—magic that now leaves me feeling immensely exhausted.

“This is truly a miracle,” one of the doctors muttered. “Truly something brought by the divine. A child prodigy.” The others, who were still speechless, nodded along.

Celena stepped forth. “Luna,” she whispered as she kneeled to my level. “Where did you learn this magic?” She asked me.

Taking a couple of deep breaths, Alexander approached me with a canteen of water, and I took it, thankfully. After a couple of gulps, I wiped my mouth and said, “I… learned it from my mother.” Which again was a lie. “She, uh, taught me with a scroll, and I just sort of picked up on it.” I smiled sheepishly.

Thankfully, however, Celena didn’t seem to push it. Instead, she nodded her head and smiled. “Well, if I ever see your mother, I’m going to thank her from the bottom of my heart, even Slyondra’s. What you did here was nothing short of a miracle.”

“She must be a chosen one of Slyondra,” one of the clerics said. “A diviner, maybe?”

The other cleric nodded.

Suddenly, a gasp came from the hospital entrance, and all our heads turned. “Sorry! Sorry, I’m late! I got held up at the quartermasters but brought the necessary components!” I heard a familiar voice, and as I poked my head up from behind the bed, I saw Dr. Kegan rushing into the tent with a large crate in his trembling arms.

Yet, upon seeing us, he stopped. “Oh?” He glanced around at all the resting patients. “Did something happen?”

One of the doctors, a halfling man with graying hair, said, “Yes. A miracle!” The man beamed. “Come, Mr. Kegan, place the box over here and come look.”

Taking another drink from the canteen, I wobbled a bit as my stomach and head felt woozy. I cradled it with one hand and groaned.

Gah, I feel drunk. I thought as I stepped out into the center pathway. Kegan placed the box down where the halfling pointed and turned to see me.

“Oh, it’s you, Luna!” Kegan smiled.

“You know each other?” Celena asked us, and we both nodded.

“We traveled together briefly,” I said, tapping the fuzz on my head. “The good doctor here also helped me when I got hurt.”

Kegan nodded. “Indeed, I did, but…” he glanced around. “Is she the miracle?” He asked.

“Why yes!” He exclaimed the halfling as he gestured around. “The little prodigy was able to cure everyone here; no components or scrolls were needed; she just…” He ran a hand through his hair as he looked around, still flabbergasted. “Did it.”

Kegan’s eyes widened as he glanced around and said, “Madam Soza did mention that you had incredible healing powers.” He stroked his chin. “I take it she wasn’t exaggerating?”

I weakly nodded, and Alexander swooped in for the rescue before anything else could happen. “As much as I enjoy watching lives be saved.” He pulled out a pocket watch and tapped it. “It’s nearly one in the afternoon, and I have less than two days to teach this little one to heal and fight.”

“Fight?” Kegan said as he glanced at me, confused, though I dismissed him with a wave.

“Madam Celena, seeing as I, my pupil here, oh so graciously relieved you of your busy schedule, would you care to assist me?” Alexander smiled at her smugly.

The cleric sighed heavily and said, “Certainly, Alexander. Though only because this one here interests me.” She smiled down at me as I nodded.

“Excellent then.” Alexander smiled and bowed a little. “Please follow us.”

Celena nodded and muttered a few instructions to her other two clerics before following Alexander and me outside.



I dropped to my knees and groaned as I pounded my fist into the dirt and dead grass around me. My body ached, my mind burned, and I felt like my chest was going to burst.

Fucking christ. I whined. Spell fatigue is no joke.

“Indeed, it isn’t,” said the master. “While you are powerful, Luna, even you have limits.”

My new mentor, Celena, approached me alongside Alexander as we stood in the field where I had earlier demonstrated my capabilities to Anne.

“Alex, it’d be best to let the little one take a break,” Celena said as she brushed her dark bangs out from in front of her face.

Alexander took a deep breath and stroked his beard as he approached me. “Perhaps so, though we mustn’t stop. For now, we’ll pause on the actual spell casting; instead, Squirt here can focus on the incantations.”

