The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 015 – Favour, Company

[287 AC]

For the next two days the Feathers and Phenex had gotten more acquainted with one another.

He had only told them who he was, explaining to them his origins and relationship with the temple, so that they wouldn't be overly surprised by the happenings around them. He also knew that loyalty required trust and honesty, so he hid nothing from them, knowing that they would stay with him for years and decades to come.

Additionally, they had also gotten to know the little dragons, Sapphire and Jade.

They themselves had also shared their past with him and the others. His young age had done a great deal to help them be more comfortable around him, even though they new about his power.

Kinvara, on his orders, had also arranged for some workers to come by and install some training equipment, while removing most of the useless decorative furniture from the gardens and terrace.

Today around midday though, Kinvara came by with Thoros, as the priest had seemingly decided on the favour he wanted to ask.

So what is it that you want to ask of me, Thoros?”, Phenex asked the bowing priest.

Hestitating for a moment, Thoros replied: “Y-Yes, Lord. The favour you promised me, I have thought about it and I …” Pausing for a moment, he seemed to gather his courage, as he stated: “I want to be excused from my service at the temple. I want to travel, Mylord.”

Becoming a traveling priest generally wouldn't be a problem for most normal low-ranking priests with the permission of a superior temple official.

Thoros however, had distinguished himself in battle and had been appointed as a high-ranking temple official, so only Kinvara or Phenex could allow him to leave his position without breaking his oaths. And as all oathbreakers of the church turned to ashes due to Phenex's magic, breaking his oath wasn't really an option.

Kinvara however had refused to let him leave, as the city's governing apparatus needed all the capable high-ranking personnel they could find. Ruling more than 5 million people, if one included the surrounding area of Volantis, was no easy feat afterall.

Of course that was only temporary and she had told Thoros that maybe in five or ten years, things would be different. Thoros though didn't want to wait that long, which left only Phenex to free him from his position and allow him to travel.

Phenex knew all this through his close connection with Kinvara. He didn't mask his intrusion of her memories and mind, whenever he looked for information or wanted to inform her of something.

Some would probably be horrified at having the sanctity of their own minds invaded like this, but Kinvara was different.

Alone with her thoughts for centuries, she had never hoped that someday someone would be capable of completely accepting her and her past fully.

The fact that Phenex had seen her memories and even the darkest corners of her mind, and didn't judge or discard her, had done great things to cement Kinvara's loyalty and devotion to Phenex.

I'll allow it, but you will have to fulfill two small tasks on your travels for me.”

Ultimately Phenex decided that it would be better to have a happy subordinate roaming the world, spreading his influence. Than an unhappy official, that took care of some tedious governing business with little to no motivation.

It was comparably easier to find a capable official, than it was to find a truly loyal subordinate afterall.

Phenex could always enforce loyality and secrecy with his magic, but true loyalty wasn't so easy to gain, as something like that took time to develop.

Of course, Lord. I will do my absolute best to accomplish whatever you ask of me.”

Thoros on the other hand, was just happy to be allowed to travel with Phenex's permission.

Not only wouldn't he be incinerated, but the temple would also cover the expenses of his voyage.

He had always been more of a free spirit than a conventional priest, so he felt caged being confined to a city or temple for his duties, for longer periods of time.

First, I want you to go to Braavos and meet with the Sealord and his officials. Tell them that Volantis is open for doing trading business with the city and even an alliance, and that I expect their continued interference in our business to stop. Especially the Iron Bank's.”, Phenex instructed calmly, as Thoros' eyes slowly widened in shock.

Warn them that I have no problem in going there and turning them all to ashes, should they not comply. And I also expect some kind of reparation for their continued interferences and disturbances when it comes to our trading businesses. If they don't agree, that is also fine. My respect for their culture and governing system won't save them from my fire.”, Phenex ended darkly

Still shocked at Phenex's words, not only because he knew about the importance of the task, but also at the casual admittance of him planning to attack the strongest Free City by himself, Thoros was at a loss for words for a few moments.

