The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 10: The Finale of Book one… I think, part two (39)

          There they stood, in front of the floor guardian. Her head was looking down into the dirt by her feet. It seemed like she was static, like she wasn’t meant to ever move. It was like she was back to being a mere NPC.

          Ainz, Albedo, and Aeskell; they stood in front of her unmoving body. Aeskell was staring deeply into her face. It was almost like she was staring at the void, with how deeply she gazed into the girl’s face.

          Ainz was somewhat unnerved by the fervor with which she looked at Shalltear. He shook it off and made to use his “wish upon a star” ring, he also soon started to explain its powers.

          “You see you two, this item is called “wish upon a star”. It lets me use the spell “wish” three times a day without any cost,” he then lifted his hand into the air to use it, but was stopped.

          “Don’t, that’s not gonna work on her. I’ve cast as many buff spells as possible and detection spells on her and the surroundings and there is no one around her or this general location,” Aeskell started.

          Ainz turned to her when she stopped. When he saw the look of utter determination and stoicism on her face he was slightly taken aback. He had never seen her like this. It was as if she was a different person than the man turned woman before.

          In fact, this might be the look she had on her face whenever she was doing her job when they were but humans back on earth. Albedo was the next one to speak. The apathy in her tone said she was locked in as well.

          “What do you see, Lady Aeskell?” she asked.

          “I see the words “Partial brainwashing” in a rather unsettling font in my mind’s eye when I see her. The only thing that can do that is the “world item” known as “downfall of castle and country”. The item lets the user take over any NPC they use it on,” she stated as if that wasn’t the worst thing possible, “it could be worse. We could have come across unknown magics.”

          Ainz nodded his head. She was right, it could have been worse. They could have come across the wild magic he heard about earlier.

          “let’s head back to the tomb, the best and easiest way to get rid of the brainwashing is to kill the said NPC. That, in and of itself, will be hard. But we can do it,” she stated killing one of Ainz’s beloved NPCs wasn’t the worst thing.

          She had just said that she was going to kill one of his best friend’s children, Peroroncino’s daughter. She had just suggested that they kill her. His anger spiked.

          Ainz was rightfully angered by this. So much so his wrath broke the emotional suppression barrier he had, and he marched over to Aeskell, but stopped halfway and walked over to a nearby tree and began to kick it.

          “Damn it! Damn it! God damn it!” he kept screaming and shouting.

          Aeskell was rather shocked. So shocked she didn’t move. Aeskell didn’t know how to deal with this. Aeskell hadn’t ever seen Ainz mad, or even all too angry at all. It was truly surreal to see him angered. When she was about to go over to him and calm him down, Albedo walked over and grabbed him from behind and buried her face in his back.

          This shocked Aeskell until she remembered her words with Albedo a mere hour later. She had told Albedo that Ainz needed his shield. That she was supposed to be that shield. That Aeskell herself couldn’t be that shield. That Ainz had acted more as her own should than anything.

          “My lord, please calm down. Cursing will not and cannot help Shalltear. We need to head back to the tomb like lady Aeskell said,” she said.

          Ainz was shocked into a different kind of emotional break. It took a solid minute for his mind to calm down from the emotions that came from the two large loafs pressed onto his back. He had of course never imagined Albedo would be bold enough to do this.

          This made him think back to why she was doing so, and he calmed down. He took a rather large metaphorical sigh, and let it out. this was going to be a rather long and chaotic day, wasn’t it?

          “Albedo, you can let me go now,” he said to Albedo, and she let go.

          Since the Author doesn’t quite remember this section of the story. He hasn’t seen the anime, or at least this part of the story, in a good while. Bear with him for a minute.

          Ainz, Aeskell, Albedo, and Shizu delta teleported down into the treasury, and last floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Albedo was soon caught by a bit of surprise as she looked around at the absolute motherload of gold and items in the treasury.

          Aeskell was caught by surprise as well. The whole reason was the fact that there was even more supposedly. Her old guild she was peer pressured into joining was always running out of money. In fact, it would have been the reason why she left if she hadn’t been kicked out.

          Shizu of course showed no reaction. But she was happy that she finally got to meet and be around the only other automata she had ever had the pleasure of meeting. Other than that, she also was happy that she was near lord Ainz.

          Ainz quickly shrugged off their looks and made haste to the gateway that led to the rest of the treasury. The others soon shrugged off their own awe and walked over to Ainz.

          There, he was trying to remember the words of passage to enter rest of the treasury, but for the life of himself, he couldn’t remember them. He remembered that it was a bible passage, but he couldn’t remember which it was.

          Then, Aeskell saw Latin on the black gateway. She read it and recognized the line. It was a passage from the bible. Before she had been brought to this world, was a Christian, same as her grandfather. What sect of faith, she wouldn’t say. But she knew the bible in Latin, and she decided to speak it out loud.

          “John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” she spoke out, and the blackness fell away.

          Ainz looked at her for a solid minute, with his hands on his head. He didn’t know the bible. He had never read it, but he did know the line she had spoken. She had reminded him of it.

          “I didn’t know you knew Latin,” he said to her.

          Aeskell shook her head in exasperation. She was starting to gat a bit worried about him now. Ainz hadn’t told the rest of the tomb much about himself and the world they had come from.

          When she had told Albedo about Earth a little after she had calmed down. The succubus seemed awfully accepting of the knowledge. The rest of the tomb seemed like they would be fine with the knowledge.

          But then again, not all of the NPCs were immune to mind control; and the knowledge could leek out. she shook her head once more. It was better not to dwell on such things.

          “I have read the Bible multiple times. Some in Japanese, some in English, others in Latin,” she told the now slightly confused overlord of Nazarick.

Random thought I might as well ask. Should I genderbend Pandora's Actor?

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