The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 2: Tommy Guns Are Fun! part six (50)

          Climb looked at the man in front of him. His day had been going. It wasn’t really a bad day, and it wasn’t a good day. It was simply a day. The thing was, he hadn’t really expected to be fighting a person that was at Succulent’s level.

          Sure, he was planning on patrolling the city a little bit while he went back to the castle, but to come across a person of the Adamantite level back-to-back was rather taxing. It also didn’t help that he was constantly listening to the rattles of whatever weapon lady peregrinus had.

          But he needed to do his duty. That duty included doing as his mistress willed. Her will was that slavery would be a thing of the past, so he was here. After all, he simply couldn’t let an illegal underground brothel be active, now could he?

          The other man other than Succulent here was a man by the name of Cocco Doll. He was actually the leader of the slave department in eight fingers. So, he also needed to pay for his crimes. That was why Climb was also searching for him along with the rest of his group.

          Right now, Climb was standing in front of the door that led to the outside. The other two people he was here for didn’t know that there was someone else with him on the opposite side of the room. The way to the rest of the building was a door on the opposite side of the room.

          Lord Unglaus had gone through the door so he could take out some of the enemies and search for the people they were looking for. Now, he simply had to guard the door, and make sure that the enemies didn’t leave so that either lord Unglaus or lady Peregrinus could make their way to him.

          “Come on and fight!” he chanted his war cry.

          Peregrinus looked at the boy laying on the ground. After she had scared the entire building, she had made her way to the location of the man she was searching for. After all, she had killed literary everyone who hadn’t surrendered.

From guards to cleaners, she had killed them all. She didn’t really feel anything about it after all, which was strange. She was a paladin after all. Wasn’t she supposed to feel something for the downtrodden that worked here? or was it an Old Testament God thing?

          Would she find herself caring for those that swore themselves to her and the Atomic Flame? Would she find herself caring for those who had nothing to do with her at the end of the day, just because they didn’t have the best lives?

          Maybe, maybe not. After all, right now she wasn’t Aeskell, she was Peregrinus. That meant that she wasn’t a paladin right now. Right now, she was thinking about how poorly he did against the man in front of her.

          The boy had, of course, done rather well. That was up until he thought he had killed the man. Succulent was a fighter that utilized illusions. To think that he didn’t have a spell that would trigger after his opponent got a good hit was strange.

          But the kid was a kid. He didn’t have the experience of an older fighter. Sure, he had an average level cap. But the level wasn’t everything. Skill could go a long way. After all, just look at Ainz. His character was a hodge podge of a multitude of different clichés. But his mind and his skill were what made him good at fighting.

          She kneeled to the ground and looked the boy in the eyes. She then decided to give the kid some words of encouragement, as well as a healing spell.

          “Lesser heal,” she chanted as she held out her hand, “you did good kid, and before you say anything about Brain or this sorry excuse for a fighter don’t. Brain is trying to find the men that ran away after I let out all that killing intent, and I already know the powers of succulent,” she explained, and Climb closed his eyes.

          She then got up from her position and looked at the two men in front of her. she could of course take them out right away, but she planned on killing the both of them. So, she might as well fish for a bit of information.

          She wondered what she could ask, after all, she simply decided to come here and kill some people who had threatened her subordinate. She wasn’t here for information. At least, at the start. Now, she realized that she could probably find some information while she was here.

          “I was wondering,” she started, “why even have a brothel in the capital? Like, if you guys had gotten caught by someone and were actually successfully reported on, you’d be dead,” she said, “Gazef Stronoff would have been sent here to kill or arrest you all; by the end of the it, your organization would no doubt be crippled,” she finished her line of thought.

          This question wasn’t serious. She didn’t really care after all. She had all the info she wanted and could simply ask Demiurge to run an info gathering run if she wanted any. This was all merely to be safer than sorry, as well as to make sure that she wasn’t missing anything obvious.

          “Well…” the man Cocco Doll started but was cut off by Succulent.

          “Don’t, she’s simply fishing for information. If you say anything to her, we’ll lose all our worth in her eyes. She’ll attack, isn’t that right?” Succulent said, confident in his idea of her.

          She shook her head in a casual way that sent a shiver down the spines of both of the men. She then took her hand and brought it to the charging handle on top of her Tommy Gun. She pulled it back to the rear and aimed it at the man in front of her.

          “No, she stated with finality and pulled the trigger of her gun.

          Lead littered the body of the man in front of her as she cackled. He was able to take a bit more damage than the man she had done this to before upstairs. But not much longer. His body had turned into a fine mist by the time she had run out of ammunition in her magazine.

          She then looked to the other man and pulled out the magazine from the mag well in her gun. She was grinning from ear to ear all the while. She then decided to speak again while she did so, just to instill as much fear in Cocco Doll as possible.

          While this wasn’t the actions of a paladin, or even a war cleric, she didn’t really seem to mind. In fact, she seemed to gain Karma points as the people she had killed today weren’t the best of people.

          She then looked back at her pouch and put her Tommy Gun away. But instead of pulling out a 1911. She then took out a magazine for it and placed it into the magazine well. She pulled the slide back and chambered a round.

          She then heard the door open behind and looked. She already knew who it was. It was Brain after he had finally found all the enemies in the room he was clearing out. He looked at the puddle of misted blood and then back up to peregrinus.

          “Brain, should we just kill Cocco Doll, or should we turn him into the authorities? Climb here is fine, but he has been knocked out after losing all that blood,” she finished her line, gesturing to the young man on the ground.

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