The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 10: The Finale of Book one… I think, part three (40)

          As they passed down the hallway, the group members that weren’t Ainz looked at the weapons that lined the walls. Some were simple and looked like they made sense. Others seemed to defy logic and ignore physics.

          There was a whip sword that openly lashed out at the space around it, a spear that was seemingly just a bunch of pieces that were haphazardly floating together. A gun made up of jagged and polished metal was hung up later in the hall. Of course, there were many more along the hall. But these were the coolest looking and Ainz had wanted the hallway to look impressive.

          “Down this way is the mausoleum,” Ainz explained.

          Albedo looked at the supreme being with a slightly confused expression. She wasn’t aware that there even was a mausoleum. She decided to make her questions known.

          “I didn’t know there was a Mausoleum,” she said with a hint of a questioning tone.

          Ainz deflated slightly at the question. It made him somewhat sad when thinking back on the creation of the Mausoleum. But he soon brushed off the feeling with his undead mind. He had expected her to ask this question, but not right now as they were about to meet his creation.

          “Yes, I made it after everyone started to leave. A way to remember them, and remember better times,” he said half-heartedly.

          This time around, Aeskell was the one to get sad. She knew that feeling of being alone. She had felt it right after her grandfather had died. She had even felt it right after she had been forced out of her old guild.

          “Ainz, we are here in case if you ever need a shoulder to lean on. Albedo is here, I am here, and Shizu and the rest of the tomb is here for you,” Aeskell spoke with conviction.

          Ainz looked back at the woman who he had just met maybe just over a month ago. She had quickly become a close friend of his. She knew what it was like to be alone. He knew what it is like to be alone.

          He could count on her to be a shoulder to lean on. He then turned to Albedo and thought about her. She had become someone he could place his trust in, she was his confidant. He trusted her.

          “let’s just go meet Pandora’s Actor,” he stated after taking and letting out a breath, “I can’t remember when I last saw him,” he said absentmindedly.

          The rest of the gang nodded and continued on their way down the hallway. They then made it out and into a rather wide area where there stood a singular coach. Off to the sides of the room there were piles of well-organized gold and different treasures.

          Then a person who looked just like Albedo’s creator, “Tabula Smaragdina”, stood up from the couch. He turned to face the whole group and tilted his head to the side while glancing around at them.

          His gaze landed on Aeskell and then Ainz after a heartbeat of time. Albedo at first thought that this was her creator, but only for a second. Her confused face turned to one of rage and contempt as she looked upon the being that held the look of her creator.

          “Shizu! That isn’t lord Tabula! Get ready top slay whoever this fool is!” Albedo screeched out.

          Shizu and Aeskell could tell that the Tabula look-a-like was confused and somewhat shocked by this turn of events. Shizu and Aeskell could also tell that this person wasn’t hostile, but they weren’t about to talk back to the rather angry woman.

          “That’s enough,” Ainz called out.

          Albedo looked confused at the man she loved with all her heart. He called out for them to stop with that command. It confused her slightly till she realized what was going on. Then her face fell as she thought of her new embarrassing blunder.

          “Pandora’s Actor, show them your true form,” Ainz ordered his creation, and the form of Tabula began to shift.

          His shape began to bubble. The skin that was partially covered by a slightly strange and probably not very well thought out BDSM outfit disappeared with the bubbling. The form began to shift and change into what could only be described as lean and thin.

          His form fully took shape. His face was nothing more than a smooth surface with three holes for a pair of eyes and a mouth that made him look like he was holding a shocked expression. The uniform he wore looked like that of a certain secret police uniform.

          Instead of the yellow uniform that the anime watchers were familiar with, he had on what would best be called a grimdark interpretation of said uniform. Instead of orange accents, it had sliver metal, and was majorly black, with a special effect that made the color look like it was being blown away constantly.

          Now, because the poll that the Author put up has tied somewhat, he is going to keep Pandora’s Actor male. Even though it would be kind of neat to have a female Pandora’s Actor, it would also be neat to have what the author wants to have for later in the series.

          “Mine Creator!!! Lord Momonga!!! It has been a long time since we have last met, and it is a pleasure and honor to see you once more!!!” he spoke aloud.

          His voice was rather uplifted, as if he had just met his idol for the first time and was just as happy to see them as one would expect. His movements, while not as dramatic as one would expect from him, were slightly cringeworthy.

          “Ah, Pandora’s Actor, it is also a pleasure to see you again. But just to be clear, I have since changed my name to Ainz Ooal Gown. Though, I would prefer if you called me Ainz. Also, there is a new member of the guild here,” he gestured to Aeskell, letting her name herself.

          “I am Aeskell Peregrinus Walker, but you can just call me Aeskell,” she explained with a rather giddy smile.

          She could tell that Ainz was embarrassed. Just from his tone of voice. She could tell he had put way too much of what he thought was cool while he was still in his chuuni faze.

          But he was cute, like a child that wanted to mimic their parent. She was already thinking about how to tease him about this. but that was when she noticed the somewhat shocked faces of the others.

          “So ein wunderbarer Name! For such a wunderbar Person!” he shouted out in a rather exaggerated style.

          “Uwah…” Shizu spoke out after the smile on Aeskell’s face began to widen into that of a motherly percentage.

Yes, that is the end of book one. I have plans for the second one, a crossover. A series I teased a little while ago, one with a insane German girl.

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