The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 4: Mythrilblood, part one (52)

Chapter 4: Mythrilblood

          Aeskell took another sip of her tea. Right now, she was talking to Demiurge and Albedo as Ainz was off doing things as Momon right now. It was rather strange to think that he would be a dad, in her opinion. But the others seemed ecstatic at the news, so she was happy as well.

          Demiurge was currently explaining a plan he claimed Ainz had devised. Said plan was one that would help grow and set up their future plans for Momon’s lore. Aeskell had mentioned that she had went out for a walk as a new character called “Peregrinus.”

          She had explained to them that she had done that day, and also explained her general idea of who the new persona was supposed to be. As soon as she actually started to explain, Demiurge started to show a rather large grin on his evil face. He then spoke up after she had explained everything.

          “My lady, your plan is brilliant! To think that I wasn’t even able to come up with such a new and grand idea puts into perspective just how intelligent the supreme beings are!” the demon shouted, “Sasuga Ainz sama for brining you into their fold my lady!”

          She quirked and eyebrow at that but said nothing. Albedo then looked at the demon with a confused look on her face. The floor guardian simply looked at the woman with smug grin that screamed, “I’m the favorite child,” at her.

          “Demiurge, Albedo, don’t simply compete with each other; communicate,” she told the two and they straightened up at her words.

          “Ok demiurge, what plan have you seen in my action thus far?” she said like a proud mother, as if the demon was her son and not some chuuni’s creation of his.

          The child of the Grand Catastrophe smiled as he nodded his head and leaned forward. He nearly started bouncing on the couch he was sitting on as he noticed the proud smile on the paladin’s face. But he held it in, there wasn’t a need to be unprofessional like that, after all.

          “Well, my lady, as you yourself have said. The government of the Re-Estize kingdom isn’t very effective. As we can see, it is rather corrupt and is polluted with a rather deep-seated crime ring,” he explained what everybody knew.

          The demon then continued, like a happy child that managed to guess his birthday gift months ahead of time, he smiled.

          “So, as you have set up, we can build a crime ring that has the people’s heart at mind. At least, from the people’s perspective. If we set up this “Peregrinus” persona so that people see her as a beacon of stability and safety, we can influence the people’s hearts and minds better and much more easily,” he said.

          Aeskell nodded at that, she then took another sip of her tea. She had actually thought of doing that once Demiurge had started talking about a supposed plan. She was rather happy that her outing had set up so much happiness for the 7th floor guardian.

          “What else Demiurge? What else is part of the plan?” she asked with a rather kind and caring smile on her face, as if the plan he had brought up didn’t involve completely manipulating the minds of the people of Re-Estize.

          He nodded his head with more fervor.

          He almost bounced up and down with excitement when he spoke, “when we do that, we can influence the people at heart as I have said. If we stay under the radar and don’t get into the politics of this nation, and instead simply influence the economy, we can change how the people think of us and the government. In the subconscious thoughts of the people, we will be the governing body, and if we separate Peregrinus’s actions from the actions of the government, having the government act unruly and seemingly foolish at times, we can make the people think of us as the true rulers of the nation, setting the stage for the land you and lord Ainz plan on building,” he said.

          Aeskell nodded her head. She hadn’t actually made a plan to set up a nation. But the NPCs of the tomb seemingly wanted to make a nation, so she pushed them along I her own way.

          It made her rather happy in fact. These NPCs had welcomed her after a couple of months of her being there, and she was rather thankful. Sure, she tried to bond with them, but they were rather quick to become friendly. Sure, that was probably Ainz’s work at play.

          But to her, they came off as nothing but rather happy and eager children. Her newfound motherly side had kicked in. She smiled at them whenever they showed her something they were proud of. She cooed at them and made them feel better when they made a perceived mistake.

          It was rather nice to be a mother. It made her want to be an actual mother. She took another sip of her tea as Demiurge wrapped up his plan that he had made all by himself.

          “Great idea’s Demiurge, you made an even greater effort on this plan than I did. you even expanded it more, I’m proud of you,” she said with a yet another smile that didn’t seem to fade. “Oh, and we seem to have some visitors. Wait here while I get them.”

          Demiurge was feeling good right now. No, good wasn’t even the right word to describe what he was feeling right now. Lord Ainz had approved of his plan just a couple of hours ago, and now he was in the planning room where he was explaining the plan to the rest of the team that would carry it out.

          But the best part, he had received praise for his plan from lord Ainz and Lady Aeskell themselves. Lady Aeskell had even patted his head as part of the praise. She was now his third favorite supreme being. Right under Lord Ainz, who himself was right under his creator who he owed his life to.

          But he was getting off track. Right now, he needed to explain the plan. Everyone had a role to play, and everyone would play those roles well. At least, he hoped they would. It would be quite a saddening and disappointing thing to fail at such an easy plan, after all.

          He looked at all the people who were in the room with him. He also knew that Lady Aeskell in the guise of her new personality, “Peregrinus,” was in the room as well.

          She nodded at him to start the plan and he motioned after that for Entoma to display the area they were about to set up the plan in. As he started to explain, a smile crept up on his lips. He had just gotten a message from his informant. It was new information that would work well with his plan.

          “New information just came in, we now have six areas to hit instead of simply five,” he told the group as he smiled from ear to ear once more.

          It was then that lady Aeskell asked to go to the new location instead of Mare and Entoma as he was planning. He smiled at this, already realizing her new and ingenious plan.

          Meanwhile, in Aeskell’s head. Thoughts of gifts and praise were all she could think of. The children of the tomb were doing so well, and they were doing their best for her and Ainz. She was fully in mother mode by this point; and that just made her want to ask Ainz out after this.

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