I groaned, pushed myself to my knees, and fixed my skirt. “I can try again,” I said, catching my breath. “Just give me some water, and I can do it.” I smiled.

“No.” Celena said, “Mass rejuvenation is much more powerful than what you were doing earlier. You’ll give yourself a heart attack.”

That’d be ironic. I sighed.

Alexander nodded. “She’s right, Squirt.” He gestured to the bout of dead grass in front of me that I was trying to bring to life. “When you’ve acquired some more ether, we can try again. For now, let us focus on posture and vocals.”

I groaned but relented. “Fine…” I closed my eyes.

Master, is there a way to regain ether quickly? I thought.

“Yes, actually. Though the moral implications are questionable, I think you would not appreciate them. Yet there is a less immoral way: finding places of power. Places in which you are nowhere near as of now.”

What’s the immoral route? I’m just asking because I’m curious.

“Killing and consuming another’s life.” He replied bluntly.

O-oh… okay.

“C’mon, Squirt, time to stand.” Alexander came over and politely offered his hand, which I took and stood up. “Now. Assume the position.” He tapped his staff on the ground. I nodded, parted my legs, and straightened my back before pressing my palms together with my elbows extended outward.

“Now,” Celena said, “begin the incantation like I told you.” She crossed her arms beneath her bosom and leaned back as she watched.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. I began to recite the incantation: By the sacred springs, where life’s currents entwine, In the heart of magic, where destinies align.” My brown knitted a bit as I breathed and tried to recall. “With boundless grace, let healing waters flow, Mass Rejuvenation, in Slyondra’s soft glow.”

“Excellent.” Celena praised, “You’re doing good so far. Keep going.”

Smiling a little, I nodded, took another breath, and continued, “From the depths of hurt to the heights of hope, Let the healing touch by Slyondra’s scope. In the embrace of magic, where spirits thrive, Mass Rejuvenation, may Slyondra’s blessings arrive.”

"Too fast, Luna," Celena said. “You have the words right. You’re just speaking them too quickly. You need to give the spell time to build up, or else the wounds you heal will be minor cuts.”

I nodded and continued a little slower, “With each whispered word, with each flickering light, Bring renewal forth, banish the night. In the unity of souls, where life’s currents strive, Mass Rejuvenation, in Slyondra’s name, wounds revive.”

Alexander nodded. “Your stand and posture were well maintained. Though I agree with Celena, you must keep a cool head even under dire circumstances. Saying the spell faster won’t make it work better, or sometimes even quicker, for that matter.” I glanced at Alexander and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll do better.”

Celena nodded and clapped her hands together. “Alright then, let’s keep going till I deem you worthy.” She smiled at me.



Our crash course paused in the late evening, and I was dead tired. Mentally and physically, I felt drained. In one day, I had multiple spells jammed into my head, one of which I knew I could cast without issue—waterlash.

Yet, Mass Rejuvenation, Resilience, and Restore were spells that weren’t so easy to practice, not to mention they were powerful and took nearly everything out of me when trying to cast. Mass Rejuvenation worked just like rejuvenate, except it could be cast at range, and I could heal multiple people simultaneously. Resilience was the spell that my mother used on me for my breasts to relieve the pain, which still hurts, though honestly, it’s a very minor thing to worry about when life and death are on the line. However, I could practice with it somewhat by casting it on myself.

It was nice to have these little bumps on my chest no longer ache, yet holy shit, the amount of ether it takes to actually convert into pain relievers is insane. When I did it to myself earlier in the day, I came close to fainting from exhaustion.

The next spell I was taught, or at least told about, was the spell restore, or restoration, as it’s sometimes called. Which is something I honestly found to be fascinating. Mainly because, well, it made me happy. The reason is that the spell restores limbs and cures ailments in one’s body. Honestly, it’s a spell that I would have expected to be called something like “Regenerate,” at least regarding the limb regrowing bit.

It made me so happy because when Celena was demonstrating for me, she gave me this little smile before coming over and placing her hand on my forehead, causing me to go cross-eyed as she began the incantation.

