The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 5: The raven black Hero and the Red Hood, part three (22)

          After the heated discussion of the payment and such, Momon showed his face to the group. They didn’t seem all the impressed and he seemed a little run down by their comments. Viridael decided she should show her face as well and the group was actually shocked.

          She decided to make her own face look Slavic. Back on earth her own face was looking more Slavic than Asian. Momon went with his past face, so she went with a female version of her own looks from back on earth.

          Not to toot her own horn, but she was rather handsome in her past life. If she had sought any love life, she was sure to at least draw some people in, at least a little. But the swords of darkness’s reactions were a little strange.

          They had never seen such a beautiful woman before. Of course, she and Momon had used illusion spells to hide their true faces. But as soon as Viridael put back on her own mask, the group seemed to deflate a little.

          As both groups of adventurers started to leave, peter seemed to remember something. He held out a hand for Momon to stop and he did so with a little bit of tiredness, like all the talking had tuckered him out.

          “I just remembered that we never told each other the names of our parties. Ours is the swords of darkness,” he told the tall man.

          Momon nodded at this. Then he realized he was looking for his own party’s adventuring name. but the truth was, they didn’t have one. He hadn’t come up with one yet. He wasn’t that good at coming up with names. He named his own NPC Pandora’s Actor, simply because he was a doppelganger.

          ‘Oh, why didn’t I talk about this with Narberal and Aeskell first. Coming up with names on the fly is hard…’ the undead thought with panic.

          He thought about it for a little bit then blurted out his new adventuring party’s name. He took the seemingly only color that all three of them shared and used that as a name. It was genius to come up with it on the fly like that.

          “Our party’s name is Darkness,” he told the other party leader.

          Peter nodded at that and the rest of the swords of darkness. They seemed to be very satisfied by this answer. But the rest of the newly named Darkness, or rather just Viridael, looked at him funny.

          Disregarding that fact, Momon went down the stairs to the first floor of the guild hall. That was when the guild receptionist called for him. She ran up next to him and spoke to him in a rather loud voice. It would have hurt his ears if he wasn’t so resilient.

          “Mr. Momon, there is a man here requesting by name,” she told him.

          At this, Nabe was alerted, and she walked forward next to him, a hand on her sword. Her face told him that if the person that had requested them by name was any dangerous, that she would cut them down.

He hurriedly stopped her from doing so with a Karate chop to the head. She stopped herself and grabbed at her own head with a teary-eyed look. She was actually kind of cute like that. But against that, he simply pointed a finger at her.

          “don’t react like that. Think before you act Nabe,” he told her, and she nodded in agreement.

          Then Momon noticed a young man that looked like he had entered the age in his life when his body should be naturally bulking up, but he wasn’t. his hair covered the front part of his head. A single eye peeked out of his hair.

          “Hello, I am Nfirea Bareare. I am the person requesting you and your group,” he told the older man.

          Soon after he said this, Viridael came up from behind Momon and looked at the young man. She tilted her head to the side like she was thinking. Then she whispered to Momon that they were already taking a job from the swords of darkness.

          Momon nodded his agreement and then looked Nfirea in the eyes as he told him the truth of the matter. It would probably be a good idea to instill into the rest of the guild that they held onto their own promises. So, he spoke.

          “I am currently taking a job from the swords of darkness. Perhaps we could discuss this request at a later date?” he asked and Nfirea started to look crestfallen at this.

          It was then that Peter looked at him as if he was speaking nonsense. He shook his head and hurriedly whispered into the goliath of a man’s ear what he was missing out on.

          “Momon, do you know how rare it is to get requested by name is? This could be your chance to hit it big. To spread your reputation,” he told him.

          He sighed in exasperation and looked back at Viridael and Nabe for confirmation. It was then that Viridael made her idea known.

          “Why don’t we just talk about it in the meeting room upstairs? After all, we probably should talk about this deal some more other than simply taking whatever request gets shoved our way,” she told Momon and Nabe.

          Momon nodded his head and then turned to Nfirea. He jerked a thumb upstairs and made Viridael’s idea known, and the young pharmacist nodded his agreement.

          Back in the room they were just in, Viridael decided to make her suspicions known. She leaned forward in her chair and stared dead eyed at the young man. He squirmed in his seat and fidgeted.

          “So why did you ask Momon’s name in particular? He hasn’t, or more like we haven’t been in this city for more than a week. Yet you ask for us by name?” she questioned Nfirea.

          He looked sheepishly down at his feet. It was as if he hadn’t thought this far ahead in whatever plan he had. That was actually the case, as she had realized as soon as he started to squirm after her question.

          “Well, an adventurer came into our shop just the other day and they came in with a blood red potion. Potions aren’t supposed to be that color so I was wondering where she got it from. Turns out it came from your groups and I was wondering how you got it?” he quickly said; then he added something in, “I also need an escort to Carne village to gather some herbs. That is the big thing mostly.”

          She nodded her head at this. It wasn’t the hole truth, but it was enough to kind of guess what he wanted from them. He wanted the secret of the potion she gave that iron plate lady.

          It was then that Momon decided to interrupt her thoughts.

          “So, we just need to escort you? What if we bring the swords of darkness along? I, Viridael, and Nabe are quite powerful, but we don’t have the abilities of a ranger like Lukrut. We might also need the powers of a Druid, none of my group members are good at identifying herbs,” Momon requested.

          Nfirea seemed to liven up at this. He smiled and nodded his head.

          “Yes, that is a rather good idea,” he turned his head to the other group, “what do you guys think?” he asked them.

          The swords of darkness seemed on board with the idea. After some more talk they came to an agreement. Darkness and Swords of darkness would escort Nfirea Bareare to the village of Carne.

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