The power Phenex wielded, was truly outside of his imagination.

I will do as you command, Mylord.”, he acknowledged with a bow, after refocusing his thoughts.

Good. The second task is comparably easier, but more lengthy.”, Phenex began, as he continued, “I want you to go to King's Landing in Westeros and become part of the King's Court. Show them that the Temple and its Red Priests are not some magical fanatics, but followers of a religion with true power in their hands. They do not need to fear our ways and the faith of the Lord of Light.”

Apart from that you are free to do, as you wish.”, he ended, before he added, “Ah right, Melisandre will accompany you as an equal for your first task, her experience and unique abilities will probably be of great help in the negotiations. And as soon as an initial agreement has been established, you may leave the rest to her and continue your journey to Westeros. You will set out in two days, while I will instruct Melisandre personally later.”

The second task sounded more like a vacation to Thoros, especially since he always wanted to visit Westeros anyway. The climate in the royal capital would probably also be much more tolerable and mild than in Volantis.

As you wish, Mylord.”, he stated with a happy smile and bowed deeply.

Good. Leave now, Thoros of Myr.”, Phenex ordered calmly.

Nodding and bowing, Thoros left right away.

If he weren't such a loyal and good man, he would be a truly bothersome subordinate to deal with, don't you agree Kinvara?”, Phenex sighed, as he asked the quiet beauty by his side.

His words elicited a small laugh and caused a small smile to settle on Kinvara's beautiful face, as she answered: “Yes, Lord. He isn't a priest made for working in a temple, but I have no doubt that he will spread your influence while out there adventuring and traveling.”

I think so too.”, Phenex answered, while staring closely at Kinvara.

Phenex enjoyed Kinvara's company the most out of all the people he had met so far, besides his mother.

Not only was she the only one to know about his background as Phenex Firestar, member of House Dayne, she also did not fear him like all others did.

She was different in that Phenex could feel her wanting to be near him, wanting him to see and know all about her, and still be accepted by him.

Phenex wasn't deterred by her past and in fact couldn't care less about it, the memories of his phoenix ancestors having given him a different perspective than mortals.

He also greatly enjoyed her quiet presence and felt connected to her in a rather unique way. His past life and the myriad memories he had gained from his reincarnation, sometimes making him feel incredibly old, weary and lonely.

Kinvara's existence and his connection with her made him feel, as if there was somebody who shared these feelings and moments with him, even though he had never mentioned them to her.

Phenex truly held genuine affection for her, as her mere presence was soothing him.

Would you mind staying with me, while I rest for a bit, Kinvara?”, he asked lightly.

It would be my honor, my Lord.”, she responded softly.

Of course Kinvara didn't refuse him, as she treasured every moment with the one being that truly knew and understood her.

The small, but sincere smile that surfaced on Phenex's face at her answer, nearly made her heart stop for a moment.

Kinvara had never seen him smile like that and found herself captivated by the innocent joy displayed on his perfect features. Knowing she was the reason for his joy, brought a spark of warmth to her cold, old heart.

Phenex approached the big couch, where Kinvara sat and lied down, placing his head in Kinvara's lap. His eyes were closed, as he just started to relax and basked in this quiet and peaceful moment they shared.

Kinvara was surprised at Phenex's behaviour, as she had never seen him act so 'human' and vulnerable, since they had met five years ago.

Of course, she knew that he was anything but human or vulnerable, as he truly possessed the might of a real god.

Still, as he slowly relaxed, a peaceful and content smile blooming on his face, Kinvara felt herself captivated by his features.

She simply couldn't hold herself back, as she gently and tentatively brushed his hair back. His only reaction being his hand snaking itself around her waist and tighening its grip on her midriff, as she continued her gentle ministrations.

The fact that he was seeking her company and warmth, made tender affection bloom in her heart.

She couldn't help but think that maybe there was a place in his heart for her, and however small that may be, it was enough for Kinvara.

'Maybe...', she thought, while brushing back his soft dark locks, 'Maybe even gods feel lonely at times.'

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