The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 2: Tommy Guns Are Fun! part four (48)

          “I guess you want to die tonight boys,” Peregrinus, or rather Aeskell said.

          She just wanted to take a walk around the capital. That’s all she wanted to do. Now, she was wrapped up in a conspiracy to kill the eight fingers Mafia group. Of course, they were a crime syndicate, not the mob. But she didn’t really care.

          She had also remembered at the last second that Gazef lived here. So, she decided that she didn’t want to meet him like this. After that decision, she found an amulet in her inventory that gave her a silver-haired-beauty look.

          The amulet itself was a simple thing. An item she got after completing one of her dailies. The thing itself looked like an open human hand holding an ember of green, red, and gold fire. Her body changed when she put the thing on. The enchantment was a hard light illusion spell.

          That meant after she took a certain amount of damage, the spell would shatter, and she would be seen in all her normal tomboy glory. Her skin shifted to a lighter, slightly unhealthy, alabaster white.

          Her hair changed to that of a sterling silver; the front of her hair had tight braids that were pinned to the back of her head and let drop and was brought back up like Kaguya’s hair style from love is war.

Then the eyes she loved shifted to that of an Adamantite blue. Then finally, the bust she had expanded nearly to that of Albedo’s. It was actually pretty strange to have a bust this large. Her normal bust was just considered large back on earth, not in Yggdrasil.

          She had also put on a rather nice suit and tie that she rather liked. In her mind, and apparently the mind of the maid that was assigned to her, she looked good in it. The amulet also gave her a mid-tier level intimidation gaze. Apparently, it was meant to be able to scare off anyone that tried to pierce the veil of the item.

          She had also decided to just roleplay as a mob boss. Why, you may ask? Because it was a fun idea that she had. The whole idea of a new family on the block that would push into the home of another group was too good an idea to pass up.

          She would ask Ainz to play along with her, but he was busy being Momon right now apparently. Some random dude named Raven had asked the group she and Ainz had made to come to the capital and aid him in something or other. The way Ainz explained it made it seem kind of boring in all honesty.

          It surely wasn’t as cool as dismantling a crime ring, wasn’t it? But that was an idea for another day. Right now, she was kicking a cloaked assassin in the face with the heel of her foot. The man that had dared interrupt her conversation with the small teenager dropped to the floor.

          He was just barely alive, and the other two looked on with fear. She then let her foot down and took a step forward, closing the distance rather fast and grabbing the two men by their throats.

          She squeezed ever-so-slightly. The two men lost their lives in an instant there and then. The only one that had survived her attack was the first man. While she didn’t need the information one would get normally, she didn’t really mind leaving him alive.

          After all, she planned on making the other NPCs like her. One way of doing so was to give them gifts. This man was going to be a gift to everybody’s favorite cockroach, Kyouhokou. She had learned that his kids were getting hungry and had decided to give his family some snacks.

          Of course, she was slightly apprehensive about giving his family food after she had learned that his family liked that flesh of man. But after realizing they preferred the flesh of those who had done wrong to Nazarick, she was fine with it. His kids also liked live food more.

          “Are you kids done with your fights or do you need any help?” she asked the two other men.

          The blue haired man looked at her after he back stepped a swing that the assassin took at him. The look on his face was that of a slightly aerated man. He was scared of her for some odd reason.

          “No,” he answered, “just needed to shake off the rust a bit.”

          She nodded at that. The man was that same level as Gazef surprisingly. One key difference was that he was a swordsman instead of a weapon master like Gazef. Oh, and he had one level in cooking. That was the funny thing. Because of that, he would never be the same level of fighter as his rival.

          Then she looked at the boy of the group. He was a mere sixteen years old. But he was plenty strong for his age. Of course, he was only level eighteen. He also seemed to have leveled recently though. He barely had any experience in the level bar under his name.

          “I’m fine I think,” he said after he had been called out.

          The boy was struggling though, and Aeskell really didn’t want to lose the informant Demiurge had just gotten after some hard work. He was the princess’ bodyguard. Why he was here? She didn’t know, and really hadn’t cared at first. But now after she realized that if he died, then the princess would get sad or mad at them and then they would have to send her to Neuronist. She really was too lazy to grab her herself, so she just had to make sure that the boy didn’t die, which was easy.

          After the boy had a fight that he seemed to blow ought of proportion, everyone put away their weapons. Aeskell, or Peregrinus as she would have to call herself right now, looked at the men on the ground and in her hands.

          She let the corpses drop to the ground and walked over to one of the two other men that had been left alive. The boy hadn’t killed his fighter, and Peregrinus didn’t really mind that he was left alive. What she did mind was the health of her present to Kyouhokou.