“In the whispering weave of magic’s touch, threads entwine, and ailments clutch. Sight restored, and limbs made whole—Slyondra’s grace, the healer’s role. Restore!” Her eyes shone a bright blue light, and her palm shot forth a blinding ray, which caused me to close my eyes as magical warmth enveloped me. Suddenly, I began to feel ticklish and itchy as my entire head tingled, and suddenly, something soft began to brush over my ears and cheeks.

When Celena released my head and stepped away, my eyes opened to discover that she had caused my hair to regrow! It wasn’t by much, as the hair only drifted past my ears to about the top of my neck, yet I wasn’t bald or ugly anymore! I was so tired yet overjoyed that my eyes were filled with tears, and the cleric simply smiled at me and tousled my newly grown hair.

“Take this as my thanks from earlier,” she said with a smile before saying that our practice was done for the day.

Even Alexander seemed slightly touched by this action as he stood off to the side with a tiny smirk. “I agree,” he said. “It’s very late; tomorrow, we’ll start strong early in the morning, Luna. Be back here, come dawn.” He pointed at the ground where we stood, and I nodded.

“Oh wow!” We heard someone shout from the road, and turning to look, I saw Oscar and Anne walking side by side along the trail. Anne had broken away from him, which made the older elf gasp and scramble after her as Anne ran towards me.

Alexander chuckled and said, “Well, Squirt, I’ll see you tomorrow. Rest well.”

I glanced back at him briefly before nodding and turning back to Anne and Oscar, who came over to me. Anne’s eyes were wide as saucers as she said, “You have hair again!”

Hearing her say this made me snort and blush as I nodded and glanced towards Celena, who was already walking back towards the camp alongside Alexander, and said, “Yeah! Celena there b-brought it back.” I gulped nervously.

Why do I always feel so anxious around this girl? Get your shit together, Luna. Compress it.

I took a deep breath as Anne grabbed my hand. I yelped as I felt her soft, warm fingers wrap around my hand. “So you’re done practicing for today?” She asked me.

I looked at her hand, holding mine with wide eyes, back up at her, and nodded briskly as I gulped. I can’t compress shit when being overwhelmed like this. Fuck me for not practicing when I was younger.

Seeming to notice my reaction, Oscar stepped in and touched Anne’s shoulder. “Anne,” he said in March. “Luna must be tired. Let’s go to camp. Rest she should.”

Anne pouted. “But Luna said she would teach me magic, and we can play together!”

Hearing her say that made my heart melt a little, and even a pang of guilt hit me, and I took a deep breath. “We can still hang out, but I’m all tuckered out magic-wise,” I told her.

“Tuckered out?” She looked at me and cocked her head.

“I’m all out of spells for tonight,” I clarified to her. “And tomorrow, I need to learn more. So, no magic for a couple of days.”

Or longer, depending on what the Colonel has planned. My pessimistic thoughts rolled in.

Immediately, I stamped out those thoughts and was relieved to see Anne smiling again as she nodded. “Okay, let’s go back to my tent, and we can play!”

I returned Anne’s smile and gave her a polite nod as Oscar smirked and gestured for us to move ahead. He followed behind us as we walked back to the refugee camp.



Along the way to Anne’s tent, as the sun dipped beneath the horizon and the moons of Enora took up much of the sky, basking the world in its multicolored glow, I ran into Isa. She greeted us kindly, though not much was said as she glanced at me sadly before returning to her tent. Once again, guilt hit me, yet I bit my lower lip and sighed to stifle it.

“Did you and Miss Soza get into a fight?” Anne asked me.

“Anne,” Oscar interjected. “It’s not our business,” he said, yet I could tell by his expression that he seemed to know. I wouldn’t be surprised if he and Isa spoke while I was out.

Anne opened her mouth to protest but let it go as we arrived at their tent. Once again, Anne took my hand in hers, and I gasped as she said, “Come inside! Some kind people gave me these cute toys. I want to show you!”

