The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 014 – Feathers

[287 AC]

Phenex reappeared only a few hundred miles east of Volantis in the northern part of the former Valyrian Peninsula, only a two-day ride away from Mantarys.

Mantarys was a hotspot for assassins, criminals, exiles and others. The city had a bad reputation as a city of 'monsters', due to the many disturbing sights, such as people with additional limbs or other birth defects.

Phenex theorised that due to the cities proximity to the former Freehold and its isolated nature, that after the Doom the people in the city had tried to keep up the tradition of keeping their bloodline pure by inbreeding, which resulted in today's apperance of its inhabitants.

Still, he didn't plan to visit the city, but instead Phenex found himself near some ruins, where a small Stone Men colony was located, with only around several dozen of them living here.

These Stone Men colonies could be found in several places all over Essos, mostly in the ruins of cities long since deserted.

Phenex was here to find some loyal followers, and who would be more perfect for the job than Stone Men he rescued from their suffering.

It was easy for him to sense their whereabouts and their state of mind. Most of the Stone Men living in the ruins thankfully weren't hopelessly insane, they were just plagued by hunger and pain.

Though that didn't mean that there weren't those who couldn't be saved, as their minds had long since been broken, by the endless hunger and suffering they had to endure.

Phenx wasn't sure he could heal them in a short amount of time, as the mind was something incredible tough, but also fragile at the same time. Hasty interference might just make it worse, so he didn't plan on even trying, as he did not want to waste his time.

Instead he just walked directly into their midst, as he could sense them surrounding him slowly. And as the few truly feral among them lead the others to attack him, he simply bathed the whole area in flames, directly turning the hopeless cases into ashes.

He also incinerated those, whose minds revealed their corrupt or ungrateful nature, only keeping those alive that valued loyalty and would most likely repay him with their service.

The Stone Men were terrified and wanted to run, but they realised very quickly that the flames didn't harm them, but instead eased the constant pain they were in, and after a few seconds they could see the greyscale on their limbs slowly turning to ash, releasing them from their misery.

Several minutes later the flames in the area disappeared, revealing a dozen naked men and women that looked perfectly healthy without any traces of greyscale. They all wore shocked and suprised looks on their faces, as they fixed their gazes on Phenex.

My name is Phenex and I came here to find loyal men and women, who would be willing to serve me, if given a second chance.“

Phenex addressed them in High Valyrian, as he knew that they all understood the language. Though it took a few moments, before the first one responded.

It was an average looking woman with tanned skin, dark eyes and hair.

You have not only freed me from constant pain, but also saved me from losing my mind. I, Mera, am willing to serve you with my life, Mylord.“, Mera declared her loyalty without hestitation, as she kneeled down on one knee.

A man with a stocky build and short hair was the next to speak up and kneel down: “I, Atas, too am willing to repay this lifedebt with my service, Lord.“

Slowly one after another, they all swore their loyalty towards him, and after the last one said his pledge, Phenex spoke up again: “Know that I will not take your vows lightly, from now on you are my subordinates and under my protection. Now, stay still and try to keep your calm.“

Summoning his flames to surround them, he teleported them all back to his mansion the next moment.

A few surprised yelps and shouts could be heard from the group of four women and eight men, but they regained their calm fairly quickly. The years spent in torturous pain as Stone Men, had made them mentally tough.

This is a courtyard in Volantis and it will be your new home for the forseeable future. There are large servant quarters with enough rooms, so you all will have your own bedrooms. Henceforth you will be known as my 'Feathers' and you will only have two duties while staying here.”, Phenex explained, as he continued.

First I want you to keep this place clean at all times, while your meals will be delivered to the mansion daily. Mera and Atas will be your leaders from now on, so you two will be responsible in distributing these tasks and I expect you both to act with fairness.”

The second and even more important concerns your absolute silence about what happens within these walls. Any magic you see me use or other happenings, will never be discussed with an outsider.”

There will also be no infighting amongst you, even the smallest hints of violence against another is absolutely forbidden, no matter if you are a man or a woman. Break my rules and you will wish for me to simply turn you into ash, instead of the things I will do to you.”, Phenex stated in a dark tone, his heavy presence weighing down on them.

Aside from that you are free to pursue your own dreams in your free time. You will also be paid a sizeable amount of money for your services.”

The whole mansion grounds are free for you to use, inculding the baths and living rooms. Only my own bedroom and bathroom are off limits, which I will take care of myself.”

Now, someone is already on its way with some clothes, along with some food that has been prepared for you. We will talk more after you have rested for a couple of days.“

After saying what he had in mind, Phenex vanished again in a swirl of flames.

He wasn't worried that they would steal the Valyrian blades and metal, as he had marked them all and would notice right away, if they attempted to steal from him.

Though through his mind reading he knew that to be highly unlikely, as they all were sincere in their gratitude and willingness to serve.

It was now time for him to hunt some game for Sapphire and Jade, as he could already feel the little dragonlings waking up again with hungry stomachs.

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