The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 5: The raven black Hero and the Red Hood, part two (21)

sorry for the lack of stuff yesterday. My room is currently freezing and I couldn't work for long like that. but anyway, here's the chapter!

          As Brigit walked into the potion shop, she noticed that it seemed like no one was there. She called out to see if anyone was even in the store but then she stopped herself when she noticed someone.

          It was a young man that looked to be in need of a haircut. His body was slim, and his hair covered his eyes. He had on an apron, and he stunk of herbs. What truly tipped her off that this was Nfirea Bareare was all of these facts.

          “Hello, can I help you with something?” the young man asked.

          “Yes, I need you to appraise a potion for me,” she responded, placing the potion she had gotten form the woman on the desk in front of her.

          He nodded his head and took out his hand. He spoke the name of an appraisal spell and his eye widened after the spell took effect. The change in the man’s demeanor startled the Iron ranked adventurer.

          He turned back to her at once and asked her a rather simple question, “please tell me, where did you get this?”

          Now at the local guild building, Viridael was happily looking at the job listings, while Momon and Nabe were simply grumbling. Viridael wore a red translucent hood and blacker than pitch plate armor. On her hip sat a sheathed falchion.

          Momon wore plate armor as well as a deep crimson red cape. On his back rested two ginormous great swords. His height was the first thing that brought someone’s attention to him though.

          The one standing slightly behind the two was a young woman or maybe even teenager. Her hair was the same glossy black of the plate armor the other two wore. While she herself wasn’t wearing anything noticeably fine, her looks drew others in.

          Momon turned to speak with Viridael. His voice was tinged with slight embarrassment. It was likely that he found them standing there to be rather embarrassing.

          “Viridael,” he whispered, “what quests are there that pay decent and aren’t just chores?”

          She turned to him, deactivating the arcane script spell on her mask, “well there aren’t many. Though, there is a basic goblin slaying quest here. To bad there isn’t a person who exclusively slays those here,”

          He tilted his head to the side and hummed in inquiry. It was her turn to be exasperated with him. It was like he had never read goblin slayer before. That was a crime in and of itself.

          They had talked on the way to the guild building and Viridael had found out how little fictions and movies Momon had seen. It was rather sad in her honest opinion. So, she said when they got back to the tomb, she would search for some classic stuff to sit and watch with him.

          It was at this thought that she noticed something. It was a small group of people. She then felt like a group of people were walking towards them. There were four in number. They ranged from level twelve to level twenty. There were three men in the group, one woman amongst them.

          With a nod of the head, Momon was told there were people behind them. Not that he needed to be told, he already had heard them approach. It was kind of funny, being able to simply convey messages through head and body movement. But that was a side effect of one’s perception ability.

          They waited till the group was right behind them and then turned around as if they had just noticed them. The two armored adventurers moved so in sink that it kind of hurt the lead guy’s eyes and brain, but that wasn’t really a problem.

          He shook his head a little bit and looked back at them. He raised his hand and decided to introduce himself. The toweringly tall man took it and shook.

          “I am Peter Muak. I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. It just so happens that we were looking for some help in an extermination quest we have taken on; you interested?” he asked of them.

          The three of them looked at each other. They had been standing there for about fifteen minutes now and they were starting to get tired of searching for a suitable quest. Momon then turned back to Peter and nodded.

          “We would love to hear more of this request. Could we perhaps find a place to talk about this a bit more privately?” Momon asked.

          Peter nodded his head and then mentioned the meeting room that parties often held, well, meetings in. They decided that was the best place to talk about this and went into one of the rooms.

          As the two groups sat down in the room, Viridael looked across the other group. There was an arcane spell caster, a druid, a fighter who seemed to be the highest level of their group, and a ranger who was staring at Nabe.

          The fighter who sat in the middle of the other group soon introduced himself. She already knew his name, but it didn’t hurt to formally introduce oneself.

          “Hello, I am Peter Muak. I am a silver rank fighter and the leader of our adventuring party. This person here is Dyne Woodwonder, he’s our resident druid,” he introduced, and Dyne tilted his head in a hello.

          “This is Lukrut Volve, our ranger and eyes and ears,” he continued.

          Lukrut tried to wave to Nabe in a rather flirtatious manner but nabe just scoffed at him and mumbled something to the effect of “sniveling worm”. It was a wonder that the ranger of their party didn’t hear her at all on account of him being a ranger and all.

          “Next, but certainly not least is Ninya the magic caster,” he finished.

          “Peter, I told you to stop calling me that! It’s embarrassing…” they retorted.

          Peter looked at them and smiled. It seemed that this group was rather well knit as it stood. It kind of reminded Momon of his past guild members. It let out in inward sigh and gestured to himself in turn.

          “I am Momon,” he then gestured to Viridael; “this is Viridael. She is our paladin.”

          The other group seemed shocked by this and peered at her with gazes that said, “why is she here?” and, “who truly is she?” It seemed to her and Momon that Paladin didn’t often become adventurers. Viridael wonder why that was.

          “And this is Nabe, she is an arcane magic caster,” he finished.

          Nabe tilted her head in greeting and still seemed apprehensive at teaming up with humans. It was honestly kid of endearing in Viridael’s opinion. That was until her thoughts were interrupted by Lukrut. He raised his hand and asked a weird question.

          “Sir Momon, what is your relationship with Nabe?” he asked.

          Momon tilted his head, but as he was about to answer Viridael answered in his stead. It was almost like she had expected Lukrut to ask a rather strange question, and her answering would help stop that in some way. Too bad it wasn’t going to work.

          “She’s his niece,” Viridael told him.

          Lukrut decided this was a rather good time to be kind of a pain in the behind. He smiled a rather flirtatious smile and took off from his seat and kneeled in front of nabe like a prince in armor. This only made her scowl and Momon grimace, if he could at all.

          “Oh good, if that the case I would like to confess something! I think I’m in love would you like to go out with some time?” he asked in quick succession.

          Nabe just looked at him with a gaze that spoke volumes. It unnerved the rest of the adventuring party but apparently not Lukrut. Then she responded.

          “Shush worm, or I may have to cut out your tung,” she responded coldy.

          Just as Momon was about to apologize for her words, Lukrut answered her with an answer he had not expected at all. In all honesty, it made him worry about his mental health.

           “Oh, I love that answer! You know not too many girls are honest these days. But I can tell that you want me! Just say so,” he finished.

          But before Nabe could answer him with another remark about how much like an insect he was, or how he should stop sniveling like one; peter came up from behind him and bonked him on the head.

          The rest of the adventuring group simply squirmed awkwardly in their seats at the display of force on Lukrut. Peter then began to apologize to the three.

          “I’m sorry for my friend’s rude comments and all,” he apologized to Nabe and Momon.

          “That’s quite alright. I am sorry for my… Neice’s comments as well,” he told the other party leader.

          The two party leaders then continued to speak about the deal and Momon learned of Ninya’s talent, as well as the other rather famous talent holder in the city. By the end of the hour, they had deduced how to split the money they were bound to earn as well as the time they would head out.

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