          She walked over to the man she had dropped with a single kick a blow and kneeled next to the nearly dead man. She raised her hand to the man’s face. He was knocked out right now, and she wanted him in full health.

          “Lesser Heal,” she said as the spell took effect.

          The man was still asleep after the healing, so she told the shadow demon the was linked to her to grab the newly healed man after they turned him over to the authorities and give him to the cockroach.

          The two men that had fought the other two men that had ambushed them a strange and shocked look. She got up on her feet and looked at them in turn. She quirked an eyebrow up in response to their un-said questions.

          “What is it?” she finally asked after a second of an awkward pause.

          “Nothing, just,” Brain paused for another second then continued, “what are you?” he finished his question.

          “Oh, I’m a war Cleric. A fifty-fifty mix of combat and healing abilities,” she explained her fake class.

          In reality, she was a paladin. But she thought this was a good fake class to use as this persona. After all, the mob were stereotypically catholic. The idea of a war cleric wasn’t a new idea she had either. Before she started minimaxing her character, she was actually a war cleric.

          But after she had been kicked out of her old guild, she had found the “Atomic Flame” questline and reset her character about a dozen levels. After that, she decided to become a paladin.

          It was in the past though, and back then she wasn’t in the best head space. Though, it was fun to dream what the present would be like if she stayed on that path.

          “Oh, I’ve never heard of a War Cleric before,” Brain said with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

          Climb nodded his head as well. It seemed that neither of them had ever heard of one. That was slightly saddening, but not the end of the world. In all fairness, it was a slightly rare class.

          “Yes, yes, I am a war Cleric. I haven’t heard of the class being all that common here. but then again, it was rare back in my home country as well. But that’s beside the point. I believe we need to get these men to the authorities?” she half asked, half stated.

          The other two nodded their heads.

          “But I also have an idea on how to get beyond that fear,” Peregrinus turned to Brain, “I have a quick trick and some advice on how to surpass fear. But remember, all mortal men feel fear. You aren’t really human or demi-human if you don’t feel fear. It takes actual courage to push past it,” she told the man.

          The man nodded his head once more and asked a question. This question was of course natural. After all, they had just had a battle with some assassins and now this random woman he just met.

          “Ok, but what is this trick. No measly trick can fight against that fear I felt on that day,” he said with a sorrowful, yet serious, tone of voice.

          “I’ve delt with fear before, and all it takes is a rather strong grip on life to shake it away. After all, the only reason I’m standing before you both is because of fear and the faith that I could push past it,” she said.

          This spout of near nonsense wasn’t all smoke and mirrors though. Her fear of never having a family again had pushed her to find a place that would accept her. That led to her trying to conquer The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

          Well, conquer was a rather strong term. She simply wanted to meet the man that kept it going. She had faith in finding a new friend if she pushed hard enough.

          “I believe you, but what is this method you keep backing up?” he asked.

          In response, she took a step or two back.

          “Prepare thyself Brain Unglaus! Or thy shall join the dead!” she stated in a loud and otherworldly voice.

          Brain readied himself after he felt the great power behind her tone and stance. It was like she wasn’t the woman that he had just met that seemed to have such a casual confidence.

          The world seemed to start burning for Brain. Like the skin he was wearing on his muckles would slough off and broil on the stone floor of the alleyway. Climb felt this as well, just not as strong.

          Peregrinus was simply putting killing intent behind the mid-tier intimidation enchantment on her necklace. Back on earth, she had felt and given out killing intent a couple of times rather fiercely. She knew what it felt like.

          Then, she kicked her leg forward. The shear power behind the kick was so powerful even Sebas would be able to feel it when even if he blocked it. But the advice she had given Brain seemed to give his mind the edge it needed.

          He imagined the woman before him as that Vampire, that she was striking out at him. He needed to live, to push himself past that fear.

          He tilted his head to the side to dodge the blow. When her foot passed, the killing intent vanished as if it weren’t there. He slumped to the ground as if he were a puppet with his strings cut. Yes, that’s what he felt like.

          His mind was suddenly clear, the fear at the edge of his mind was somewhat gone. It has now been replaced with something else. A solid faith, a hope that he would be able to at least stand when he was struck down.

          He still had no hope of striking a blow against that mountain of power that he had faced. But at least he could stand it when she struck. He would die, but he wouldn’t die of fear, that was something that might be actually worse given who that monster was.

          “There, you no longer have to stop when you come across that wall of fear,” Peregrinus said, “now, do the both of you want to go kill some eight finger fools?” she asked.

          The two of them could only look at the impossibly strong person. She could fight by herself if she wanted, they realized that now. They could only nod in response. To their rather apprehensive nods, she smiled.

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