The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 8: Slice of Life, part three (67)

          When Shalltear awoke, she was lying on the floor. It was the same floor as the one to the baths. She seemingly had also been out for only about a minute or two as the others were simply looking at her in confusion rather than worry. Well, Lady Aeskell seemed rather worried as she was the only one by Shalltear’s side.

          “Shalltear, are you ok?” Aeskell asked the small vampire.

          Her face was a mix of worry and slight exasperation. That and some pity, was pity the right word? No, she was simply worried. That’s all that was. After all, this had never happened before. Well, she had gotten a nosebleed or two when Ainz had sat on her back that one time.

          Shalltear nodded her head and got back up. It was then that she spotted Albedo looking behind her, and Shalltear looked around to spot her Lord himself. He seemed worried over her health.

          “It is good that you are alright Shalltear. Please tell us if you feel unwell in the future,” he spoke to her with the deepest sincerity that she had ever heard, other than the time she had been brainwashed that is.

          Although, the only thing running through her mind was the fact that he was shirtless and basically naked in front of her. Well, he wasn’t naked at all; but Shalltear’s imagination didn’t really seem to mind that.

          “Of course, my Lord. I’ll endeavor to do so in the future,” she responded to him with slight embarrassment.

          He nodded his head in understanding and walked back to the walkway that led to the men’s bath and soon went out of sight. Shalltear let her head down in sadness, and a little bit of horniness. After he was gone, she turned her head to lady Aeskell and Albedo, as well as Aura.

          The author totally didn’t forget that Aura was supposed to be there while he was writing, nope not at all.

          Aura seemed worried at her friend’s blunder, but she was more exasperated than anything. Albedo had a rather deeply, etched, shit eating grin on her face. Aeskell simply had a rather nervous and slightly saddened look on her face. The mixture of the two in her field of vision brought Shalltear further into loneliness.

          After all, these two were her Lord’s wives, or at least were considered his wives by the rest of the tomb. If such smiles were on their faces, then what chance did she have with the man she loved? Albedo for sure wouldn’t let her be a part of the harem that was sure to form; and Aeskell was looking at her with sadness. She seemed even more dejected now that she was when she was in the bar.

          “Come on Shalltear, let’s go to the bath together. Then we can talk about your feelings later,” Aeskell said.

          After what felt like an hour, but was really just twenty minutes, they had made their way into the baths. Shalltear had never been to the baths before. But she soon realized that she had been missing out on things.

          The ceiling was high, the air was wet, and the walls seemed to just ooze relaxation. Lion heads were mounted on the walls, and they sprayed hot water into the baths. It felt more like an aristocratic pool than anything else.

          Of course, the supreme beings would build such a great bath for themselves and those lower than them. At least, that was the kinds of thoughts going through Shalltear’s head.

          There, she noticed that there were multiple different maids in uniform holding towels and drinks for the three of them. She noticed several of the maids were seemingly blushing at the sight of the nearly naked supreme being.

          Albedo took off her towel and let her body go on display for all to see. Several of the maids tried to cover up the slight embarrassment, after all, the woman was rather well endowed.

          Shalltear herself had taken off her towel and handed it to a different maid. Aeskell, meanwhile, simply shoved hers into her inventory. The maids seemed dejected by this and tried to hide their frowns.

          Aeskell chuckled at their antics and slipped into the water while sighing in pleasure. Shalltear looked on at this interaction, if it could be called that, and shivered for some reason when she heard the sigh come from Lady Aeskell’s lips.

          Aura noticed this, and seemed confused at this action, just like Shalltear herself. Aura knew that Shalltear was a pervert, but she didn’t know that she liked the supreme being that had basically become an aunt to Aura herself like that. She then shook her head of these strange thoughts and pulled herself into the bath.

          Shalltear sighed in pleasure as well as she dipped herself into the water. She was just about to drift off right then and there if Lady Aeskell hadn’t swan up to her and spoke.

          “Shalltear, I was wondering if you would like a massage while we soak in the baths here. I know it isn’t proper for a supreme being like myself to do so, but I simply want to bond with you,” she explained.

          Shalltear looked at the taler woman in slight shock and a bit of nervousness yet relented. She answered in the affirmative as she turned her back the lover of the man, she herself loved.

          “Of course, my lady, I am yours to do with as you please,” she said.

          Aeskell smiled at her stereotypical motherly smile and brought her hands up to the girl. She grabbed a cloth from one of the maids and rubbed some soap into it. She then began to massage the soap into the skin of the girl.

          Aeskell hadn’t really changed her bathing techniques since moving to the New World. Even with a year of being in the body of a woman and getting pregnant, she still didn’t really know how to clean her body any different. Well, she did learn how to clean her privates.

          That holds no bearing on the situation at hand, the Author just is kind of burnt out right now. He can’t wait till Tanya is born.

          ‘That feels so nice,’ thought the vampire in charge of the first three floors of the tomb.

          She didn’t really notice, but out of her mouth came some not so family friendly noises. It was a good thing that Aura was on the other side of the bath then. If she wasn’t she would have heard the slight moans.

          “You must have really needed a massage Shalltear. Your muscles are so tense,” Aeskell said, not realizing that the moans were less of the pleasure of the muscles, rather more of the pleasure of the sensual.

          ‘You could say that again, my Lady,’ Shalltear thought in her head.

          Their bath might have ended up with Shalltear just straight up climaxing in the baths, but the author wasn’t going to have that. Not with Aura in the baths with them here.

          Soon, a crash could be heard from the other side of the wall. This wall connected the male side of the bath, and the female side of the bath. Right now, Mare had just walked in on Ainz washing his ribs with a sponge, and he had run out so not to disturb his lord’s privacy.

          Then, a voice rang out. this voice hadn’t been heard for a very long time in fact. Aeskell had never heard it before. However, that NPCs had heard it before. It was the voice of one of the guild members.

          “There shall be no running in the males’ and or females’ baths!” the trap golem said.

          “That’s Luci*fer Sama!” screamed out Aura, and Aeskell scowled at the name like the good christen girl she was, yet she got up and spoke, “Quick everyone, we need to go save the men of the men’s bath!”

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