The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 016 – Message

[287 AC]

The next day, Phenex made sure to call for Melisandre, as he had plans for her as well.

You will go with Thoros to Braavos and help him in letting the Sealord and the Iron Bank see reason, before they force me to bring their city to ruin.”, Phenex told Melisandre, as she sat across from him on the soft silk sofa.

Opposite to her he reclined on a similar piece of furniture, while Sapphire and Jade climbed all over his form, screeching happily as they tried their teeth on his fingers. Though even their razor-sharp dragon teeth, couldn't measure up to his indestructible flesh.

Yes, Lord. I will ensure that they understand the gravity of the situation.”, Melisandre replied faithfully.

Hmm. I know you will.”, Phenex stated, before he continued, “Afterwards, I want you to travel to Westeros, specifically Dragonstone. Stannis Baratheon, the Lord of Dragonstone, I want you to get close to him and gain his trust.”

Yes, Lord. Though may I ask why Dragonstone and Stannis Baratheon?”, Melisandre asked tentatively.

Westeros will plunge into chaos in the future and I plan to take advantage of that situation. Thoros will be at the King's Court and while I don't doubt you would be way more effective in navigating the politcal landscape of the capital, your talents for betwitching the minds of others are better used on the King's brother.”

“I have seen what is going to happen in the future and I am sure that you will do splendidly in integrating yourself with the people of Dragonstone. While there you may send for shipments of foods and other necessities from Volantis to build up your influence, making yourself a trusted and invaluable aide of the Lord of Dragonstone.”

And when the time is right, I will tell you of the next steps.”, Phenex ended.

I understand, my Lord. I will not disappint you.”, Melisandre promised devotedly.

I am sure you won't, Melisandre.”, Phenex agreed, already knowing that she would succeed in her task.

A few days later his blades had also been delivered to him and he was very satisfied with their quality. There was a pair of twinblades and a longsword that had the same measurements like Dawn.

The quality of the longsword and the twinblades only differed marginally, and it wasn't really worth mentioning, as he could only notice that through his magic and incredible senses.

The very reason he had ordered these weapons, had been to compare the skills of the two craftsmen, which had shown that they were equally proficient in their craft. Which was fortunate for him, as he could now order something from either one or even both of them in the future.

Phenex took the longsword for his personal use, as it would allow him to dual-wield along with Dawn, and stored the twinblades and the rest of the Valyrian steel together with the rest the metal and weapons in his vault.

He had also given Thoros a Valyrian steel blade, while Melisandre and Kinvara had both received a dagger. As they were his representatives, he obviously had to make sure that they were equipped with the best weapons Volantis had to offer.

Kinvara had also visited as often as she could and kept him company, which he enjoyed greatly. While Phenex could shapeshift into an adult to have more intimate contact with Kinvara, he preferred not to do so for the moment.

Of course a lot of other things were happening at the same time, with the soldiers of the city preparing their assault on Lys, Tyrosh and Myr. While Melisandre and Thoros had already arrived in Braavos, thanks to Phenex taking them there with his fire teleportation.

Though the negotiations with Braavos hadn't been going well at all.

The Braavosi were proud people and the men from the Iron Bank were downright arrogant, having refused to stop their business interference without any hestitation.

They didn't seem convinced that Phenex really existed and thought that in the battle a few years ago, Volantis had used tricks to win and spread rumors of his existence in the aftermath, as to gather more followers for their faith.

This all was going to change though, as Phenex was ready to show them exactly how real he was.

Lady Melisandre, I had thought that I had made myself clear during your last visit. Business matters will be decided by free businessmen and by those with the deeper pockets, there is no use in pleading with me.”, Ferrego Antaryon, current Sealord of Braavos stated.

After a moment, he added with a lustful look in his eyes, while eyeing the redheaded beauty before him, “Though if it's riches you seek, I can give you more gold than you can carry, if you want to reconsider my offer for some 'companionship'.”

Melisandre's calm look wasn't disturbed by the Sealord's attempt to pay her for sexual services. She had seduced countless men in her long life to further her goals, and if there was truly a chance that the Sealord's decision could have been swayed by pleasuring him or letting him mount her, she would have gladly accepted his offer.

Accomplishing her Lord's goal was many times more important than her pride and dignity, and she wouldn't hestitate to let a hundred men take her, if that would help her in reaching that goal.

Sadly, the Sealord may be a lecherous man, but he wouldn't change his mind no matter how often she would let him use her body, so she didn't even try and use her beauty to seduce him.

The representative of the Iron Bank had been the same, which caused Melisandre to helplessly contact her Lord and plead with him for advice. Before doing something reckless, like burning the Sealord alive, along with the whole Iron Bank.

And her pleas had been heard and answered, which was something that had just made the devotion in Melisandre's heart burn even brighter for her Lord.

Forgive my unannounced visit. I didn't come here out of my own free will, but on my Lord's instructions.”, Melisandre replied calmly, continuing before she could be interrupted, “My Lord has asked me to convey a message to you, the magisters, keyholders, every man, woman and child in this city.”

A condescing and ridiculing look on his face, the balding and overweight Sealord asked the Red Priestess before him, as he reclined in his silk-covered and gold-plated armchair: “Do tell, Priestess, what message would that be?”

Not answering the man, Melissandre simply raised her hand, as she pointed at the opened balcony doors to their right, or more precisely at the Titan of Braavos in the distance, which could be seen through the opening.

The Sealord followed her gesture with his gaze, but didn't understand what she was trying to say and just as he was about to ask what the meaning behind her actions were, the world changed colour.

Night turned into day, as agigantic blazing figure appeared in the distance, which dwarfed every mortal man not only with its size, but also with its simple presence.

And before the shock at what he saw could wear off, the flaming titan drew a blade of fire and hacked off the hand of Baavos' protector and guardian with a single swing.

Terror and fear gripped the Sealord's heart, as he saw the sword of the Titan of Braavos, with the hand still attached, plunge into the ocean and stab deeply into the seabed.

The fire giant then banished its fiery blade, before giving off a deafening roar that shook the atmosphere, causing earth- and seaquakes all over Braavos, before he finally vanished in a brilliant explosion of fire.

And when the rumbles and the shaking stopped and day turned back to night, the Sealord of Braavos noticed that he had wet himself, while his body was still tembling in horror.

His whole belief and confidence basically shattered, as he fearfully turned his gaze back the Red Priestess, no longer even daring to have any lecherous thoughts about her.

Melisandre, on the other hand, simply stared at the most powerful man in all of Braavos with a calm gaze, while endless veneration surged in her heart for her Lord.

That is the message.”, she voiced out slowly, before promptly turning around and leaving the Sealord's office and subsequently also his residence, as she walked back to the Lord of Light's temple in Braavos.

Melisandre didn't even bother to react to the Sealord calling out to her, as she knew that from now on, it wasn't her any longer that would have to make trips to his palace or the Iron Bank for negotiations.

Now, they would have to come to her and beg for her Lord's forgiveness.

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