The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 024 – Lust

[289 AC]

Seated on a silk couch, with an assortment of fruits and wine at hand, Phenex looked deeply at his hosts.

Oberyn Martell, the brother of the current Lord of House Martell and ruler of Dorne, and Ellaria Sand. His bastard paramour and mother of several of his future children, who was also currently pregnant with one of these children. According to the timeline, he could only guess it was Obella Sand, her third daughter with Oberyn.

They were sitting on another similar couch opposite to his, as Oberyn had his arm around her shoulder, while she leaned into his embrace.

Phenex clearly remembered Oberyn's rather miserable fate from the show, dying at the hands of the man that had raped and killed his sister, during an attempt to seek justice for those exact crimes.

His fate had a tragic poesy to it, along with some kind of twisted sense of humour.

After waiting patiently for over a two decades for the chance of avenging his beloved sister and her children, he failed due to carelessness, unable to keep his calm in the moment where it mattered the most. Being ultimately killed by the perpetrator of these crimes against his family.

Still, Phenex had liked him very much in the show and as he gazed into the Prince's heart, he found a passionate and strong spirit, which gave him a positive impression. Along with a deep sadness and well-contained, but incredibly deep hatred.

He also found a nearly overwhelming curiosity, densely interwoven with nervousness, so Phenex broke the silence in the cabin, as he voiced out with a calm smile: “You may ask your questions, Oberyn. I don't mind satisfying your curiosity.”

Oberyn's eyes widened slightly in response, before he recomposed himself and answered, a nervous tint to his voice: “Thank you, my Lord … D-Do you have a name? Or should I call you Lord of Light?”

There is no need to be nervous, Prince. And yes, I have a name. It's Phenex Firestar of House Dayne. And while I find it flattering that you would call me the Lord of Light, which is technically true. I very much prefer the title of Sword of the Morning.”, Phenex answered, as he lightly patted the swords leaning against the sofa, Dawn and Eclipse always by his side.

With his power, Phenex had nothing to fear when exposing his secrets and he also enjoyed being honest very much, as he disliked hiding his origins. Even most of the priests and officials knew about his background, but they didn't care much for his 'mortal origins' after seeing him enact truly miraculous feats.

This time, Oberyn's chin nearly hit the floor, as he heard Phenex's answer, while Ellaria's eyes, who sat by his side, widened almost comically in shock.

Y-you are h-human? D-dornish and from House Dayne?”, Ellaria stammered in disbelief, while Oberyn still tried to lift his lower jaw from the floorboards.

Human? No. Dornish? Yes.”, Phenex answered lightly, before he explained, “My mother's name was Allyria Dayne, younger sister of the current Lord of House Dayne. My father, on the other hand, was very much what you would call a god. Like me.”

Allyria Dayne, I knew her. She was a true desert flower, a great beauty of Dorne, maybe even more so than her sister Ashara.”, Oberyn voiced out quietly.

She was.”, Phenex agreed with a calm nod, the familiar ache in his heart reminding him of his loss.

I remember having heard some fantastical story about her funeral, it seems it wasn't just a tale.”, Oberyn remarked sharply.

Raising his hand, Phenex let flames dance over his palm, before they transformed into animals chasing each other. And a moment later his whole being turned into fire, dancing specks of light coalescending around each other, converging and fusing with each other.

Turning back into a human a few seconds later and Phenex responded: “Sometimes such stories are the truth.”

Wonder appearing in their eyes, they both were stunned at the beautiful display of a power beyond their understanding, though it was Ellaria that voiced out quietly: “So the stories about what you can do are true … ”

I don't know which stories you mean, but either way they most likely are. There aren't many things I cannot do. To give you an example, it would be an easy feat for me to turn all of Westeros to ashes in the time it takes for you to blink.”, Phenex replied honestly, no arrogance in his tone, just calmly being aware of what he was capable of.

And yet, you only rule over four cities.”, Oberyn remarked curiously.

Yes. For now.”, Phenex admitted, before he continued, “Contrary to humans, I am not limited to a few dozen years of life, Oberyn. I will be just as alive as I am now in ten, or even a hundred generations – untouched by age and time. And far in the future, when your descendants will have already forgotten your name, I won't have.”

A few moments of astonished silence, Oberyn spoke up.

I must admit, I cannot find the appeal in living forever. Isn't the essence of our existence to enjoy the pleasures of life in the short amount of time we are granted in this world, before age and death make that impossible.”, he voiced out passionately, as he ended, “Especially the pleasures of the flesh.”

His face turning to his lover, while his hand on her shoulder had moved deeper and under her thin dress, grasping her bloated breast in his palm and kneading it softly.

Ellaria's heated gaze however was focused on Phenex, as she bit her lower lip and let out a quiet moan, evidently enjoying her lover's ministrations.

One of her hands moving along Oberyn's leg, softly rubbing over his muscles in a teasing manner, while her other hand had slowly revealed her bare legs through the slit in her dress, her hand seductively brushing over her smooth olive-coloured skin of her tighs.

Phenex knew how open the Dornish viewed sexual realtions with one another, so he was only a little bit surprised, as he realised that she was trying to arouse and seduce him, which she did quite well. Even her pregnancy couldn't distract from her unadultered sensual aura, her smouldering passion made clear with her every move.

As a Dornish god, have you ever been worshipped by our people?”, Ellaria asked sultrily, her tone raspy from obvious arousal, her heated gaze like dark chocolate.

Oberyn smirked suggestively, not being bothered by his lover's obvious attempt at seduction, as he watched his paramour slowly stand up and move around the small table between the two sofas and coming to a stop in front of the godly man.

He wasn't jealous or angered by her obvious lustful intentions towards Phenex. On the contrary, he found her the most beautiful when she gave in to her sensuous nature.

What did it matter that she lusted after another man, when he knew that her heart belonged solely to him? He himself was likewise lusting after other beautiful women, while his heart housed his immense love for her.

He also couldn't really find fault with her being attracted to the god before them, as he possessed an enchanting beauty and ethereal charm that made even Oberyn attracted to him. Something that happened rarely with men, even though he had plenty of experience with male lovers.

They had also always been honest in their wants with each other, the basis of their relationship being that they allowed each other to be unrestricted in the pursuit of their desires. It was exactly that which made their bond so strong.

Even pregnant Ellaria managed to sway her hips temptingly, as she stepped around the table, the gentle curve of her tighs and hips being accentuated, her lips wearing a licentious smile.

Her hands slowly traveled from her hips and over her rounded belly to her swollen breast teasingly, before she reached the clasps of her dress on her shoulders.

Undoing them skillfully, Ellaria let go of the silken gown, letting the thin fabric flow down her sun-kissed figure and baring herself before Phenex.

Her dark hair falling on her shoulders, while her smooth olive skin drew Phenex' gaze in.

Ellaria's swollen breasts each topped with a big, hardened berry of dark-pink colour, her rounded belly directly beneath. Long, well-toned legs flowing into her hips, her cleanly-shaven slit on full display between them, already glistening with delicious arousal.

Let me worship you.”, the olive-skinned seductress whispered softly, as she dropped to her knees before Phenex, crawling on all fours between his legs.

Her heavy breasts swinging with each movement, while her perky buttocks were raised high, swaying invitingly.

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