The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 2: Tommy Guns Are Fun! part five (49)

          “This is the place?” asked Climb.

          Peregrinus looked at the steel door in front of her. before confirming his question.

          “Yes, it is. I was investigating where the man that threatened my new subordinate’s life worked. He works here. Actually, from my research, the man himself is a member of the group “Six Arms,” she said.

          Climb did a double take. He shook his head from side to side as if shaking off the words he just heard. Then asked a question that matched his new mood.

          “I’m sorry lady Peregrinus. I think I misheard you. Did you say Six Arms?” he asked, and the woman turned and nodded her head at him with a smile on her face.

          “Yes, yes she did,” Brain said with slight exasperation, “but what’s our plan of attack?” he asked the other two.

          Peregrinus thought for a moment, then pulled a little pouch from her suitcoat and opened it. A deep blue glow came from the pouch itself and she pulled something from it.

          “This my friends is a pouch of holding. It’s a magic Item from my homeland. It can hold more stuff on the inside of it than you would normally be able to. Right now, all that’s in it is my weapons and a couple of magic items,” she said, pulling out a couple of bracelets from the thing; then she gestured to them.

          “These are bracelets of vigor. They increase your natural regeneration rate by 50 percent. One for each of you,” she said while handing them to the two men. “The both of you are simply borrowing them. You can’t keep them,” she finished her line.

          The two of them looked at the bracelets in their hands and put them on. The both of them immediately felt the change in their own power. In fact, Climb felt it was the same level of power as the ring that his mentor, Gazef Stronoff, gave him. Brain felt something similar, but of course different.

          Brain had on a multitude of magic items on his person. But this felt a little bit different. It was like he was wearing a couple of items at once. This made him think that the magic item did more than the one thing that Peregrinus said it did. But, that was a line of thought for another day, he had a crime ring to dismantle.

          “Now,” she said after they put on their items. “Let’s go take out this brothel. The two of you can go in the back, I’ll take out the front area and draw them in. sound good?” she proposed.

          “That’s alright with me. If you don’t mind me asking, what weapon are you going to use. You mentioned something about that pouch having your weapons,” Climb asked the older woman.

          To that question, she reached into her pouch and pulled out a Tommy Gun.

          “You mean this bad boy. This is a managun. The weapon itself fires concentrated mana through the air nearly as fast as the speed of sound. Now, why don’t you two wraps around the back of this here brothel and I can take out the front?” She reiterated the plan with a question.

          “alright,” the young man said in the affirmative and the other simply nodded his head.

          As they ran to the back of the building, Peregrinus pulled a magazine full of .45 ACP from her inventory and slid it into the magazine well on her gun. She brought her hand up to the top of the gun, where the charging handle was, and slid it back to the rear.

          She then looked at the steel door that led into the front of the building, and kicked it down effortlessly. The door crumpled inwards and snapped. On the other side of the doorway, the men that were previously lazing about the place were now on edge.

          Peregrinus looked at the men that were in the hallway that seemed to lead to the rest of the building. With the light of the day to her back coming in from the rest, she looked like an angel of death.

          One of the guards at the front of rest placed a hand on his sword’s handle and prepared himself to launch himself at his quarry. The silver-haired woman that was Peregrinus roamed her gaze across the people there.

          “Hey everyone, how’s your health plan?” she asked no one in particular.

          The man with the sword rushed her. He was the first to die. She pulled the trigger of her Tommy Gun and littered the man with lead.

          “Apparently it’s great!” she shouted in glee as she littered the rest of them with bullets.

          The sound traveled all around the building in fact. Though, no one recognized the sound from the gun she was wielding. The sound did though send shivers down the spines of all those in the building.

          The other two in her group looked at each other as they made their way through the building, clearing room by room. Climb was starting to wonder who this strange woman was, while Brain was trying not to think of what the damage the weapon, she used could do given her power level.

          As she walked down the halls of the brothel she smiled a little bit. Not because she was happy that she was freeing illegal slaves no, no, no. She was happy because she had remembered the words to a very special song for her. Or at least, it had been at one point.

          “Cuz, I got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle. Jingle jangle. As I go riding merrily along,” she mumble-sang under her breath.

          As she then continued to walk and sing under her breath as she made her way through the building, she saw one of the men that had demanded something or other form her back at the mansion. She frowned at the man’s face through the wall.

          Of course, he couldn’t see her. But she could see him she thought what her game plan should be, hm. What should her plan be? Oh, a light bulb went off in her head and she smiled.

          She cast a “Silence” spell on herself, and opened the door as quietly as she could. There, she saw the man on the bed, punching the nearly dead woman laying underneath him. The man was fat, sweaty, and overall, a pig of a thing.

          She grimaced at the thought of her killing him. His sweaty guts and oily body junk would get everywhere if she killed him in here. That was why she would do as she had planned.

          She dispelled her silence spell and pointed her gun muzzle at the man on the bed. A shiver went down the spine of the man. He stopped as the ever-so slight killing intent reached him. He nearly pissed himself right then to tell you the truth.

          “Get up and off of the bed,” Peregrinus ordered, and the man complied.

          He put his hand in the air while he did so, as if his naked form could actually have any weapons on it. She ordered him to turn around and that’s when he saw her face. The utter contempt, yet casualness that the woman’s face held scared him.

          “Names Peregrinus. You threatened a friend of mine yesterday. She didn’t like that very much at all. Now, I hear this country has got a crime ring of its own. Killing off this local will certainly let me take a piece of this country’s pie. So, I’m going to give you to the count of ten to get your fat, oily, lazy ass out of this building,” she said.

          The man didn’t think twice. He ran out of the room as she counted down, the killing intent rising after each number.

          “One,” she started, and he reached the door.

          “Two,” she went to, and he reached the hallway.

          “Three,” she counted, and the man was halfway to the end of the hallway.

          “Ten,” she said as she stepped out of the room and sprayed lead down the way of the hall.

          She cackled the as she mag dumped the entire fifty round magazine of .45 ACP into the man. He wasn’t even a sack of flesh after the twelfth round. Mist he had become. It was actually unnerving for the girls she had saved in their rooms. Their savor’s laughter echoed down the hall.

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