The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 9: Change of plot, part one (68)

Chapter nine: Change of plot

          Aeskell walked to the front gate of the village of Carne. It had been three months since she and Albedo announced that they were pregnant. It had been a wonderous three months, contrary to what she thought.

          Sure, she had regular morning sickness, but those quickly went away with a spell. She regularly had to pee, but that also went away with the spell as well, for some odd reason. In all honesty, this pregnancy was going easier for her than it was for Albedo. Albedo hadn’t been as blessed by the Atomic Flame as she was a succubus.

          The spells that would make her sickness go away simply dampened the pain. She had to go pee and throw up about morning. She hadn’t had to do that before, now, she was learning what peeing felt like for the first time. It had been funny at first, her not realizing what it felt like to do what everyday humans did. However, it soon became rather annoying.

          Aeskell and Albedo had begun to sleep in Ainz’s bed; and the now constant early mornings had put a slight strain on their minds. Though Albedo was still as happy as Aeskell about being a mother.

          Though, those were thoughts for another day. Right now, she was standing in front of the gate to the village of Carne. Why was she doing so? The answer was simple, she didn’t want to scare the villagers with her sudden teleportation. There were other reasons, like the future of the village, and the future of the villagers’ lively hoods.

          Lupisregina beta had also been told to tell the villagers that she and some guards were coming to speak with the village elder. Aeskell had heard that Nfirea had been doing well, so she hoped to speak with him about his potions. She also hoped to talk to him about his relationship to Enri Emmot. The two of them looked rather good together, so she hoped to weasel out of him how much their relationship had progressed.

          Coming along with her was Yuri Alpha. The eldest of the battle maids was here mainly to protect and help Aeskell out with talking to the villagers, as Aeskell had noticed that her empathy and people skills had dipped in recent days. Whenever she had gone out to act as Viridael, she had acted rather curt and impolite.

          Yuri Alpha actually had better people skills than Aeskell did, so she was chosen. Also, also, she knew how to take care of a pregnant woman. Sure, Aeskell wasn’t that far into her baby stewing time, but you couldn’t be too careful.

          Aeskell looked up to see a goblin on a watch tower look down on them and panicked. It seemed to her that they hadn’t expected them just yet, or maybe her was overreacting. That could simply be it, couldn’t it?

          “Open up the gates! Lady Aeskell and her retainers are here!” the goblin shouted to someone on the other side of the wall.

          The two of them heard a rather loud, and creaky swinging noise and the gates opened as Yuri Alpha spoke.

          “They seemed awfully surprised to see you, my Lady,” she said in rather shock.

          Aeskell looked to Yuri Alpha and shrugged as she heard footsteps speed walking towards them. She then opened her mouth to speak.

          “Well, maybe Lupis didn’t tell them we were coming yet. Or maybe they thought we were going to arrive later today,” she said as the people in question finally stopped in front of them.

          She looked at the three people who stood in front of her with a rather disarming and, motherly smile. It was a lot like Yuri Alpha’s smile. She then spoke to the young woman and man in front of her.

          “It’s good to see you once more, Nfirea and Enri. May we come inside? I have some questions for the village chief as well as some business talk for you, Nfirea,” she spoke softly and coolly.

          While her smile as nice and as motherly as always, it had taken on a bit of an unhinged tinge, like a mother about to kill an intruder in her home, or a mother ready to gut a poor fool who would dare harm her children.

          This smile was the kindest that Nazarick could and would ever see. However, to everyone outside of the family known as the guild Ainz Ooal Gown, it was chilling as well as inviting. Yuri Alpha’s, meanwhile, was rather inviting in comparison.

          “Actually, I’m the new village chief. It happened not even yesterday, so I don’t think you would have known about it,” Enri spoke in a rather nervous and slightly exasperated tone.

          “Anyway, let’s go inside and talk about this. It’s not the best day outside, and Miss Lupisregina has said you were pregnant, so you must be exhausted,” she carried on the conversation.

          Aeskell raised an eyebrow at that and went with the leading hand that Enri had outstretched for her to grab. It seemed to her that Enri was taking that news rather seriously.

          There they were, in the meeting hall that the village had apparently set up for meetings. That was a given, if you took the name into account. Though, the name of the building they were currently in was of little import right now. Right now, Aeskell, Yuri Alpha, and Lupisregina beta were sitting at the table.

          Across from them were Enri Emmot, and Nfirea Bareare. The two young adults were fidgeting nervously, as if sitting in front of a queen and her retainers. Though, if the plan was to come to fruition, Aeskell would be seen as a queen by many more.

          “So, Nfirea, have you progressed any with the potions we asked you to make?” Aeskell asked the scared man.

          “Not completely, but I have gotten rather close,” he said as he set down a purple potion on the table then began to speak once more as Aeskell picked it up, “the potion doesn’t really heal as much damage as the red one does, but it does rejuvenate stamina.”

          That got a smirk from Aeskell and Lupis. Yuri simply held a rather exasperated look on her face at the reactions from the two of them.

          “Thank you Nfirea. You don’t mind if I take this back for analysis, do you?” she asked and Nfirea nodded his head. She then pocketed the potion and then looked to Enri. “Enri Emmot, first village chief of her name of the village of Carne. I make an offer that you cannot refuse.”

          Enri Emmot looked shocked. She turned to Nfirea, but he simply looked back at her with a slightly solace filled look. She turned back to the woman who would be queen and nodded her head for the woman to continue.

          “My family and I wish to spread our name as well as prosperity to the rest of the map. Re-Estize is corrupt, the empire is stuck in the ways of slavery as well as Slaine. The Roble Holy Kingdom is a fraction of what it could be. My family and I wish to make a new nation. A nation were the common man and woman can live like kings,” she let that sink in but for a moment before speaking once more.

          “We wish for the Village of Carne to be built up, to be our capital city. To be a bastion of sovereignty, power, and safety. Our plans are to build up the village, to make it completely self-sufficient, and then to declare ourselves and the newly made city our own sovereign nation!” she chanted from the top of her powerful lungs.

          The two humans in the room were shocked by this news, by this offer that they simply couldn’t refuse. To be a part of what could only be described as a dream soon to be made real. Well, it was rather awe inspiring.

          The two heard the power of her voice. They heard the love in her voice. They heard the supremeness of her voice. Enri Emmot could only ask one thing.

          “How?” she asked.

          Aeskell smiled a rather motherly smile, one filled with happiness. It looked like if a child asked their mother if their homework was correct, and they had completed it with flying colors.

          “I invite you two to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick to fill out such a dream,” her smile softened even more so, “you can bring little Miss Nemu and your grandmother too. It’s to dinner after all.”

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