Toys? I blinked as she pulled me through the flap. I doubt toys are going to really do much for me.

I was wrong. They did a lot.

Anne placed three exceptionally crafted and painted wooden dolls with workable joints and hands before me. An elven-looking woman, a human man, and a human woman. Each one was wearing these beautifully sewn clothes tailored to their size, and better yet, they had actual little wigs. Still, most of all, they had little glowing gems on their backs that acted as buttons that made their hair grow and shrink, and even one that made the dolls talk.

Holy shit, it’s fantasy Barbies. Even got a Ken, too? Why did my mother or father never get me one of these?!

Anne giggled as she watched me pick up the elven doll and move its pieces around. She grabbed the boy doll and said, “A lady at the big tent saw me and gave me these Syn-syni…”

“Synidria,” Oscar said to her as he sat down in the corner of the tent, watching us with a big smile. “Synidria doll. Very popular in Yankston. Expensive, treat well.”

No shit, these are probably expensive. I moved the elf woman toy around in my hands before placing it on the ground. I was surprised to feel the feet connect to the dirt, almost like a magnet had sucked it down gently, and when I let go, the toy stood on its own. Yet when grabbing it again and picking it up, the feet gently disconnected from the ground.

Okay, that’s amazing. How the hell was something like this made?

Anne giggled. “Really cool, aren’t they?” She asked and nodded. “I used to have a couple of these back home. Uncle Oscar used to bring me them whenever he’d visit.” She hummed, and I glanced at Oscar, who seemed to be digging through some of his belongings. He smiled widely and nodded with a shit-eating grin that read. Yeah, I’m cool.

Yet I couldn’t help but notice Anne mentioned something about her parents. Where are her parents now? So, taking a risk, I asked, “Where are your parents?”

Anne stopped fiddling with the boy doll for a second, glanced at me, and then back at the toy. “They are away,” she said softly.

“They are safe,” Oscar said. “Branoria, they’re at. Business trip. I came to Heinmarr to watch over little Anne when war broke out.”

I sighed with relief. “Well, that’s good, at least. They’re safe.” I smiled, and Oscar nodded as well.

I bet her parents are worried sick. I hope they’re doing okay.

“You want to play Couples?” Anne asked me, and my eyes widened.

“Excuse me?” I cocked my head, and Anne smirked.

“Couples! One of us plays the husband and the other wife.” She hummed. “Have you ever played that or House before?”

My face burned brightly with embarrassment. Neither in this life nor in my past life. Does the Sims 4 count?

I shook my head. “No. I haven’t.”

Anne giggled. “Well, it’s super easy, c’mon. Who do you want to be, the husband or wife?” She placed the dolls out in front of me.

I hesitated momentarily as I looked at the elf and human woman and then the man. Taking a second to choose, I reached out and poked the elven woman. “I-I can be the wife.”

Anne then pouted. “Aw, I wanted to be the wife.”

I blinked and then stammered out, "Y-You ca-can be the wife t-too."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Oscar’s head perk up as he took his attention away from the bag, looked at the two of us, and smiled gently.

Anne blinked. “Two wives?” She looked at the toys with an expression that read, You can do that? I shrugged.

Oscar laughed and muttered something in Yanky that I couldn’t understand, then went back to sorting their supplies.

Anne thought for a second and smiled. “Okay, I can be this girl. I’ll be, uh, what’s a good name?” She thought for a second. “I’ll be Solana. What will your name be?” She asked me.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to get my tired self focused. Alright, Luna. Let’s just treat this like we’re roleplaying in a D&D game.

“I’ll be, uh, Erin.”

“Erin?” Anne tilted her head. “That’s an interesting name for an elf.”

“Is that bad?” I blinked, and Anne shook her head.

“Nope! It sounds like a cute boy’s name.” She said it with a giggle. “I like it.”

My shoulders relaxed, and I smiled. “Well, maybe Erin’s parents wanted a boy?” I chuckled, and Anne nodded as she set up our toys. For the first time in, well, almost eight years, I played Make Believe with a friend. I actually made a new friend in this world.

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