The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 4: Mythrilblood, part three (54)

          She kept striking, and striking, and striking. But it was all useless in the end. All of Gagarin’s attacks were blocked by the weapon her opponent wielded. The sound of metal hitting metal wrapped in leather rang all around the place as she kept striking.

          “You good in the head miss adventurer? Or is your brain nothing but a large muscle?” Peregrinus asked the taller woman in jest.

          They stepped back from each other to let the words flow. Gagarin panted as she responded. The other woman wasn’t panting at all though, it was like she wasn’t even human.

          “That’s what my friends keep asking me, but I’m not sure,” she smirked.

          After that, the woman in red plate rushed forward as if she wasn’t tired at all. That somewhat surprised the other woman. Peregrinus hadn’t expected to even fight Gagarin at all tonight. At least, for this long. She was planning on hitting her once or twice, then dipping out of there.

          Then the Adamantite ranked adventurer started striking her full force once more. She smiled as the mob boss started to block every blow once more. But her smile soon turned to surprise as the suited girl then glowed for a second and struck with her foot in a rather powerful kick.

          It grazed the side of Gagarin’s head and she panicked and backed away, but the mob boss reeled her foot back and took a step forward. She stabbed with the blunt end of her leather wrapped rod and it left a slight cut on the other side of the taller woman’s face.

          Gagarin leaned to the side and swung with her hammer once more, she was starting to go full force once more. Even after all the fast and tough fighting she had done today.

          Peregrinus was able to land a blow or two as the taller woman had to take a breather or two. Her armor was dented, her hammer was slightly cracked, and she was overall, nearly beaten. Gagarin fell to her knees as she huffed in and out air. Peregrinus was about to land the final strike.

          That was until another woman entered the field of their battle. Just as Peregrinus was about to land the final blow that would surely kill the adventurer, one of her comrades came in clutch and pulled her out of reach.

          Said person had just grabbed the large woman in the nick of time as Peregrinus was just about to end it all right then and there. Peregrinus looked at the two of them with a slight smile on her face.

          The girl who had just saved her was in fact, another member of the team Blue Roses. She was Tia of Blue Roses. She, in Peregrinus’s mind, was the forgettable twin of the group.

          In fact, the only reason she even remembered the woman’s name was because of her special skills that she had from being a “Automata Reborn of The Atomic Flame.” But that was getting beside the point. She had also started to sense another member of their team.

          Evil Eye was getting closer to their location. Sure, she wanted to dip out of this fight now, she was getting bored in all honesty, she hadn’t made any references to any fun or cool anime in a while, so she was starting to get bored.

          But she was too far into this role and now she couldn’t and wouldn’t back out now. She smiled a rather snide smile and rolled her shoulders. This night was going to be long. She took a rather short, but powerful breath and filled her artificial lungs with the crisp air of the night. She then let it out.

          “Well, well, well, I let down my guard for a second, and a ninja of all things takes my prey out from under me,” she said in a rather ecstatic voice, she needed to play the role well after all.

          Instead of responding to the mob boss’s remark, the ninja that was now here stands up and asks poked fun at her partner in work. It was honestly kind of endearing in Peregrinus’s mind that she could joke when they mind die.

          “Wow, you bleed red. Here I thought you’d bleed blue, like a cool power up,” the ninja said coolly.

          “I didn’t change races!” Gagarin responded with a slight shout.

          Instead of any snide comeback, the ninja responded with a slight smirk on her lips and a kind of funny response like she was a kid playing a neat video game. Peregrinus smiled at their interactions. It reminded her of all the stories that Ainz had talked about when they were alone together.

          “It could still happen,” she responded with a rather cocky tone.

          Gagarin shook her head as she stood up and chugged a potion from her bag at her hip. The cut from the leather that grazed the side of her face healed rather slowly and she prepped herself for the fight once more.

          The two of them started to run forth back into the battle, but something that the two of them weren’t expecting, at least not yet happened. A spear of blue crystal fell for the sky. Peregrinus dodged the blow, then proceeded to pull out a 1911, and blow the lance of rock apart with two rounds to the center mass of it.

          Evil Eye, the small one of their group, floated down to the ground slightly in front of the other two Blue Roses. She frowned beneath the mask she wore. She could tell that the woman in front of the three of them was hiding her true face. But then again, so was Evil Eye.

          Peregrinus could also tell that the girl in front her was hiding her true stats. After all, she was level fifty, at least that was what her eyes told her. but then again, she might be hiding her actual level. Then and then again, not even Ainz could hide his level from her, even with his world Item.

          So, she was undoubtedly level fifty. Peregrinus would have to be careful. She would have to watch out for some tricks that might catch her off guard. Of course, nothing would hurt her, but she might be caught off guard.

          “Hello there, miss whoever you’re supposed to be. May I know your name?” Peregrinus asked of the small little magic caster whose voice actress should have been paid more for her spectacular performance in season two.

          “Evil Eye,” was all she simply said, she then turned her head slightly to the side to gaze at her comrades then she spoke in a voice that told them how deep in trouble they were.

          “Run, this… Person… Is a monster above monsters,” she spoke softly.

          The two others looked at her then at each other and smiled in turn. She could tell that the two of them wouldn’t leave her right now, even after she had sensed the deep power underneath the mask that Peregrinus had put up.

          “If you three aren’t going to land the first strike, then I might as well,” Peregrinus said while leveling her gun at the lead person, who just so happened to be Evil Eye.

          She then fired her gun.

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