The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 023 – Invitation

[289 AC]

[The Sunset Sea near Dorne]

A light smile danced on Euron Greyjoy's lips, as he felt the waves crashing against the hull of 'The Silence', causing the longboat to rock gently among the waters.

Others would find it unthinkable that he could smile like so after his House had just lost the rebellion and his brother lost two of his three sons, while dozens of Euron's own men had died in battle on the Iron Islands, but they would be wrong to assume that he wasn't filled with genuine joy at the outcome.

From the very begining, Euron knew that the rebellion was never going to succeed, so the outcome didn't suprise him, nor did it do anything to dampen his mood.

On the contrary, this little rebellion had worked out just as he expected, while providing him with some much needed enjoyment.

Pillaging, raping, burning down ships, homes and people alike, even now a pleasant shudder ran over his back just remembering the last few months, while he could still hear the sweet wails of his victims.

An added bonus was the death of his brother's first and second heir, while the heavy losses and the consequences of this rebellion, would make things so much easier in the future.

The ironborn were sure to suffer in the time to come, while he would make sure to do what he did best along the coast of Essos for the time being.

And when he finally returned 'home', Euron knew that the islanders wouldn't need much convincing to want to see him on the Salt Throne. His two brothers were too weak and short-sighted afterall to be much of a competition.

Euron was also very much exited to get a good look at the 'Blessed Cities' of Essos, that were supposedly under the rule of a god.

Though he wasn't sure he believed all these tales, even after seeing that Red Priest tearing through his men with his flaming sword, uncaring for injury and death.

Sure, seeing the priest be perfectly fine, even after his chest had been pierced through by several spears, had been a shocking sight, but all that really did was make him infinitely more curious about magic.

He planned to gain powers similar to the priest on this journey, as only with that kind of strength could he turn his amibitions for power and riches into reality.

Letting his thoughts drift off, as he imagined himself wielding magic and using it to simply take whatever tickled his fancy, a cruel and eager smile spread on his lips.

And as fire descended from the sky a moment later, ravaging the ship and crew, turning it to ashes in mere moments, Euron wasn't even granted the time for his smile to falter, as his life ended then and there.

The cry of a phoenix accompanying him into afterlife.

Standing on the ocean as if it was flat ground, a light cloak of fire surrounding his form and shielding him from the water, Phenex had a calm look on his face, as he watched the ashes of the ship and crew he had just incinerated being swallowed by the waves.

He had always kept an eye on the situation in Westeros and the progress of the Greyjoy Rebellion, and Euron Greyjoy was definitely a man that he didn't want to bother with in the future. Added to the pure evil he had felt from him, his existence being one that brought only death and suffering to others, it was an easy decision to erase him from the face of the earth.

Deciding to take a leisurely stroll back to Volantis, instead of crossing the distance instantly, Phenex set one foot before the other, as he walked on the surface of the Sunset Sea in the direction of the First Daughter.

If he had to explain to someone how exactly he did it, even to someone capable of using magic like one of his priests or priestesses, Phenex would be hard pressed to find the words to do so.

He didn't use a 'spell' or 'magical energy' to keep himself from sinking into the water, nothing so complicated. He simply wanted to walk on water and so he did, simple as that.

Phenex didn't have to 'use' his power or magic to achieve such feats. He was power, the rules of reality bowing to will.

He wasn't hurried in his journey, as he walked slowly, knowing that he would sense it if he was needed. And so days passed while he trecked forward, his mind free of thoughts, as he observed the forces of nature performing their beautiful dance around him.

Phenex wasn't sure on which day of his journey he encountered a ship, but he didn't bother hiding his presence, as he saw it approach from the distance.

It only took a few mintues, before the vessel had caught up to him and he came face to face with the crew of the ship, as they had slowed their approach and even brought in their sails.

Most of the sailors that saw him just standing on the sea, a coat of fire around his form, while his blazing eyes looked over them, immediately fell to their knees and bowed, while whispering prayers in awe and reverence.

It was only the olive-skinned prince and his very pregnant consort, that somehow managed to keep their wits about themselves, even when confronted with his enchanting appearance, though Phenex could easily spot the lust and desire igniting inside the woman's heart.

Looking at the being standing on the sea like it was flat ground, Oberyn's heart was certainly filled with suprise and awe.

The being may look like a man, an incredibly handsome one even, but the Dornish Prince was sure that he wasn't one. His instincts telling him that he found himself in the presence of something greater, something unfathomable.

And yet he was unable to suppress his curiosity, wanting to know more about the existence that the crew of his ship thought of as a god, along with milions of other humans that believed in the Lord of Light.

Of course, Oberyn could guess who it was that had appeared before them, knowing of the stories that were told about the ruler of the 'Blessed Cities'.

Giving in to his curiosity, while paying attention to his manners, Oberyn addressed the being in front of them with a tactful tone, as he asked: “I am Oberyn Martell of Dorne. May I know where you are traveling to, my Lord?”

A small smile appeared on the godly man's face, as he responded. His voice smooth and youthful, as it caressed his ears, somehow relieving him of all his tension and exhaustion.

Volantis. My home.”

We too, are travelling to the First Daughter.”, Oberyn voiced out agreeably, before he invited graciously, “It would be our honor to have you join us for the rest of the journey. We have plenty of wine and other delicacies on board that should make for an enjoyable voyage.”

I would love some company.”, came the being's reply, accompanied by a minute nod and a calm smile.

And then the being just levitated itself onto the deck of the ship, as if unhindered by natural laws, assuring Oberyn in his belief that he was no human, no matter his looks.

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