The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 022 – Reveal

[288 AC]

Has something happened, my L- … Phenex?”, Kinvara asked softly, after a few minutes of silence, looking up at him and wondering what has brought this change to her Lord.

Not only had he taken on the form of an adult male and they had slept together, she could also feel that something substantial about his entire demeanor had changed.

Her head resting on his chest and her body drapped over his, she enjoyed the warmth his form gave off, while her fingers brushed over the letters on his chest. She had read them already, so she could guess what had happened, but she thought it better to ask him.

My mother … She died.”, Phenex voiced out quietly, as he continued, “I regret not spending more time with her, not being with her more.”

Pausing for a few moments, he continued: “She only ever wanted for me to live my life, and her pride and love for me had always been unconditional. I- … I want to do that, living my life to the fullest, instead of just letting it pass by me.”

I am sorry about your mother, I know you loved her very much.”, Kinvara whispered softly, before she inquired gently, “What will you do now?”

I think it's time for me to rule Volantis by your side, instead of hiding away from the attention. The people believe in me, believe that I will guide them to a brighter future. And I don't intend to disappoint them.”, Phenex voiced out quietly.

Surprise appeared in Kinvara's heart at his words, followed by joy, as she asked tentatively: “Does that mean you will spend more time in the temple and at my side, Phenex?”

Smiling roguishly, as he looked at the ebony-haired beauty, her crystal eyes shining with subdued shyness and a tint of hope, he answered: “At your side? Yes. But more importantly … “

Drawing his words out, Phenex abruptly turned them over, as he whispered into Kinvara's ear: “I also plan to spend my fair share of time inside you, my little priestess.” His lips biting her earlobe softly, as he kissed his way down to her neck.

It wasn't long, before womanly moans and deep pants echoed in the High Priestess' bedroom, as Phenex once again made a feast out of Kinvara.

[289 AC]

Many months had passed since their first time together and many things had changed since then.

The most noteable thing was that the Greyjoy Rebellion had started a few months back, which meant that canon was still very much underway, though Phenex's attention was mostly focused on Volantis and the other cities' development.

One of the major things that had happened over the last few months, had obviously been him appearing in front of the priests and believers, as they had gathered on a massive square before the temple, along with Sapphire and Jade.

The people had been shocked by the display of power, as he had momentarily bathed the whole city in his fire, purging it of sickness and dirt. But they had likewise been shocked by his looks, as he possessed a beauty that was simply unearthly and charmed men and women alike.

Kinvara had, on more than one occasion, called it his 'most dangerous weapon'.

He had also ordered the roof of the temple to be reconstructed, so that both of his dragons could live there and take off to the sky at any time.

A bit of magic to reinforce the whole temple structure, also meant that he didn't have to worry about the temple collapsing in the future, because of their weight and the momentum with which they landed.

He also didn't plan for anymore conquests for the next few years, giving Sapphire and Jade time to grow, while transforming Volantis and its three vassal cities into an unstoppable and powerful force.

To that end he had started to manufracture Valyrian steel in great quantities, the knowledge for such a thing being easily found amongst his father's memories.

It wasn't a very complicated process in the first place, it was just that it required the fire of true dragons, along with magic. He could easily turn his immortal flame into dragonfire, as being the incarnation of fire itself, he naturally had control over every flame in existence.

Along with the endless ocean of magic dwelling inside him, it took him less than a month to produce enough Valyrian steel to arm twenty thousand men with Valyrian steel blades and shields.

This created a slight problem though, as there had only been two smiths capable of forging the magical metal into weapons. Though the problem was solved by a dozen more blacksmiths from Qohor, capable of handling Valyrian steel, arriving in Volantis, after he had let the news about the metal spread.

It wasn't too surprising that they had decided to move to Volantis, as there was no other place in the known world, that would allow them to forge weapons from such a legendary steel.

Phenex had of course taken them in, but only on the condition that they would teach their craft to children chosen by the temple.

These children were mostly orphans that had lived under the temple's care and were fated to work for the temple when they were older. Based on their teachers, instructors assessments and personal preferences they would then be able to choose a profession among the many branches of the temple.

Additionally some of these blacksmiths also joined the Flaming Craft branch and shared their knowledge of how to forge Valyrian steel with the other members, though it would take some time for them to be able to handle the magical steel, as well as normal steel.

Finally Phenex had chosen the Fiery Hand to be the recipient of that first batch of weapons, though he had ordered the blacksmiths to produce not only weapons, but also protective gear, like chainmails and greaves, armguards, gauntlets and breastplates.

He wanted the five thousand soldiers of the Fiery Hand in a full-set of Valyrian steel equipment. And he also ordered the Fiery Hand to be expanded to ten thousand soldiers, but he made sure to emphasize on the quality and loyality of the soldiers.

With his mark, they would gain power equal to several men, while being able to heal from even heavy injuries in seconds and being immune to fire and sickness.

They were fearsome warriors and their loaylity was unquestionable, these men and women being the core of Volantis' power.

His Feathers had also moved with him into the temple and were still the closest subordinates of his. On their request, he had made them his personal guards, even if he didn't need any.

They were being trained by veterans of the Fiery Hand and he had granted them the same power as them, with the additional ability to channel some of his own power and become avatars of sorts, giving them power to confront an adult dragon on their own easily enough.

There were a lot of merchants and nobles from all over Essos, that had sent people, or had come personally to try and buy Valyrian steel weapons, but he had denied them all.

Kinvara's and his intimate relations continued, as they laid with each other almost every night, or day, when their lust for boiled over.

Their relationship also wasn't a secret to others, as they didn't try to hide it in the first place, along with their less then subtle public displays of affection, as they kissed and embraced under the watchful eyes of the other priests and officals.

This alone had elevated Kinvara's status in the temple even higher, as she was now treated similar to a Queen, her place as the highest authority under Phenex basically unshakeable.

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