The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 5: Demon Ring of Flame, part one (55)

Chapter 5: Demon Ring of Flame

          The three people that Peregrinus had been fighting lay on the ground. All but one of them were panting. The only one not doing so was Evil Eye. The only reason she was down for the count was because she had run out of mana entirely.

          Evil Eye looked directly up and into the night sky wondering how and why she was like this. She was completely useless in the fight. Peregrinus had decided to become serious and added more buffs to herself. It took all her effort not to die in that fight. Now, she was simply standing above them.

          Standing beside and above them was the woman who had made them like this, Peregrinus Mythrilblood. She was perfectly fine even after a couple of hours fighting nonstop. It was honestly kind of comical how she had proved herself right.

          She wasn’t harmed at all, not even a scratch. Her suit was still flat, her hair was still as pristine as it was, and her face wasn’t marked by sweat. Overall, she looked the same as when they had started. The only difference was the other weapon she was holding in her hand.

          As well as the look on her face. She wasn’t smirking or gloating at all, in fact, she had a rather concerned expression on her face. It was like she had been expecting them to prove her wrong in some sort of way.

          She rubbed the back of her neck nervously, the look on her face changing to a rather nervous gaze. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then spoke, it was in a tone that belied her slight pity.

          “I actually expected more from you guys. Like, aren’t you all supposed to be defenders of the people here? Or am I understanding adventurers wrong?” she asked them.

          Evil Eye looked up at the girl in a suit. It seemed to the little vampire that this woman was more powerful than she herself realized. After all, Evil Eye was once a member of the fourteen heroes.

          “Like, in my homeland, you guys would probably be considered average, like completely average. In skill, I mean. In power you definitely outrank the common soldier,” she continued to say, but then stopped herself as she turned one of her ears to the sky.

          Then she darted to the side when a rather large force hit the ground. When the dust cleared and Evil Eye got a good look at the thing that had hit the ground, it appeared to be a man. His black plate was only slightly visible from the dust cloud he had made.

          He was not just any ordinary man. From what she could see from her prone position, it looked to be the Raven Black Hero Momon. He was a rather new adventurer. He had only just arrived in the kingdom about a year ago and he had already risen to thew level of Adamantite.

          The woman Peregrinus seemed happy at his landing. She smiled and pointed her baton thing at the man. She then spoke once more that night, her tone was rather elated.

          “Ah Momon the Raven Knight. What an unexpected surprise… And by expected… I mean completely expected!” she shouted the last bit of her line and raised her gun at the man.

          Just as she did so, a golden light covered her for a split second, then vanished. When she pulled the trigger, the light that had covered the woman for a second was covering the projectile.

          It zipped faster than the speed of sound now and just about hit the warrior. He then dodged to the side, and it zipped right along the side of his helmet. It then hit a building and exploded it. Gagarin and the ninja opened their mouths in shock. She could have killed them anytime, but she didn’t it only filled their minds with confusion.

          “Whoops, didn’t mean to do that!” Peregrinus shouted over the explosion.

          Then two more figures fell from the sky. This time, Evil eye got the chance to recognize them right away. One was wearing a red veil of some sort, the other had her hair tied in a ponytail.

          She recognized the first girl as The Red Hooded Maiden Viridael. The other one would obviously be the Black-Haired Princess Nabe then. Evil Eye had not expected to see them tonight. She had heard from Princess Renner that the marque had hired them for a job, one of the jobs that involved Eight Fingers just like the rest of them.

          Peregrinus’s eyes lit up like a tree in winter. Her eyes locked onto Viridael, and she started speaking in a rather happy voice. Why was she doing so? That question blinked on in all the current Blue Roses heads till they heard her words.

          “Sister! It’s been such a long time since I’ve last seen you! How have you been?” Her tone turned to one of an older sibling worrying for her little sister.

          To say that the Blu Roses would be shocked and were shocked by this new information would be an understatement. They had never guessed that they would see or hear of this woman’s past before. They couldn’t have even fathomed the family life of Peregrinus or Viridael.

          The Blue Roses looked to their peer in rank for her response. This person who looked and sounded like Aeskell when she took on her Viridael persona was actually a Doppelganger. It was actually Pandora’s Actor to be precise. He responded in a rather offended tone in Viridael’s voice.

          “Like you actually care sister! You keep tailing me everywhere I go! I want nothing to do with your or our dead father’s business!” Viridael shouted out.

          The words between the family kept going till Evil Eye realized that she could stand up. Her mana had re-genned enough to where she could fight once more. Her companions seemed to have also noticed that their breath had come back to them after a while and now they too sat up.

          But they didn’t attack at all. The three women felt like third wheels right now and didn’t want to draw attention to themselves. So, they simply walked over to the two silent members of Darkness and just stood by them.

          The two silent adventurers just looked at the three girls and silently told them to not speak with but some shaking of their heads. The two sisters soon just started to make references at each other. Peregrinus just kept making references to something called Abridged Anime, and Viridael kept referencing some form of holy scripture.

          They soon stopped yelling at each other. Silence soon reared its ugly head and permeated the whole space they were in. Then, the two sisters soon started to laugh. Their voices grew in volume and variation.

          Peregrinus soon started making weird clicking sounds that came from the back of her throat, she even fell to the ground in laughter. Her sister that served the Atomic Flame more thoughtfully also started making weird clicking sounds; she even held her sides as if they were going to spilt open.

          “Sister I’ve missed your laughs,” Peregrinus said with happiness but soon became serious, “but you still have to prove yourself if you want me to leave you alone,” she finished her thought.

          Her sister nodded gravely as if she had been thinking her sister would say something along these lines. She probably had said something like this before honestly.

          Then, part of the city erupted into flames. The sudden shift in what was happening gave all the Blue Roses whiplash. But the others seemed to have been seeing this coming. Peregrinus simply said something that changed the air even more.

          “I recognize those flames. They belong to the demon Jaldabaoth. You have seen his flames before. It is the reason you have stepped away from home, is it not? Little sister, drive him away, and I leave you to your own fate that you make yourself. Till then, goodbye,” she explained and simply jumped away without a second thought.

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