The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 3: Baby… (51)

Chapter 3: Baby…

          Aeskell was smiling as she walked back to the manor. In fact, she was rather ecstatic! She had just introduced her new persona onto the world, and she couldn’t be happier. What would be even better would be if She got to see it from the outside.

          Yeah sure, at first this persona had just been to avoid Gazef, but she really got into the role of an indiscriminate mob boss. Also, the silver-haired beauty look had grown on her. She might even make this look a common occurrence. Being a mob boss, that is.

          But the crime ring in this country isn’t really a family at all though, which is kind of disappointing. But hey, that just will fuel her new idea even more so. Well, it is just a passing idea.

          In fact, she might even bring the idea of the mob ruling the county from shadows into an idea here. that could work. But who was she kidding, that was just a passing idea to her. it’s not like a certain archdemon would take the idea and run a hundred and twenty miles with it, right?

          The sun was starting to set as she looked at the manor. She might even want to keep this place; it was pretty nice after all. What was she saying though, they needed to keep their eyes open and cover any tracks they made.

          “After all, Shalltear’s captors could be in this very country, hiding,” she thought to herself.

          It was strange to be this paranoid though. After all, she could see the levels and complete stat sheets of most of the people of this nation at a slightly powerful glance. The whole hiding thing and waiting for their enemies to move wasn’t really her thing originally. But she would let Ainz guide her.

          She then arrived at the front door to the manor, she knocked on the door and it opened. On the other side of the door was Solution, in her maid uniform. She looked at the supreme being and tilted her head to the side.

          “Welcome back my lady, Lord Ainz is here, as well as lord Demiurge and lady Albedo. May I ask, why are you dressed up like that though?” she asked with slight confusion.

          “Oh,” she reacted to the maid’s question with a bit of surprise at herself, she had forgotten to take off the amulet that was changing her look.

          “I forgot to take this magic item off. Anyway, I simply wanted to walk around the capital not as Aeskell, but as a new persona I might be able to use later,” she fibbed a bit.

          She was slightly embarrassed by her first reason for going out like this, so she went with the slightly newer reason. Solution nodded her head at that and let her lady inside. She would have of course let her lady inside when she had just arrived, but she had been slightly surprised by her lady’s new look.

          As she walked inside, Solution still had a somewhat questioning look on her face but was otherwise unbothered by the supreme being’s lack of removal of the item. If Solution was being honest with herself, she liked the look that lady Aeskell had on right now.

          “Lord Ainz wanted to talk to about something regarding your adventuring personas. He said it was rather urgent as they will be needed soon,” she relayed his words to the other supreme being, and Aeskell nodded at her words.

          As the two of them made their way to where Ainz and the others were waiting Aeskell noticed something odd. Now, Aeskell could see everyone’s statuses, including Ainz’s. But Albedo’s stats seemed to have a weird effect on them.

          As they neared the meeting room, Aeskell noticed that the blurry line of text in her mind’s eye was getting unblurred. She then nearly stopped in her tracks when she saw what it said.

          “Pregnant,” muttered Aeskell under her breath.

          It was unthinkable, getting her pregnant when all the organic matter that came from a person’s body when they used the polymorph ring disappeared. Of course, if he had fallen asleep when using it, that could mean that Albedo’s body had enough time to take it in and it could have gotten her pregnant that way, but still.

          It’s only been like a day. They just had sex yesterday even! How could his sperm work that fast? Aeskell had plenty of questions now. Like, is that why they came here? Or did he just want to talk about their adventuring time together?

          Then she remembered why he was here. She had momentarily forgotten. Oh yeah, he was here as Momon. That was why he was here, he probably just wanted to have a nice conversation with her about how they were going to do this thing.

          Though, they hadn’t talked to each other face to face for a couple of days now, and he also probably wanted to talk about the new hire. Yeah, that was probably another reason he was here.

          Or maybe he just wanted to talk with his friend? That might be it too.

          Ainz looked at Aeskell as she walked into the room with Solution in tow. She, for whatever the reason, was wearing a magic item that made her look like what he would call a silver-haired beauty.

          She sat down on one of the couches and looked around the room with a smile on her face. Then her gaze locked onto his. The smile on her face grew wider into what one would call a motherly smile.

          Confusion grew in his mind. Why was she looking at him like that? Why was her gaze hiding a bit of jealousy under it? Those thoughts were brought to a halt by his emotional suppression.

          He then decided to speak, but before he could do so, Aeskell looked to Albedo, who was sitting on her left of the couch. She then spoke.

          “Albedo, when were going to tell me that were pregnant?” she asked the succubus he had just slept with.

          His mind blanked right there and then. But the other two women didn’t stop talking, even when Demiurge started to hyperventilate. It was actually kind of funny, the way her bent down and cradled his legs like a baby.

          But his emotional suppression kicked in again. Then he remembered immediately why it was kicking in and he panicked again. Then it activated again. This went on for about the whole time that the two women talked.

          Ainz half wondered how Aeskell had just accepted her new gender so quickly for a split second, then he remembered he was now a true bone daddy and panicked once more.

          “So, what do you want to name them?” Aeskell asked her.

          “If their a boy, Romulus, if a girl, Tanya,” she answered matter-of-factly.

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